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Chapter 832 Gathering

No one knows the reason why the Seven Deadly Sins were first born, and no one can characterize their relationship, but judging from the range of abilities currently known to the members of the Seven Deadly Sins, there is almost no possibility of peaceful coexistence between them.

Take greed and arrogance as examples. To get to this point, they have shown an extreme desire for other people with the ability of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Greed - Wolfgang is a pure man. From the day he awakened to become Greed, he has never hidden his nature. He only got to where he is today by relying on his ability to devour other superhuman beings.

After Mikkelsen advanced to the LV3 stage, he showed a more radical possessiveness towards superhuman beings.

As for the other seven deadly sins, laziness is too mysterious and no one knows the scope of its abilities yet. Jealousy is due to bad luck. He appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and met the wrong person, so he had no time to show his specialness.

Sex, was banished to orbit around the earth, watching everything happening on the earth alone every day.

Lust, because of the times and Anne's nature, has not yet shown any threat in this direction.

Then there is Tang Ji, as the spokesperson of rage, he shows more exclusivity and purity than greed and arrogance in the use of superhuman resources.

Only Gluttony, under its seemingly pure power, also hides its greedy side for the other Seven Deadly Sins.

This kind of greed is a devouring desire unique to gluttony. Mikkelsen can clearly feel that the shrapnel contaminated by gluttony's blood seems to have turned into sharks in his body, being coerced by the growing biomass and expanding itself.

's territory.

For just a moment, Mikkelsen lost sight of the crisis-ridden environment around him. Mikkelsen, who was cut off from each other by the big storm, was definitely the weakest among the Seven Deadly Sins based on his individual strength alone.

I am afraid that even Annie can deal with most Mikkelson individuals under one-on-one conditions.

This change exceeded Mikkelson's expectations, because Mickelson had not experimented with using treatment injections containing overeating ingredients on himself before, but no similar situation had occurred.

Mikkelsen knows that this is not a good time to study this kind of mutation, but compared to the life of the clone, it is obvious that any secrets about the Seven Deadly Sins are more precious

In the face of such a big deal that concerns the ultimate winner, Mikkelson will never dig a hole for himself.

But how to send this news out is undoubtedly a big problem. Those shrapnel containing gluttony ingredients grew wantonly in Mikkelsen's body, causing severe internal bleeding in just a few seconds, leaving him unable to even ask for help.


"I am." Mikkelsen looked at Alejandro who was chasing him. Before he could even explain, a piece of shrapnel penetrated his heart horizontally in his body.

At that moment, Mikkelsen even wondered whether Gluttony had reawakened his personality consciousness, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence that he blocked his chance to speak at this time?

In this way, Mikkelsen's clone looked at the hope that was so close, but failed to leave any clues in the end. He sighed regretfully and closed his eyes.

Alejandro heard the other party's last words and deduced that this was a clone of Mikkelsen, and his expression became increasingly ugly.

Mikkelsen is his employer, and he knows many secrets about Mikkelsen, such as the fact that Mikkelsen has countless clones.

This is not even the first time he has seen Mikkelsen's clone die in front of him. Before the Apocalypse, Mikkelsen often used his clone as a bait to attract players' attention during the war against players.


But this is definitely the first time Alejandro has seen the emotion of regret from Mikkelsen, which to a certain extent has begun to make Mikkelsen the infallible character established in Alejandro's heart.

The image collapsed.

"Keep going! Don't stop!" Alejandro picked up Mikkelsen's body and asked the Cowboys team to take advantage of the chaos and continue on their way.

He didn't care why the aberrations and the gluttonous creatures in front of him were killing each other. He just wanted to get out of this hellish place as soon as possible.

"Your life is pretty good, much better than in other shelters." Wolfgang, who was in Shelter Zero, tasted the coffee in the cup with some nostalgia. He had not drunk the rich taste for a while.


He can indeed rely on his supernatural powers to make any flavor of coffee he wants in a cup at any time, but he is not so bored that he has nothing to do with it.

When Wolfgang accepted that bastard Mikkelsen's arrangement to live in the shelter, he didn't even have time to consider these extra enjoyments, and by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

"Are you too old, that's why you are so nagging?" Dr. Wu Qianying tapped the coffee cup with a spoon impatiently, and said unceremoniously: "We are not close enough to chat with each other yet.


"Wow, are you so angry? Some people are not in a good mood recently?" Wolfgang looked around and saw that Tang Ji was not here, and he suddenly became bolder again.

Wu Qianying looked at Wolfgang expressionlessly, looking at him until she felt uncertain.

Wolfgang was right. Wu Qianying was indeed not in a good mood. She had never been a generous person. This fact was well known in the academic world and was considered a gold medal.

The reason why Dr. Wu Qianying came to Night City to take over Tang Anran's case was because she had offended too many people in the academic world in those years. Not only that, she also blocked many people's financial paths.

Before the "seclusion" in Night City, there were already many rewards for Dr. Wu Qianying

She is also like this emotionally, so the reason why Wu Qianying is in a bad mood recently is Angelina.

There is no need to say much about the relationship between Tang Ji and Wu Qianying, but it is obvious that neither Tang Ji nor Dr. Wu Qianying is ready to face Angelina herself, especially for a scientific researcher like Wu Qianying, this matter

The thing itself is ridiculous.

After the previous test of Odyssey, Wu Qianying now knows that the spirit body he summons is limited even with Locke's blessing. At least at this stage, he cannot summon the same spirit body repeatedly, which means that in exchange for Angelina's

There is only one chance.

At the same time, the young prophet Feng Chenyin also hinted that it is impossible to resurrect the dead, so this is most likely the only chance for them to meet.

As the most comprehensive representative of the Seven Deadly Sins, even if Wolfgang did not directly invade Vault Zero like he controlled Sherwood Vault, he could still easily hear the voices of the survivors in Vault Zero, and

In just a few minutes, I learned most of the information that should have been kept secret.

In fact, as long as Wolfgang was willing, even Dr. Wu Qianying would have no secrets in front of him, but out of respect, fear of Tang Ji, and a danger signal from intuition, Wolfgang did not do that.

For the same reason, he did not try to peek into the mind of the young prophet Fengchen Yin.

Wolfgang suspected that Tang Anran was behind this. Although he was shocked when he first learned about Tang Anran's existence, when he thought that it was Tang Ji's child, Wolfgang could still psychologically accept this new authority monster.

of existence

It has to be said that Tang Anran's existence makes Wolfgang, an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred years, still envious. Maybe he awakened too early, so he has never had a bloodline born in so many years, even if he did

It doesn’t matter if you have had a few very sincere loves.

"The children at home are disobedient? Let me tell you, just beat them a few times. I have seen too many such examples. This is for their own good." Wolfgang smiled and pointed out his intelligence advantage, No. 0

There are too many smart people in the shelter, and there are many people who can tell about Tang Anran's existence from some indirect information.

After all, Tang Anran has been very active recently and has no intention of hiding his existence.

Wu Qianying sneered and didn't take it seriously at all, while Wolfgang picked up the coffee, smiled and clinked glasses with Dr. Wu Qianying from a distance, took a gentle sip, and then his expression suddenly changed.

The coffee in his cup has turned sour.

It's not the sour taste that the coffee itself has, but the unbearable sourness after it goes bad.

Wolfgang has indeed lived a life of drinking blood alone for many years. Even if the taste is stranger than this, he can drink it without changing his expression. But now it is obviously not just a matter of the taste changing, his coffee cup is on the

In front of him, he was very sure that this cup of coffee had never left his sight.

However, someone spoiled his coffee in front of him

"Didn't I tell you? He is a very narrow-minded child, and he is exactly the same as his father in this aspect." For some reason, Dr. Wu Qianying felt much better.

Obviously, that boy Tang Anran was warning Wolfgang in this way.

Wolfgang reluctantly pushed the coffee further away, and at the same time he became more curious about the child he had never met. Don't get me wrong, he was very curious about every superhuman who seemed to have useful abilities.

The same is true even if it is Tang Ji's child. He is just not Tang Ji's opponent now. You can't be without ambition, right?

But deep down in his heart, Wolfgang found that he really envied everything Tang Ji had. They were both the Seven Deadly Sins, so why did Tang Ji have everything, while he was alone?

"Because you are greedy, you want to take everything for yourself." Dr. Wu Qianying smiled and pointed out Wolfgang's thoughts, and then said: "This is what the child gave you. I guess when you listen to other people

When you hear your voice, he is also listening to your voice."

This time it was Wolfgang's turn to sweat profusely. He tried hard to arm his heart with the abilities he had mastered, and tried to block the invisible line of sight, but obviously what you can't see, you can't defend against.


"He said that what you mastered in Sherwood Shelter is very important and will be used soon so that you can be prepared." Dr. Wu Qianying smiled and took a sip of coffee. The exchange between her and Tang Anran

Of course it doesn't happen directly in consciousness, Tang Anran can't do this.

He had only recently mastered a little ability to interfere with the material world. At this time, he was using the foam in the coffee to spell sentences and performing a double act with Wu Qianying.

Wolfgang smiled perfunctorily, already beginning to regret his rash move.

Wolfgang had to admit that he was careless. In his mind, Tanguy was actually second in danger after Mikkelsen, so Wolfgang chose Tanguy as a partner between the two.

But now that Tang Ji has an unknown and unpredictable Tang Anran beside him, his threat level has skyrocketed.

The reason why Wolfgang dared to 'disdain' Tang Ji was actually the same as Mikkelsen. They both felt that Tang Ji's words and deeds were predictable, and now Tang Anran's existence made up for Tang Ji's last shortcoming.

But Wolfgang, who has devoured so many supernatural abilities, naturally also has some means of peering into fate. He can sense that the fate of this world is heading towards Base Zero, or even further, towards the woman in front of him.

Tie up your hands.

So he was willing to take risks and cooperate with her here.

"Wait here and don't cause any trouble to me." Dr. Wu Qianying gave Wolfgang an ultimatum directly: "Especially don't do the things you often do on my territory."

"I comply with your wishes, ma'am." Wolfgang stood up in a gentlemanly manner, then returned to his assigned cubicle and thought about his faults behind closed doors without seeing anyone, acting extremely well-behaved.

But even so, Dr. Wu Qianying did not dare to call Wang Zhengdao back when Tang Ji was not present. He was still observing the war between Tlaloc and the players near Mexico City, waiting for the creation of the copy.

Tang Ji, on the other hand, was currently in the central area of ​​Night City.

The once empty central area has now become the most prosperous area of ​​Night City.

When the Corinnin Company rebuilt the central area, they left a large number of underground buildings in this area, so after the big storm, the Valentino people made full use of the legacy left by the Corinin Company.

Tang Ji walked among the bustling crowd, the hood on his cloak covered his face, saving him a lot of trouble.

The big storm brought a lot of suffering to this land, including severe desertification, so for a long time, the survivors of Night City were busy clearing the sand.

People carrying sandbags walked hard on the road, carrying away the gravel bag by bag.

Less than a hundred meters in front of him, the statue of Angelina that once stood there was now replaced by another much rougher statue, but it was still vaguely visible that she was a very hazy and beautiful woman.


But now, when passing by, people will stop and pay a few seconds of silence for her. Far more people than before.

If it is the Red Sun Incident that created Tang Ji today, then the Apocalypse Day created countless Tang Ji.

This chapter has been completed!
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