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Chapter 841 Reunion

Chapter 844 Reunion

For those old players, creating a copy is nothing more than an act of showing off their merits, an achievement that proves that they have conquered the world, leaving only a false copy for latecomers to repeat.


It’s quite a refreshing feeling that the predecessors picked up girls and the descendants drank the bath water.

But now, this group of new players, relying on their unstoppable energy, have suddenly achieved a mediocre standard for an epic battle. Naturally, they are overjoyed to have the permission to create a dungeon. Even death cannot stop their enthusiasm.

The Tunnel War here is clearly not over yet, but the players over there are already celebrating with joy.

The outpost reconnaissance team of the Tlaloc Army watched speechlessly as the enemies were singing and dancing in the ruins of the city. Not only were there no hidden sentries, they did not even send open sentinels, and they just allowed them to infiltrate.

Feeling insulted, the reconnaissance team secretly opened fire and killed several lone players. It turned out that they didn't care at all. They had a strong aura that I wanted to get high and be happy to the end.

The audacious reconnaissance team that dared to reach the enemy's lair was also unceremonious. It almost emptied all its ammunition reserves and killed a total of 128 players. In the end, it did not interrupt the players' carnival.

Those players even made bets during the carnival on who would be the next unlucky guy to be killed by the aborigines. Whenever someone was killed, those players who made the right bet would cheer loudly and thank them loudly while hiding in the dark.

The indigenous people seemed to be their long-lost comrades-in-arms.

In addition, the bodies used by many players were deformed due to genetic degradation, so the whole scene looked like a bunch of demons dancing around, as if hell had shone into reality. When the reconnaissance team evacuated, everyone felt that they had been mentally polluted and were dizzy.


Naturally, the celebration of the players could not be hidden from Wang Zhengdao, who had been observing secretly. In order to prevent accidents, Wang Zhengdao even gave up the opportunity to meet Angelina. To be honest, after having more contact with Tang Ji, he was very curious about what happened.

A woman can tame a man like Tang Ji.

But everyone who is still alive in this world is making sacrifices and paying the price for that glimmer of life, so such small things are insignificant.

In order to prevent these players from making false shots, Wang Zhengdao makes dozens of rounds around the world every day, inspecting the areas where players are active in Ganges, Neon and Mexico.

Although it now seems that the information they received is accurate, and those players do have plans to build a new dungeon in central Mexico, Wang Zhengdao is still worried. The more times like this, the more cautious he must be.

In the Ganges area, Alejandro, Tangji's scarlet envoy, has been missing for more than a week. The mysterious Vault 11 has become Wang Zhengdao's check-in place. He has to visit the area almost every hour.

Circle to determine the status of nearby players.

But obviously the dilemma faced by those players is no different from other forces. No matter how many players rush into the shelter, they can only leave by dying and going offline.

Therefore, not only Wang Zhengdao, Mikkelsen also listed Ganges 11 Shelter as his key observation target.

Others don't know, but Moon Mikkelsen knows very well that the two clones who went deep into the shelter died unexpectedly because he grabbed a spot to continue to expand his group.

It's a pity that the clone created in this way cannot inherit the memory of the dead clone. The newly created clone's cognition can only be synchronized with the clone maker himself.

Mikkelsen has had enough of big storms, so he's planning how to eliminate them altogether

If the big storm is really just a natural disaster caused by violent and unconscious behavior, he can only accept it helplessly. But now that it is confirmed that the controller behind the big storm is Tang Anran, Mikkelsen has the opportunity to communicate with

Tang Anran reached some kind of agreement.

There is no one in this world that cannot be solved, only conditions that are not sincere enough. Mikkelsen, who does not play tricks behind his back, is the best collaborator. Tang Ji can help prove this.

From the beginning to the end, Mikolsenk never forced Tang Ji to do anything. Of course, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to, so he showed affection and politeness to let Tang Ji understand that it was all

what he has to do

Now he just plans to change his target from Tang Ji to Tang Anran, but from the current perspective, Tang Anran is much more difficult to deal with than his father.

"Those players seem to be doing well recently. I guess there must be the shadow of Mrs. Generosity behind it." Mikkelsen wandered in front of Tang Anran's sleeping cabin and said: "Wu Qianying is a good person in scientific research, but when it comes to playing with people's hearts,

She's not qualified yet, and whatever she's planning, you need me."

Tang Anran in the dormant cabin still looks like a baby. He looks as cute as a porcelain doll. His slightly pale skin has a transparent texture that is unique to human cubs in this period. His green blood vessels are clearly visible, making him

What people see is pity.

This kind of protective color produced by natural evolution can often capture your heart in an instant, and then make you spend your whole life willingly paying for today's look back.

But Mikkelsen is an exception, he has no heart.

Therefore, Tang Anran was another image in his eyes, mixing at the same time the cunning of a cheater like the prophet, the stubbornness of Tang Ji, and the same scheming as him.

The above three images combined together are enough to serve as the final BOSS even in anime, but obviously Tang Anran is much more than that.

So when Mikkelsen was chanting a sutra, going around his dormant cabin and telling his request over and over again, the room was so close that the lights suddenly dimmed, then flickered a few times and went out.

"You little bastard, have you started to interfere with reality?" Mikkelsen glanced at the air conditioner, which was turning down the temperature crazily, and white mist appeared when he spoke.

Mickelson has no doubt that if he continues to test, this little bastard will directly open the door of the sealed cabin and let himself feel the desolation on the moon.

However, compared to getting a reply from Tang Anran, Mikkelsen was just idle on the moon and wanted to chat with people. After all, on this desolate planet, except for Mikkelsen, there were only a few people.

There are natural persons, and most of these persons are employees employed by Mikkelsen and they are not qualified.

In terms of identity and status, the only person who can be equal to Mikkelsen is perhaps Tang Anran.

Mikkelsen's request to Tang Anran was not without purpose, because Wu Qianying's plan could not circumvent him.

Although Moon Mikkelsen was unable to see the full extent of Wu Qianying's plan due to geographical reasons, it is obvious that Wu Qianying's imaginary enemy, Mrs. Generosity, is cooperating with them

Mikkelsen doesn't yet know Mrs. Bountiful's purpose, but they are old rivals. Mikkelson has been trying to analyze Mrs. Bountiful's psychological model over the years.

Or to be more specific, Mikkelsen was trying to build a social model of the home world behind the players, and to this day Karcalf remains the most valuable player asset they have ever had.

Karkarf provided them with a lot of information about the home world, but as Tangji's influence later expanded, Mikkelsen once had more than fifty player employees working for him at the most.

From the mouths of these players, Mikkelsen summarized the mother world that is completely different from Karkarf's perspective.

First of all, it is certain that the technology of the mother world is very advanced, the territory it controls is also very large, and it has the ability to create orbital giant structures. Some players even swear that they have seen the sun suddenly lose its light and the day briefly turns into night.


Another thing that is certain is that the interests pursued by Mrs. Generous are clearly at odds with the company that best represents the players, and Mikkelsen hopes he can seize these differences.

And this requires him to make certain sacrifices. He needs to take the risk of 'sending' the information he possesses to the Mikkelsen Group on Earth, and then they will take over and cooperate with Wu Qianying.

The Moon Mikkelson Group does not care about the gains and losses of one or two clones, but obviously this method of sending messages cannot accurately convey the message. No matter which Mikkelson Group accepts a member of the Moon Mikkelson Group, they will also

Know everything about what Moon Mikkelsen has been doing over the years.

In other words, he is very likely to hand over his weaknesses to other group members

But as Wang Zhengdao said before, no one in this world is paying a price, even Mikkelsen is no exception.

Wolfgang, who stayed in Vault Zero, had been in a state of self-cultivation recently and had not caused any trouble. However, Wu Qianying felt that he was secretly observing Tang Ji's condition.

"I think you have been looking at me through colored glasses. I am no longer the same person as before." Wolfgang, who was sitting in the restaurant eating with others, skillfully cut the synthetic meat on the plate with a knife and fork.

He said to Tang Ji in a critical tone: "You and I both have the Seven Deadly Sins. You are angry, and I am greedy. You should know best."

"You are not in a state of rage 24 hours a day, even if someone calls you "not high" Wolfgang looked at Tang Ji's slightly frowning brows and joked: "Look, I am anxious, but I have never called you that."


"So judge others by yourself. You won't be in a state of rage 24 hours a day. The same is true for me. My greed is controlled." Wolfgang forked a medium-sized piece of synthetic meat and looked at Tangji a little pickyly.

Said: "For example, now, among the scientific researchers who don't have hair on their heads, 1/3 of the midfielders are superhumans, right?"

"I didn't say I'd kill one of them right now and treat them as lunch today," Wolfgang said as he put the synthetic meat on the fork into your mouth, but the expression on his face the next second

It solidified.

Wolfgang spat the synthetic meat in his mouth back onto the plate, and asked in surprise: "You guys eat these things every day?"

To be fair, the living standards in Vault Zero are already the best among many shelters, but even so, for Wolfgang, who is used to living a life of luxury and debauchery, these synthetic meats almost broke his defense.

"You know, I can actually make everyone's life less miserable, just a little bit." As soon as Wolfgang started speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Wu Qian.

"What did you say!" Dr. Wu Qianying's eyes sparkled, as if he had just cracked a laurel in the field of mathematics.

"I said Tangji should know, I took him with me before," Wolfgang said in a daze. He could indeed get everything with a snap of his fingers, at least his mouth and nose.

"That's not what you said, say it again!" Dr. Wu Qianying subconsciously tapped her fingers on the table, making a rhythmic clicking sound.

"I said you're just going to eat this stuff?" Wolfgang once again forked the synthetic meat on the plate and said with some disgust.

"I understand!" Wu Qianying glanced at the scattered diners in the restaurant as if she had a sudden realization, then suddenly stood up and left the restaurant.

"She is still so resolute, isn't she?" Wolfgang's eyes didn't move back until Dr. Wu Qianying completely disappeared, and then asked: "Between the two of you?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just asking. If there is nothing between you, I will pursue her." Since he knew that he was now part of Wu Qianying's plan, and he was still an irreplaceable part, Wolfgang

Then he started to yell.

"If you don't want to eat with half of your teeth in the future, I'll be happy to help you." Tang Ji glanced at Wolfgang lightly, lowered his head and continued eating without much emotion in his tone.

He could tolerate Wolfgang's tentative 'jokes'. They were like porcupines getting together to keep warm in winter, needing to test each other's boundaries to determine their respective positions.

Tang Ji, who returned from Night City, was indeed much calmer in his heart, but his anger seemed to have become more solidified as if it had been refined.

Tang Ji just glanced at Wolfgang lightly and told Greed to shut his mouth and stop talking.

On the same day, the Lunar Mikkelsen Group launched a manned aircraft, which flew straight across the Earth-Moon orbit, and then cut into the Earth's orbit, constantly changing orbit to find the angle of entry into the atmosphere.

Annie, who had been living in the Davis Mountain Shelter, moved reluctantly because of Dr. Wu Qianying's call. She had to pack her luggage and embark on the road back to Shelter Zero again.

In the Ganges area, the area where Shelter No. 11 is located, accompanied by bursts of sand and gravel friction, a thick tentacle suddenly penetrated the yellow sand on the surface, standing tall and tall in the air, stretching its limbs.

A few seconds later, two smaller earthen bags protruded from not far from the tentacles, and the disgraced Alejandro pulled Rodolfo out with only half of his body.

Although he looked very embarrassed, Rudolph's wound did not bleed any blood. His wound had 'healed' and granulation sprouted from it from time to time, forming strange-looking little tentacles that kept pulling at Alejandro.

Luo's arm.

"Boss, you should have left me down there." Rudolf looked pale at the mutated limb that emerged from his wound, and cut off the tentacle with a knife.

Alejandro didn't say a word, but just carried Rodolfo on his shoulders and fled from here in a hurry: "Dr. Wu must have a way to treat you!"


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