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Chapter 842 The attention of heavenly beings

Phoenix, Spire District, Rothschild Building.

"Mr. Rothschild, the latest images returned by our Huiwang-1 exploration satellite show that the big storm shrouding the surface of our home planet is coming to an end. Although the electromagnetic environment is still harsh, as far as the refuges left by humans underground are concerned,

The institute has already begun reconstruction activities on the surface."

Wearing a black suit and looking like a gentleman, Simone Rothschild is sitting on a throne-like chair, shaking a crystal glass carved from natural crystal in his hand. The red wine brewed by Rothschild Private Winery in 2009 exudes a tinge of fragrance.

There are aromas of graphite, blackcurrant, licorice and camphor.

At that time, the red wine guild rated the red wine of this vintage as full-bodied, classic and elegant, pure and refined, with soft tannins and a round taste.

And considering that the earth has experienced disasters such as the Player War and the Apocalypse Day, the red wine of the 2009 vintage that has been successfully preserved until now is extremely precious. Perhaps it can only be found in a "paradise" like the Phoenix.

The butler who reported the situation to Rothschild had no doubt that the bottle of red wine in his hand was enough to buy an apartment of at least ten cubic meters in a mid-rise area.

But at this time, this precious red wine was being wasted by Simone Rothschild in front of him. Although he used the latest electronic consciousness uploading technology before the player war, he still could not control human souls at will like God.

As for his electronic consciousness, which cannot be put into those carefully carved clones, he can only use this pure prosthetic body that looks like a living person.

He has no sense of taste at all and has no digestive function. The reason why he can taste red wine here is because an additional waste tank is installed in his abdominal cavity to drain out all the domestic water he drinks.

There are many kinds of luxurious and meaningless prosthetic parts on Simone, including but not limited to a cybernetic root, a fragrance recognition system, a tear secretion device, and a skin heating function to meet Simone Rothschild's needs.

Daily social activities.

In this regard, his traitor Narezzano's only comment was that you damned turned yourself into a human-shaped vibrator!

It had been a long time since Simone Rothschild had experienced such a big mood swing, but that time he still angrily disconnected Narezano's electronic consciousness storage device from the Internet and locked him up for a full three hundred days.

Although Simeone does not want to admit it, the fact is that the electronic consciousness uploading technology used by the ineffective Narezzano, which incorporates some player technology, is much more advanced than his, so Narezano retains more humanity.

, he is the future of the Rosechild family.

The reason why Simone worked so hard to build such a body for himself was not because he was bored, nor was it to maintain the dignity of the so-called Rothschild family. The Rothschild family owned the entire Phoenix City. He wanted to

Whoever is dishonorable can be made dishonorable.

The real reason is because Simone's humanity is declining irrepressibly. As time goes by, he can no longer even maintain his anger and desire. This makes him feel okay. He hopes he can feel fear and despair.

But the fact is that he doesn't feel much about these two emotions either.

Bellina Rothschild, who is also a member of the Rothschild family, but is far away from the Lagrange point and uses an earlier version of electronic consciousness uploading technology, has completely turned cold seventeen years ago.


Rather than saying that he is Bellina Rothschild, it is better to say that it is an autonomous space station named Bellina Rothschild. It coldly executes various instructions from Simeone and can only give him the most basic feedback.


Simeone didn't know how long he could hold on, but he was already trying his best to maintain the few remaining human parts of himself.

He constantly holds banquets in his mansion, wanders among the so-called celebrities, laughs with them, wastes food and water that are regarded as life by common people, sets off fireworks in the precious high-quality air environment, and then goes to and

Women, men, both men and women, male and female lovers partying all night long, etc., etc.

But after all the attendees fell asleep in this debauchery, Simone was still as zombie-like as when the party began, feeling nothing.

As for Narezzano, he was a waste then and he is still a waste now. Sometimes Simeone feels that the reason why he is still struggling and has not completely turned into a cold machine is because even in the coldest algorithm,

He also knew very well that the only consequence of handing over the Rothschild family to Narezano would be the loss of glory and loss of majesty.

However, Narezzano is still a descendant of Simeone when he was a natural person. He has an inexplicable sense of responsibility for Narezzano. This feeling may have been nothing more than a thought when Simeone was a human being, but it can happen in the blink of an eye.

However, after he was upgraded to electronic consciousness, it became a 'read-only data' that he could not avoid, making it difficult for Simeone to give up on Narezzano.

In fact, when Narezzano was first uploaded to Phoenix, his electronic soul was almost a mess and could not form a complete personality consciousness. It was not until Simone sorted out the mess one by one and eliminated the last Narezzano.

After the death scene that Zano experienced, he could barely be called a 'human being'.

But the electronic soul without part of the information is incomplete. In the days that followed, Simeone tried many times to put this part of the memory data that he had removed back into Narezzano's electronic soul. The result was

But it still crashes again and again.

It has become Narezzano's "heart knot", preventing him from becoming an adult or transcending. Now for the Rothschild family, Simone needs his son to untie this knot or simply dissipate it.

And he will open the Rothschild family's gene seed bank and cultivate a qualified heir before he completely fades into nothingness.

"Inform Narezzano and ask him to come see me." After listening to the steward's report on the current situation of the earth, Simone said expressionlessly.

"Okay, sir, but I'm afraid you need to give me some time." The butler looked embarrassed, and was interrupted by Simone mid-sentence: "He is in the lower area, deck 47, in the HJ-15 storage warehouse.

That place should be called the Fighting Beast Pit now, and I will see him appear in front of me within half an hour."

"Okay, sir." The butler breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left.

At this time, in the beast fighting pit in the lower area, Narezzano was staying in the VIP box in full clothes, looking forward to a bloody fight at close range.

The body he is using now is a cloned body that has been genetically optimized. These genetic optimizations basically refer to the genes from the red warrior type of superhuman, so he himself is actually a half-baked superhuman, and he can do it in the lower city.

It was said that we were walking sideways, so there was no need to worry about safety.

The so-called fighting beast pit is a term unique to Xiacheng District.

In Phoenix, a space giant that pursues extreme capitalism, there are always some people who will fall into financial crisis due to various reasons, and then go bankrupt, unable to maintain their class. At this time, they often face two choices -

One is to put on a heavy space suit, drive a mining ship with only the most basic life-support equipment, and endure unimaginable loneliness and danger to mine minerals in the nearby asteroid belt, hoping that one day he will be able to pay off all his debts and return home.

to your own class.

The other is to take off his clothes and use his only life and dignity to present his final performance to the 'owners' of this city, using only cold weapons to fight bloody battles with the prehistoric beasts resurrected through genetic technology.

Strive for a miracle and become the protagonist in the story.

What is ridiculous is that among these two choices, the number of people who choose the latter is dozens of times more than the former. There are always some people who feel that they do not have the courage to mine, but they have the ability to fight saber-toothed tigers with spears.

Narezzano is a frequent visitor here and has the best viewing box. This box is located on the bottom floor of the beast pit. There is no airtight bulletproof glass, electromagnetic force field, etc., but only a barbed wire fence.

Isolate everything in the beast pit from him.

Here he could feel the despair and fear of the gladiators, smell the pungent body odor of those prehistoric beasts, and if the killing spot was closer, he could even feel the warm blood splashing on his skin.

of piping hot.

Narezzano felt that the entire Phoenix City was like a Lego castle built in the void, full of lies and delusions. Only here could he feel the freshness of life.

At this time, in the beast fighting pit, a pot-bellied man was trying to show his last bit of masculinity and courage, waving the spear and shield in his hand, grinning and trying to intimidate the prehistoric big cat not far away.

It was a beautiful saber-toothed tiger, about three meters long and weighing nearly half a ton. It had strong neck muscles, a well-developed lower jaw, long and curved upper canine teeth, sharp ridge-like structures on the front and rear, and golden fur.

It looked a little messy because it was stained with blood.

But the audience in the fighting pit can clearly see that the pattern on the saber-toothed tiger's hair is a lifelike human face, and the owner of the face is Narezzano himself. This saber-toothed tiger was ordered by him, and he only needs to add one

For a little money you can get customized fur color effects.

As for the other star in the fighting pit, Narezzano personally sent him there. Although he is a waste, he is also a waste of the Rothschild family. In terms of ability alone, he is better than many so-called elites.

Much more.

So with just a little searching in the financial market, Narezzano could easily find the target he wanted, and then set up traps step by step, eventually luring his prey into falling into his own trap, and then there was today's scene.


A beast-fighting performance that belongs exclusively to him!

On one side is a man who is desperate because of bankruptcy, and on the other side is a customized saber-toothed tiger worth 150,000 phoenix yuan!

Of course, in order to make this game more fun and give both sides more fighting spirit, Narezzano decided to add some bets to each game.

So amidst the deafening cheers, the small door on the left side of Narezzano's box suddenly opened, and a girl wearing sexy hollow armor was pushed into the pit of beasts. That was the man's daughter, Narezano

Almost using the same method, the deer was driven into the trap and then the prey was harvested.

Narezzano didn't like to do good deeds without leaving a name, so when the man roared and found the culprit from the pattern on the saber-toothed tiger, Narezano laughed maniacally. He didn't know why he was always in such a situation.

On this occasion, I felt waves of hysterical excitement.

But obviously the scene like this made Narezzano fall into an insurmountable pleasure. He had to use addictive compounds and women to vent his excitement and fear!

So when the man bravely moved forward and took the initiative to die to attract the saber-toothed tiger, but still failed to save the girl behind him, and both of them were torn into pieces, Narezzano finally got a soul-shaking satisfaction in a thrill.

After satisfaction comes emptiness. In this emptiness, Narezano is often frightened by a vague figure, which always comes with black flames.

When the butler struggled to find a clean place to stand in Narezzano's box, Narezano finally shuddered and suddenly woke up from his sleep, and then casually picked up a used card.

He wiped his face haphazardly with a tissue and looked at the housekeeper with a frown.

Narezzano knew that it was someone from his father's side. The old computer liked this old-era style, and the meticulous British butler in a tuxedo was ridiculous.

But considering that his father still had the power of life and death over him, Narezzano asked lazily: "What are you looking for today? Is that old computer crashed?"

"Mr. Narezano, your father will see you in his office within half an hour. You still have 12 minutes and 37 seconds." The butler conveyed Simeone's will meticulously and stood there like this.

In front of Narezzano, he was reminded of the time every ten seconds.

Narezzano finally sat up and reluctantly followed the butler and got into the special elevator that went directly to the top floor of Phoenix City. When the elevator opened and closed, countless people looked at this with envy.

One scene.

Phoenix City was originally a city floating in space. There should not be distinctions between up, down, front, left, and right. However, those dirty capital entities within it used artificial methods to divide the entire Phoenix City into spires, middle floors, and spires.

and the lower classes.

At this time, Narezzano had not yet realized what changes his life was about to undergo, but Simeone had prepared a return ship large enough for Narezano to become the overlord after returning to Earth.

, directly participate in the players' poker games.

Simeone doesn't have time to wait for Narezzano to develop slowly, so he plans to let him make a big move, either live brilliantly or die simply, it's that simple.

This chapter has been completed!
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