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Chapter 1060 Blocked News

Qu Jianlei and Qu Jianlei were talking when Mu Guang hurried over.

Recently, he has been practicing various newly learned techniques and doesn't want to hang around in front of others.

But at the same time, he is also using his own channels to collect various information.

This time he came in a hurry because he had received new news, "It is said that someone infiltrated through the breach in the barrier."

The barrier was broken... This was the first time Qu Jianlei heard this statement, and he was a little confused: What is that?

However, this was obviously a relatively high-end and obscure statement, and he did not ask the question out loud.

Qu Jianlei doesn't like to pretend to understand, but he will still act cautiously if it may expose his underlying problems.

Nutrients was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then nodded, "Yes, no wonder the Rebel Alliance has been so active recently."

Mu Guang shook his head when he heard this, "It's not that simple. There may not be peace in the future."

Nutritional Agent was a little surprised, "Why can't it be peaceful, just with that little rebel force?"

Mu Guang looked at him with a strange expression. He was silent for four or five seconds before asking, "What do you think the breach in the barrier is?"

This is what I want to ask too! Qu Jianlei didn't say anything, just looked at them indifferently.

Nutrients blinked and asked in confusion, "Isn't it another space where the rebels are hiding?"

Given his status, he had indeed heard about the breach in the barrier and knew that there were remnants of rebels on the other side.

When the empire was unified in the past, there were many rebels armed, which made it difficult for the empire to be at war with each other.

Later, a breach in the space barrier appeared, and the remaining rebels entered other spaces through the breach.

Legend has it that the military fleet once entered the breach to pursue the remaining enemies.

However, they found that the living environment in the opposite space was extremely harsh and the non-combat losses were serious, so they had to retreat.

Later, the military left a large fleet to guard the barrier to prevent the other party from entering this world again.

However, the resisters did not give up the idea of ​​counterattack and would carry out some attacks from time to time.

The breach in the barrier is not very large, but the fighting is frequent and often very intense.

As mentioned above, once the awakened ones committed a crime and needed atonement, some of them were sent to the breach in the barrier.

However, this information is top secret and is blocked from the public.

The reason is very simple. There are quite a lot of people in the empire who are dissatisfied with society. Knowing that there is such a place will inevitably produce a negative reaction.

However, although there are three breaches and the battle is quite fierce, the overall combat power required is not too much.

Of course, this "not too much" means that compared to the huge size of the empire, the absolute number is not that many.

As far as Nutrients know, the three breaches do not require specially summoning awakened people to defend them. A military fleet plus atoneers is enough.

Otherwise, using the iron blood of the empire to organize a large number of awakened people to take turns participating in the blockade is the right way.

After all, the Empire does not want people in society to know that there are gaps in the barriers and that resistance forces are struggling.

Therefore, it is completely normal that Qu Jianlei has never heard of this statement.

This information is blocked throughout the empire, and Qu Jianlei himself has been hiding in the east since he entered the empire.

His own position is almost that of a rebel, and it is quite normal for him to not receive similar information.

And most of the people he came into contact with didn't know this either.

Qu Jianlei once wondered what the atonement tasks of the awakened people would be, but is this worth asking specifically?

Mrs. Jia and the paranoid may have heard of it, but in their eyes, this kind of ringworm and scabies disease is completely unqualified to be a topic of conversation.

Nutraceuticals is also well-connected and he overheard this statement, but he also did not study it seriously.

Mu Guang shook his head, "Not entirely. Are there more than just rebel forces there?"

His words were a little hesitant, as if there was something unspeakable.

Seeing his appearance, Nutrient's face elongated slightly, and he was obviously a little unhappy.

No one likes to keep others appetizing.

Qu Jianlei saw this and said, "Aside from the resistance forces, what else can be found in the breach in the barrier? If it's inconvenient, you don't have to say anything."

Since he couldn't learn more through nutritional supplement information channels, it wouldn't be a sign of cowardice for him to ask questions now.

As soon as he finished speaking, several more rays of consciousness came down, and they were not the only ones concerned about this point.

Although Mu Guang was used to the team's style, he still couldn't help but his face changed, "So many people?"

Nutrients said calmly, "If you don't believe them, you don't have to say anything."

What the hell... Mu Guang cursed in his heart, if I didn't say anything, wouldn't I have offended you all?

But then again, for him, the news didn't have much to be afraid of.

Although the consequences of his speaking out may be a bit serious, he is definitely not the only one who has relayed similar news.

So he hesitated and said, "I also heard the relevant information from a senior who loves archeology."

"That person has passed away. I'm not sure whether this news is correct."

He first wanted to remove himself, and then emphasized the nature of the "rumor" and made it clear that he wanted to clear it up.

A consciousness fluctuated, but it came from paranoia, "Just say, what are you afraid of?"

After learning how to use spiritual consciousness, similar communication methods gradually became more common in the team.

Mu Guang's next words shocked everyone, "Have you ever thought that there is a world behind the breach?"

Behind the breach is not the simple space promoted by the empire, but also a universe with vast space.

There, there are also many habitable stars and the same human civilization.

Therefore, what the empire is wary of is not small resistance forces, but the invasion of other human civilizations.

Is it conceivable that there can be an empire on this side of the gap, but there cannot be other unified human countries on the other side?

Fortunately, the scope of the breach is not very large. If such a pass is blocked, it will be difficult for the human countries on the opposite side to invade.

Similarly, the opponent must also know the situation here, and since they cannot attack, they will also defend well.

The empire knows that it has quite a lot of social conflicts, and this news must not be publicized.

It is precisely because of this that even with Nutrients' information capabilities, they don't know the truth behind the breach in the barrier.

Of course, this is mainly because he is not very curious about this matter, otherwise if he inquires with all his strength, he might really be able to get the answer.

The Archeology Enthusiasts Association is different. Although they are not very strong, archeology is their hobby!

Once human beings' subjective initiative is strengthened, they can do many incredible things.

Therefore, Mu Guang can be sure that the opposite side of the breach is also human society, and its overall strength may not be weaker than the empire.

He was even basically certain that there was also an awakened system on the opposite side, and the language was very similar.

In his words, someone from his association once risked his life to break into the opposite side and determined that there were also sacred relics on the opposite side.

After he finished speaking, everyone fell silent, and no one spoke for a long time.

Mu Guang found that the situation was a bit strange and emphasized again, "I just heard that I didn't mean to provoke you."

He had to clear it up at this moment, otherwise he would be worried that the other person would do something bad under impulse.

"Alas," the paranoid sighed, "this is the first time... I don't like the information blockade."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yu asked hesitantly, "There is actually a huge country with such a strict information blockade. Are you kidding me?"

"It's most likely true," Nutrient said with a stern face, "otherwise, would this 'treason' only be against the resistance forces?"

In the empire, the most serious crime was treason, followed by private study of divine texts, most of which resulted in clan execution.

Qinghu also spoke, "In the society across the way, are there many supreme beings?"

"Well... I don't know," Mu Guang shook his head again and emphasized again, "I just heard some things."

Then he looked at the nutritional supplement calmly and said, "This person is also very well-informed. You can go and ask about it."

Nutritional Agent nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, I'll try my best. I really... didn't expect there was such news."

Seeing him take over the job, everyone felt a little more relaxed.

Regardless of whether they admit it or not, everyone agrees in their hearts: the best informed person in the team must be this guy.

Qu Jianlei asked aloud, "Well, Mu Guang, you said there was someone infiltrating on the other side, which means... it's not just the resistance forces?"

Everyone was silent again after hearing this. This question was also what they wanted to know.

Everyone is a marginalized figure in the imperial society, most of them are wanted, and in many cases they cannot even show up in public.

If you can live a stable life, who would want to live in a homeless situation?

But this does not mean that they are more willing to accept the rule of an unknown human society.

Leaving aside Qu Jianlei and other four members from the Junk Star, the others still have some feelings for the Empire.

In any case, this country has given birth to them, and no matter how dissatisfied they are, they will not abandon it like a waste.

The opposite of seriousness is a society that we have never had any contact with. Who would have a good impression of it?

To be blunt, it's hard to say how different the opponent's human genes are from our own.

However, when faced with Qu Jianlei's question, Mu Guang answered very simply.

"I just heard that there is such a news, or it came from my colleagues in the military. I don't know the specific situation at all."

Just when everyone thought that this guy was playing tricks again, Mu Guang made his attitude clear without hesitation.

"I criticize the empire a lot, but after all, this is the country that gave birth to me and raised me, and there are many people I care about."

"So I can't promise that I will never do something like treason, but I really won't consider it for the time being."

There is no guarantee that you will not be treasonous, but it depends on the situation. Your attitude is a bit inappropriate, but the most important thing is authenticity.

No one in Qu Jianlei's team refuted him.

However, Nutritional Agent said, "Leave the inquiry on this matter to me."

Three days later, the big-headed butterfly began to spin in Qu Jianlei's mind, "At the point of space fluctuation, the military changed defenses."

(Updated to summon monthly tickets, follow-up subscriptions and recommended tickets.)

This chapter has been completed!
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