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Chapter 1061 Is this also about family background?

The military monitors fluctuation points very strictly.

Many sensors were scattered across the small lake, but they were all wiped out one by one. Even though they were tens of millions of kilometers away, not a few survived.

Even if there are two fish that slip through the net, under the strict monitoring of the military, there is no condition to send back the information.

Xiaohu was able to obtain this information because it intercepted some of the military's information.

However, why the army changed defenses and whether the fluctuation point changed significantly are beyond its control.

Qu Jianlei has not paid attention to the news about fluctuation points for a long time, mainly because he does not have effective monitoring methods.

So he arranged the matter to Xiaohu, which was the only option when he had no other choice.

As for giving up the fight for fluctuation points, he has no plans yet.

Even if we don’t say “people die for wealth and birds die for food”, the team has been attacked near the fluctuation point, so we can’t help but hold grudges, right?

After thinking for a while, he went to find the nutritional supplement, "How much information have you collected about the breach in the barrier?"

Nutrients shook his head and replied distressedly, "There is no updated news for the time being. Many people have become stricter in their speech recently."

Qu Jianlei frowned, "Can we think that it is because someone infiltrated that the tone of voice became tighter?"

Nutrients nodded slightly, "I think so too... just give me some more time."

Qu Jianlei shook his head, "I don't mean to rush you, but in the past two days, the space fluctuation point has changed its defense."

The nutritional agent gave a thumbs up when he heard this, "Boss, you are still awesome. I haven't heard of this news... What do you want to ask?"

I have to admit, this guy's mind is really fast. He actually guessed that Qu Jianlei wanted to ask a question.

Qu Jianlei was not polite, "I want to know how the breach in the barrier was formed. Is it related to space fluctuations?"

The fluctuation point that you are so concerned about must not become an invasion channel for other countries, otherwise the joke will be big.

The nutritional agent shook his head when he heard this and answered apologetically.

"I asked someone to verify all these relevant information, but unfortunately, they were all covered up intentionally or unintentionally."

"But one thing is basically certain, the breach in the barrier is not a natural product."

The amount of information was not small. Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment before asking, "So the fluctuation point... has nothing to do with the breach?"

However, the nutritional supplement did not answer happily. Instead, he hesitated and shook his head, "This possibility cannot be completely ruled out."

"Tsk," upon hearing this, Qu Jianlei couldn't help but smack the flower seeds, "This is really..."

Nutritional Agent understood immediately after hearing this, "Are you reluctant to give up paying attention to the fluctuation points?"

Qu Jianlei nodded, "I always feel that the recent Qingyuan Star is a bit like a storm is about to come."

Nutritional Agent thought about it and replied, "Actually, this is easy to handle. Just let the employees of the Gustin family understand it."

Their level is not high enough, right? Qu Jianlei blinked his eyes. As an employee, he is really not qualified to know such information.

But he immediately reacted, "You mean... there are other nobles who are also staring at the fluctuation point?"

The news about the space fluctuation point has been spread out for a long time, and it has made a lot of noise, and many nobles also know about it.

After the butler received the order, he sent people to find other aristocratic employees who were in love with him, trying to find out the information.

It is a pity that these people have unified their voices, saying that there is no problem in sharing information, but they must become a consistent party in the future.

No one knows better than them the strength of Gustin's tenants.

However, how can an employee do such a thing? He can only come back and report it to the housekeeper.

After Qu Jianlei learned about it, he could only mutter angrily, "These guys who don't see rabbits and don't let go of hawks... really deserve to decline!"

This is also a noble tradition, and the agreement should be negotiated in advance.

Doing so is suspected of being tied to interests, and nobles value honor more than interests.

But from the perspective of honor, this is consistent with the understanding that once an agreement is made, it must be carried out, regardless of the size of the benefit.

Some of these nobles who rejected the Gustin family still have long-standing friendships with the Gustin family.

Before that, they even wanted to meet the tenants of the fiefdom, but Hua Xiezi refused without hesitation.

Now that the Gustin family has taken the initiative to come to the door and receive similar treatment, it is considered a blessing for them.

This is not to say that you hold a grudge, but it is a typical case of talking about the matter - if you don't cooperate, why should we give you information?

So Qu Jianlei could only complain - the honor of the nobles is really not trustworthy, they are just typical refined egoists.

But at this moment, Hua Xiezi reported new news, "The government requires at least one supreme leader from the fiefdom to patrol outer space."

Before Qu Jianlei had time to react, Nutrients rushed over, "Why don't we go on patrol and get some information by the way?"

Qu Jianlei was really hesitant: If the government can mobilize one of its top officials, can't it also mobilize the second one?

This is a typical strategy of pressing forward step by step, like cutting flesh with a knife in a stew, something he has always rejected before.

Nutraceutical knew what he was thinking, and said disapprovingly, "If you cooperate this time, you don't have to cooperate next time. It's up to people."

"How about this? I'll follow them on patrol. Boss, just take care of your home."

However, at the next moment, Bentley's consciousness descended and said, "No, I'll go ahead and leave the battle array to protect the old lady."

Not to mention the strong cohesion of this team, even though everyone's background is not reassuring, everyone dares to take action when encountering problems.

Qu Jianlei thought about it and finally nodded, "Yin Shan will follow."

The clone cannot transmit information over long distances, but it is still slightly stronger than ordinary communication methods.

Just like in space, even though they are tens of millions of kilometers apart, limited information transmission can still be achieved between them.

After Yinshan came back, Qu Jianlei withdrew that trace of consciousness and never injected it again.

But Xiangxue also knew from this that the co-author was the boss, no wonder he spoke loudly.

This time out again, Qu Jianlei had to check the status of the robot again.

After the commercial starship took off, he came to the room where the Golden Crow C was located.

Up to now, the size of the jelly has almost doubled, and it seems that it will not be easy to go any further.

This guy basically doesn't have any activities, and he seems to be much more of a homebody than Qu Jianlei.

Seeing him entering the room, the soul-nurturing tree gradually began to ripple, "It has taken over my body again, where is the new body?"

"Can't you say something else?" Qu Jianlei just had a headache thinking about this guy, so he didn't see him most of the time.

Now the simulation robot has left, and he has come to learn some relevant information.

"I want to ask something, is there a space barrier between the world of cultivating immortals and the world of empire?"

After Golden Crow C recuperated, his ability to express himself became a little stronger, but that was all.

"Space, barrier... what are they? Two worlds, different, with different rules."

I knew I wouldn't get much useful information! Qu Jianlei curled his lips helplessly.

"In the world we live in now, the unified country of mankind is the Empire. Do you know what other worlds there are?"

"There are so many worlds, but most of them don't seem to have humans..."

Needless to say, this communication is laborious, so I won’t go into the relevant details.

In short, Qu Jianlei finally determined that the world occupied by humans is relatively small, and the alien races occupy even more.

In those human worlds, there are also many people who have other monkey versions of the system of cultivating immortals.

As for the human world that has an awakened person system, Golden Crow B said that he is not sure how many there are.

Such a confused state made Qu Jianlei want to pinch its neck and ask questions.

However, Jelly did provide a piece of information. It knew that in the Awakened system, the ruler was not just the empire.

There are also names like Alliance and Federation, but I’m not sure if they are in the same world.

In other words, the immortal cultivators have also arrived at the places where the ruling forces are located.

This news made Qu Jianlei somewhat certain that Mu Guang's news was not a lie.

It's just Jelly's communication skills that really made him a little angry.

Then he took out the image data of the Black Cola Tower and asked the other party if he knew about this thing.

This time, Golden Crow Number C did not lose its chain, "It is used for cultivation, and the use time is not equal... it is a very precious treasure."

It can be considered as a treasure, which shows that this thing is absolutely indistinguishable.

But this also shows that it is basically impossible for it to know the refining method of this treasure.

However, Qu Jianlei still asked with a sense of luck, "Are the materials for making this treasure available in this world?"

This question caused the Jinwu B-number to go offline, and it took a long time to answer.

"I have no impression of this, but the material must be very rare and involves the rules of time and space."

I almost didn’t ask about co-writing... Qu Jianlei couldn’t help but want to complain.

But he still asked the third question.

He released the image data of the wonders of the world - photography was prohibited in the auction house at that time, and high-tech means were used to interfere.

But those who really have the means will naturally not be affected.

Qu Jianlei didn't make any special arrangements at that time. Anyway, Xiaohu was hidden in his mind, so he didn't need to bother at all.

As a result, as soon as this information was released, Jelly fell into a downtime state again.

After about ten seconds, it asked in disbelief, "This, this... where is it now?"

Qu Jianlei frowned helplessly, please make it clear, I am asking you.

"This thing was photographed by someone else. I can't contact you at the moment. I just feel that it is a bit similar to your way of existence."

Golden Crow B was silent again, and after a while he said, "Its background should be stronger than mine."

It's just a weapon spirit, but it's also about his origin? Qu Jianlei felt a little speechless.

After a while, Jelly expressed his position again, "If my guess is correct, it may...not be inhabited by a magic weapon."

Qu Jianlei was shocked when he heard this, "It's the world's will... I mean, it's a ray of the world's will?"

Jelly replied, "It can't be that high, but it was actually sealed. Who is this powerful person?"

This chapter has been completed!
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