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Chapter 31 Child Labour

 The hairless monster was surprised when he heard Qu Jianlei's words, "You have a gun, are you afraid they won't tell you?"

Qu Jianlei asked calmly, "What if they just don't say anything?"

He never thought that he was a soft-hearted person.

Born in the peaceful society of Blue Star, he can kill people without blinking an eye, and even without any physical discomfort.

Anyone he wants to kill must have a way to die.

But finding two people at random to ask for information and then killing someone if they don't get the information is still...a bit of a challenge to the bottom line.

His character is relatively axial, and he is indeed a bit sick, but it is best not to break through things like the bottom line casually.

He would never associate with those cannibal survivors; killing people for no reason was not something he was willing to do.

The wasteland has its own rules, and he is powerless to resist, but as a human being, you must have your own rules for being a human being.

He doesn't want to be like Mr. Sai.

The feeling of life and death, taking whatever you want, may be good, but he doesn't like it.

The hairless monster was stunned for a moment, "That's right. If you can save me, you are certainly not a vicious person."

Qu Jianlei did not answer. Although the other party was a child, he should not expose himself too much to anyone in the wasteland.

The hairless monster paused for a moment and then sighed, "There's no need to kill anyone. You're so strong, you can just spend money to find the way."

"Haha," Qu Jianlei shook his head indifferently, but didn't say anything.

He had the experience of being deliberately pointed out the wrong way in Blue Star. How could he trust the integrity of the Wastelanders?

Given the size of the wasteland, pointing in the wrong direction could kill someone.

The hairless monster fell silent upon seeing this: the other party obviously had no intention of listening to his suggestion.

Next, Qu Jianlei will travel during the day and practice at night. As for food and water... it doesn't hurt to provide an extra serving.

The hairless monster recovered quickly. The Wastelander's physique was indeed extraordinary, and he was still young.

Early on the third day, he took the initiative to apply to be a driver.

Qu Jianlei's practice was noticed by the hairless monster, but he really didn't know what he was doing.

He wisely did not inquire, but actively asked to drive, wanting to show the value of his existence.

To be honest, if he hadn't made this request today, Qu Jianlei would have planned to ignore him.

I've given you three nutritional supplements and it's already good enough, and your body has recovered a lot. Do you still want to hang on?

Seeing the hairless monster driving a huge motorcycle, Qu Jianlei felt no guilt about employing child labor.

If I don’t hire you, you will be dead! This is not the assumption of the 996 boss, this is the wasteland.

Qu Jianlei wanted to try meditating on a cart, but gave up after trying it a few times - it was too bumpy.

But being able to lean on a scooter and relax is much better than riding a motorcycle all the time.

But soon, he discovered the convenience of hiring hairless monsters.

In the wilderness of the wasteland, the jungle has always been dominated by the weak, and this has never changed.

Over the course of many days, the two of them came into contact with five or six waves of survivors, one of which had as many as nine people.

Seeing that the driver was a child, almost all the survivors had greed in their eyes.

But seeing the figures and weapons on the cart, everyone chose to remain silent.

He might be a ferocious person, or he might come from a powerful family. Anyway, there are not many people who can hire child laborers in the wild.

Seriously, in settlements, there are more child laborers.

After repeating this several times, the hairless monster couldn't help but say, "Sir, your momentum... is really strong!"

"What a fart," Qu Jianlei replied with a sneer, "It's just that they all know that the first one to take action is usually cannon fodder."

The hairless monster immediately understood, "So they are waiting for others to explore the way?"

The level of this compliment was a bit low, so Qu Jianlei curled his lips secretly.

The hairless monster's small body is driving a huge motorcycle, which gives people a really weird feeling, but he can do it with ease.

"Are we going to keep walking like this without taking a look at our surroundings?"

What is there to see around here? Qu Jianlei really doesn’t want to be too busy.

The conditions are already relatively good, and it is human nature to want to move to a place with better order to develop.

But after half a day, he still asked abruptly, "Is there anything interesting to see around here?"

The hairless monster hesitated and replied, "We can look at various situations, and...what if we bump into a herd of mutant beasts?"

Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Let's drive like this first, and we'll talk about it later when we encounter the camp."

This kind of words...are really good but not bad. After half a day, they encountered trouble.

The child was concentrating on driving when Qu Jianlei suddenly said, "Wait a minute, something is wrong ahead."

The hairless monster immediately put on the brakes, "What's wrong?"

There are still some problems with the binding between the scooter and the motorcycle. There is a stiff forward and recoil when braking suddenly.

But Qu Jianlei got used to it, and he rolled forward and jumped to the ground.

He looked ahead intently, "It seems...the ground is shaking?"

"The ground is shaking..." The hairless monster narrowed his eyes, "A herd of mutated cattle? I didn't see it."

The mutated cow is a good thing, and the weapons carried by Qu Jianlei can also be used to fight it.

But if it is a herd of cattle, you can only run. Even if you hit one or two, you will not gain anything. It is not impossible for a large team to attack.

However, Qu Jianlei frowned, jumped on the cart and looked at the ground in the distance, "There seems to be ripples on the ground."

"That's a sandworm!" The hairless monster turned the front of the car and hit the gas pedal. "Sandworms all come in groups!"

Qu Jianlei was unprepared and stumbled almost falling off the cart.

Fortunately, his physical fitness has improved steadily recently and he adjusted his posture in time.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the hairless monster turned again.

Qu Jianlei's body tilted again, and he couldn't help but scolded, "What are you doing?"

"There are rocks over there," the hairless monster increased the accelerator, "To avoid sandworms, you must go to a place with a lot of rocks!"

Qu Jianlei was speechless. He knew about sandworms, but he had only heard of them.

All he knows is that sandworms eat anything and can grow up to ten or eight meters long. They feel a bit like large earthworms.

If you don’t understand something, of course you need to be persuaded by someone who understands it, even if the other person is a child.

However, while looking back, he still asked curiously, "Don't sandworms eat stones?"

"They can't eat big rocks," the hairless monster concentrated on driving, "Don't ask... let's see if they can chase it fast?"

Qu Jianlei stared behind him and saw a ridge of soil extending towards the motorcycle quickly, "The speed is not bad."

The resistance to traveling underground is too great, and even sandworms can't move any faster. "It's a pity...it feels like there are dozens of them."

"Then there is no mutation," the hairless monster breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked back.

"Dozens? There are thousands of sandworms in the swarm. This one is close to us, but as long as it doesn't mutate..."

Mutated sandworms are much faster than normal sandworms.

A motorcycle can pull a trolley at a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour. If you encounter it, you may not be able to outrun it.

However, Qu Jianlei was thinking about something else, "If the number of bugs is small, I want to kill two."

"Sandworms are worthless," the hairless monster replied without turning around. "Only a small part of the flesh is edible."

Qu Jianlei rolled his eyes when he heard this, "You know so much, how can you still be poisoned by eating purple lichen?"

"That's because I'm hungry," the hairless monster explained angrily, "I've been controlling it forcibly..."

Qu Jianlei asked again, "Does the meat of sandworms contain high energy?"

"There are too few edible parts," the hairless monster replied without hesitation, "and it's still in the mezzanine..."

Sandworms have a thick cuticle on the outside, which is slightly toxic, and the flesh in the inner cavity is highly corrosive.

The edible part is the middle point. The key is that it is difficult to break through the cuticle, and the corrosive liquid in the inner layer must be prevented from seeping out.

Even if there is a ready-made sandworm carcass, it is not cheap to dissect it and extract edible meat.

There is also a cost to killing sandworms. In his words, killing sandworms is completely uneconomical.

Even if there is only one sandworm, there is no need to kill it unless it poses a threat to you.

The gravel field was not far away from them, about two kilometers away, but it was just some small gravel at the beginning.

After they entered the gravel field, the soil behind them also speeded up, and they looked like they were chasing after them.

Qu Jianlei was also quite stunned when he saw sand and gravel being dug out of the soil, and even many small stones bouncing into the air.

"Is there any mistake? How long have you been hungry for?"

The hairless monster concentrated on driving, and after a while he said, "The small rocks can't stop it... the speed is slowing down."

What slowed down was the speed of the motorcycle, but the speed of the sandworm increased instead of slowing down. It was obvious that it was reluctant to part with this delicious food.

After running for another three kilometers, the sandworm was less than 400 meters away from the motorcycle.

The significantly increased number of rocks made the motorcycle bounce around, making it increasingly difficult to move.

After five kilometers, the sandworms were only more than 200 meters away from the motorcycle. Although the rocks had become larger, they were still chasing after them.

"Unlucky," Qu Jianlei jumped off the cart decisively and ran away, with several guns tied to his body.

In the blink of an eye, he passed the motorcycle. The hairless monster was dumbfounded when he saw this, "Hey, you just left me like this?"

Qu Jianlei ran as fast as he could, and kept replying, "The load on the motorcycle is light, so of course you can go faster."

He swore that he really meant it that way, and not just "after encountering a bear, I just need to run faster than my companions."

The hairless monster turned his head to look at the extended soil ridge behind him, and stepped on the gas pedal desperately.

"The load is lighter, but the car jumps harder. I can't hold the handlebars anymore!"

Qu Jianlei also knew that this was the truth, but he would never go back to being a "ballast stone", "Just work hard!"

Fortunately, after two kilometers, they came to a place with a lot of rocks, which greatly hindered the sandworm's pursuit.

At this moment, those extended soil ridges were less than fifty meters away from the motorcycle.

The two did not stop and continued to run away, running for more than one kilometer.

At this time, a stone the size of a car was hit by the soil and rolled three or four times.

Seemingly taking this as a sign, those earth-edges gradually stopped their pursuit.

This chapter has been completed!
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