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Chapter 32 I Don't Want To Do Too Much

 Watching the sandworm gradually stop, the two of them did not dare to neglect, and ran for almost another kilometer before stopping.

The hairless monster had a horrified look on his face, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his two little arms were still trembling.

The feeling of driving a motorcycle while jumping on rocks is something you can only know if you have done it.

Qu Jianlei put a nutrient supplement into his mouth while panting.

"It's really embarrassing...you won't catch up, will you?"

"Probably not," the hairless monster looked at him eagerly and swallowed, "Can you give me one too?"

Qu Jianlei glanced at him and threw him a tube of nutrient solution, "This is the cost of your hard work in protecting the supplies."

After running around for a few days, the two of them got to know each other a little better, but things couldn't be given casually, they had to be structured.

The hairless monster didn't care so much, thanked him, and wolfed down the nutritional supplement.

Then he drank three more sips of water before he looked in the direction he came from with lingering fear, "Fortunately you found it early."

Qu Jianlei touched his forehead and expressed distressedly, "I have lost my direction."

His sense of direction is so strong that it is almost supernatural, and he can even automatically build a map in his mind.

And the direction he was traveling in was exactly the direction that the shop owner quietly pointed out.

He had an intuition that that should be the direction leading to Hong Yi's shelter.

But after encountering something like this today, his sense of direction was completely lost.

Going back again, it is possible to find the direction according to the ruts, but... is it realistic?

Once this swarm of sandworms is alarmed, I don't know how long it can last.

"Don't worry," the hairless monster said indifferently, "If you really have to rush all the way, you don't know what else you will encounter."

Obviously, he did not approve of Qu Jianlei doing this before, because there were huge uncertain risks on the road.

A little anxious! Qu Jianlei also realized it, so he nodded, "Then hurry up and take a rest."

After a night, the two gathered enough energy to continue moving forward, trying to find a way out of the pile of rocks.

It took most of a day to get out of the pile of rocks, and we were faced with a new and unknown area.

There was not much fuel and water left, so Qu Jianlei decided, "Let's find a wild camp first."

Fortunately, they found a supply station the next day.

Not to mention replenishing supplies, Qu Jianlei asked by the way which settlement this place belongs to.

The people at the supply station didn't feel surprised. Survivors, isn't it normal for them to wander around?

They readily gave the answer: This place belongs to the Hongwu settlement area!

Hong Wu was very close to Hong Si. Qu Jianlei took out three silver coins to pay the bill.

As expected, the other party collected his handling fee and got back Hong Wu's silver coins.

Qu Jianlei asked again how to get to Hongsi settlement and what camps were nearby.

He had already spent money here, and the other party told him the news simply and informed him of several dangerous areas.

Obviously, the news cannot be false, otherwise you will face the risk of being retrieved by the other party.

Qu Jianlei had no plans to go to dangerous areas for the time being, but drove to the nearest camp.

"Hairless monster, do you think the mutated armored hedgehog or the rot-skin monitor lizard... which one has more attack value?"

The child hesitated and replied, "Both creatures may live in groups, and it is difficult for a single person to attack these creatures."

"Especially the mutated armored hedgehog. Not only can it shoot flying spikes, but your laser gun may not be able to hit it either."

Qu Jianlei was silent, he really didn't want to find anyone to form a team, "I was asking which one is more valuable."

"It must be the armored hedgehog," the child replied, "Well...can you not call me the hairless monster?"

"It's not discrimination," Qu Jianlei said as he stopped the car and took off his face towel.

Then he took out a knife and fumbled to shave off his eyebrows, "Isn't this the same for me?"

The hairless monster was obviously a little surprised, "Why do you want to shave it off too?"

Qu Jianlei would never say that he was in trouble, "to avoid getting bugs."

"Then why don't you shave off your hair too?" The hairless monster muttered, "Call me Xiao Jing... that's a nickname."

Most of the survivors in the wasteland have nicknames, and they rarely use their real names, especially in front of strangers.

Qu Jianlei didn't like the title of "Silly Qu", but he had been unable to protest before, "When you entered the camp, you called me Heitian."

This camp called "Sweetwater" is not small, with more than 200 semi-underground buildings.

However, there are people in these buildings. Occasionally they are empty, but the owner is not there.

Qu Jianlei didn't pay attention, so he chose a soft place outside the camp and dug a pit half a person deep.

Put the cart on top and hang some felt cloth to create a temporary residence.

At this time, he was a little nostalgic for the residence in the rock camp, which took him several years to dig out.

The current residence is only temporary. It will take at least a month to build such a building.

However, even in such a simple residence, there are still people looking for it.

They were two men, one thin and the other stout, looking a bit ruffian, one holding a knife and the other holding a gun.

The thin man spoke first, "Who asked you to dig this hole here?"

The Gauss machine gun can kill them both instantly, right? Qu Jianlei doesn't like these two very much.

But at the next moment, he secretly warned himself that although his equipment and combat power were slightly improved, he still shouldn't drift away.

If you are a newbie here, who knows where they come from?

So he asked calmly, "Is there an owner... here?"

Wild campsites may occasionally be occupied, but this is extremely rare.

Those two people didn't dare to say that there was an owner here. If they really dared to say that, the others would never agree.

However, the other person answered slowly, and the thin man said again, "Take off your hijab."

Qu Jianlei frowned, "What kind of statement is this?"

"There are a few fierce criminals who are wanted recently," the thin man replied calmly. "Strangers are subject to interrogation."

Qu Jianlei suppressed his anger and asked, "Interrogation... may I ask what your identity is?"

This time, the thin man did not boast, "I am just an ordinary adventurer, but the bounty... anyone can accept it."

Is this simply provoking trouble? Qu Jianlei felt that this guy’s motives were impure.

But as an outsider, since you are not exposed to the situation, it is a wise choice to actively cooperate.

So he pointed at the hairless monster and said, "Someone said, are there any children traveling with the criminals?"

The thin man was at a loss for words, but the stout man was impatient, "Why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"Let me tell you, a wanted person is a wanted person. Since your origin is unknown, we are all qualified to inspect you."

"If you insist that we are not qualified...you must bear the consequences!"

Qu Jianlei had a headache and said, "You are responsible for the consequences." It is difficult to estimate without a scale.

So he could only ask, "Can I leave now?"

"No," the stout man decisively picked up the Gauss gun and said expressionlessly, "If you really want to leave, the suspicion will be high."

Qu Jianlei thought for a moment and reluctantly took off his face towel, "Is this okay?"

The two men looked at each other, looked at each other again, and shook their heads slowly - this man was not a wanted criminal.

A wanted warrant involves a reward, so it is impossible to forcefully accuse someone of a crime.

Qu Jianlei saw it clearly, and his anger subsided a lot. It seemed that the wanted man really existed.

However, the next moment, the thin man spoke up again, "This place is not suitable for digging holes. It affects the overall layout of the camp."

When I was digging just now, you didn't stop me, so Qu Jianlei was puzzled.

So he asked expressionlessly, "The layout...what kind of layout, who made the judgment?"

"Don't you see you're not welcome here?" The sturdy man became impatient, "Just leave."

Qu Jianlei was a little unhappy now, "Why didn't you say anything before digging the hole? Do you want to destroy the fruits of our labor?"

He dug this hole for a long time, and the hairless monster also participated. You just want to take it away like this?

"Who can have a camp without a plan?" The thin man said coldly, "We didn't notice it before you dug the hole."

Didn't you notice that it was your problem? Qu Jianlei couldn't help but secretly complain.

But it’s really not surprising that campsites are planned, even if campsites in the wild usually form spontaneously.

There is a campground, and everyone wants to build it better, including but not limited to the construction of public facilities.

Qu Jianlei is always willing to consider the other party's interests. After hearing this, he said, "Then I can dig somewhere else, right?"

However, to his surprise, the thin man said directly, "You can stay here, but you have to pay the layout fee."

Do I still need to pay for co-writing? Qu Jianlei asked calmly, "Is the layout fee a one-time payment, or should it be paid on time?"

"Of course it's a one-time thing," the thin man said simply, "three silver coins."

Three silver dimes wasn't too much, but when Qu Jianlei was in dire straits, it was two months' food expenses.

Qu Jianlei was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "How do you prove that you are worth the money?"

The thin man smiled when he heard this, coughed dryly and shouted, "I charge the newcomer a layout fee, who has any objections?"

His voice was indeed loud enough to be heard throughout the entire camp.

No one really raised a voice to object, but there were about ten people watching this scene indifferently.

Qu Jianlei spoke softly, "No one will charge layout fees anymore, right?"

These may all exist objectively, and he doesn't mind paying some fees, as long as the problem can be solved.

As a result, the thin man shouted loudly again, "Who will accept this friend again..."

Then he asked, "What do you call this friend?"

"Heitian," Qu Jianlei replied expressionlessly.

"Whoever dares to pay for the layout of this friend Heitian is not giving me the face of Lao Mo. Don't blame me for being rude."

After the thin man finished shouting, there was still no response.

Then he glanced at Qu Jianlei and asked proudly, "How about it? Is that okay?"

"Okay," Qu Jianlei put his hand into his arms, and when he took it out, he already had three silver coins in his hand.

After the thin man collected the silver coins, he turned around and left with the thick man.

After walking a long way, he chuckled and whispered, "He's just a baby!"

(During the new book period, please help me in any way.)

This chapter has been completed!
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