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Chapter 2 The Gatekeeper of the Global Village


He actually said we were stupid

Garfield looked back and was so frightened that he immediately clamped his legs.

Oh, let me go, a big yellow robe, a shiny bald head, shining even more in the sunlight.

Isn’t this the legendary gatekeeper Gu Yi of the global village? Why is she here?

Could it be that you think of me as someone from a dark dimension invading the earth?

What if you let yourself be destroyed by humanity again?

Pretend not to know her

In order to survive, he would not hesitate to act coquettishly and cutely, regardless of his integrity and dignity. Garfield said to Ancient One: "Meow meow meow?" He meowed three times in humiliation.

However, Gu Yi had obviously seen through Garfield a long time ago. He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "If you are really a cat, these three meows will have too many emotional lines, and you don't want to know why you became like this?


"Ha, we just keep meowing. Really, I swear to the sun."

Gu Yi pointed at the sun with a weird look on his face: "Then you swear."

Garfield looked confused: "Can you understand cat language?"

The Ancient One explained: "No, this is a direct conversation with your soul."

Garfield put his hands together and put his feet on the ground, bowed to Gu Yi and flattered him: "Gu Yi, the greatest supreme mage on earth, can you send me home? Being a cat is really painful.


Ancient One did not answer Garfield but opened a portal casually: "Come to Karma Taj to talk." With that, Ancient One walked in.

Could it be that Gu Yi wanted to take action against his cute cat?

It seems that I can't do it. I am not as good as some lunch boxes under Gu Yi's hand. I might even kneel down if a dog comes.

Think about what to do

Garfield raised his cat head and glanced around.

"Quick, cook another steak"

It was the shout from Philip the butler.

"Let me know who stole the steak and it will make him look good. I will stuff the steak into his butt...~!"

Garfield turned his head and looked at his big tail, feeling the size of his body, and comparing it with the large piece of steak he had just eaten: "I think it would be good to go out for a walk occasionally, and you can also experience the exotic land of Kama Taj.

Fengqing, it’s such a happy decision.”

Garfield raised his pink cat paws and jumped into the portal as fast as possible. As for being afraid that Phillips would catch him, I won't admit it, but there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

That’s all.

Kama Taj is located on the Himalayas. It is a magical and mysterious holy emperor, a utopia-like existence. It is said that the original name of Kama Taj comes from the village where the ancient one lived. She discovered it with her friend Karu.

After learning the secrets of magic, Gu Yi, who possesses magic, is determined to build his hometown into an ideal utopia.

As for what happened later, Ancient One became more and more awesome, Kama Taj became a holy land, and he eventually became the Supreme Mage and Guardian of the Earth for at least 500 years. It seems that Ancient One even had conflicts with demons. There are really many specific stories.

Garfield had browsed some American comics when he was reading them online.

The place where he jumped into the portal was not the place where Doctor Strange Stephen Strange and the Ancient One first met, that is, the living room where Doctor Strange's soul was ejected from his body.

Garfield entered the living room and looked around. The rich ancient Chinese style made Garfield feel very comfortable. Gu Yiduan sat on the futon and was concentrating on making this pot of tea.

Garfield naturally knew the rules and did not follow Dr. Strange's blustering bluster. Instead, he squatted down opposite Ancient One and waited for Ancient One to finish.

Garfield looked at Gu Yi skillfully making tea, washing tea and cleaning the tea sets. Yanran thought that tea masters, especially Garfield, the cat, have more than 240 million olfactory cells in the body, which is more than the 5 million cells in humans.

The smell area is more than 40 times that of humans, and the smell area of ​​humans is about 10 square centimeters, while the smell area of ​​cats is 20 to 40 square centimeters, which is three times that of humans.

In terms of comprehensive olfactory sensitivity, cats are 80 times that of humans, and this number may be much higher.

Garfield smelled a hint of girl's body fragrance in the tea, as well as the smell of earth, rain and dew. It should be Mingqian tea. This is the best. As for the water for making tea, Garfield thinks it should come from the Himalayas.

Snowmelt water from the mountains is pure and pollution-free.

Garfield seemed to see a girl carrying a tea basket walking in the muddy mountains wet by rain and dew, picking fresh tea leaves from each tea tree. Every time she picked, she could hear the girl's cheerful laughter.

, and the lingering fragrance on the fingertips, and it seems that I can see the white snow in the Himalayas, melting into water little by little, gathering into a ball and slowly flowing down the glacier with a hint of sweetness.


A drop of Garfield's saliva fell to his feet. Garfield woke up from his sense of smell and wiped it with his tail in embarrassment: "Sorry, I was lost in fantasy just now."

Gu Yi smiled calmly and handed the tea cup in his hand to Garfield: "Your body is not an ordinary cat, and the fantasy just now did not come out of thin air."

Unable to resist the temptation of tea, Garfield licked the tea and water in the cup with his deep tongue. Cats have more than 200 taste buds on their tongues, and can accurately feel various delicacies and changes in the taste of food.

Cherishing the delicious tea so much, Garfield couldn't stop eating it. Garfield began to lick the tea cup randomly.

After licking every drop of the water in the tea cup, Garfield raised his head with satisfaction and subconsciously licked his paws.


After coming back to his senses, Garfield looked at his paws blankly: What on earth did he just do?

Why can't he, who is known as the biggest gourmet in the foodie empire, resist the temptation of twice as much tea? No, I can't go on like this.

Holding his head high and pretending that he didn't have the tea, Garfield asked Ancient One: "Well, Master Supreme, what am I?"

Ancient Yi stretched out his hand and took out a magic book from the void, opened one page and placed it in front of Garfield. Garfield looked down and saw a cat picture and some text instantly appeared on the page that was originally full of ghost drawings.

The element-devouring beast is one of the most terrifying creatures in the universe. It looks like a cat. Its stomach is from another dimension, that is, another universe. Therefore, it has a powerful ability to swallow even huge spaceships.

,Other abilities are unknown?

Garfield looked at the cat picture and then at his reflection in the water glass, and asked Ancient One with an unbelievable look on his face: "Am I an element-devouring beast?"

Gu Yi shook his head: "Your body has some characteristics of the Yuan-devouring beast. The Yuan-devouring beast has no eyesight and relies on its sense of smell to observe its surroundings. But you obviously have it, and although yours is in the body of this Yuan-devouring beast, it is still

Something else exists”

Garfield suddenly remembered the so-called live broadcast system that he had scolded 108 times some time ago and hurriedly asked Gu Yi: "Sir Supreme Mage, do you know what that is?"

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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