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2473 lift

 Not only are the affected chefs who were imprisoned in the detention room okay, but most of the chefs who were temporarily backlogged due to certain personnel relationships during other large-scale investigations have also been released.

The previous backlog was finally lifted, but the really guilty ones did not escape punishment because of the third prince's words. Those who should be locked up are still being locked up in the most severe places. As for those who have not yet been

The innocent people who remembered it now have a high probability of regaining their freedom.

Not only that. The staff working there also follow the rules and regulations to provide corresponding compensation to these foreign chefs who have been harmed physically and mentally. In the following compensation terms, you can choose the compensation method you want.

And among these compensation conditions, there is one that is particularly attractive, and it is also what this group of temporary chefs have always wanted to achieve, which is to convert from temporary workers to regular workers.

Similarly, if you are not very interested in staying in the palace, you can also choose to receive generous material compensation.

This condition alone is enough to kill many people in an instant, and the worries, fears and a little bit of resentment of these imprisoned chefs are all washed away.

Isn't it right that they should be detained? When such a big thing happened, it was right to conduct a thorough investigation. And in such a short period of time, they were released, and a series of very detailed explanations were given about the release and detention issues, and finally

What's more important is the attractive compensation.

Then Mai Fan and his roommates came out of this small dark room so smoothly, much earlier than they imagined. When people had already accepted their fate, they suddenly saw a dawn that was far beyond their imagination.

At that time, this group of people will be particularly grateful to the person who caused all this.

At this time, their favorability towards the royal family was rising like a rocket.

In Mai Fan's opinion, everyone must have avoided this kind of terrifying and strict surveillance in the palace after suffering such a torment.

So when he asked this group of people how to choose the terms of compensation, he was shocked when he found that he was the only one who chose to leave the palace after the celebration and was given a large portion of the financial compensation terms.


Therefore, when he asked his roommates what they thought, he got some incomprehensible questions.

"Oh my God, Mai Fan, you still ask us what we think. We also want to ask you what we think of such preferential treatment? It's such an obvious pie in the sky. You actually saw him and it went very smoothly.

’s escaped, isn’t this incredible to us?

Have you forgotten what our original intention was when we came to this palace? Isn’t our original intention to become one of the royal members and to become the official chef who was transferred here?

Now this opportunity has been openly placed in front of you and me, but you want to recommend him, this is what people don't understand."

Seeing how the other party was confident and upset for him, Mai Fan really didn't understand: "After experiencing such a horrific incident, you are not afraid and still plan to stay in such a dangerous place?

Aren't you afraid that another inside story will happen and your life will be completely lost? You must know that the chef industry can be said to be the industry with the lowest risk among all industries, unless you set yourself on fire in a frying pan, or...

There is a gas leakage problem, otherwise we will not encounter any danger in our lives.

But if in the palace's kitchen, danger is always present, as it is now, and it's not even our problem and we are involved, we are not afraid that one day there will really be a madman aiming at our respective pots.

Sprinkle some poison, and then everyone will die with this lunatic?"

Mai Fan's worry made the other roommates laugh out loud: "Isn't it? My dear, what kind of environment do you live in, that you actually think that the outside world is absolutely safe? Oh my god,

You must have never experienced any big storms when you were young, or you must have been well protected from the beginning.

I heard that you are now working as a personal cook for a mysterious private millionaire, right? We don’t believe anyone who can find such a job unless they have some connections.

Your too monotonous life has created your too simple character. Look at us. Although our status is already very high now, you know how we came from fighting among the huge competitive single armies and got here.


You must know that behind all success there is no simple and straightforward world.

My company, his position and even his small vendors are all the product of winning one competition after another, earning this wealth, and having the confidence to stand here.

And how many of these simple personnel in the palace will be left in the end? How many conspiracies will there be? But as long as we enter here, not only can our identity be replaced by another class, but our children will also

We will enjoy the benefits of this status for generations to come.

So what’s wrong with starting with our original generation to get a feel for the danger?

Don't worry, didn't you analyze it for us while you were in prison? There will be no major disputes among the royal family members. If nothing else happens, that smart second son will become the leader of our country.

the next heir.

Now that it has become safe, why don't we stay here? As for where the danger will be in the future? What about life without danger? Let our descendants worry about it.

You can join us, accept this position and become one of us."

It would indeed be the best choice for local Mai Fan to accept the position of royal chef.

The problem is that he isn't.

After Mai Fan had a fixed position, it became a troublesome thing to leave.

If he can sneak out of the palace smoothly, he can save his own life. But if he is bound to this royal family, he will not even have a chance to escape.

But he had to find a very solid reason to reject this opportunity.

So at this time, the robot became the best scapegoat. Mai Fan showed an inherent sense of melancholy at this time. He seemed to be moved by this proposal, but after a long struggle, he still

He decisively rejected everyone's good intentions.

"No, I have a reason to leave the palace. There is no way for me to become the royal chef here."


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