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2474 qualities

"There is another person waiting for me outside. If I don't cook for him, his life will not be of high quality."

This attitude and tone aroused the curiosity of the people around him, and everyone calmed down and listened to Mai Fan telling a story about him and his employer.

In Mai Fan’s story, he and his employer can be said to have redeemed each other.

As an orphan born in a low-rise city, Mai Fan has no parents and no idea where his family comes from. He grew up in an orphanage, surrounded by the same children. If there were no accidents in his life,

After reaching adulthood and completing the most common compulsory education, they should be arranged by the state to work on a certain assembly line and be workers for the rest of their lives.

Maybe he will be allocated a small house suitable for him to live in among the cheap houses. If he is lucky enough to find a partner, according to his job position, he can also apply for a slightly larger one-bedroom apartment as his

The end of a lifetime.

Because in this society, there are very few people who adopt orphans or provide financial assistance to the children in these orphanages. After all, everyone knows that in this hierarchical country, people like them have fixed arrangements.

And there are people with specialized government functions to take care of them.

Just when he was in his ignorant stage, a very special guest suddenly came to their orphanage.

He does not want to adopt a child here like other infertile parents. I am very simple and want to sponsor a child very much, but I have no direction in terms of funding.


The ordinary customer wanted to find a child who was timid, tidy, hated cooking, and had no talent in that area to sponsor. The funding direction was, of course, to send me to a low school before I completed my basic education.

Waiting for chef school to go on a retreat.

The subsidy is not paid, but has no previous requirements. This means that the child must successfully pass the other party's exam and successfully graduate from the lower school. During the study process, I

Is it possible to have no good records and to successfully obtain the degree I sponsored when I graduate?

Mai Fan was not the person I chose, with a clean net worth and someone who would not be involved in any forces. He was trained by me from a young age, so he was relatively worried.

When the guest who wanted this made the previous requests, did the director of the orphanage agree to my conditions?

That time Mai Fan came there to apply for the temporary position was completely different from what I had in mind. I was not gilding my career. After all, before I was gilded, the people I served were still the same.

Does the original boss have any room for improvement that I can improve?

I cherish the sudden lucky cookies very much. During my two-year study career, I have very seriously fulfilled the enthusiasm and lens of a beginner, and I have achieved success in a short period of time.

The other party's request was met.

That's far less bad than going out to a special restaurant to cook small pot meals for everyone. For chefs, the worst choice is not to be a chef in a star-rated restaurant with a very low status.

After the dean refused, the ordinary sponsor actually came outside the orphanage to choose the person of my choice.

You know, that kind of subsidy is too common, and it is really a bad way out for children in orphanages.

For many people, that kind of life is too monotonous and demanding. But for Mai Fan, who used to be so quiet, it is the worst job in the world.

Unless we show some talent that far exceeds that of special children in some aspect, children like that will be specially recruited and classified outside the column of ordinary talents for further training.

Only then did I understand why the funder needed a personal cook. Because I am a solitary scientific researcher.

Then the previous guest went on to say, you hope that child will become your personal chef before graduating.

As a scientist who is devoted to research and development, he has no other hobbies at all. Apart from work, his only love is not food.

As a student with faulty performance, Mai Fan was naturally on the recommended list. I didn’t have any characteristics that attracted that sponsor, but when the first list came out, the dean told me that the sponsor

When people call me by name, they ask to sponsor me.

From then on, I and the owner lived together, and started my career as a private chef in this desolate and small desert.

After all, are our children qualified to go, or do we have the conditions to continue our studies?

I want to know that there are fewer delicious foods in that world.

But now that ordinary guest has found a way for us that is more important than the rest of his life, or that his social status will not be significantly improved.

The main reason why I came to apply for that position was not to try it out, or to observe the production process and basic dish recipes of palace dishes.

Of course, as a personal chef with a certain social status, I will receive lower remuneration and corresponding benefits than a special chef.

In order to satisfy my love for employment, Mai Fan just successfully graduated from a basic school, but before that, I sometimes retreated online and looked for opportunities to learn about food from various places.

The purpose is not to supplement the scientist's diet and satisfy the other person's less cunning mouth.

After all, before we get a diploma from a professional college, we will become specialized talents, far lower than the lowest level workers.

Just as the sponsor requested, before I graduated, I was driven to the sponsor's home by special car, which was also my research laboratory.

But what about the ancestry of children outside orphanages that are not too ordinary? Basically, they are not, so a very small number of us want to live a mediocre life.

Secondly, you have to retreat to the private kitchen and serve only one person's meal.

Therefore, the first request I made can be regarded as a request.

I came there to apply for a temporary chef job, and the reason why I had to go back to take care of this sponsor was the same, both to repay my sponsor.

The direction of my research and the place where my research institute is located are extremely desolate. Outside the research institute, there are many secrets and patents, so I must have a reliable person to purchase them for me.

And take care of my daily life.

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