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Chapter 25 Mobilization Conference

 Looking so polite, he doesn't look like a business person.

Then the group of people saw that as Mai Fan took his seat, his left and right sides were filled with people.

From the formula workshop, to sales planning, from department publicity, to corporate public relations, every important and powerful position card was turned over from the conference table as these people took their seats.

While letting the people below see their names clearly, they also learned what kind of positions these people held.

'Buzz buzz...'

After these people sat down, the old people from the original group company began to discuss in low voices.

They were confused and uncertain, and a feeling called uneasiness began to spread among the crowd.


Hosting the conference was a college student who was just assigned by the group company last year.

He took the microphone and asked the participants to temporarily quiet down.

These people also included Qin Mo and He Wenjuan.

They were accompanied by the director and secretary of the bakery.

The two of them recognized Mai Fan's identity as soon as he entered the auditorium door.

Even though they had been mentally prepared for a long time, they saw that this person they knew, who once stood on the same level as them, and who they had even looked down upon, was now sitting in the most conspicuous position in the auditorium... Near the center of the auditorium

Number 100 people are still emotionally affected by this person's words...

This feeling is not wonderful, and they feel very aggrieved.

Thanks to the host's next words, they interrupted their temporary discomfort and turned their thoughts to Mai Fan's next speech.

"Now I would like to invite the newly appointed general manager of our group company to give a speech."

After saying this, the publicity officer applauded enthusiastically.

The people below also gave me face, but they were not very enthusiastic and the lack of support was mainly caused by the distrust among the people.

At this moment, Mai Fan opened his mouth and gave them a shock.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mai Fan!"

"We are all in the grain business. Many people may have heard of my name from newspapers and radio."

"Yes, I am the general manager of Maiji Food Co., Ltd."

"The manager of a private food company that started to cover all aspects with private pastry as a benchmark."

"Many of you here may have bought our snacks."

"I wonder which one suits your taste better than the bread produced by our group company?"

"So, comrades who have heard my name now don't have to worry about laymen leading insiders to do business and run enterprises, right?"

"Because starting from today, I will merge part of the business of Maiji and our grain, oil and food company into one place."

"Let the two aspects cooperate with each other and move forward together."

“And I also brought with me the most professional team from Mak Kee.”

"They will adjust the original business structure of the food company."

"This aspect includes: bakery and state-owned hotel projects, production categories, outer packaging, and adjustment and improvement of production lines."

"Adjustment of focus within the group company."

"As well as the transfer and layoff of personnel throughout the enterprise."

"While increasing the sales of the entire company, it also transfers our company's business philosophy to the aspects desired by the country."

"Strive to become an advanced leading enterprise in Beijing and Northern City and make outstanding contributions to the development of the entire local economy."

"At the same time, if the company's performance improves and its net profit increases, then our employees' lives will be better."

"The issue of not being able to pay wages and only being able to pay half of the company will never happen in our group company!"

"The above is the guarantee that I, Mai Fan, made to the country when I took over our group."

"This is also my guarantee to everyone here."

"Of course, the quality of this enterprise cannot be determined by my own strength."

"To achieve the goals I just mentioned, we need the joint efforts of all employees of our entire company!"

"I hope that after adjustments are made, all employees can use this goal as the direction for progress."

"Even if it is to keep your own job and receive a more generous salary... we still need to work hard together!"

"I hope that we can work together to overcome the difficulties, move forward bravely, and open up a better future!!"

"I've finished what I said, thank you for your corrections."

After saying that, Mai Fan bowed to the audience. When he raised his head, his expression was so firm and his eyes were so bright.

The people in the audience were very excited when they saw it, and they were very excited when they heard it.

I don’t know who took the lead first, bang bang bang, and gave out the applause that was not given just now.

And this was like a signal. After one person applauded, clatter... the whole auditorium burst into applause.

Mai Fan stood on the stage of the auditorium, waiting for the enthusiasm to subside. When it was coming to an end, he raised his hand and pressed down.

"Thank you everyone for your trust in me."

"Of course, the future we hope for requires more people to work together."

"Actually, when I took over our company, I already did some research on the current situation."

"Let me read to you the data I have."

"The Grain, Oils and Food Corporation has two branches and one major category."

"As for the companies, one is a bakery and the other is a state-owned hotel."

"The big category is the former grain stores, which are now state-owned grain and oil food stores."

"Providing basic supplies of grain, oil and other basic foodstuffs to Beijing North City."

"The projects our group company operates are obviously products that people need every day."

"And it can be regarded as the fastest-consuming category among fast-moving consumer goods."

"But why do we still lose money?"

"Please look at the following set of data."

"Our Grain, Oil and Food Corporation, excluding external purchasing and sales personnel, leaders of various departments... officers, and clerical staff... there are as many as 466 people!"

"There are nearly a hundred people working in the offices of our subordinate bakery factory."

"Even a state-owned hotel is really just a hotel!"

“There are actually 36 leaders and employees.”

"I just want to ask, do these positions really require so many people?"

"Do the jobs they are responsible for really require so many people to do?"

'Buzz buzz...'

Mai Fan asked this question, but he didn't finish what he said.

He is waiting, waiting for these people to think and judge for themselves whether they belong to those people who do nothing and whether they are dispensable in this company.

How will you react after realizing your role and status?

This chapter has been completed!
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