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Chapter 26: Clear Rewards and Punishments

 This time lasted for about five minutes, and Mai Fan felt it was enough.

He raised the microphone together again: "Yes, it's just as you think, useless, useless, completely useless!"

"Do you know how my Mai Kee developed?"

"Four years ago, Mai Kee was just a small steamed bun shop."

"Total of all employees, there are only three people."

"But in just six months, the steamed bun shop has begun to try to operate multiple varieties."

“The staff expanded directly from three to thirty.”

"But where are the core people who are really responsible? It's still the three of us."

"Later, with the expansion of the scale and the location of the store, our number of people exceeded 100 from 30, and expanded from 100 to 300."

"It has reached the scale of the Mai Kee Food Co., Ltd. you see now."

"So how many people do we have in our leadership team and core team?"

Mai Fan pointed to the people behind him who were sitting side by side with him, and said loudly and proudly: "More than thirty!"

"These people you see, as well as some people who are still busy outside today working on the future of our new company, together, do not exceed the number of leaders of one of your state-owned hotels."

"My staff has grown in size."

"Is it because they don't want to be leaders? Is it because the old employees who have been working with me from the beginning don't want to be promoted?"


"It's because those who started my business with me and worked hard with me know what positions they are truly suitable for!"

"Do you know? I dug out two master chefs from state-owned hotels, oh, not hotels owned by our group company."

“They researched many recipes of Mak Kee’s dim sum.”

"But apart from being co-shareholders of my company, they no longer have the title of executive leader."

"You know what they said when I discussed this with them?"

"They said they would not participate in something they are not good at or suitable for."

"If laymen like them are allowed to participate in the construction of enterprises indiscriminately...then there will only be one final result...that is, everyone will be hungry together! Back to the past!"

"What they are best at is making snacks! And what they can do for this company is to develop more new products that taste better and taste better!"

"This is the profit they can create, and the value they create for the company is immeasurable even with money."

"For an employee like this, can you say that he has not participated in the creation of the company and the improvement of efficiency?"

"People like this are the talents that an enterprise and a company really need!"

"And I, as the new leader of a grain, oil and food company, need employees like this!"

"I think this is a question that ordinary adults can judge."

"It is also a principle that I hope all good employees of the company will agree with."

"Now that the truth makes sense, let's return to our company's urgent problem that needs to be solved."

"After I contracted this company, that is, today, the first problem I have to solve."

"Staff layoffs and job transfers."

"The following is the final list of transfers and layoffs that I made after discussing with your original leader, the former general manager."

"Please let Xiao Wang from the Publicity Department issue the following."

After speaking, Mai Fan handed the microphone to the host, turned around, and sat back on the podium.

Xiao Wang, who had already been prepared in the corridor of the auditorium, took his employees, one by one, and sent out lists for these leaders.


The atmosphere became increasingly solemn and gloomy.

List after list has already reached the hands of old employees.

They looked through it anxiously. No matter how long the list was, they must first decide who should be retained in their own department.


Some people breathed a sigh of relief, but most of them had ugly expressions. They had to face the cruelty of reality.

Seniority buyout, transfer and resignation...

This is no different from being forced to lay off.

The only thing that can give them some comfort is that... they can get the unpaid wages from the accountant. And the one-time compensation for buying out their seniority will be paid to them in real money.

But, after all, I still can’t reconcile myself to it.

Why can some people stay?

This question makes some people who still want to struggle are ready to do so.

Because of the distribution of this list, the discussion in the audience became louder and louder.

Mai Fan had already thought of this outcome.

He slowly raised his tea cup. At this time, the scalding tea in the cup had become just right.

The fragrance of jasmine tea dissipates the irritability of summer and soothes the burning throat.

Let him speak at his best after drinking tea.

"Purchasing Department, Yu Dehai, egg purchase price: 1 yuan/jin, flour purchase price: 0.3 yuan/jin..."

After the price was announced, the entire auditorium became silent.

In the world of more than 80 years, ticket supply has just ended.

In state-owned grain stores, the external sales price of a pound of grain fluctuates between 0.13-0.25 yuan/jin.

And the leader of the purchasing department, even for procurement within the group, doubled the price.

It can be seen that the sales prices in grain stores are transparent, but why do they change to such a questionable price after arriving at the restaurant?

Everyone was quiet and trembling.

But Mai Fan, who was sitting on the podium, did not stop reading the list.

"Pang Runfa, director of the purchasing department of the bakery... peanut oil purchase price: 0.88 yuan/jin, soybean oil purchase price..."

It's still twice as high.

If we say that the purchasing department is the department with the biggest problems and the most profit and loss.

Who would have thought that the sales department, or even the office-based administrative department, would have huge problems with financial reporting?

These extremely detailed and clear accounts are the result of Mai Fan asking several of his senior fellow students in the accounting department to work on them for a whole week.

It was precisely because Mai Fan asked them to help with this big business.

It allows these people who can only work as accountants within the system to see another feasible direction.

Stimulated by Mai Fan's money-spending order.

A few brave senior brothers actually got together and opened a small accounting firm.

We are now in full swing contacting these joint ventures, shareholders, contractors, and private business owners to develop their accounting services.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Mai Fan's current career, so we still went to the auditorium.

At this time, some people in the auditorium were already sweating profusely.

How could they dare to think about keeping their positions? Now they just want to get out of this matter and not get into trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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