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 Hearing this, the clan leader laughed. He was still young after all: "What does the legend say? The people of this ethnic group are just ordinary people like us."

"It's just that the gods who care for them are particularly powerful and can transfer their divine power to this group of people through the transmission of witches."

"Clan members who are blessed with divine power are certainly more powerful than those of us who are not blessed."

"When there was no war or crisis, they lived an ordinary life."

"So..." Only then did Yu Ji understand his father's choice. He looked at the clan leader, his eyes full of admiration: "I understand clan leader. Let this territory be allocated to this clan."

If they are really the ethnic group described by their father...then they must be fine in that kind of area.

"But the people of this clan have had conflicts with the people of the Beast God clan... It's okay to put their two families' habitats next to each other, right?"

The patriarch shook his head: "No problem."

"Although this clan of beast gods left the pond, hundreds of years have passed."

"What has happened to their ethnic group, and why did they end up like this?"

"We don't know the details."

"If there is a person who keeps an eye on their tribe all day long..."

"It's a good thing for fishing and all the tribes living in the water area."

"And this clan of jellyfish is also a thorn in the side."

"There is nothing in this information about the old and the weak."

"We don't know what happened when we got here and appeared in the water."

"For such a troublesome clan, if there is a relatively powerful clan with sufficient trump cards by their side..."

"It is also a guarantee for us indigenous people."

"In times of danger, at least it can help us block it."

"Two ethnic groups whose details are unclear but somewhat powerful are restricting each other. This is the most reasonable arrangement at present."

"And I'm not targeting this group of people too much."

"Look here, where they are about to be assigned, there is a large sulfur lake."

"The bottom of the lake has been rolling with magma all year round. Except for a very special kind of fire fish that can withstand high temperatures, there is almost no vegetation."

"I think it fits the past living habits of this ethnic group."

"When everyone gets to know them better in the future, and these ethnic groups can be integrated into our lives..."

"If they still want to change places, let them open up the wasteland by themselves."

Yuji nodded and agreed with the clan leader's suggestion.

After all, this is your job. If you can't convince the other party, the next thing will be very troublesome.

But what he didn't expect was that the next morning, when he returned to Hatsushima with a map of the assigned garrison and showed them the area where the Beast God clan would live in the future...

The other party didn't even raise any objections.

It seems that no matter what area is assigned to them, they are confident that they can live well.

Seeing this fishing plan made me even more convinced of my father's statement...

Although this ethnic group is in decline, it definitely still has its own trump cards, and may even have the foundation to make a comeback.

As for the members of the Jelly Clan, they also made some noises at first, saying they didn't want to be neighbors with annoying people.

But after seeing such a large and hot lake in their own area, as well as the territory that their tribe could live in, they calmed down and directly agreed with the distribution of fishing plans.

Because the territory assigned to them by Yuji is too large, almost twice as much as that of the Beast God Clan.

Never mind how many resources are actually available in the territory.

As long as they have territory, the people of the Jiang family can really live a happy life.

So, people on both sides accepted it with satisfaction.

Next comes the very tedious follow-up work.

The plan is still to find a way to exclude this group and let the most experienced person among them lead the two groups to their respective habitats.

It is said that the habitats of these two groups are adjacent.

But in real life, if everyone is stationed in the central area, then if the two groups want to meet again, they may have to walk dozens of kilometers before they can meet.

In addition, the topography of the two habitats is completely different.

In front of their respective habitats, the teams responsible for clearing wasteland are also different.

Different people need to bring their own ethnic groups there to meet these people.

This is to avoid any misunderstandings caused by the new clans’ habitats when they return.

The person in charge of leading the team among the beast gods is a man who looks very down-to-earth at first sight.

He didn't speak much. In a few words, he gave a clear explanation of the situation in the area they were about to go to.

"The habitat you are going to is a rare area in the water where shrubs other than grass can grow."

"Due to the dense nature of the shrubs, the people who opened up the land only explored the outer areas."

"But as long as your tribe doesn't go too deep...the surrounding areas are absolutely safe."

"At least in the past three months, our patrol team has not found any abnormalities."

"Also, there are a total of seven clean fresh water sources in the habitat, which is enough for a large group to solve the water problem."

"As for fish in rivers and lakes, perhaps the production is not as abundant as in mature areas outside."

"But if our tribe is willing to pay a certain amount of materials in exchange for fish farming technology..."

"It won't take long for that area to be developed into an area rich in products."

"As for potential dangers...you probably need to be careful about the big fish in some wild lakes."

"But it doesn't matter. When we opened up the land, we also cleaned up one or two clean lakes, so that the new residents can at least have a buffer time."

"As for the others, you need to slowly explore them."

“If you have anything you don’t understand, you can go to the fisherman’s station and ask someone.”

"Also, send a reliable person to follow me to the wasteland area ahead to meet the captain in charge there."

"If our speculation is correct...in the summer, the players there will be able to successfully return."

The boundary between the water park and the pure grassland is only a few dozen miles of unexplored territory.

"When they reach the border of the Yu clan, it will be time for them to return.

Outside your area, there may be new ethnic groups settling in in the future."

"It wouldn't hurt either of us to get to know the most adventurous of the various ethnic groups who live here..."

This chapter has been completed!
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