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781 Water Monster

 It's really thoughtful.

The leader of the Beast God clan thought for a while, then sent two of the more stable warriors from the clan out to follow the leader and continue moving forward.

And he and his tribe will conduct some exploration within their future habitat.

Find an area that is most suitable for your life and serve as the center and base camp for your future life.

The people who led the way said there was no danger here, so they believed it for the time being.

However, the young and old and the totem pillars of the ethnic group cannot follow the warriors around.

They decided to go to the nearest fresh water source first and make a temporary camp.

After the soldiers who had gone to various places returned, everyone discussed and decided to finally choose a real garrison place, and then set off in that direction together.

The task was thus arranged.

Mai Fan really wanted to follow a group of soldiers around.

It was just the old patriarch's don't fool around look that stopped him.

He followed a small group of soldiers, old and young, to the nearest fresh water point.

It is very interesting to say that it is in this water pool.

Surprisingly, not all of them are fresh water. Some of the water pools are like the territory allocated by the plasma clan. There are actually hot water lakes in the areas where they are located.

In Mai Fan's opinion, it was a natural hot spring, but the temperature was a bit high, and people might be cooked if they went in.

Except for this extreme lake, the distribution of saltwater lakes and freshwater lakes here is actually half and half.

It's strange to say that it is different from some inland saltwater lakes...

There are actually living things living in these lakes, and they are surviving quite well.

In addition to being unable to draw water, these saltwater lakes do not hinder human collection and fishing nearby, nor do they hinder the life of water birds and wild animals in them.

Therefore, in Shuibo, clean fresh water has become a necessary resource.

Humans can still think of ways to survive without food, but if there is no water source, they will not be able to survive no matter what.

Now, Mai Fan and the others have arrived at such a water source.

This doesn't look like a very good place to live.

Because this place is really too empty for the people of the Beast God clan.

Looking over, there was no lawn anywhere. Except for a few small puddles, there was only a lake in front of them that was not too small but not big enough.

"This can only be used as a temporary water point."

The clan leader silently noted the lake and asked the remaining clan members to spread out the supplies needed for the night.

Everyone looked at this unfamiliar area, and somehow, even though there was nothing there, they seemed to be relieved and completely relaxed.

Several strong women, carrying large hollowed-out wooden buckets, went to fetch water from the relatively clear lake.

The clan leader directed the remaining clan members to carefully place their totem poles in the middle of the camels.

A child as old as Mai Fan has already formed a team. One team leads the wolves, and the other team leads the camels. Together they head to the lake to let the animals and friends drink water and get familiar with the place.

environment, if you have time you can also play a little bit.

At this time, Shi and the others did not forget their friends.

Even now Fan has become the shaman of their tribe.

But in the child's heart, Fan is still his little friend and has not changed much.

"Let's go together, Fan!"

Mai Fan readily accepted the invitation from his friends and led his alpha wolf to the relatively flat side of the lake to drink water.

This is a world he doesn't remember.

Quiet, humid, barren, but so safe.

After traveling for many days, his friend's smiling face, which had not been shown for a long time, appeared in this empty space.

They took the animals of the group and ran toward the lake happily.

"Here, there are little crabs! Fish, fish, fish, so many fish..."

Mai Fan looked at the crabs and fish in their mouths. They were both items that were difficult to fill their stomachs with.

But he was caught by his companions with great joy, which made the women responsible for fetching water laugh out loud.

Just at this time……


Mai Fan, who had just rolled off the back of the alpha wolf, was horrified... and shouted loudly to several friends who were about to go into the water to catch fish: "Come back! Come back! It's dangerous."

Although they don’t know what happened? These friends are 100% convinced of Fan.

A few people didn't even pause, turned around and ran to a slightly higher ground.

Behind them, a layer of bubbles began to appear on the water...

Below the water lurks a dangerous creature.

And this creature is full of doubts now. It doesn't understand that it clearly hasn't revealed any flaws.

How did those two-legged creatures discover its existence?

No matter, it is already so close to its prey...

It's not that easy to slip away.

So, the monster under the water moved. When it moved, strings of bubbles appeared in the water area where it was.

At this time, Mai Fan was extremely lucky that he had a diary, a powerful radar for identifying friends and foes.

He himself was cautious enough. When he came to this habitat, he took the initiative to turn on the radar in his diary and monitor all directions in all directions.

Only then did I discover the existence of this enemy-like creature when I was near the lake.

I have to say that the camouflage of this kind of thing is really very powerful.

Those red names are obscured under the water...

I hope his reminder is effective enough and his partners can persist until he rushes to help.

Mai Fan ran away to the lake. The alpha wolf behind him was stunned and rushed forward.

At this time, the calm lake surface seemed to be boiling, crashing and stirring up waves.

These children can be considered people who have seen the big world. After the influence of long-distance migration, they also know that at this time, burying their heads and continuing to run is the best way to escape.

What's more, Fan has come to save them at this time. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, just run as fast as you can...


The dangerous creature jumped up... Mai Fan saw a flat, sticky, transparent creature that rushed towards his little friend.

At this time, I couldn't care about anything else.

Mai Fan immediately grabbed the bone on the wolf's shoulder and issued the command to attack the opponent: "Charge, tear it apart!"

The coyote seemed to be inspired, and howled, all its sharp teeth bared, aiming at the creature's flat head, which was as flat as a shoe sole.

But this thing didn't seem to be afraid of their attacks. It just opened its mouth wide and pounced towards the established target.

This chapter has been completed!
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