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Chapter 5656 Stealth Battleship

"Sir, the front is the Meilin Mining Area. The enemy's 38th Army is stationed there, with only about 300,000 troops. Previously, the 38th Army suffered heavy losses due to the ambush of our 29th Army."

"Zhuang Bo, the garrison general of the 38th Army, was also sent here to guard this mining area."

On the invisible battleship, a Netherworld powerhouse with the rank of Major Governor respectfully reported to a man next to him who had the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Wu Ma Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Netherworld.

Wu Mazhong looked at the star field and said solemnly: "Which star garrison is on the far left?"

"It's the enemy's 8th and 9th divisions. The two divisions here together have about 90,000 troops." The major general replied respectfully.

"The star realm where General Zhuang Bo is stationed is in the middle. It will take about half an hour to support the star realm on the far left."

"Half an hour——"

Wuma Zhong rubbed his chin and said in a deep voice: "Let's attack that star realm. The main purpose of our visit this time is to test the effectiveness of the new battleship!"

"The attack time is two sticks of incense. After two sticks of incense, no matter what the result is, you must evacuate immediately!"

"Understood, the whole army is ready!"

The speed of this group of stealth warships suddenly accelerated, causing weak spatial fluctuations.

However, the surrounding sentries, the soldiers on guard at the space station, and the detection magic weapons did not detect the movement of this group of stealth warships at all.

This group of stealth warships quickly rushed to the Merlin Mining Area, the Merlin No. 5 star realm where Xiang Chen and others were stationed!

In Star Realm No. 5, Xiang Chen’s 9th Division Headquarters!

Within the Information Department specially established by Xiang Chen.

Didi didi——

The sound of alarms echoed through the Ministry of Information.

Many red dots appeared on the huge magical mirror.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Information is Zhuge Pangpang's disciple, Master Liu, who is often jokingly called Master Liu by others.

Liu Shifu looked at the picture that appeared under the scan of the Meishen Network that day, and his expression changed in shock.

"Many powerful Netherworld life forms are approaching!"

Liu Shifu quickly reported it to his master, Zhuge Pangpang, who immediately reported to Xiang Chen after getting the news.

Soon, Xiang Chen and others all rushed to the Information Department.

Xiang Chen looked at the investigation screen above and narrowed his eyes slightly: "We have entered the warning area, but our sentry did not send any alarm. It seems that the other party has avoided the sentry, but they have not been able to avoid the Tianji Shen's net.


With the continuous research and development of the Tianji Divine Network, the equipment of the Tianji Divine Network developed by Zhuge Pangpang and others can now cover a considerable range, about one light-year range.

Although it is far less than the Hongmeng Divine Net that can cover the entire prehistoric range, its detection capabilities are stronger than the Hongmeng Divine Net!

"Gouzi, do you want to inform the Eighth Division of this news?" Xiahou Wu asked.

Xiang Chen said angrily: "How to notify? Can our Tianji Divine Network be exposed?"

"There is no need to notify them. Immediately notify the entire army. In the name of acting, enter the bunker, activate the illusion array, and put the killing array into preparation. The enemy is going to make a sneak attack, so use the trick to lure them over!"

Zhuge Pangpang muttered: "Isn't the Eighth Division our friendly army? If we don't notify them, they will suffer heavy losses!"

"Pangpang! You have to clarify your position. We have no so-called friendly forces in Hongmeng!"

"And how can we highlight our excellence without the support of our peers?"

Xiang Chen Jiejie sneered and looked at the approaching men and horses on the Dharma Mirror: "Except for our own people, everyone is our stepping stone!"

"Don't worry, the Eighth Division will not only not blame us, but will actually be grateful to us!"

"Go down and make arrangements!"


Everyone went down one after another and started making arrangements.

Orders were soon passed on one after another, and the entire army of the Ninth Division entered the state of actual combat exercises.

This sudden actual combat exercise confused the uninformed brigade commanders like Yu Tianxian.

Xiang Chen now has five brigade commanders under his command. Xia Houwu took his place, and Wang Ying also assumed the responsibility of one brigade commander.

Except for appointments at the general level that require the approval of the Ministry of War, Xiang Chen can make his own decisions for appointments below the general level and then report them to the Ministry of War for review.

Although Yu Tianxian and the uninformed Shen Bin were a little confused, they still followed the orders and performed actual combat, and followed the command and arrangements of the division headquarters.

The Eighth Division in the northern hemisphere of this star realm is completely unaware of the situation.

Half an hour later, outside the Merlin 5 star realm, invisible warships were anchored outside the star realm atmosphere.

"General, we are about to enter the enemy's defense formation ahead!"

The Major Governor said next to Wu Ma Zhong.

Wu Mazhong said indifferently: "Master Yun, I'm begging you."

An old man wearing the robes of an array master stood up and said with a smile: "Leave it to me!"

The other party released his spiritual thoughts, explored the star formation in front, and then took out a Bagua disk and began to deduce.

After half a stick of incense, Master Yun said in a deep voice: "We have found it. Focus on attacking at the 39th coordinate of north latitude. This formation can be broken!"

"All the warships in the army listened to the order, concentrated their firepower, and attacked the 39th coordinate of north latitude!"


Suddenly there were sounds from dozens of battleships, and then strong energy fluctuations gathered together.

On the battleship, one energy cannon after another was aimed at the coordinate position, and the energy provided by Fentian Fire Oil gathered.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, there was a roar, and dozens of crimson light beams with power comparable to the Great Emperor's attack left the muzzle and blasted towards the same coordinates!

The defensive barrier that could resist the attack of the powerful emperor was hit instantly!

Rumble——! In the strong explosion, the energy barrier rippled and twisted, and a big hole appeared!

The formation was forcibly attacked, and at this moment, alarms also sounded in the early warning centers of the two master regiments!

"Divide the troops into two groups and kill!"

Wu Mazhong gave the cold command, and in an instant, dozens of stealth warships quickly flew into the barrier and entered the star realm.

"what happened?"

The sirens echoed in the early warning center of the Eighth Division. The commander of the Eighth Division, Qi Junyi, looked frightened and shouted quickly.

"Master, someone is attacking my defense formation in Star Realm No. 5!"

"Go and investigate quickly, the whole army begins to prepare for battle!"

"In addition, notify the military department!"


Qi Junyi's order had just been conveyed, and their troops had just begun to assemble, when the invisible stealth warships reached above their station at an astonishing speed.

Wu Mazhong looked at the people and horses gathering on the ground below, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Kill!"


In an instant, more than twenty warships opened fire, and the artillery fire could no longer be hidden. It emerged in the space and turned into a crimson beam of light falling from the sky, fiercely bombarding the ground below.


The ground exploded one after another, and dust filled the sky. A company that was gathering was hit by this blow, and more than a hundred people in the company were instantly wiped out!

This chapter has been completed!
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