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Chapter 5657 Counterattack

The sudden appearance of more than twenty stealth warships and the attack plunged the 8th Division, which was gathering below, into chaos.

Amidst intensive artillery bombardment, explosions were heard everywhere, and more than a thousand people in the Eighth Division were killed in one wave of surprise attacks.

This caused the assembled troops to fall into panic.

"Where did the enemy come from?"

"Why did it appear suddenly?"

Qi Junyi, the commander of the Eighth Division, looked at the sky in shock and anger as a large number of warships suddenly appeared in the sky and opened fire on them fiercely.

"Don't panic, don't be chaotic, activate the defensive formation and enter the fortress bunker!"

He tried to stabilize the panicked army, but the effect was very poor.

The remaining waves of attacks are mainly aimed at the anti-aircraft star source cannon.

It is a piece of equipment that looks like a multi-barreled anti-aircraft gun. It is pointed at the sky and can attack battleships and enemies in the sky.

A Xingyuan anti-aircraft cannon was about to be activated when a battleship energy shell suddenly fell down and hit the Xingyuan anti-aircraft turret. The entire turret exploded violently, and all the soldiers inside were killed!

After several waves of constant bombing, Wu Mazhong waved his hand: "Attack, kill!"


In an instant, countless shouts of killing rang out from the battleship, and tens of thousands of soldiers flew out from the battleship and charged down on the people below.

"Quickly ask the military headquarters and the Ninth Division to come over for support and stop them!"

"Air defense star source cannon, shoot for me!"

Qi Junyi ordered to continuously convey instructions. After being attacked by the opponent in such a sneak attack, he no longer wanted to defeat the opponent, but only wanted to delay time.

In the camp, the machine-gun-like anti-aircraft star source cannon was aimed at the sky, and with a rumbling sound, beams of crimson light blasted into the sky.

There was a loud explosion, and the Nether Warrior who was hit was instantly killed to ashes!

"Form up!"

Tens of thousands of Netherworld warriors immediately formed into groups and formed several emperor-level battle formations to attack, with astonishing power.

The artillery fire bombarded the battlefield field and was blocked and isolated by the field. The energy of the explosion could not penetrate the field.

The power of this anti-aircraft star source cannon is comparable to an Emperor-level attack.

And because it was too sudden, of the hundreds of anti-aircraft star source cannons in the camp, only a dozen were manned at the moment, and many others were shot down from the beginning.

The battle started here, and on the other side, twenty warships also sneaked up on Xiang Chen's camp of the Ninth Division.

"Let go!" Wu Ma Zhong's deputy chief of staff, Wu Ma Sheng, who also holds the rank of lieutenant general, waved his hand and ordered!

Boom! Boom! Boom——!

Twenty warships opened fire in the void, exposing the target position, and blasted down the energy cannon fire.


But the explosion did not explode in the camp as they thought. It was intercepted by an invisible and transparent defensive barrier in the sky!

"What!" Wu Masheng was a bit incredulous. How could these guys react so quickly?

"Air defense star source cannon, attack!"

Commander Xia Houwu gave the order.

The opponent's firing just now completely exposed the position of the opponent's warships. They had been prepared in advance, and hundreds of activated star source anti-aircraft turrets were launched in an instant!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless energy beam cannonballs bombarded the battleship group in the sky. At this moment, Zhuge Pangpang's team, who controlled the space barrier formation, instantly closed the space barrier formation.


Several star source air defense energy beams bombarded a battleship. The battleship was in attack mode, not defense mode. The beams hit it and the battleship exploded violently!

Some people on the battleship were killed directly, some were blown up, and some escaped and escaped from the battleship!

Other warships also immediately exploded violently and were covered in anti-aircraft star source artillery fire!

This wave of anti-aircraft counterattack stunned the opponent's people!

"Start defense mode!"

"Stealth, withdraw, withdraw from the opponent's fire coverage area!"

Wu Masheng screamed and quickly ordered.


The warship that was not excited immediately changed from attack mode to defense mode. The defensive barrier covered the warship and immediately entered a state of invisibility, disappearing from the exploration of spiritual thoughts and vision.

Xiang Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at the holographic projection cast by the magic mirror, and said indifferently: "I've come, but it's not that easy to leave!"

"Seven Star Sword Formation!"

Without his order, the moment the opponent was about to become invisible, the formation covering a large void outside the camp had been activated!

Seven rays of sword light shot into the sky, and the defensive area condensed by the sword energy spread, forming a network that enveloped the void outside the camp, creating a sword energy defense area that was thousands of meters thick!

Boom! Boom! Boom!——! The bow of the retreating battleship hit the seven-star sword array defense network. There was an explosion and roar at the bow of the ship, and the defense was attacked by the sword energy!

Seven sword lights with power comparable to the emperor's level were condensed and charged into the battleship group. The seven swords struck a battleship, and the battleship's defense was broken!


The battleship was directly slashed by the Seven Swords and exploded. Some of the soldiers it carried were killed, some were shattered by the sword energy, and some escaped alive.

There was a lot of wailing!

"Chief of Staff, no, the enemy has been prepared, and our retreat has been blocked by a defensive formation!"

"Damn it, how could they prepare it so quickly? It was clearly not started when we came here!"

"Did they already know in advance that we were coming, and all defense systems were already in combat readiness?"

Wu Masheng's people fell into chaos, and Wu Masheng's head was also in chaos, but he quickly regained his senses.

"Abandon the warships, form a battle formation, and fight out!"


They quickly ordered generals at all levels to forcibly stabilize the panicked soldiers below.

"Everyone, let me see your training results!"

Xiang Chen put his hands behind his back and said with a smile.

Xia Houwu waved his halberd and shouted: "Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade, charge!"


The Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade, which is already in combat mode, has five thousand people forming an Eternal Battle Formation. The Eternal Battle Formation has reached the pinnacle of cultivation!

A battle formation was formed, and the attack area of ​​the battle formation actually touched the realm of the Emperor of Heaven. The momentum was terrifying!

Almost reached the level of an ace!

The Blood Wolf Special War Brigade formed two such battle formations!

The First Brigade, Second Brigade, Third Brigade, Fourth Brigade and other brigades formed formations one after another. The Fourth Brigade led by Shen Bin had many new recruits, and the battle formation reached the peak of Emperor Zun.

The other brigades have reached the Great Emperor Battle Formation status!


Fifty thousand people took to the air and took the initiative to attack, forming numerous battle formations with murderous intent.

The battle formation power of the Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade is even more astonishing. Under the charge, the area covers 5,000 people, and the speed is close to that of the Emperor of Heaven!


Before a Netherworld battle formation was assembled, it was charged and hit by the battle formation of the Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade.

The Nether warriors were hit and exploded one after another, their bodies exploded, their Taoist souls were destroyed, and their Taoist bases were all exploded by the battle formation field!

Two Dacheng pinnacle-level Eternal Heaven Battle Formations rushed into the other side's camp, as if two sharp knives directly defeated several assembled Netherworld Battle Formations. They were unstoppable!

This chapter has been completed!
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