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Chapter 5658 Contrast

"The Eternal Battle Formation at the pinnacle level of Dacheng is impossible!"

"How come there are troops here that are as good as an ace!"

Wu Masheng's eyes widened and he cried out in horror.

Such troops are not on the front line, on the battlefield where the fighting is fiercest, but here they are guarding the mines?

Two battle formations at the peak level of Dacheng rushed in, directly dividing the opponent's already panicked and reluctantly gathered camp.

The Netherworld Army's camp of tens of thousands of people was directly cut open, and people from other brigades of the Ninth Division behind came to attack and harvest the Netherworld Army's camp that was disrupted by the cut.

These tens of thousands of Netherworld soldiers were completely in despair!

Xiang Chen didn't even take action. He sat at the division headquarters, keeping an eye on the overall situation, and issued orders one by one to direct the coordination, strangulation, and siege of the entire battle.

At the same time, he took out a magic mirror and said: "The opportunity has come, let's take action!"

"Okay!" came a cold voice from the other side.

The current battle situation between the Ninth Division and the Eighth Division is in sharp contrast.

The Eighth Division was stepped on the ground and rubbed hard by the Netherworld Army.

The Ninth Division, at this moment, the invading Netherworld Army stepped on the ground and trampled them hard.

The main reason was that the Eighth Division suffered a big loss because it received information too late. Without any preparation in advance, the enemy suddenly came to Crystal Heights invisibly.

At the same time, Merlin Mining Area and other star realms!

Group military headquarters!

"Reporting to the general, there is news from Star Realm No. 5, Eighth and Ninth Divisions. They are attacked by the enemy and are asking for support!"

A lieutenant colonel hurriedly came to General Zhuang Bo to report the situation.


General Zhuang Bo's face changed with shock, revealing a somewhat incredulous look.

"How many people are there in the other party's raid?"

"About a hundred thousand people!"

"One hundred thousand people, the strength of an army, who is taking the lead on the other side?"

"I don't know. The Ninth and Eighth Divisions haven't found out yet!"

General Zhuang Bo immediately came to the defense map of the Meilin Mining Area. After observing for a moment, he immediately said: "Instruct the seventh and fifth divisions of the fourth and third star realms to quickly go to the fifth star realm for support!"


The transfer order was immediately passed on. After receiving the order, the seventh and fifth divisions of the two star realms quickly assembled, boarded the ship, and then broke through the air towards the fifth star realm to provide support.

The battle between the two sides was fierce. The battle lasted for a while, and more than half of the Netherworld army that attacked Xiang Chen's division was lost.

The people in Netherworld have almost no morale and desire to fight again, and they only want to break out of the encirclement.

Xiang Chen did not deliberately encircle him, and immediately ordered the third brigade to deliberately open a gap, mobilized half of the second brigade and the Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade to withdraw from the battlefield, and go to the opponent's retreat route to defend the enemy's retreat route to counter the ambush.

The enemy must be surrounded. Sure enough, after the enemy opened a breach, they no longer had the will to fight anymore. They just wanted to evacuate and flee!

Wu Ma Sheng fled from the gap with more than 10,000 defeated soldiers, and was chased towards the 8th Division to seek support from Wu Ma Zhong.

"Haha, Master, you really know what's going to happen. These remnants of the soldiers really fled in this direction!"

The leader of the second brigade, who had evacuated here in advance and was hiding in a meteorite area, laughed softly.

Wang Yan brought the other half of the Blood Wolf Special Forces Brigade to ambush here, and sneered: "My elder brother expected that they would ask for help from the Netherworld troops attacking the Eighth Division, so they must go in this direction!"

"The Eighth Division was also attacked?" the commander of the second brigade asked in surprise.

Only then did Wang Yan realize that he had said the wrong thing and quickly made up for it: "If you think about it, that's for sure. How could the enemy only attack us but not the 8th Division? If so, the 8th Division wouldn't be able to

Are you here to support us?"

The commander of the second brigade also felt that it made sense.

Seeing that the other party had been fooled by him, Wang Yan felt slightly relieved and almost spilled the beans about the Tianji Shenwang.

"Coming, coming, get ready!"

As soon as the order was conveyed, the 10,000 people in the ambush immediately took their breath away.

Wu Ma Sheng's men fled in this direction in a panic. He was constantly communicating with Wu Ma Zhong.

"Brother, we failed. The enemy had already prepared an ambush. We were caught off guard as soon as we arrived!"

"How is that possible!" Wu Mazhong looked in disbelief: "We are going very smoothly here. The Eighth Division has lost more than half, and the other party definitely did not find out in advance!"

"But when I came here to the Ninth Division, the opponent was indeed prepared. All kinds of defensive weapons and formations were ready, just waiting for us to drill, and the personnel were assembled in advance to form a battle formation.

It caught us off guard."

"By the way, the other side also has a brigade of elite troops that are as good as trump cards. My people have suffered heavy losses. I'm coming to find you now——"

"Where are the new battleships? Have the new battleships fallen into enemy hands?"

"This -" Wu Masheng's tone became vague and he said bitterly: "One was robbed and the others were destroyed -"

"Bastard!" Wu Mazhong was so angry that he yelled: "If the technology of the latest battleship is leaked, you and I will not be able to live without it!"

"Just wait, I'll finish here immediately and come over to support you. We'll retreat after we get the latest battleship back!"


Wu Ma Sheng cut off the transmission.


At this time, deafening shouts of death came from the surrounding meteorite area.

An Eternal Battle Formation rushed towards them at an extremely terrifying speed, with thousands of people inside filled with murderous intent.


Wang Yan swung his sword, and thousands of soldiers behind him swung their swords. A sword light formed by the energy of the battle array came over and hit Wu Masheng hard.


Wu Masheng was horrified. All the defensive magic weapons on his body were forcibly destroyed by this blow. He was hit by the sword light, his armor exploded, his body was almost split into pieces and exploded, and he was covered with knife wounds.

He is also at the peak level of the Great Emperor, and he cannot withstand such an impact!


More than 10,000 ambush soldiers formed a battle formation and rushed into these remnants of the Netherworld. The remnants of the Netherworld were once again crushed and fell into despair!

After a stick of incense, except for a few lucky children who escaped, most of them were wiped out and captured.

Even Wu Masheng was caught!

Those who attacked Xiang Chen's division could almost be said to have been wiped out!

On the other side, most of the 8th Division's men were maimed, while the men and horses led by Wu Mazhong suffered very little losses and almost maintained their complete strength.

He gave up on continuing to encircle and suppress the Eighth Division, and took his troops to support Wu Masheng's men.

But when he passed by the battle zone where he had just been ambushed, his face was extremely ugly, and he looked at the numerous corpses and fragments of Netherworld warriors floating in the starry sky around him.

"How could this happen?" Wu Mazhong contacted his brother, but found that he couldn't reach him.

On the other side, Xiang Chen is also contacting Qi Junyi, the commander of the Eighth Division.

"Brother Qi, how is your battle situation?"

"We suffered heavy losses, but we blocked their attack and they began to withdraw. Brother Li? How are you? Can you come and support us to prevent the enemy from counterattacking!" Qi Junyi quickly asked for help.

Xiang Chen sneered in his heart when he heard this, if I hadn't won the battle and the other party had come to my side to support me, you wouldn't have been able to stop me!

This chapter has been completed!
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