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Chapter 6657 Investment Promotion


After Bai Huang finished speaking, everyone present immediately went crazy.

"Oh my god, this, isn't it, the new network, the alliance is willing to let us intervene?"

"Hiss - the mineral resources discovered in the new network coverage area can be divided into 30%. This, this - pie in the sky, is this?"

"Even the areas covered by the new network, the wars that occurred, and the profits of the spoils captured can be divided. This——"

"Not to mention anything else, you can make a lot of money just from the traffic fees."

“For such a big business opportunity, it’s a good thing I signed up!”

“Wouldn’t this wave create many millionaires and even multi-billionaires?”

The news revealed by Bai Huang really shocked them.

Because of course they know about Shennet technology. As for Hongmeng Shennet, this is all controlled by the alliance itself. Hongmeng Shennet’s profits from all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation are now the well-deserved number one business sector in the prehistoric alliance.

Now that a new and more powerful network has been developed, the alliance is willing to let them get involved in this cake? How can this not make them ecstatic?

It’s like pie in the sky!

However, although those billionaires and billionaires are happy in their hearts, they are also a little wary.

When doing business with the alliance, it is impossible for the pie to fall into the sky for no reason.

This is especially true when doing business with Bai Huang, but what reassures them is that as long as the business is personally led by the Minister of Commerce, no one involved will suffer losses.

In this regard, they are relatively reassured.

At this time, Mr. Ren asked: "Minister Bai, I wonder what areas this new network mainly involves?"

Others may not know what the new network is, but he knows that as a red-top businessman, he is considered an insider of the Great Desolate Alliance, and his company is a technology industry that cooperates with the military. He knows about the Tianji Shenwang, and he also knows about the Great Desolate Alliance.

The coverage of Tianji network has basically been completed.

Bai Huang smiled and said: "The area where the new network is developed is a forbidden place!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed slightly.

"Forbidden place! Then, isn't that a forbidden place?"

"Yes, that place is covered by a forbidden land. It is said that the heavenly secrets are all disordered, and there are very few living creatures."

"I knew it wouldn't be so delicious for the alliance to put down such a huge profit from the cake!"

A forbidden place, this place originally poured cold water on the merchants who were very excited just now.

Even if it is a market in a medium universe, in their eyes, it is better than a market in a place like the Forbidden Land where only bandits go.

"Minister Bai, can there be a market in this forbidden place?" Someone asked with a wry smile, not afraid of Bai Huang's anger.

"Yes, that place is rarely inhabited within a hundred light years, and half of the year is covered by the power of taboo." Someone spoke, and others immediately followed.

Bai Huang smiled slightly: "I know what everyone is thinking. Everyone must be thinking about the forbidden land. There are few people, the environment is extremely harsh, and the order is chaotic. What value can it have in developing this place?

But have you ever thought that the transition area between the Great Desolate Alliance and other forces is a taboo area, which involves export trade. After the new network is built, have you ever thought about how much our export volume will increase compared to before? Among them, there are

There are business opportunities such as space item transfer stations and service stations. Wouldn’t it be profitable?”

"And there is one thing. I said that in the new network coverage area, those who participated in the construction will get 30% of the profits from the mineral resources found in the coverage area as long as they are non-military strategic materials. Although the environment of the forbidden area is harsh, it does not mean that the mineral resources there are

Resources are scarce. In ancient times, when forbidden places did not exist, those places were also rich places!"

"As far as this is concerned, you won't lose money unless your luck is extremely bad!"

As soon as these words came out, there were countless comments below. This makes sense. Mineral resources are also huge wealth.

Mr. Li asked: "I dare to ask Minister Bai, what kind of cooperation method is this project?"

Bai Huang smiled slightly: "Mr. Li asked well, we provide the technology, you provide the funds and materials, how to build the new network is up to our people, you are responsible for providing the funds and materials, after the new network is built, we will slowly start to develop other

The property, you just wait to share the money."

The old man was not surprised by this answer. After all, the technology of Hongmeng Divine Network is in the hands of the alliance, and only the technology of Jiutian Divine Network can be purchased by companies like them.

The Shennet technology, which is stronger than Hongmeng Shennet, will definitely not be handed over to them.

Mr. Ren asked again: "How to contract?"

Bai Huang said: "Everyone, or each company, must contract for at least ten light-years of new network construction, and the maximum can only be contracted for ten thousand light-years. In addition, there is an account that must be explained clearly to everyone, the cost of one light-year investment

Approximately one billion Hongmeng Amethyst is required including materials.”

Everyone started talking again. This is indeed not a small investment for many people present. Many people are worth hundreds of billions, but the funds that can be moved around may only be one to two billion. For example, for example, there is a house worth one million at home.

Yes, that is net worth, but the available cash on the card may only be one or two hundred thousand, and many people may not have it yet.

Mr. Ren was the first to speak: "I contract for ten thousand light years!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, those people with a net worth of more than one hundred billion yuan did not hesitate and began to speak one after another. Those who had a net worth of one hundred trillion yuan did not dare to think about such a large scope and could not support it. Instead, they considered using their current situation.

What is the maximum amount that can be contracted?

Bai Huang pressed his hand and said: "Don't be excited, everyone. One billion and one light-year is just the minimum threshold. We have divided the regional territory here. There are important export trade lines in the territory. The ten thousand light-year contracting cost is more than one billion."

It’s so simple and requires bidding. After all, this kind of area will definitely make more money in the future than other areas.”

The Prehistoric Alliance has external export trades such as Eternal Sky, Eternal Sky, Juntian, Dongsu Continent, etc. The regional interests on these routes are naturally the greatest. In addition to being responsible for the contracting costs, they also participate in the bidding.

After ten days, the entire event, including bidding, ends.

Bai Huang looked at the countless agreements and contracts with a smile on his face.

The funds for network construction in two-thirds of the areas surrounding the Prehistoric Alliance have been settled, and the remaining one-third can be easily financed by the Prehistoric Alliance itself.

And that one-third area happens to be the best area among all transportation and trade hubs, and is left to the Prehistoric Alliance to do its own thing.

Luo Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw these agreements, and said: "Waiting for the new network to be built, not to mention whether there will be any actual benefits in return, as far as our weapon Zhusheng Shenwu is concerned, it is really within the coverage of Tianji Network."

Wherever you hit me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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