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Chapter 6658: Mutual revenge


Luo Yu couldn't help but praise: "That brat always said that soft rice is delicious. I have to say that marrying you really saved him countless years of detours. He just made a wish, and you used money to help him fulfill his wish.


Bai Huang smiled slightly: "See what you always say, without him to clear the way, even if I have great abilities, I wouldn't be able to do this. He and I can be regarded as complementing each other."

"Haha, this is, if he can discover the eternal mineral vein of heaven and earth as he thinks, then the next goal of our ancient alliance is to truly aspire to the world!"

Next to him, Luo Ling smiled and said: "Then we can recruit workers now. Apart from anything else, such a large-scale operation requires a terrifying number of manpower."

Luo Yu handed the contract to Bai Huang: "I'll leave this aspect to you."

While Bai Huang and the others were making big moves here, there wasn't much movement on Xiang Chen's side.

A new round of large-scale conflict has not yet broken out between the Dongsu Empire and Juntian Kunlun, because both sides are working hard to explore for mineral stars.

However, small-scale air battles often occur, because when the interstellar spaceships of both sides are looking for mineral stars, they will inevitably break out into a firefight, and they will definitely kill one of them before stopping. Therefore, small-scale skirmishes involving hundreds or thousands of people often break out.

Generally speaking, since the arrival of the Eastern Dragon Saint, the two sides have not broken out into a large-scale war involving tens of thousands of people, because they are both exploring mineral stars.

Xiang Chen's people took advantage of the Tianji Shenwang to detect all the mineral stars in advance, so his people seized the time to steal as many as they could before the other party discovered the mineral stars.

Hurry up and arrange formations on the mineral stars with the most estimated mineral content to prevent them from being detected by the exploration teams of both sides.

The number of mineral stars discovered by both parties before was 60. In just six months, the two parties discovered five more mineral stars.

Time passed slowly, and the two sides maintained peace for about twenty years.

In the past twenty years, Xiang Chen's people have hidden twenty-nine mineral stars.

The remaining seventy-nine were discovered by both the Dongsu Empire and Kunlun.

Among them, Juntian Kunlun discovered forty, and Dongsu Empire discovered thirty-nine. The difference is negligible.

There are also several mineral stars that were discovered by the exploration spacecraft of both sides at almost the same time. A war broke out to compete for it. Both sides invested a certain amount of people to fight for it, but the number of people invested was tens of thousands, not too big, and each other

There are wins and losses.

Except for the star realm that was covered up by Xiang Chen's people using formations, the two sides had not explored any more mineral stars. This situation had lasted for ten years without any new progress.

Until one day, the situation suddenly changed dramatically.

Juntian Kunlun took the lead in breaking out the war, gathering four million soldiers and horses to invade the Dongsu Six Mine Star on a large scale. They invaded with four times the strength of the Dongsu Six Star Realm defenders and defeated the Dongsu Six Star Defenders in just one day.

The plundered a large amount of the mineral resources of East Cyprus.

When the troops of Dongsu Wu and Dongsu Qi rushed to support them the next day, the Juntian Kunlun troops who attacked Dongsu Liu had already evacuated.

The 500,000 men and horses supported by Dongsuqi were robbed before they could return to Dongsuqi. They were quickly attacked by two million Juntian Kunlun soldiers and horses, and were defeated and looted.

At the same time, after the looting of the two million troops, Empress Tosuqi immediately evacuated, and then turned around to fight back the support troops of Tosuqi, which had gone to support Tosuqi. The 500,000 supporting troops were beaten to pieces and killed.

Nearly 230,000 people.

At the same time, other Dongsu defenders also encountered more or less attacks.

This wave of quick attacks from east to west caught the Dongsu Empire off guard and lost more than one million troops.

This made Dongfang Longsheng so angry that he immediately convened a meeting to discuss subsequent revenge actions.

Dongfang Dragon Saint was not incompetent, and he quickly formulated a revenge plan.

He asked Marshal He Zang to personally lead three million people to attack the Kunlun No. 7 star realm, and at the same time arranged for Xiao He and Long Yuan to each lead one million people to the Kunlun No. 6 star realm and support the Kunlun No. 8 star realm.

Ambush, this strategy seems to be encircling the point to bring reinforcements.

After the war broke out, Guo Zijun watched and listened to the reports from the front, while analyzing the entire battle situation, and quickly concluded that the Eastern Dragon Saint was encircling the area for reinforcements.

"Commander, I'm afraid this old guy Dongfang Hongtu is encircling the spot for reinforcements. If we go to support the Kunlun No. 7 star realm, the closest ones are the defenders of the Kunlun No. 6 and Kunlun No. 8 star realms. The opponent is likely to have a manpower in half.

Our reinforcements are ambushed on the road!" Chief of Staff Wang Xing said.

Guo Zijun said coldly: "That's right, this bastard is just gathering around to support us and wants to come back for revenge."

But this move is a conspiracy. Even if you see it, what can you do? Not support it?

Guo Zijun thought for a moment and then said: "Even if they surround the point for reinforcements, the number of troops they send will not be much. Let the defenders of Dongsuliu and Dongsuba all attack to support, and the miners and equipment should be moved away first to prevent

The other side's purpose is to attack those two star realms to kill people and destroy our equipment."

He directly asked all the millions of defenders from the Kunlun 6 and Kunlun 7 star realms to attack. There was no need to stay behind to support, but to support with all their strength. There were two million troops on both sides, and they could handle even if they encountered an ambush.

Later, he personally mobilized a large number of troops, but instead of supporting them, they came to the rear of Dongsu, intending to come and steal their homes and force Dongfang Longsheng's people to withdraw.

In this regard, Dongfang Longsheng is also on guard, requiring troops from all over the place to take the lead in taking care of the main defense star realm ahead, ensuring that the main defense star realm has millions of soldiers and horses to defend it. Even if the opponent steals, they can defend it for a long time, and

The soldiers and horses brought by Marshal Hezang can kill Kunlun Qi's men and take revenge, and then withdraw their troops to come back for reinforcements.

The game between the two unfolded, and Xiang Chen watched the game between the two through the Tianji Network, as if he were watching the game from God's perspective, watching the two people deploy their troops.

"They are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. Frankly speaking, without the help of Tianji Shenwang, I can watch this war from the commanding heights of intelligence. I won't be able to take advantage of them in a short period of time."

"But, sorry, I'm a wall hanging!"

One second Xiang Chen was still sighing, and the next second he showed a mean smile.

Indeed, if the two men were fighting against each other without the assistance of the Divine Net, which could see their troop formations and troop movements from a God's perspective, Xiang Chen thought that it would be difficult to find their flaws and defeat them in a short period of time.

Of course, if you can use the Divine Net to watch the two men's troop movements from God's perspective, you can easily judge the opponent's tactical intentions, and it is easier to target, plan, and ambush.

This is the difference between satellite surveillance and no satellite surveillance. One party is blind, while the other party can see clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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