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The 1207th friendly force is thin.

But a few days later, Liu Afu, who was recuperating in the rear medical center, witnessed with his own eyes the scene of the 19th Route Army's Japanese planes falling from the sky one after another after they had been showing off their power in the sky for a month.

Those four fireballs, which were as bright as fireworks even in the daytime, once again ignited the spark of hope in Liu Afu's somewhat obscure heart.

It turns out that it is not how strong the Japanese aircraft are, but our lack of technology and training, and our own inability.

Look at the volunteers, they just use machine guns. As long as they are used properly, they can still take down Japanese planes.

But it was the battle that took place at Yunzaobang a few days later that really cheered up Liu Afu and ignited his boundless fighting spirit again.

At that time, Liu Afu, who had returned to the team and was beginning to adapt to his role as a platoon leader, received the bad news that a Japanese battalion was sneaking into the side of the 19th Route Army from Yunzaobang. Moreover, they also knew that it was the volunteer soldiers who had shot down four Japanese planes.

Once they reach the front, their regiment must rush to support them.

Liu Afu still vividly remembers that at that time, everyone from the regiment commander to the ordinary soldiers were anxious.

The front-line officers and soldiers who have been fighting the Japanese for more than a month have a deep understanding of how strong the combat effectiveness of a Japanese brigade is.

With the combat effectiveness of their 19th Route Army, which can be regarded as an iron army in China, even if a brigade faced a Japanese brigade, it would not be guaranteed to be victorious, let alone a volunteer army of only more than a thousand people.

Even if they have shot down 4 Japanese planes before, and even if they still have the title of Central Party Headquarters in their name, no matter how strong they are, they will never be stronger than a regiment of the 88th Division known as the Royal Forest Army, right?

The position of the 88th Division was right next to their division. Although the officers and soldiers of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China were equally tenacious and brave, and more well-equipped, they could only fight back and forth with the Japs, and they were no better than the combat effectiveness of the 19th Route Army.

How strong is it?

Therefore, in the view of all the officers and soldiers of their regiment, as long as this volunteer army soldier can resist the Japs for two hours and persists until they come to support, the crisis on the front line will be slightly alleviated. To completely repel the Japs, I am afraid it will have to wait.

They have to drive up the whole brigade.

Therefore, the regiment leader's order was to throw down all the baggage and weight, and each person only brought weapons and bullets. The entire regiment rushed to the Yunzaobang battlefield at a rapid march. He also ordered that no matter which troop arrived first, no need to

Wait for the follow-up troops to gather, but instead use companies and platoons as units to rush directly to participate in the battle.

This is already the most taboo tactic among military strategists, but the regiment commander did not care about it. He was even prepared to use the lives of the entire regiment to continue until the entire brigade arrived. This shows how critical the situation was at that time.

Even a leading soldier like Liu Afu, who had just entered the ranks of officers from non-commissioned officers, knew that once the flanks were broken through by the Japanese army, the entire frontal position of China on the Songhu battlefield would be in danger of collapse, which meant that our side had lost the battle.

The Japanese local war.

It was in this anxious and restless mood that Liu Afu and his companions marched at a speed faster than ever before, arriving at Yunzaobang more than ten kilometers away in just over an hour.

Along the way, people kept falling behind or simply collapsed from exhaustion.

But no one cared about it, and no one helped those comrades who were lagging behind. At this time, everyone had only one belief, which was to rush to Yunzaobang and block the opening that only the weak volunteers were holding on to.

However, when Liu Afu and the others were running until their faces turned pale and their whole bodies were wet with sweat, and they were only one mile away from Yunzaobang, the rumbling sound of guns and artillery in front of them suddenly stopped. At this time,

, their entire company only had about 70 exhausted heads left.

This made them, who had been supporting them with their spirit and faith, feel as if they had been hit hard in the heart, and it was a hard blow from the heavy ice in Antarctica. Not only did it hurt, but the body was also hurt from the inside out.

All with a biting chill.

Some people seemed to have fallen apart and fell limply to the ground, whimpering silently.

The brothers arrived too late and the battle was over.

The Central Party Committee's Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, which once brought hope to everyone, still failed to withstand the Japanese attack.

However, they are good-looking, and they are all solid men. We did not see any deserters or retreating troops on the road, which shows that all members of this heroic unit died on the battlefield.

At this time, Liu Afu and his company commanders no longer ignored the orders of the previous regiment commander. Now that the battle was over and the friendly troops had sacrificed their lives, he could not rush forward rashly with his brothers, and he had to find out the situation first.

Besides, everyone is running out of breath, and they don’t even have the energy to raise their guns and shoot. Now if they go up to fight the Japanese, they may not even count themselves as desperate, but directly die.

And in the short time before Liu Afu and the others could even catch their breath, a troop of more than 50 people suddenly emerged from the darkness, and surrounded the 70 or so people in a semicircle.

Liu Afu and the others were suddenly in a panic. They didn't care about their hands and feet, and they just thought about dragging a Japanese to support them before they died.

But I heard the Chinese voice coming from the other side.

"Which branch do you belong to? Are you brothers from the 19th Route Army?"

The shocked company commander hurriedly reported his number. At this time, no one would suspect that the person facing him was a Japs.

Putting aside the issue of language, if it is the enemy, with the advantage of darkness versus light, and seeing that all the opponents are panting and staggering around, they can just set up a simple ambush in the dark.

No one among the 70 or so people I have can run away. Who the hell would show his body on purpose to have sex with you?

When the people on the opposite side walked in with a smile, Liu Afu realized that each of these people were wearing reflective helmets covered with cloth, and their faces seemed to have been smeared with charcoal ash, and they were all pitch black.

With this kind of decoration, as long as the moonlight is not very bright at night, even if you get closer, it will be difficult to find that the dark figure lying on the ground is a person.

Only when he talks to you will you see those shining eyes and those white teeth.

Only then did Liu Afu and the others realize that this small unit was the engineer platoon of the Volunteer Army, responsible for guarding the perimeter at the rear of the battlefield.

What? An engineer platoon? Do you dare to say that you are an engineer platoon?

Liu Afu and the others, who had been slightly relaxed, were no longer calm.

Who the hell believes you are an engineer platoon?

The engineer platoon should not hold a shovel or sledgehammer in its hand, carry a saw or something on its back, or carry an ammunition box on its shoulder, ready to transport ammunition to the position at any time, or help build the position.

Who has ever seen an engineer wearing what looked like expensive high-waisted combat leather shoes, a steel helmet on his head, a Thompson submachine gun in his hand, and a box gun on his waist?


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