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Chapter 1208 Recruit

At this time, Liu Afu and his company commander could not care about this. Seeing that the engineer platoon was still on guard at the rear, indicating that the war ahead was probably not as bad as they thought, they hurriedly asked: "Brother, how is the front?

Why did the gunfire stop? Have the little devils been repulsed?"

But I heard the sturdy man opposite with the rank of second lieutenant say in a daze: "What are you repelling? We made dumplings for the little devils and beat them all to death." There was a little dissatisfaction in his eyes, as if he was thinking in his heart.

: "Who are you looking down on? How can we show that we are not capable of just fighting back? Just a thousand Japs are not enough for brothers to fill their teeth."

The company commander didn't hear the dissatisfaction in the tone of the friendly soldier's voice. Instead, he opened his mouth wide and widened his eyes. Then he turned to look at his brothers who were also almost cross-eyed.

"Kill them all? This... this big guy is boasting too much... is this possible? That's a kid who is only a thousand years old. You have more than 1,000 volunteers, and you are going to kill them all?"

Their expressions of disbelief made Wang Guozhu, the deputy platoon leader of the engineer platoon of the mercenary regiment, even more unhappy.

Since Wang Guozhu was forced by the Li family to become a half-hearted bandit, he had given up any hope for the future of himself and his relatives, and only thought that he would earn money by living one more day.

But after meeting Zhou Wen, he and a group of miner brothers and their relatives who lived with them were saved from the abyss of fate.

Especially after seeing that his mother and daughter-in-law lived a life without worries about food and clothing, and that his daughter-in-law even gave birth to a fat boy in the second year, Wang Guozhu vowed to use his whole life to repay Zhou Wen for being such an amiable person.

Respectable sir.

From then on, he naturally had a strong sense of belonging to the mercenary group.

From now on, we are members of the mercenary group, and we die as the ghosts of the mercenary group. During training, we all practice silently, and during battle, we strictly obey the orders. We do whatever the commander tells us to do, up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire.

We won't even blink an eye.

Therefore, in his heart and eyes, the mercenary group is the best and strongest army in the world, and Commander Zhou Wen is the best and most powerful officer in the world. He cannot tolerate any doubts or doubts about Commander Zhou and the mercenary group.

Suspicion. No matter who the other party is, as long as he dares to question Commander Zhou, Wang Guozhu will not hesitate to fight him to the death.

But Liu Afu and the others didn't know that this straight-faced northern man had already become extremely dissatisfied with them, and he still stood there in a daze for a long time, unable to recover.

However, Wang Guozhu became more and more angry as he watched. He simply ignored these bird friends and just said: "Can't you just send a few people over to have a look? But you can't all go. Don't worry if they are accidentally injured by us in the dark night."

It's my fault." After saying that, he didn't even look back, turned around and left with his brothers who had the same unkind expressions.

"Brother, can you send someone to take us there... Hey! Brother, don't leave!" The company commander didn't know that he had offended these men unintentionally, but he disappeared without even looking back.

In the dark.

It was not until the battalion commander arrived later and made contact with the mercenary group that Liu Afu and several other officers were brought to the Yunzaobang battlefield by a volunteer major officer who came after hearing the news.

Then, everyone, including the battalion commander, was stunned by the scene in front of them.

Piles of corpses lay in front of you. The ground under your feet was soaked with blood and became muddy. It creaked when you stepped on it. Broken limbs and broken arms could be seen everywhere. The strong smell of blood penetrated your nostrils one after another.

They all belonged to the Japanese. Looking at the corpses and mutilated parts that were visible, Liu Afu could tell at a glance that they all belonged to the Japanese.

What's even more incredible is that many young soldiers wearing steel helmets and even a few officers squatted on the ground and vomited. They vomited for a while, then wiped their mouths, and continued to carry the corpses of the Japanese, and then vomited again...and moved them again.

"Recruits." As a veteran, Liu Afu could basically tell at a glance that these young officers and soldiers were recruits who had not been on the battlefield a few times.

Although Liu Afu rarely saw such scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, he was accustomed to the battlefield and could always control his body's reaction.

What is going on? A group of new recruits, or more than 1,000 new recruits, actually killed all the Japs who also numbered more than 1,000.

Yes, they were all killed. Liu Afu didn’t see any Japanese alive, not even the wounded soldiers.

He even saw some soldiers shooting or stabbing with bayonets at the floating corpses of Japanese soldiers in the river.

This is a no-life rhythm! These new recruits are so ruthless!

No, it's not that these recruits are ruthless, but their commander is ruthless, as if he has some sworn hatred against the Japanese, which makes people shudder.

The shocking scenes one after another left all the officers of the 19th Route Army in silence, and you were speechless.

The densely packed fragments of rubber boats floating in the river, as well as the river water that still smells of blood, all show that the Japanese troops who attempted to land were hit by unimaginable heavy firepower and high-density attacks.

Let some Japs land, then launch a sudden attack, and use artillery to cover the Japs boats still waiting in the river with fire.

Any officer with a little bit of combat experience can guess the tactics used by the volunteers and the general process of the battle.

The problem is that the Japs are not pigs, but armed from head to toe to the teeth. Their combat effectiveness and desperate spirit are first-rate soldiers. With their fierce momentum and skillful tactics in their desperate counterattack, even if they are surrounded and desperate, they can still survive.

It is often possible to carve out a bloody path through counter-charges and counter-assaults.

In this regard, the brothers of the 19th Route Army have a deep understanding of this.

During the month-long battles of various sizes, various units of the 19th Route Army encountered opportunities to ambush the Japanese army. However, due to the fierce counterattack of the Japanese army and the timely rescue of the Japanese reinforcements, at most a dozen of the besieged enemies were left behind.

Twenty corpses, and then they broke out through the encirclement.

At that time, the staff officers of the 19th Route Army also conducted some deductions to study how many times more troops were needed to eat up all the encircled Japanese troops.

The result is very frustrating. The required force far exceeds the actual situation. That is, 10 times the enemy's force is needed to annihilate all the besieged enemies. And there is a prerequisite, which is the reinforcement of the Japanese army.

There can't be too many troops, nor can they come too fast.

In other words, even with 10 times the force, it will be difficult to destroy the enemy in a short time.

In the experience of Liu Afu and other grassroots officers and soldiers, when encountering situations that are unfavorable to their own side, the Japanese often use ferocious attacks and keen sense of the battlefield, and can always quickly find a breakthrough in a local part of the battlefield. And when retreating

It also moves quickly and crisply, without any sloppiness. It is as slippery as a loach, making it impossible to catch it even if you want to.

This chapter has been completed!
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