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059: Forcing the Palace

Mr. Bai's face became extremely gloomy. He looked at Xiaohua and Aunt Cuihua and nodded, turned around and left the yard. Liu Dan stamped his feet angrily and followed Mr. Bai out, shouting.

Xiaohua closed the door angrily, and said with anger on her face: "I have never seen such a shameless person. He lies and deceives with red lips and white teeth, and his face is not red. The Liu family actually wants me to marry him."

What's he worried about? Don't tell me that I already have brother Zhang Cong. Even if I don't, there's no way I could marry such a person?"

Aunt Cuihua nodded and said with a look of disdain: "This is the so-called master of our family. Wasn't it the same with the Guan family back then? He was full of benevolence and morality, but he was full of male thieves and female prostitutes. Except for the fact that his human skin was real, he was nothing like an animal in his bones.


Although Xiao Hua's father is a country boy, he is an honest man. He not only takes good care of me, but also loves me at the risk of his life. He has never told me a lie in his life. Although he left early, as long as I think of

Whenever I spend time with him, my heart feels warm.

A woman is lucky to be able to find a man who loves you and pampers you in this life. Money, a big house, an official salary, although it can make a woman's life comfortable, but you don't even dare to tell the truth, and you can't hear even half of the truth.

Well, if I live in intrigues every day, even if I have the courage and courage every day, I still feel like eating them is tasteless.

A person must at least live up to his own heart. Only his feet know whether the shoes fit well. There is no need to wear a pair of shoes that don't fit in order to be praised. In the end, the only one who suffers is yourself."

Aunt Cuihua's words made not only Xiaohua nod her head, but also Zhang Cong felt that it was very reasonable. Life is just like cultivation. Choosing the right one is the kingly way. There are countless ways and means in the world, but you can't understand them all.

, choosing the right one can maximize your potential, so that you can reach higher levels and go further.

Zhang Cong himself knows that the choice of Little Porcelain Vase and Dao Dao Sword is his own chance, and it is also his opportunity. From the current point of view, Dao Dao Sword Jue is a very suitable formula for his practice, otherwise he would not draw inferences about other cases.

, not only can he understand the first three moves of the sword technique, but he has also made some improvements to make the sword moves more suitable for him and more powerful. He is also considering that he can even blend poison with the sword to create a kind of sword technique.

The poison sword skill will be more powerful, but it is not upright enough and seems a little underhanded.

Zhang Cong was meditating, and Aunt Cuihua had already gone to make breakfast. Xiaohua saw Zhang Cong lowered his head and meditated, thinking that he was still angry about Mr. Bai, so she hurriedly came over to stop him and said: "Brother, don't think so wildly, Xiaohua really

Ignore that young master, Xiaohua has you, no man will take a second look at you."

Zhang Cong smiled, hugged Xiaohua in his arms, and said softly: "I'm not thinking randomly, I'm thinking about what Aunt Cuihua said. In fact, all the things in the world are no different from the journey of cultivation. The most important thing is to maintain the original intention. Half-heartedness is not only

It is difficult to find true love in the world of mortals, and it is equally difficult to achieve even an inch in cultivation.

At present, the exercises for you and Aunt Cuihua are not the most suitable. Once you have a deeper understanding of cultivation, you can choose the appropriate exercises to practice, and your progress will be faster."

Xiaohua nodded as if she understood, and then Aunt Cuihua behind her called out: "Come over for dinner, don't think so much, I'm really upset, let's go to the mountains and build a thatched cottage, we'll be very happy just the same."


Zhang Cong took Xiaohua and sat down, looked at Aunt Cuihua with a smile and said, "I didn't expect that Auntie has just started to practice, and she treats the wealth and wealth in this world like dirt. It seems that she is not far away from attaining enlightenment."

Aunt Cuihua rolled her eyes at Zhang Cong: "Don't make Auntie happy. In fact, it has nothing to do with cultivation. It's just that Auntie has seen a lot over the years and understands some truths."

After the scene in the morning, the three of them were not in a good mood, and they didn't like to talk while eating. Zhang Cong suddenly had the idea that if Wang Qianye's incident happened again, he would never be merciful and would definitely let this person

Panlong Town is filled with blood.

After eating in silence, Zhang Cong returned to his room alone, lying on the kang and wondering whether he should lead Xiaohua and his daughter out of Panlong Town. If there was really no place to go, they should go back to Guichou Mountain first.

, at this moment, I heard a burst of voices suddenly coming from the yard.

Zhang Cong immediately got up and came to the door, but saw Liu Dan and Liu Zhentian walking in from the door. The two people's expressions were not very good. It seemed that Liu Zhentian already knew what happened in the morning.

Zhang Cong stood at the door of the room and watched coldly as Liu Zhentian and Liu Dan followed Xiaohua into the yard and sat on the stone table. Liu Zhentian started to look around, then turned to Aunt Cuihua and said, "I heard about what happened in the morning.

I said, Xiaohua doesn’t want to, of course our Liu family won’t force their children, but it’s not like this compared to the Bai family, they both live in the same town, so many friends are better than many enemies, right?”

Aunt Cuihua asked expressionlessly: "That's what you two came here to talk about? Xiaohua is my daughter. It's up to me to decide whether to marry or not. I'm not dead yet? It's not your uncle's turn yet."

Make the decision?"

Liu Zhentian's face darkened, he said something, and stopped talking.

Liu Dan glanced at his father, then at Aunt Cuihua, sighed and said: "Aunt, cousin, I'm not talking about you. This place is not like the countryside. There are people from all backgrounds. When my aunt ran away with someone, I was offended.

The Guan family directly ruined my father's career, otherwise our Liu family would have entered the royal city long ago.

Now even the Bai family has to be offended? The Bai family does not need to shut down the family. That young master Bai Feixue is an outer disciple of the Xuanjian Sect, and Bai Song, the fifth master of the Bai family, is also the steward of the outer sect. If he offends the Immortal, he will have to go out.

Human life?”

Aunt Cuihua smiled, looked at Liu Dan and asked, "Xiao Dan is thinking about us and my mother, right? You see, we have all offended others, how can we save our lives?"

Liu Dan showed joy on his face: "My aunt is not as serious as you said. Mr. Bai is indeed very angry, but as I said, as long as you sell this house to him, he will forget about it. If Miss Xiaohua changes her mind, he will leave the door of Bai Mansion."

Still open for Sister Xiaohua.

Auntie, I think Mr. Bai is a nice person and very generous. Why are you still waiting for that country boy who doesn’t know how to live or die? If you get married to the Bai family as soon as possible, it is possible for Sister Xiaohua to cultivate immortality and become an immortal? "

Xiao Hua Teng stood up suddenly and said with a cold face: "Liu Dan, this Bai Feixue is so good, I can't reach it. You can marry her if you like. We like my house very much and have never thought of selling it.

And there is no need to use any sect of cultivating immortals to pressure us. We are just ordinary people and don’t understand those gods and immortals. If you and uncle are willing to sit here for a while, I will go cook. If you don’t like it here, we won’t stay.”

Xiaohua's words were so decisive that not only Liu Dan couldn't keep it off his face, but Liu Zhentian also waved his sleeves angrily, said "I don't know what happened," got up and left the yard.

The anger in Zhang Cong's heart has reached the extreme. If this was not Xiaohua's relative, he would kill the Liu family and the Bai family now. It seems that he has to pay a visit.

Looking at Xiao Hua and Aunt Cui Hua, whose faces were red with anger, Zhang Cong laughed: "Okay, don't be like common people like them. You see, I'm not angry. Go back to the house and meditate. There is no need to worry about these trivial matters."

After saying that, he took Xiaohua back to the room.

Zhang Cong asked Xiaohua to sit on the kang and adjust his breathing. He sat on the chair and began to ponder the poison book. He would not be stupid enough to go to the Bai family with a sword to kill people, but poisoning was an easy thing for him.

, the poison he made was colorless and odorless, and he had a concealment suit, so even if he went to Bai's house in broad daylight, he would feel no problem.

The key is what kind of medicine should be given? Poisoning all the Bai family would be a big deal. Not only would it attract the attention of the government, but it would even attract people from the Xuanjian Sect. What kind of medicine is suitable?

He waved his hand, and suddenly a lot of medicinal materials and poisons were placed on the ground. Zhang Cong looked at each medicinal herb and considered it carefully. Suddenly his eyes lit up, he reached out and picked up an earth-yellow rhizome, and laughed.

Xiaohua saw Zhang Cong giggling while holding the root of the chicken shit vine, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Cong, why are you laughing? You're not thinking of some bad idea, are you?"

Zhang Cong took the chicken shit vine and asked Xiaohua: "Do you know what this thing does?"

Xiaohua thought for a moment and said: "It is said in the Poison Classic that the flowers and leaves of the chicken shit vine are extremely poisonous, and the wound will fester after seeing blood. The only antidote is this rhizome, but although this rhizome can detoxify, it is cold and smooth.

, will cause the user to have persistent diarrhea, and there is no cure. It will only take seven days for the medicine to weaken and gradually improve.”

Zhang Cong was not only surprised, Xiaohua had not read the Poison Classic for long, but when it came to pharmacology, she was very clear about it. Could it be that she had a photographic memory? She couldn't help but ask: "But the rhizome of the chicken shit vine not only smells bad,

, it’s still extremely bitter in the mouth, how can I make it colorless and tasteless?”

Xiaohua answered without hesitation: "You can add Luan Feng Chi to prepare it together. Luan Feng Chi is not afraid of the five poisons, and the flowers, leaves, roots and stems have strong adsorption properties. It can absorb the smell of chicken shit vine without destroying the medicinal properties. When the time comes,

Take out the wind chime and throw it away, then filter the brewed concoction several times, add fallen dust and rinse it, and you will get a liquid that is as clear as water, colorless and odorless."

Zhang Cong had a big mouth and looked at Xiao Hua without saying anything for a long time. He really didn't know that Xiao Hua was a genius in using poison. He quickly handed the chicken shit vine to Xiao Hua and said with a smile: "Hurry and help me do it. It's better to work harder."

The kind of medicine that makes people fart non-stop and smells bad, I need it urgently."

Xiaohua looked at Zhang Cong suspiciously, looked at it for a while, picked out a black mushroom and a piece of dead grass from the herbs on the ground, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Zhang Cong's consciousness swept away and put everything on the floor into a storage bag. He put his hands behind his head, his face full of satisfaction: "This wife is so good. Not only is she a good hand inside and outside the house, she can even make poison."

You don’t have to do it yourself, you really make a lot of money.”

This chapter has been completed!
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