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Chapter 432: Come and die with me (for a monthly ticket of 19,000)

The sound of the blade cutting through the air, the sound of the sword trembling slightly, the sound of the opponent's heartbeat, the sound of blood flowing...

All the sounds in the martial arts stage were captured and surrendered to the sravaka fairy state, providing all their own information without any concealment. In the world of sound, the sword was restored from another angle.

Jiang Wang had the greatest respect for Qin Zhizhen's superb swordsmanship, so he immediately activated the voice-hearing immortal state.

Receive everything and learn everything you know.

very good!

It is said that it is very good, not because Qin Zhizhen's sword skills are not strong enough, but because he is not lying, the sword skills he displayed are indeed beyond the peak of this realm.

Qin Zhizhen's sword, which destroyed the previous life, is more powerful, more powerful, more decisive and more terrifying than Xiang Bei Ba Huang's Xiji style without returning the halberd.

However, based on the information captured by the Immortal State of Sound Hearing and the power that Jiang Wang experienced personally, this sword was only slightly stronger, and did not reach the level of Douzhao in the Wailou Realm that crushed the same realm.

If he could really be strong enough to be the "first killing technique in the world", Jiang Wang would choose to distance himself as soon as possible, give up fighting with swordsmanship, and instead try to use magical powers and Taoism to win. This would undoubtedly be the last resort.

If you play a weak point, you will lose one piece first.

So that’s good!

Qin Zhizhen wanted to establish his invincibility and compete for power, but he chose the wrong opponent!

Now this kind of sword skill is strong, but it is not enough to make him retreat.

Jiang Wang's swordsmanship can also compete with Xiang Bei's level, but it's just a little bit inferior. The difference between victory and defeat depends more on being on the spot, and what about Xiang Beijin?

At this moment, with the blessing of the sravaka immortal state, it is different and we can still compete!

As long as he is not powerless to fight, giving in will not be his first choice.

Jiang Wang, who was in the voice of the immortal state, became more and more calm and calm, with a posture of controlling the overall situation, and with the mark of Qingyun on his feet, he was even more immortal.

At this time, he completely let go of himself, felt the sword with all his heart, and welcomed the sword.

Come east to test the sword.

Then meet the skill of the sword with the skill of the sword!

The dark blade rolled back was like a dark cloud covering the sky, like an evil spirit covering the sky. It was like a night sweeping over it.

Jiang Wang stood in front of this knife and felt a huge loneliness.

The long night has no friends.

The past has been cut off, the past life has been destroyed, and a person's past no longer exists. So who is this person? When no one talks about this person's story, does this person still really exist?

The voice-hearing fairy state constantly sends messages, feedbacking the trajectory of the horizontal and vertical sword. Its strength, its sharpness, and its power.

The dark blade also reflected in his pupils.

There is this knife in the world of vision, and it is the same knife in the world of sound.

Erasing the past together, killing the body and soul together.

This knife was so desperate and came too fast!

This sword kills the intention first and then the body.

Who can resist?

In the dark night when he couldn't see the way forward, and in the despair that his previous life was gone, Jiang Wang vaguely remembered that he had a sword.

He looked at the terrifying blade that was approaching, and his inspiration came back. He suddenly woke up from the blade's power, and suddenly remembered everything.

How many nights did he think he was walking alone, hating alone.

In fact, there was always someone walking with him in that long dark night!

While he was wearing the stars and the moon, someone was also forging ahead.

He is not working alone, nor is he fighting alone.

How many times did he look at the bright moon in the long night.

Although the moon is dim, there is still light.

My hometown is gone, but my ideals are still there.

Some old friends die, some old friends return!

The moment I killed Dong A, the moment I saw Xiao Wu.

The two images overlap.

I want to cry, I want to laugh.

The sword of lovesickness is sublimated in lovesickness.

So people outside the venue saw a bright moon rising on the ancient martial arts stage in the dark night!

When the blade of the horizontal and vertical knife came, the sword of Sauvignon Blanc also stood up, just in front of the neck, less than an inch!

The feeling of lovesickness is sublimated, and this is the way for old friends to return.

The bright moon was there at that time, already illuminating the old friend’s return!


Qin Zhizhen's previous life had been destroyed, and the blade struck the right side of Jiang Wang's neck, but was blocked by the sword of Sauvignon Blanc and could not advance any further!

The blade of the horizontal and vertical knife was pulled diagonally and rubbed against the blade of Sauvignon Blanc again, bringing out a spark of fire.

The stars were dotted, scorching the long night.

Because when the long sword was cut down, the Sauvignon Blanc stood exactly at the halfway point.

The three-foot-one blade has only traveled one foot-six on the sword's edge, and the tip of the sword has already bid farewell to the sword's edge.

Walk away in the wrong direction.

In the splashing sparks and sharp cutting sounds.

In the collision of will and will.

This distance of six feet is like a long life traveled by a person.

It may be brilliant, it may be mediocre, it may be painful, it may be lucky...but it has all been passed.

Therefore, the next knife was so natural.

This is because this world is over!

The sword was barely separated from the edge of the sword, and it was a direct upward thrust, from bottom to top, diagonally hitting Jiang Wang's throat.

To end this world for him,

This sword should be used in this world, for the body, to cut the life, to split the soul, and to cut the Tao.

It is truly and truly the end of everything in this life.

The sea of ​​suffering is no longer allowed to be crossed, and the bridge of the present world is cut off with one sword!

Who can see this sword without fear?

And faced with such a terrifying knife.

Jiang Wang showed a wonderful reaction.

People didn't see the slightest hesitation in his eyes, as if every action was the most instinctive reaction. This was an absolute confidence.

He cut off the Sauvignon Blanc on the side of his neck. Halfway through, he opened it and a horizontal line appeared in front of Qin Zhizhen's neck.

Divide heaven and earth.

Cut it off!

The sword used to enmity a famous man in life and death, the sword used to cut off the current world.

It's just that what Jiang Wang wants to cut off is not the opponent's sword, but the opponent's head!

If you attack the enemy, you will save him; if you don't save him, you will live or die.

Let’s take a gamble!

He absolutely believed in his sword, and he absolutely believed in his choice, so he dared to bet on life and death without hesitation.

At this time.

Qin Zhizhen stabbed upward, pointing at Jiang Wang's throat.

And Jiang Wang swiped his sword across Qin Zhizhen's neck.

Who is faster?

Or will the sword be handed over halfway?

Everyone who sees this scene is making their own judgment, but it is difficult to have a definite answer.

Momentum and intention, the trajectory of the knife movement, courage and determination... there are too many factors that will affect the result. In a flash of lightning, too much thinking is required.

If you can't believe in yourself with certainty, how can you calmly enter this life-and-death gamble?

Jiang Wang's sword was enough to drive back most people.

But Qin Zhizhen is different from them.

He didn't need to judge, because his sword was still just a preparation of momentum. His sudden attack was just to draw out Jiang Wang's sword.

The goal has been achieved.

But at this moment, the man fell with the knife.

His horizontal and vertical swords were raised diagonally, but they were still some distance away from Jiang Wang's throat. There was still room for competition between Jiang Wang's Sword of Fame and whoever reached the target position first, and who decided life and death first. The situation of life and death was difficult to determine.

But not so when he falls,

As he fell, his neck broke away from the horizontal line.

And his knife only needs to be tilted forward slightly to cut open Jiang Wang's entire body from his chest to his waist and abdomen!

This is undoubtedly a wonderful response.


The current battlefield between him and Jiang Wang was not in the sky.

He and Jiang Wang were both down to earth and on the martial arts stage.

Otherwise, Jiang Wang would not have left such an opening to bet on life and death with him.

How did he fall?

People's eyes widened as they saw Qin Zhizhen's feet sinking into the ground, seemingly passing through the ancient restrictions of the martial arts stage...


His feet were stuck in the void, and he fell into the void!

What is void?

The sages once defined it this way: the land of nothingness, the place of intention.

Another sage once described: It belongs to the space of this world, but it is also outside the space of this world.

Some sages also said this: There is nothing and nothing exists.

Not easy to understand.

However, there is a consensus in the world of spiritual practice. In many cases, only by seeing it with your own eyes and experiencing it can you truly understand. Language and writing are all deficient in preaching, and differences are inevitable. Ordinary people may misunderstand in just one or two words.

, let alone the interpretation of "Tao"?

In other words, to understand the void, it is best to first enter the void and feel the void.

To experience it personally and then know it personally is the true meaning of the former sages.

The void can sometimes be observed, but it is difficult to truly understand. It is intertwined with the real world, but it cannot be equated with the real world.

Various visions of extraordinary monks often appear in the void.

For example, Jiang Wang's prison chains are also drawn from the void, and the vitality absorbed by the Lingkong Hall of Yunding Immortal Palace is also connected to unknown places in the void.

But he couldn't explain clearly where the void is, how to enter it, and how to observe it.

But Qin Zhizhen is different.

He walks with the void!

This is magical power, refining the void.

"Refining the void" is just like its name.

The power of this magical power lies in the development of magical seeds and the exploration of the void. The more you understand the void and the more you can control the void, the more powerful you will be.

Qin Zhizhen's horizontal and vertical swords are stored in the void.

At this moment, his feet are also walking in the void.

It was this step of falling into the void that created an opportunity that he would not have had under the current environment.

If he chooses to squat, his sword will be deflected, his strength will be lacking... everything will not be perfect.

But he fell.

He fell into the void with a long sword.

Pressing down the sword horizontally and vertically is for the next life!

Jiang Wang's response to the previous two swords had already been within his expectations, and he was even forced to deal with it by the power of his sword. Therefore, his current sword slashed the "future"!

It was the future he drew with his long sword.

The one who was killed was Jiang Wang after Ying Jian!

This is a wonderful performance.

Three consecutive blows, each one is a killing move, but each one is a preparation for the next one.

Qin Zhizhen used three swords to send his opponent to a dead end.

One sword will destroy the past life, two swords will destroy the present life, and three swords will destroy the next life.

Kill the third Shura sword, three swords will kill you!

There is Yu Yuan in the land of the West, and below Yu Yuan is the Shura tribe.

"Shura" is known as the best warrior in the world, he is bloodthirsty and aggressive, and he is unparalleled in bravery.

The Qin Dynasty defeated it with a strong army.

Yuyuan is the legendary sunset place, the end of the Wei River, and the most dangerous place in the world.

The Qin Dynasty used Wuguan to control it.

The Shura Sword of Killing Three Generations is the sage of the Qin State summarizing the sword skills of strong Shura swordsmen and integrating them. It is called "free from Shura, but better than Shura."

This swordsmanship is even stronger than the swordsmanship of the Shura clan, which is said to be the most skilled in fighting in the world. One can imagine the arrogance of the Qin sage.

Qin Zhizhen's three sword cuts in a row showed bravery, killing power, and oppressive power. Just as the person said, he was at the top of this level, even stronger!

Speaking of which, the sword technique of killing three generations of Shura is not necessarily better than the sword technique of Karma.

However, Gan Changan's control of the Karma Sword Skills in the Wailou Realm is still within the limits of the Wailou Realm, and directly catches up with the founder's understanding of the swordsmanship in this realm.

However, Qin Zhizhen's understanding of the Shura Sword Technique of Killing Three Generations in the Inner Palace has exceeded the limit of the Inner Palace.

This so-called "limit" refers to the ultimate killing power and ultimate power that this killing method can achieve in each realm when the various killing methods were first created.

Generally speaking, if you can show more than 90% of the killing power, it is considered a great achievement.

Reaching the limit can be said to be complete perfection. In the same realm, with the same killing method, they will not lose to the founder.

And exceeding this limit means that at least in the current realm, the practitioner's control over the killing method has exceeded that of the founder of the killing method, which is almost impossible.

Because generally speaking, the creators of the top killing methods that have been circulated in the world and have not yet been eliminated are almost all created by Gai Yao. Later, he or she became a real person or a real king. Unless he encountered an accident and died young, at least he was

The top divine monk.

How virtuous and capable are the monks in the inner palace and the monks in the outer building? Can they surpass the imagination of those strong men in their current realm?

But only when the impossible is accomplished can a genius be called a genius!

There is no doubt that Qin Zhizhen is such a genius.

Even the strong man who created this set of superb sword skills couldn't do better than him when he was in the inner realm.

That’s why it’s called “above the best, stronger than ever”.

Annihilate the past, end this life, and eliminate the next life.

Such a third-generation Shura sword is so terrifying that it makes one despair.

Many people just saw these three swords outside the court and felt that their souls were deeply trapped.

Each knife seems to overwhelm the body and soul, driving the viewer step by step toward death. All struggles are useless, and all choices are chosen.

If it weren't for the ancient prohibition of Tianxiazhitai, they wouldn't be able to even look at it!

But for Jiang Wang, this familiar feeling...

This feeling of interfering in choices and influencing the future...

From the perspective of him who has a wrong path, it is really interesting.

The first sword cuts off the past life, and the second sword cuts off the present life.

In this way, the past and present are cut off, and the opponent's choice is influenced. Finally, he can gather his strength and end the future with one strike. It has to be said that the Shura Sword of Three Generations is really a superb swordsmanship. It is almost compared to magical power with swordsmanship. It can kill the deadlock with three swords, thus completely ending the opponent.

, destroy the future.

The only pity is...

The sravaka fairy state has captured enough information, and Mistu has already warned of the "manipulation".

Jiang Wang has not gone astray.

However, Qin Zhizhen's three interlocking swords, killing will, interfering with choices, and directly severing the future, felt that he was on the wrong track!

If the owner of Misguided Path was interfered with in his choice, it would be really a joke if he was still a monk in the same realm.

It can even be said that when Qin Zhizhen slashed out the first sword to destroy his previous life, Jiang Wang had already felt the influence of the third-generation Shura Sword on his choice under the influence of the Misguided Divine Power.

Based on the analysis of the information collected by the voice-hearing fairy state, at that time, he had already foreseen the third sword's next life and had foreseen this moment!

Jiang Wang, who possesses the magical power of misdirection, knows very well what choices he will make and what results will lead to. He can clearly see such three swords.

After understanding these three swords in turn, he remained silent and followed Qin Zhizhen's sword movements, certainly not to play with him!

So when all the viewers were already despairing, Jiang Wang became more and more calm.

His heart was heavy, but his eyes were still stained with the pain of being a celebrity who failed in his sword style.

He was swiping the man's sword horizontally when Qin Zhizhen suddenly fell into the void and staggered suddenly in front of the sword intended to cut open his chest and abdomen!

Like a down-and-out celebrity, he drowns his sorrows in wine.

Life is full of joys and sorrows, love and hate are hard to come by.

However, after a few ounces of yellow soup, I no longer know what day it is.

They don't know that disaster is coming, and they don't know that people are about to die.

So he staggered and fell backward.

This fall just missed the dark blade of the horizontal and vertical sword.

But if that's all, you can never really avoid this knife.

So he leaned back sharply.

Like a drunkard who is about to fall on his back, he reacts suddenly to steady himself.

Unfortunately, the force was too much and the whole body leaned forward again!

He staggered forward and jumped forward.

This pounce seemed to send his vitals back to Qin Zhizhen's blade.

Long sky, who is this?

The drunkard no longer knows whether to live or die.

But when he fell on his back, the sword was drawn away. When he jumped back, the sword came back!

Those eyes filled with despair and pain suddenly shone brightly and were filled with contentment!

Drunk and then crazy!

From top to bottom, stab the sword diagonally.

This sword perfectly echoes Qin Zhizhen's sword that stabbed diagonally from bottom to top to cut off the world.

It’s really up and down.

At this moment, Qin Zhizhen fell into the void, his sword fell with him, and he slashed out a unique sword, intending to cut open his opponent completely.

Jiang Wang first leaned back, avoiding the blade with his upper body, and then leaned forward with his upper body, returning the sword and pointing at Qin Zhizhen's Tianling.

This is the proud sword of the young and frivolous.

So what if there is no future life?

We, the proud young men, will be proud in this life and will have no worries in the next life!

Qin Zhizhen's horizontal and vertical knives may still be able to cut open Jiang Wang's abdomen, but before that, his heavenly spirit must be pierced first.

This sword is so fast, so urgent, so sharp, so proud!

Qin Zhizhen, trapped in the force of the sword, could neither advance nor retreat.

In an instant, he went from trapping his opponent in a dead situation to being trapped in a dead situation by his opponent!

What he had to face at this time was not just the sword of pride.

He ended up weaving the Shura Sword of Three Generations to cover himself!

This is the doomsday that will happen again after the third sword of the Shura Sword of Three Generations is destroyed in the previous life!

How powerful is his Third Generation Shura Sword, Jiang Wang's sword must be even more frightening, coupled with the triumphant style!

The two phases are superimposed, and as Sauvignon Blanc progresses, faint black lines appear in the air, which are cracks in the space!

At this critical moment, Qin Zhizhen suddenly fell down.

The man and his sword fell into the void and disappeared.

Only a drop of blood splashed between the eyebrows remained in this world, tracing a long trajectory in the air.


Landed on the martial arts stage.

This sound is so slight, but so clear!

Killing the Third Shura Sword...

It has been broken!

This third-generation Shura Sword that surpasses the peak is not weak, but Jiang Wang's response is simply amazing!

He completed the counterattack with ease and forced Qin Zhizhen away, even leaving a drop of blood behind!

It's so simple that many people doubt themselves. Have they seen and felt wrong? Qin Zhizhen's Shura Sword of Killing Three Generations is actually just superficial?

Gan Changan murmured in disbelief: "It's amazing! His swordsmanship seems to be better than Qin Zhizhen's!"

This is of course impossible. Jiang Wang's current swordsmanship is far from reaching the level of Douzhao Douzhan Seven Styles.

The human sword style is still far away from the top level, and it is definitely not as good as the Shura Sword of the Third Generation.

However, Qi Tu happened to counter the opponent's intention to kill the third generation of swords, and by understanding his own choice, he also understood the opponent's choice. Under the "anticipation of the enemy's opportunity", Jiang Wang completed this sword that pointed directly at the vital point.

Huang Budong half-closed and half-opened his eyes and said nothing.

"Strength lies in prediction, not swordsmanship." Zhang Gu concluded.

Real people in this world can see the light of supernatural powers, but it is impossible to see the essence of supernatural powers directly through the light of supernatural powers. Moreover, Jiang Wang represented Qi in the battle at Guanhetai, and his body had already been covered up.

Furthermore, he didn't use any wrong approach at all, he was just passively counterattacking.

As strong as Zhang Gu, he could only tell that Jiang Wang's sword victory was based on prediction, but he could not get a glimpse of the root cause of Jiang Wang's victory. In battle, being able to understand the opponent's choices is a powerful performance.

At this moment, Qin Zhizhen's three swords failed, and in order to get rid of the dead situation, he retreated into the void.

For a moment, only Jiang Wang was left standing with his sword in hand.

On the ring stand, Chongxuan Sheng suddenly asked: "Is Qin Zhizhen leaving the martial arts arena? Does this count as admitting defeat?"

Xu Xiangqian also suddenly realized: "Should we forget it? Otherwise, if he takes the opportunity to run back to Qin, do we still have to wait for him to come back before fighting?"

The conversation is not very loud, but you can hear everything that needs to be heard.

The people of Qin didn't give any reaction.

It's not up to everyone to decide whether to win or lose.

But Chong Xuan Sheng’s words also pointed out the time limit issue.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against thieves. Qin Zhizhen, who is wandering in the void, undoubtedly takes the initiative.

Chong Xuan Sheng specifically pointed out that Qin Zhizhen cannot hide in the void all the time. Based on the principle of fairness, there is a possibility of being judged as the loser in passive fighting.

Zhenjun Yuyi, who is presiding over the conference, must face this point squarely.

In the final analysis, Qin Zhizhen's sense of oppression was too strong. Even if Jiang Wang briefly gained the upper hand at this moment, as Jiang Wang's friends, they still couldn't help but worry.

This is not an off-court move, just do everything you can do off-court. Even if the impact is minimal.

As for Jiang Wang on the martial arts stage, he certainly would not place his hopes of victory or defeat on others.

In fact, Qin Zhizhen's figure had just disappeared into the void, and Jiang Wang had already stepped on the place where he disappeared... The flames rolled away!

The fire world opens on the martial arts stage!

That's the time.

The sea of ​​fire ripples, and fireworks bloom everywhere.

The heat wave is rolling, and the scorching light is burning.

Flame birds chirped and flew around; meteors rumbled and pierced the sky.

In the living world of fire, Jiang Wang, dressed in blue and wielding a proud sword, is as dazzling as a god.

He didn't try to find Qin Zhizhen at all. His little understanding of the void was simply not enough to confront Qin Zhizhen who possessed the magical power of void refining.

If it were outside the martial arts stage, relying on the ability to walk in the void, Qin Zhizhen would have been in an invincible position, able to advance and retreat freely.

But on this martial arts stage, Jiang Wang didn't have to pursue it.

It is the most correct choice to open up the world of fire and wait for work.

No matter where Qin Zhizhen is walking in the void, when he appears, he must already be in the fire realm.

When Qin Zhizhen grasped the opportunity, he took advantage of the location.

Even if Qin Zhizhen always hides in the void, even if Yu Yu never urges him. The two sides will eventually enter the stage of competition and consumption, and Jiang Wang is not worried at all.

The fire world uses the power of stars as the sky and the power of totems as the earth. All understanding and evolution of the element of fire are the vitality of this world. The true fire of Samadhi is the origin of this world.

After the fire realm is created, nature will continue to grow.

If there is no strong power consumption, the fire world itself can last for a long time.

But Qin Zhizhen was walking in the void, but he was consuming his magical power all the time.

No matter how you calculate it, it is an advantage.

The calculation of the battle is only in the mind, and the process of the battle changes rapidly.

Qin Zhizhen, wearing black clothes and a black sword, stepped out of the void the next moment and landed on the martial arts stage. However, he was far away from Jiang Wang and almost stood on the edge of the martial arts stage.

Then he stabbed him across the body!

His response is also very simple, break through the fire world first, and then fight the opponent. He will never let himself fall into an extremely unfavorable combat environment like Xiang Bei.

This is certainly one of the right choices.

But as strong as Qin Zhizhen, who walked freely in the void, he did not take advantage of the void to intersect with the present world, and launched an attack on Jiang Wang immediately.

This undoubtedly shows that Jiang Wang's sword that directly destroyed the Third Shura Sword has made him fearful.

As a strong man, he certainly has invincible self-confidence. But as a strong man, he needs to face the reality that his opponent's swordsmanship may be stronger than his own.

Last time, he only left a drop of blood, but he may not be able to retreat so quickly every time.

Therefore, this sword does not kill the person, but only breaks the skill.

This sword is the sword used to cut off the past life.

Since the front edge is broken, it should not exist now.

Qin Zhizhen's first strike out of the void was to dismantle the foundation of the existence of the Fire Realm and destroy the "geographical advantage" constructed by Jiang Wang!

After the quick kill fails, turn to stability.

The distance he chose was far enough, and his knife was fast enough.

But just as he walked out of the void, Jiang Wang had already looked at him.

The voice-hearing immortal state will not let go of any clues, and when Jiang Wang looked at the person, his left eye was already red.

According to Gu Yang, the pupil of Qian Yang!

The secret pupil killing method is called "falling to the west"!

Qin Zhizhen's sword was only halfway through, and an alarm came from the Tongtian Palace.

He will not forget that Jiang Wang was the man who defeated Xiang Bei in the battle for souls.

How dare he ignore the warning from Tongtian Palace?

Therefore, the soul manifested immediately, and the spirit of the sword holding horizontal and vertical swords appeared and descended into the Tongtian Palace.

Qin Zhizhen's Tongtian Palace is tall, solid, and has an unshakable idea.

Above the dome, there are nine colorless whirlpools that move at high speed like torrents, with a faint whistling sound. Thunderous waves collide with each other, and silence sometimes appears.

Qin Zhizhen's Taoist true spirit is a huge sacred bull with five-color swirling patterns on its horns and white body and tail.

Qin Zhizhen, dressed in black as ink, stood between the two horns, holding a knife hanging diagonally in his right hand.

He looked towards where Jiang Wang's soul had invaded.

A vivid painting is unfolded.

This painting is full of details. It depicts Qin Zhizhen's Tongtian Palace, a huge sacred bull stepping in the sky, a colorless road hanging on the dome, and Qin Zhizhen's soul manifested in black clothes and black swords.

Riding alone into the battle map!

The picture is only half-cut, as if it had been cut off by some sharp weapon. The damage to the treasure makes those who see it for the first time unable to help but feel disappointed.

In the soul battle with Xiang Bei, Jiang Wang won a complete victory. He cut with his sword, but only had time to cut off half of the scroll, and then used the flame sparrow and the hidden snake to eat it.

Being swallowed by the power of the soul, you will naturally be aware of it.

Although there was only half of the picture left, it was this half that allowed him to crash open Qin Zhizhen's Tongtian Palace and launch a large-scale attack at the level of the soul. Instead of having to sneak in secretly with the soul hidden snake like before, it was difficult due to his inherent inadequacies.

Expand your position.

Only half of the single riders left entered the formation, unable to help him seize control of the opponent's Tongtian Palace.

But it’s not necessary.

He came to Tongtian Palace.

We are here to destroy the city, not capture it!

As the fragments of the map of riding alone into the formation poured in, there was a dazzling huge scorching sun!


After Qin Zhizhen's soul manifested in Tongtian Palace, the first thing he saw was a picture of riding alone into the formation. The picture was poor and the situation changed. The second thing he saw was the scorching sun crashing into Tongtian Palace, and then he heard the sound of the people in Tongtian Palace.


He suddenly discovered that his soul seemed to be in the world of fire. His Tongtian Palace was just a small thatched cottage in this world.

And in this splendid world of fire, the sun that provided endless light and heat suddenly fell.

It’s for falling to the west!

Jiang Wang's voice sounded here, but it was so indifferent that it was unlike the other person. It was so majestic that it seemed that it only sounded about strength.

"Because of this encounter in the world of fire, I invite you to watch the sunset!"

The technique of Falling to the West is to use the power of Qianyang Eyes to draw the opponent's soul and create an illusion that can harm the opponent.

In terms of performance, if it is simply described, it is the power of the divine soul evolving into the falling sun. The falling sun destroys the world, which of course destroys the divine soul.

And Jiang Wang happened to have witnessed the spectacle of the scorching sun falling into the sea in the world in the red mirror, and truly experienced the power of the setting sun.

That scene was extremely real and profound. Even the growth of the soul at that time was nurtured in that kind of fear.

The scorching sun fell and burned the vast sea. How many people in the world can see such a great miracle?

The images of this visualization are superimposed, and then promoted with the power of the soul that far exceeds that of monks in the same realm.

Even if someone from the royal family of the Yang Kingdom were to repeat this killing method, they would not be stronger than Jiang Wang in the inner palace.

How strong is Jiang Wang's soul power?

Every time you open a palace, you must explore its limits. The number of inner palace rooms explored in each palace is three thousand. Most of the inner palace monks return after picking up the secret treasures, and will not waste too much time on it.

, and the power of the soul is not enough to support the depth, and it is easy to get lost.

And Jiang Wang survived three life-and-death disasters in the red mirror. The power of his soul was too strong, and his soul spread like a snake and swam in. Within the three thousand inner palace rooms, there was no danger of getting lost at all.

Even Xiang Bei, who was born with the phenomenon of double suns and double eyes, could not compare with him in terms of pure soul power.

At this moment, Jiang Wang devoted all his energy in an instant, imagining the scorching sun falling into the sea, triggering the Eye of Qian Yang to fall to the west, killing the opponent in one fell swoop at the soul level, leaving the Heavenly Mansion useless!

No matter how many magical powers you have, if they can't act on the soul...

Come and die with me!


Qin Zhizhen, whose soul was manifested, and his Tongtian Palace were also trapped in terror.

The great sun crashed, and the heaven and the earth were destroyed.

This body will no longer exist, and this world will never exist again!

This chapter has been completed!
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