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Patrol the sky with a pure heart

Patrol the sky with a pure heart

author:Why is the love so great?

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Last Update:07-27 07:24

Latest chapter:Chapter 161 The gaps in his body are as cracked as a long river

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers describe corpses, and hundreds of years of history describe evil tigers. Heaven and earth are just as ruthless, and I have a sincere heart to patrol the sky. —————— Welcome to the world of Xianxia, where love is so extreme. ———— — Chixinying (book club group): 879927532

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《Patrol the sky with a pure heart》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 161 The gaps in his body are as cracked as a long river
Chapter 160: The world shares this meaning, is there a God of Heaven?
Chapter 159: Heroes of the World
Chapter 158 Noble
Chapter 157 Tomorrow is like forever
Chapter 156 Danger
Chapter 155: This is the flag
Chapter 154: The mountains do not bury the bones
Chapter 153 Rising Sun
《Patrol the sky with a pure heart》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 His amazing perseverance has no audience (revision)
Chapter 2 The Lord of Dongzhen Ruins (Repair)
Chapter 3 This hatred is hard to repay!
Chapter 4 Please die
Chapter 5 If you have experienced everything I have experienced
Chapter 6 Trust is not wrong
Chapter 7 Old things are like memories
Chapter 8 Shaking the Beheaded
Chapter 9 Attitude!
Chapter 10 A piece of loess, a beautiful face and white bones
Chapter 11 Have you ever remembered, the immortal asked
Chapter 12 Use it to its full potential
Chapter 13: Receive purple energy in the morning, attract Danxia in the evening
Chapter 14 This is the Emperor in the Sword
Chapter 15 A Whole Spring
Chapter 16 Every moment
Chapter 17 Who has an injustice?
Chapter 18 Seeing the mountains again, going to the mountains again
Chapter 19 Beads Falling on the Jade Plate
Chapter 20 Lifelong Jiang Anan
Chapter 21 Stars in Eyes
Chapter 22 Emergency Recruitment
Chapter 23 Hyakki Hiruko
Chapter 24: Blowing the Tornado
Chapter 25 The blood and smoke
Chapter 26: Sacrifice ones life
Chapter 27 Qinghe Water Mansion
Chapter 28 From the depths of the Nine Netherworld
Chapter 29: The Netherworld and the Blue Sky Disappear
Chapter 30 Waste, useless person
Chapter 31: Be willing to be ordinary
Chapter 32 Meeting in the Galaxy
Chapter 33: Angry Bullfighting
Chapter 34 Four Spirits Refining the Body
Chapter 35 You are just too boring
Chapter 36 Autumn is coming to an end
Chapter 37 Three Cities Discussing the Tao
Chapter 38 Can I hurt others? (Angrily asking for recommendation votes)
Chapter 39 Controlling Yuan Jue
Chapter 40 He doesnt deserve it
Chapter 41 Everyone has his weaknesses
Chapter 42 An'an, An'an!
Chapter 43: Brother...this is my first time as a brother.
Chapter 44 The Hidden Demon King
Chapter 45 The trump card
Chapter 46: Bunt
Chapter 47 Yang Xingyong
Chapter 48 Mountain Barbarian!
Chapter 49 Kunpi Drum
Chapter 50 Wang Yichui
Chapter 51 Mountain Collapse
Chapter 52: Connecting Heaven and Earth
Chapter 53: Dark Candle
Chapter 54 I dont
Chapter 55 The disappearing candle
Chapter 56 The End
Chapter 57 Farewell at Changting Pavilion
Chapter 58 Today is Jiang Anans birthday
Chapter 59: Stay at your house for a few days
Chapter 60 Can you hear the crane's cry?
Chapter 61: The last shot
Chapter 62 Purple Qi comes from the east, and the princes look to the west
Chapter 63: All the mountains and palaces are made of earth
Chapter 64: Storm is coming
Chapter 65 Vertical pen, Yuheng, flying over
Chapter 66: If the sky does not cross, everyone will cross by himself
Chapter 67: Fireworks on earth, blue clouds in the sky
Chapter 68: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Chapter 69 Heading to the top of the mountain
Chapter 70 Why to engrave
Chapter 71 Sun Hengzhens vertical pen peak is here
Chapter 72: There are seven stars in the Big Dipper, and Yuheng ranks fifth among them.
Chapter 73: Rush forward!
Chapter 74 Ye Qingyu
Chapter 75: Breaking the mountain!
Chapter 76: Mountains and rivers are easy to change, but people's hearts are hard to calm down
Chapter 77 White Bone Lotus
Chapter 78 The road is as clear as the blue sky
Chapter 79 Song Ruyi
Chapter 80 Love is such an illusory thing
Chapter 81 Letter from Heaven
Chapter 82: A sword across the door
Chapter 83 Can I win the first place?
Chapter 84 Once the landslide occurs
Chapter 85: Meet in the Galaxy
Chapter 86 Who are you like (first update added for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 87: Both worlds are in trouble (second update added for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 88: The first time we met, I saw you naked (Added third update for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 89 Goodbye Yuheng
Chapter 90 What I Saw
Chapter 91 The first thing
Chapter Ninety-Two: Yuheng Peak Inclined
Chapter 93: Who in the clouds sent a brocade book?
Chapter 94: Yunjians business
Chapter Ninety-Five: The Star-Tangled Spirit Snake
Chapter 96 So What
Chapter 97 The sword is three feet long and has seven fingers!
Chapter 98 I am not a genius
Chapter 99 The Second Thing
Chapter 100 Who will write justice?
Chapter 101 Eight Hundred Miles of Qingjiang River
Chapter 102 Water patterns are like broken snow
Chapter 103 The boy among them
Chapter 104 When everything comes to an end
Chapter 105: Walking on the edge of a knife
This is the first time Im publishing a single chapter, and I want to express some of my inner thoughts.
Chapter 106 Who is willing to underestimate the young heart?
Chapter 107: No understanding in mind, no wings in body
Chapter 108: Money and goods
Chapter 109: Discussing the Tao of the Galaxy
Chapter 110 Beautiful and Unique
Chapter 111 The scenery I saw
Chapter 112 Three Talents Perfect Little Zhou Tian
Chapter 113 Behind the Skeletons
Chapter 114 Heroic Courage
Chapter 115 Respect each other
Chapter 116 No one sleeps tonight
Chapter 117 Everything you once owned
Chapter 118 Michiko Whitebone
Chapter 119: Pressing the sword and looking around, feeling confused
Chapter 120: Everlasting hatred, the human heart is not as good as water
Chapter 121 The world is hot
Chapter 122 When the sun shines
Chapter 123 Dark Whirlpool
Chapter 124 My Heartbeat
Chapter 125: Little Orange Fat Cat Deep in the Courtyard
Chapter 126 My heart is as broken as the moon
Chapter 127 So far away
Chapter 128: Honesty, Honesty
Chapter 129: No Hometown Anymore (please vote for recommendation)
Chapter 130: Heaven and Earth, Lord, Dear, Master
Chapter 131 Beheading
Chapter 132: Jun Wens return date has not yet been announced
Chapter 133 Twelve Bone Faces
Chapter 134 This victory belongs to me!
Chapter 135 I see the world of genius
Chapter 136: All too late farewell
Chapter 137: Old Heart
Chapter 138: Bone Gate on the Moon
Chapter 139: Its been like a dream for decades
Chapter 140 The last moment
Chapter 141 I return from Jiuyou!
Chapter 142 Go back!
Chapter 143 The bright moon is in the sky
Summary and Remarks of Volume One
Chapter 1 The farewell of an old friend
Chapter 2 Farewell to the Clouds (Added 1/3 update for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 3 A Journey of Ten Thousand Miles
Chapter 4 The Land of Gods Blessing
Chapter 5: Cursed Paper Man (Added 2/3 updates for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 6 Xiaocao lowered his head as if in remembrance
Chapter 7: When people are unjust, there are people who cry out
Chapter 8: The one who earns wages for everyone (Additional update 3/3 for leader Uriel 123)
Chapter 9 National Preceptor Zhao Cang
Chapter 10 What you think is justice
Chapter 11 What monument do you bear?
Chapter 12 The road is long and difficult
Chapter 13 The peoples hearts are like water, and I am He Bo
Chapter 14: Those who never come back
Chapter 15 The First Palace in Heaven and Earth
Chapter 16 The unknown person
Chapter 17 Who knows... Fengxian Zhang!
Chapter 18 The Strongest Opponent
Chapter 19 Tianfu
Chapter 20 Dragon Palace
Chapter 21 The murderous intention gradually arises
Chapter 22 Doubtful Array
Chapter 23 Death Qi
Chapter 24 A game within a game within a game within a game
Chapter 25: No one survives under the poison of nine deaths
Chapter 26 Cause of Death
Chapter 27 The Horn of the Blue Dragon
Chapter 28 Tower of Babel
Chapter 29 Fearless, No Return, Invincible
Chapter 30 One against five
Chapter 31 I have a sword that can travel thousands of miles
Chapter 32: Miraculous powers can be expected
Chapter 33 The Winner (Additional update 1/3 for leader Ashis little cotton-padded jacket)
Chapter 34 Old Friend
Chapter 35 Past
Chapter 36: Big Throw (Additional update 2/3 for leader Ashis little cotton jacket)
Chapter 37 Deja vu Lu Shuanghe
Chapter 38 Looking into Heaven
Chapter 39: Chiyang Nanyao (Additional update 3/3 for leader Ashis little cotton-padded jacket)
Chapter 40 Forging a Sword
Chapter 41 The Swallow Returns to the Nest
Chapter 42 Famous instruments move everywhere
Chapter 43: Overthrow the Army and Kill the General
Chapter 44: Fighting for Love
Chapter 45: Dont be insulted
Chapter 46 Drawing the Sword
Chapter 47 Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 48 Born this way
Chapter 49: A lone wolf dies on hunger strike, a lone eagle dies after touching a pillar
Chapter 50 Massacre
Chapter 51 Unlocking the stage
Chapter 52 I miss you so much
Chapter 53 The sun rises and the world becomes bright
Chapter 54 Green Card
Chapter 55: The dead soul is in the gorge, how can I be alone alone?
Chapter 56 Hus Mine
Chapter 57: Presumptuous
Chapter 58 People of the world
Chapter 59 I have a peach blossom
Chapter 60 Human Affairs
Chapter 61 Seeing the Sheep on the Ground
Chapter 62 The city says: No redemption
Chapter 63 Pride
Chapter 64 Sweep
Chapter 65: Conceited Life
Chapter 66 Jiacheng
Chapter 67: How it used to be
Chapter 68: Looking, hearing and asking
Chapter 69 Life is really... (Happy New Year everyone!)
Chapter 70 Human life is at stake
Chapter 71 Ill judge you right here
Chapter 72 In my name, Jiang Wang
Chapter 73: Using force to overwhelm others
Chapter 74: Seeing the Sheep Unknown
Chapter 75 I love you, useless and powerless
Chapter 76 I dont know what it means
Chapter 77 Who is free from suffering in this world?
Chapter 78 Am I bad?
Chapter 79 There is no door to hell
Chapter 80 The hero spares his life
Chapter 81: Bull Demons and Snake Gods
Chapter 82 'Story'
Chapter 83 Return to Dream
Chapter 84 Life-saving straw
Chapter 85 Gluttony
Chapter 86 Hanging upside down like a forest
Chapter 87 Disaster
Chapter 88 How much do you hate me?
Chapter 89: Treasures are born, everyone depends on their own methods
Chapter 90 Tianqingyun Sheep
Chapter 91 As you can see
Chapter 92 As witty as you
Chapter 93: Believers, people say so
Chapter 94: Why is it so embarrassing?
Chapter 95: Suffering in the World
Chapter 96: Heihong becomes his son and slays this dragon
Chapter 97: The wind started at the end of Qingping
Chapter Ninety-eight: Those who abandon me (Everyone has a happy Lantern Festival!)
Chapter Ninety-Nine: Life is intertwined with a sword
Chapter 100 White Flag
Chapter 101: Who is the ninety-year-old man crying for?
Chapter 102: Violation is unfilial, disobedience is disloyal!
Chapter 103 'Micro' and 'Gradual'
Chapter 104: Demonic words confuse the public
Chapter 105 Choice
Chapter 106 Ask a doctor
Chapter 107 Jiacheng Anmin Book
Chapter 108 How should I die?
Chapter 109 I dont know destiny
Chapter 110 The Scholar
Chapter 111 Besieging the City with One Sword
Chapter 112: Edict: You shall be punished for your crime
Chapter 113 Blood Festival Red Flag
Chapter 114 I'm waiting for you
Chapter 115 Glory to You
Chapter 116: Mother and Child Plague Bell
Chapter 117: Birthday, I want to eat eggs
Chapter 118 Robbery
Chapter 119 Compensation
Chapter 120 Smart Man
Chapter 121: Decay
Chapter 122 Its strange
Chapter 123 Ten Miles of Silky Elements
Chapter 124 The common people are a vast ocean
Chapter 125 Please dont look back!
Chapter 126 The Road to Heroes
Chapter 127 I had sleepless nights
Chapter 128 You must find me
Chapter 129 'Ignore' (Thanks to book friend Chen Zeqing for the leader award!)
Chapter 130: No need
Chapter 131 Unexplainable Fear
Chapter 132: Red makeup kills the person in the mirror
Chapter 133: Flying Snow Tribulation
Chapter 134 The aftermath
Chapter 135: Nightmare of the Heart
Chapter 136: Flooding
Chapter 137 Three turns around the tree
Chapter 138 Broken Jade (Additional update for leader Chen Zeqing!)
Chapter 139 Just like the previous promise
Chapter 140: Suspended Life
Chapter 141 Biography
Chapter 142 The plague worsens
Chapter 143 What to do
Chapter 144: Locked Realm
Chapter 145 Autumn Kill (Additional update 2/3 for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 146 The chair is too small
Chapter 147: Whats the crime of being a father?
Chapter 148: Take the responsibility (Congratulations to the leader Chen Zeqing 3/3)
Chapter 149: Things are changing
Chapter 150: Thirty years in a snap
Chapter 151 Chongxuan Chu Liang
Chapter 152 The Bone Gate
Chapter 153 The troops are coming
Chapter 154 Yin Yang Killing Formation
Chapter 155 Young Man Jiang uproots the Gate of Heaven and Earth
Chapter 156 Dao Meridian Soaring Dragon
Chapter 157 Dare to exaggerate
Chapter 158 A cold star rises
Chapter 159: Willingness
Chapter 160 Friends come
Chapter 161 Surrender
Chapter 162 Seeking common ground while reserving differences
Chapter 163 My heart is bright, what else can I say?
Chapter 164 The Three Ultimate Flying Swords
Chapter 165 The Incarnation of Plague
Chapter 166 What can you do to me?
Chapter 167 Stop my butcher knife
Chapter 168: Silent words
Chapter 169: Hunting for Red Tail
Chapter 170: Son of a Thousand Jin
Chapter 171 Within ten steps
Chapter 172 Kill all the way
Chapter 173: Settling the storm!
Chapter 174 The Tail of Red Flame
Chapter 175 Wait
Chapter 176: Stepping on the door of my life and death
Chapter 177: We havent seen each other for years, but its life and death at first sight
Chapter 178: Eternal Enmity
Chapter 179: Meeting in life and death!
Chapter 180: Past Plots
Chapter 181 The Forbidden Law of Dark Thunder
Chapter 182 Yin and Yang must be separated, life and death are not connected
Chapter 183 Wang Changji VS Zhang Linchuan
Chapter 184 The Battle of Red Tail
Chapter 185: Life and death may not be the same
Chapter 186 Brave
Chapter 187 has arrived!
Chapter 187: The veteran with gray hair has seen many lives and deaths!
Chapter 188: Kill the general and capture the flag!
Chapter 189: One Generals Success and Ten Thousand Bones Withered
Chapter 190 Unstoppable
Chapter 191: Three Kills in Autumn
Chapter 192 Full Name
Chapter 193 Jin Shulai
Summary and Remarks of Volume 2
Chapter 1 Qingyang Town Man
Chapter 2 Marquis Dingyuan
Chapter 3 Animal Skin Book
Chapter 4 Seeking benevolence and receiving benevolence
Chapter 5 Bitter Sleep
Chapter Six: Retribution
Chapter 7: Respect him as a god
Chapter 8 Shinto
Chapter 9 Hanging Temple
Chapter 10 Picking Peach
Chapter 11 Sentient Beings
Chapter 12: Deep etiquette and deep affection
Chapter 13 Never seen Linzi in my life
Chapter 14 Not sending it away
Chapter 15 Giving Gifts
Chapter 16 The Misty Lady Pipa
Chapter 17 Swallowing mountains and rivers with anger
Chapter 18 If you want to try a string, try a sword!
Chapter 19 The bow is like a thunderbolt.
Chapter 20 Green, fat, red and thin
Chapter 21: Ignorance
Chapter 22 Shimenca
Chapter 23 Donghua Pavilion
Chapter 24: Brothers and sisters respect each other
Chapter 25 Playing Chess
Chapter 26: Happy to be drunk
Chapter 27 Behind the Sun
Chapter 28 Yulifeng
Chapter 29: Chinese people do not kill celebrities
Chapter 30 August 15th
Chapter 31: Scarcity of blood
Chapter 32 The maple clouds are late
Chapter 33: Begging sin from heaven and cutting open the liver and gallbladder
Chapter 34 Bluestone Changle
Chapter 35: Time waits for no one, and good times are hard to keep.
Chapter 36: How arrogant in the past, but respectful in the future
Chapter 37: I wont send you far away
Chapter 38 The past is like a scroll turning yellow
Chapter 39: Heavy Mysterious Diagram
Chapter 40 The rest of the bones
Chapter 41 Yunwu Mountain
Chapter 42 Please play for you
Chapter 43 The power of one blow
Chapter 44 Eight-tone Flame Bird
Chapter 45: Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger
Chapter 46: So many things in ancient and modern times
Chapter 47: Life, Death, and Prosperity
Chapter 48 A clear conscience
Chapter 49: Watcher
Chapter 50 Uninvited
Chapter 51 What are you laughing at?
Chapter 52 The first dragon? One against three!
Chapter 53 The Sword of Humanity
Chapter 54: Intelligent Calculation
Chapter 55 When discussing swords
Chapter 56: Advance with great success
Chapter 57 The young man in gorgeous robe
Chapter 58 Honorable Name: Taixu Liuhe
Chapter 59 Manpower is sometimes scarce
Chapter 60 The Scholar
Chapter 61 Baishi Street
Chapter 62 Sparrow
Chapter 63 Porter
Chapter 64: The Two Prides of Ganma Mountain
Chapter 65 Zheng Shangming
Chapter 66: Making moves
Chapter 67: Endless fun
Chapter 68: Keep it in mind every step of the way
Chapter 69 Everything that cannot be decided
Chapter 70 Machine Change
Chapter 71 The next generation is to be feared
Chapter 72 Consensus
Chapter 73 Sunset
Chapter 74 Ripples
Chapter 75 Practice
Chapter 76: Be polite to others
Chapter 77: Walking with the Phoenix
Chapter 78 Peoples hearts are not as old as they used to be.
Chapter 79 That is
Chapter 80: Sit in the 'well' and look at the sky
Chapter 81 Star position opens
Chapter 82 Scooping the Water of the Galaxy
Chapter 83: Red Luan, Frost Kill
Chapter 84 'An arrow pierces the heart'
Chapter 85 Breaking in
Chapter 86 Senhai World (One million words please subscribe)
Chapter 87: No wind or rain can enter within one foot
Chapter 88 My defense is formidable
Chapter 89: Hunting
Chapter 90 Dragon God Envoy
Chapter 91 Senhaiyuan Realm
Chapter 92 The Land of Gods Shade
Chapter 93 Priest
Chapter 94 The Blue Saint
Chapter 95 Eight Branches
Chapter 96 Whats your problem?
Chapter 97 Soul Education (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, Inujiang Benwang~)
Chapter 98 Mr. Zhang
Chapter 99 The gods take their seats
Chapter 100 The Secret of the Middle Ages (Please subscribe, please vote)
Chapter 101 Yan Xiao Yiming
Chapter 102 Greed
Chapter 103 'Negotiation'
Chapter 104: Worker wants to do his job well
Chapter 105 A Mother
Chapter 106 The Rules of the World
Chapter 107 The invasion of the previous 'night'
Chapter 108 Answer
Chapter 109: Snake-Slaying Dance
Chapter 110 Snake Fighting
Chapter 111 Entering the belly
Chapter 112 Harvest
Chapter 113 Source Water
Chapter 114: Time has passed
Chapter 115 Little Annoyance
Chapter 116 Guanyan
Chapter 117 The Forest of Hanging Skulls
Chapter 118 There is a family deep in the Skull Forest
Chapter 119 Yan Xiaos Power
Chapter 120 The Second Form of Humanity
Chapter 121 Seven Trees
Chapter 122 Sudden Return
Chapter 123 Three Hundred Years
Chapter 124 Facing the Night
Chapter 125: The Jade of Resurrection
Chapter 126 Know his heart
Chapter 127 The truth in dark times
Chapter 128 There is no bright moon at night here
Chapter 129 Leaving the Boundary
Chapter 130 Seven Stars in a Continuous Photo
Chapter 131: Seven Bright and Two Hidden
Chapter 132 Hidden Star World
Chapter 133 Sandstorm
Chapter 134: Fixed Wind Bead
Chapter 135 Nine Whirlpool Quicksand
Chapter 136 Silent Killing
Chapter 137 Forty-three years
Chapter 138: Uprising
Chapter 139: Those who meet me
Chapter 140 The Sword Said Chaoxin
Chapter 141 Can
Chapter 142 Point Star General
Chapter 143 The Contract of Royal Power
Chapter 144: Dianqing
Chapter 145: Burning Bone Lotus
Chapter 146: You have fists, I have swords
Chapter 147 Catacombs
Chapter 148: No support
Chapter 149 Youtian
Chapter 150 The Brave
Chapter 151 Star Beast
Chapter 152 'Star Power'
Chapter 153 Why are you calling me?
Chapter 154 Thousand Stars
Chapter 155 Thats ridiculous!
Chapter 156: Waiting for Action (Additional update for the leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 157 Entering Chess
Chapter 158 'Rule Vision'
Chapter 159 Moving forward
Chapter 160: Unstoppable
Chapter 161 Chase
Chapter 162: Choice
Chapter 163: Plot
Chapter 164: Wait until dawn
Chapter 165: Little Niangskin
Chapter 166 Hongyan
Chapter 167 Frost Heart!
Chapter 168: Dominate the world!
Chapter 169 Billions of stars hold a sword
Chapter 170 Tiankui
Chapter 171: Totem of Royal Power
Chapter 172: Is it worthy?
Chapter 173 Shackles
Chapter 174 Punishment
Chapter 175 Try to kill me
Chapter 176: Be your own master
Chapter 177 Mr. Jiang! Long time no see!
Chapter 178 'Old Friend'
Chapter 179: A man must not be without money. People avoid me like a snake or a scorpion.
Chapter 180 Hell has arrived
Chapter 181 Its hard to find a true friend
Chapter 182 The golden cicada escapes from its shell
Chapter 183 What a good thing!
Chapter 184 Another fight for Liuhe
Chapter 185 Opening up a new battlefield
Chapter 186 Legacy
Chapter 187 Honorable Name: The Strongest Tenglong in Taixu
Chapter 188: Singing and Selling
Chapter 189 Too slow
Chapter 190: Sigh
Chapter 191 Tracking
Chapter 192: Discussing the Situation
Chapter 193 Whose Era
Chapter 194 Dongjiekou
Chapter 195 Kill
Chapter 196 'Silent Beheading Order'
Chapter 197 Fourteen!
Chapter 198 Protection
Chapter 199 Trying to Kill You
Chapter 200: I cant help myself
Chapter 201 Who is the number one Tenglong!
Chapter 202: Supernatural power! Supernatural power!
Chapter 203: Young and frivolous
Chapter 204 Arrival
Chapter 205 The confidence of a famous family
Chapter 206: Military God, Fierce Slaughter
Chapter 207 Already the End of the World
Summary and Remarks of Volume Three
Chapter 1: Cone in the bag
Chapter 2 Battle
Chapter 3 Meeting of Heroes
Chapter 4 Palace Master Huaying
Chapter 5 Imperial House
Chapter 6 Beforehand
Chapter 7 The end of the world
Chapter 8 Reminder
Chapter 9 Journey
Chapter 10 Human Affairs
Chapter 11 Pursuit
Chapter 12 King Taishan
Chapter Thirteen Shocking Change
Chapter 14 A hand
Chapter 15: Cultivating Famous Instruments
Chapter 16 My heart is like the moon, Yama gathers
Chapter 17 King Qin Guang
Chapter 18 Nanyao Incident
Chapter 19: Chickens and Dogs
Chapter 20 Exchange
Chapter 21 Fiefdom
Chapter 22 The Qingyang Incident
Chapter 23 Dugu Xiaoxiao Zhoutian
Chapter 24 The era of great prosperity of Shinto
Chapter 25: How many things need to be done from the beginning
Chapter 26 Divine Seal Technique
Chapter 27 Ideas
Chapter 28 Script
Chapter 29 The curtain
Chapter 30 Everyone is at peace with their destiny
Chapter 31 I curse you
Chapter 32 Resentment
Chapter 33 Funeral
Chapter 34 Elegy
Chapter 35 Xiao Hai
Chapter 36 Entering Evil
Chapter 37 Killing Stick
Chapter 38 I am like a god coming into the world
Chapter 39 End of the play
Chapter 40 Invitation
Chapter 41: Prison Chains
Chapter 42 Songtao
Chapter 43 The Secret of the Ferocious Beast
Chapter 44 The size of the country
Chapter 45 Mrs. Xidu
Chapter 46: Wai Island
Chapter 47 Worshiping the Mountain
Chapter 48: Bald Donkey in the Corner
Chapter 49 Six Forgiveness
Chapter 50 No eyebrows
Chapter 51: You will never become a Buddha in this life
Chapter 52 Xingyueyuan
Chapter 53 Yuheng Projection
Chapter 54 Maritime Chronicles
Chapter 55 Jiang Wang and I are evenly matched
Chapter 56 Granny Bizhu
Chapter 57: Message
Chapter 58 The Indoor Room
Chapter 59 Secrets
Chapter 60 Murderous Intention
Chapter 61 Preliminary establishment
Chapter 62 Is it true that there is no such thing as beauty in the world?
Chapter 63 The scorching sun falls into the sea
Chapter 64 The Long Night
Chapter 65: A perfect plan
Chapter 66 Hump
Chapter 67 The Sword Breaks the Four Symbols
Chapter 68 Fighting
Chapter 69 Going West
Chapter 70: Being close to home is even more timid
Chapter 71 Like walking on the clouds
Chapter 72: See the stars and the moon
Chapter 73 Relatives and Friends
Chapter 74 Border Desert
Chapter 75 The Secret Land of Lingxiao
Chapter 76 My eyes have seen too much
Chapter 77: Pulse Opening Ceremony
Chapter 78: Things on the Cloud
Chapter 79 Ye Lingxiao
Chapter 80 Chi Yunshan
Chapter 81 Life Monument
Chapter 82: One sword cuts through the path of life and death. Who in the world is worthy of me turning back?
Chapter 83 Mountain Ghost
Chapter 84 The Evil Man
Chapter 85 Nightmare
Chapter 86: Night in Wangjiang City
Chapter 87 Have you ever remembered?
Chapter 88 Why?
Chapter 89 Confrontation
Chapter 90 Never forget
Chapter 91 Good sleep
Chapter 92: Flying the sword away from the distance
Chapter 93 Jiujiang City
Chapter 94 Why drink?
Chapter 95: Who do you care about?
Chapter Ninety-Six Taking a Self-Photography of Your Heart
Chapter 97 Asking where is the dusty moon in the world?
Chapter 98 Secret
Chapter 99 Shanyun is late
Chapter 100: The raised eyebrow sword is unsheathed
Chapter 101 Dou Mian
Chapter 102: Rich People
Chapter 103 What do I fear?
Chapter 104: Secret Entry and Exit Orders
Chapter 105 Mountain Pavilion
Chapter 106: Welcome Taoist Friends from Ten Directions
Chapter 107 Lost History
Chapter 108: Fighting for the Golden Body
Chapter 109: Good intentions fail
Chapter 110 Yunding Immortal Palace
Chapter 111: Hatred of injustice
Chapter 112: Order to decide the world
Chapter 113 Between hands
Chapter 114: The sky is unfair
Chapter 115: No grudges
Chapter 116: Life and death, victory or defeat
Chapter 117 Opportunity for Recovery
Chapter 118 Buying Life
Chapter 119 Unintentional Fate
Chapter 120: Wait for it to come and see how it goes
Chapter 121 Lingkong Palace
Chapter 122 Secret Treasury
Chapter 123 Recovery
Chapter 124 Dugu Luozi
Chapter 125 End of the Year
Chapter 126 Enjoy yourself
Chapter 127: Snow Mountain
Chapter 128: Infinite Painting Hands in the World
Chapter 129 Hatred
Chapter 130: New Years Eve
Chapter 131 Conquering the Country
Chapter 132 New Years Eve
Chapter 133 Frosty Long Street
Chapter 134 Long time no see
Chapter 135 Its not the moon in the sky
Chapter 136 Dragon Lock Pass
Chapter 137: Life and Death
Chapter 138: Dark moon, cold wind, silence
Chapter 139 Killing
Chapter 140: Earth and heaven are different
Chapter 141 Who rules the world?
Chapter 142 Water and Fire
Chapter 143: Demon? Nightmare?
Chapter 144: The importance of society
Chapter 145: Thousands of Miles of Starry Night, Boundless Moonlight
Chapter 146 The war is in full swing
Chapter 147 The setting sun is like blood
Chapter 148 The Nine Dragons Collapse
Chapter 149 War
Chapter 150: Monarch and Minister
Chapter 151 The National War Ends
Chapter 152: Sorrow and Rong
Chapter 153 Manjusri Eight-Character Mantra
Chapter 154: Bottom of Qingjiang River
Chapter 155 The Devils Cave
Chapter 156 The dying old man
Chapter 157: Why bother?
Chapter 158 The Lord of the Eight Hundred Miles of Qingjiang River
Chapter 159: Demonic News
Chapter 160: Bricks, Jade and Glazed Pillars
Chapter 161: Cutting flesh and offering pearls
Chapter 162 Explanation
Chapter 163 Two Hundred and Eighteen Years
Chapter 164 The edge of the cliff
Chapter 165: Close eyes
Chapter 166 The Secret of the Founding of the Country
Chapter 167: The picture shows the dagger
Chapter 168 Food Hate
Chapter 169 Hengjian Tongtian Palace
Chapter 170: Refuse to lose before reaching the end of the road
Chapter 171: Going to the end of the road
Chapter 172: Kill the dead end at the dead end!
Chapter 173 Make a deal
Chapter 174: Ambush
Chapter 175: Who in the world can be guilt-free?
Chapter 176: Going to the sea of suffering and overturning this body
Chapter 177 Regret
Chapter 178 Thrush
Chapter 179: Different Potentials
Chapter 180 The tide rises
Chapter 181: Treat each other with sincerity
Chapter 182 Sunset
Chapter 183 A fight to the death
Chapter 184 Blood Puppet
Chapter 185 Old View
Chapter 186 No Life
Chapter 187 Masked
Chapter 188: Disaster
Chapter 189 All peoples hearts and Gods will
Chapter 190: Use you to make up for the calamity
Chapter 191 Wrong Path
Volume 4Heroes, Summary and Remarks
Chapter 1 Monarch and Minister
Chapter 2 Waterweed blooms
Chapter 3 Clearing the Agreement
Chapter 4 Although there are few men
Chapter 5 Enjoying the Prestige of the Country
Chapter 6 Becoming a Teacher
Chapter 7 All in vain
Chapter 8 Good Meeting
Chapter 9 Speechless
Chapter 10 Mask Game
Chapter 11 Yunxiao
Chapter 12 Reciprocity
Chapter 13 'Fight the real person again'
Chapter 14 Lost in this
Chapter 15: Countrymen meet in a foreign land
Chapter 16: The country people dont know the country people hate them (more on whether sleeping for the leader of the alliance counts as a super power)
Chapter 17 This moment
Chapter 18 We met before
Chapter 19 Like yesterday
Chapter 20 Outside Weining Mansion
Chapter 21 Control
Chapter 22 'Knowledge'
Chapter 23 The World
Chapter 24 The whole house was in an uproar
Chapter 25: Holding the Enemys Head
Chapter 26 Standing in History
Chapter 27 Miscalculation
Chapter 28 Growth
Chapter 29 Demand
Chapter 30 Human Demon
Chapter 31 Gains and Losses
Chapter 32 Chi Lu
Chapter 33: Guidance to Songhai
Chapter 34 Tonight
Chapter 35 Struggle
Chapter 36 Asking
Chapter 37 Disaster
Chapter 38: Cutting the flesh, all evil
Chapter 39: New Society When Swallows Come
Chapter 40: Heart-to-heart
Chapter 41 Horror Story
Chapter 42: Wisdom and Foolishness
Chapter 43: A meteoric rise
letter to you
Chapter 44 The strong wind destroys the rotten wood and breaks it
Chapter 45: Gua Master
Chapter 46 Fortune Telling
Chapter 47 Immortal Lord
Chapter 48 The Original God
Chapter 49 The cold spring breeze in February
Chapter 50 Inside and outside the building
Chapter 51 The End of the World
Chapter 52: Go quickly
Chapter 53: Still want to see the end of the world (additional update for the six sons of the alliance leader who are afraid of water)
Chapter 54 Long-lost greetings
Chapter 55 The vast sea
Chapter 56: Going to sea in one day and earning two thousand three dollars
Chapter 57 Carrying the coffin and guarding the door, fishing for dragons at the end of the world
Chapter 58 Wen Yu Waterside Pavilion
Chapter 59 Pavilion in the Water
Chapter 60 Si Wuxie (Additional update for the alliance leader riding a bull south)
Chapter 61 Huaying
Chapter 62 Big Brother
Chapter 63 The future of Beiya
Chapter 64 Alienation
Chapter 65: The Golden Needle Case (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, Bingke Sword)
Chapter 66 Things are different and people are different
Chapter 67: Stormy Changming County
Chapter 68: Heaven and earth separate
Chapter 69: Losing Friends
Chapter 70 Palace of Eternal Life
Chapter 71 Changle
Chapter 72 Uncle Yi Bo Yuntian (Additional update for the leader Huamu!)
Chapter 73 Fellow Travelers
Chapter 74 Haimen
Chapter 75 Official Prestige
Chapter 76 Cuifangluo
Chapter 77 Neverwinter (Additional update for leader Polar Bear 2008!)
Chapter 78: Keeping the Line
Chapter 79: Obtaining Woodcutter
Chapter 80 You are not enough
Chapter 81 Seeing the Trend
Chapter 82 Nian Chen
Chapter 83: Man-made swordsman
Chapter 84 He Yu
Chapter 85 Old Case
Chapter 86: Dragon Bone, Youxia
Chapter 87: Storms on the sea
Chapter 88 This is not a man of God
Chapter 89: Indiscriminate and indiscriminate
Chapter 90 The Must-Kill (Additional update for leader Raise_lovell)
Chapter 91 The Five Immortals
Chapter 92 Righteous Speech
Chapter 93 Eight Sounds Burning the Sea
Chapter 94: Everyone has their own needs
Chapter 95 Listening to the trend
Chapter 96: Each is a fish, each other is bait
Chapter Ninety-seven: The man is like a dream
Chapter 98 The Origin of Love
Chapter 99 Big shot
Chapter 100 Its hard to say a master
Chapter 101 Zhu Wei
Chapter 102 This is the Master
Chapter 103: Those who are close to each other are bald
Chapter 104 Watching Him
Chapter 105 Compared with Linzi
Chapter 106: The Bird of Dongze (more updates for doing bad things for the leader without being punished by God!)
Chapter 107 'Embrace'
Chapter 108 Awakening
Chapter 109: Beheading
Chapter 110: Prison in the sea
Chapter 111 Jailer
Chapter 112: Cant bear to see her suffer
Chapter 113 Sorry
Chapter 114 Fantasy
Chapter 115: Similar Kinds (Additional update for leader Di D!)
Chapter 116: Controlling the Snake
Chapter 117 The end of the world is painful
Chapter 118 Thousands of lights, ten thousand lights
Chapter 119 Asking for a seat
Chapter 120 The soul returns
Chapter 121 Why did you die?
Chapter 122 Who are you?
Chapter 123 False Accusation
Chapter 124 Turbulence
Chapter 125 Todays Fruit
Chapter 126 Yesterday because of
Chapter 127 Just pluck a hair out
Chapter 128: Decent
Chapter 129: Dangerous Search
Chapter 130 Same crime
Chapter 131 Farewell
Chapter 132 Harsh
Chapter 133 'Ding Wei'
Chapter 133: Return to Sacrifice
Chapter 135 'Alienation'
Chapter 136 The First Sea Tribe
Chapter 137 The true identity of the Sea Lord
Chapter 138 The Soul Transforms into a Beast
Chapter 139 Magnificent Waves
Chapter 140 Tripod
Chapter 141 Wan Zhuo
Chapter 142 Gao Jie
Chapter 143: Trance (Additional update for Mr. Soy Sauce who fights passers-by for the leader of the alliance)
Chapter 144: Zhenhai Alliance
Chapter 145 Meeting
Chapter 146 Fantasy
Chapter 147 Specious
Chapter 148: Unmatched
Chapter 149 Yunmu Zun
Chapter 150 Chu Mi
Chapter 151: Sea Territory List
Chapter 151 Descendants of the True King
Chapter 152 Hunting
Chapter 154: Survival from Death
Chapter 155: One against nine
Chapter 156 Kill the enemy!
Chapter 157 Splendid
Chapter 158 Rest in Peace
Chapter 159 Ding Jingshan
Chapter 160 White Elephant King
Chapter 161 When the truth is false
Chapter 162 Nothing else
Chapter 163 Shocking Change
Chapter 164: The army besieges the island
Chapter 165: Account
Chapter 166 Rewards
Chapter 167 Mr. Qing
Chapter 168 The Capsule of Life Shadow
Chapter 169: Burning Sun Flying Boat
Chapter 170 His punch
Chapter 171: Dispute
Chapter 172 Half an hour
Chapter 173 The boundary river is difficult to cross
Chapter 174 No one wants to cross the river
Chapter 175 Gongjing crosses the river
Chapter 176 Spear and Shield
Chapter 177: Pao Ze
Chapter 178: Forced Assault
Chapter 179 The End
Chapter 180 Facing death
Chapter 181 Now is not the time to joke
Chapter 182 Crossing the Bridge
Chapter 183 Crossing the river and dying
Chapter 184: Whats wrong! (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, White Light!)
Chapter 185: Hard to say victory or defeat
Chapter 186: Not a Good Death
Chapter 187: The Pure Land of Buddha
Chapter 188: Eternally Alone
Chapter 189 No boat to cross
Chapter 190 He has no shame
Chapter 191: Holding up the palm to block the boat
Chapter 192 A martial artist
Chapter 193: Mighty Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 194: Encouragement with you
Chapter 195 Do you know
Chapter 196: People are like lamps, life is like oil
Chapter 197: Dont lose your best friends, dont recruit powerful enemies
Chapter 198 Not Thoughtful
Chapter 199: Buried in the Moon Gate
Chapter 200: When you come to the world again
Chapter 201 What are you going to do here?
Chapter 202: Killing Intent Hidden in the Sheath (Added update for alliance leader An Qianling)
Chapter 203: Trying the Sword and Fishing the Sea Tower
Chapter 204: I have no grudge against you whether I live or die.
Chapter 205 Rules (Additional update for leader Gua Gu)
Chapter 206 Everyone knows the frost and snow
Chapter 207 The water goes with the sky and the autumn is boundless
Chapter 208: Life and Death (Additional Update for Alliance Leader Kai Fengqing)
Chapter 209 Tianmen
Chapter 210 Blowing the bright moon to pieces
Chapter 211: Separating the Star Tower at a Glance
Chapter 212 Overthrow of the Army
Chapter 213: Enduring to Death (Additional update for alliance leader Xia Weiyu)
Chapter 214: People always kill them
Chapter 215: Born Fifteen Years Early
Chapter 216 April 22
Chapter 217: Return to life without life, return to life without soul
Chapter 218 The clay sculpture is broken
Chapter 219 Perfection
Chapter 220: Only for me
Chapter 221 Friends
Chapter 222: A half-day of floating life (Additional update for the leader of the alliance [Thanks to leader Di D for sponsoring])
Chapter 223: Full House
Chapter 224 Bullying my youth
Chapter 225 Ten Thousand Immortals Palace!
Chapter 226: If you dont let me down, I will not let you down
Chapter 227 The Immortal of Ten Thousand Immortals
Chapter 228 Ten thousand immortals come to court
Chapter 229 The Five Immortals are like Meng Ling
Chapter 230 The rain blows and the wind blows away
Chapter 231: Both are Qingpai
Chapter 232 Shocking News
Chapter 233 Why Huai Bi is not guilty
Chapter 234 Rules
Chapter 235: Ebb and flow
Chapter 236 Seats (Additional update for the leader of the braised egg, which is 1.9 meters tall)
Chapter 237: Ignore everything and avoid people and ghosts
Chapter 238 Lu Zongxiao
Chapter 239: Return of an Old Friend (Added update for leader 20181004211950939)
Chapter 240? A robe
Chapter 241 A drop of tears makes a moon
Chapter 242 Jing Hua (additional update for alliance leader Lin Youxue)
Chapter 243 A life on paper
Chapter 244 Qiuyang
Chapter 245: Wayao (Additional update for the leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 246: Seven Dollars (Additional update for leader Chen Zeqing!)
Chapter 247: How can it be difficult to kill an enemy and kill him?
Chapter 248: Chongxuan Yuanhu (Added update for the leader to live in a fantasy world!)
Chapter 249 Xu Zefu
Chapter 250: The whole world bears witness
Chapter 251 Taixu Corner Tower (Added 1/6 update for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 252: Miaomiao
Chapter 253 A Little White Flower
Chapter 254: No one knows when the flowers bloom, and no one pities the flowers when they fade (Additional update 2/6 for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 255 Business
Chapter 256 Waiting for the future
Chapter 257: Dont worry about it (Additional update 3/6 for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 258 I want to strive for glory
Chapter 259: Imprison me in the water
Chapter 260: Riding Two Dragons to Meet Chi (Additional Update 4/6 for Alliance Leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 261 Ask Chu
Chapter 262 The First Killing Technique
Chapter 263 The Style of a Strong Man (Additional update 5/6 for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 264: Those who are close to the red are red (New Years Day! Happy New Year everyone!)
Chapter 265 Ritual Order
Chapter 266 Its all clouds
Chapter 267 Tinglan
Chapter 268 Quail
Chapter 269 If I have a guilty conscience
Chapter 270 Xuan Huaibo
Chapter 271: A man with a strong heart
Chapter 272: Things in the world are difficult to explain (additional update 6/6 for leader Chen Zeqing)
Chapter 273: Unveiling the curtain
Chapter 274 Preparing for War
Chapter 275 Wuhua (Additional update for the 49th leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 276 Hongmeng Space
Chapter 277: I am alone and invincible
Chapter 278 I heard everything (an extra update for the leader of the alliance, Tan Shanchang!)
Chapter 279: Responding to the Call of the Frost Flower in the World
Chapter 280 Nineteen breaths from now on
Chapter 281: That man is so terrifying (additional update for leader newpaker)
Chapter 282: Only peach branches but no spring
Chapter 283 Xiang Linger
Chapter 284: Zeng Ji Sanfenxiang (monthly ticket is 2,500 plus updates, thank you to all book friends!)
Chapter 285 The moonlight and snow are not as good as each other
Chapter 286: Show your face when you see Xin
Chapter 287 The Five Elements Forbidden Cone (Additional update for leader Li Dushan!)
Chapter 288 Attention
Chapter 289 Ancestral Temple
Chapter 290: Waiting for good times (Additional update for the leader tonight!)
Chapter 291 Unparalleled
Chapter 292 Emperor Qi inquires about politics
Chapter 293: The First Gate from South to North (Additional update for the leader, Mr. Mang Mang Mang!)
Chapter 294 Fenghua
Chapter 295: The Word of Fairness (Additional update for Glory One Star)
Chapter 296: I am the best in the world (10,000 words of thanks to book friends)
Chapter 297: Hidden Sword for Ten Years, Asking for a Kill
Chapter 298 The Name of the Hero
Chapter 299: There is a sky shortage in the northwest (Additional update for the leader adminnet!)
Chapter 300: Who has this intention?
Chapter 301: Thinking about that ant... you will have no regrets! (Additional update for leader zj1998!)
Chapter 302: Rewards are endless, friendship is priceless
Chapter 303 Bullying him three points
Chapter 304: Live up to the good night (Additional update for the leader, Red Orange Peel!)
Chapter 305: Palace of National Protection
Chapter 306: Clothes on the Statue (Additional update for leader Zhijiu!)
Chapter 307: Ten Years of Desolation, One Revenge
Chapter 308: Crying Temple
Chapter 309: Youyou Cang Tian, who is this! (Additional update for the leader Gua Gu!)
Chapter 310 Questioning (please vote for me!)
Chapter 311 In Beiya
Chapter 312: Self-denial and self-suffering (Additional update for last months 4,000 May votes!)
Chapter 313: There are different joys and sorrows in the world
Chapter 314: Jiang has a female name, Wuyou, and all the men in the world would be ashamed to see her
Chapter 315: There is a rare Yulangjun in the world (an extra update for the leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 316 'Good boy'
Chapter 317 Naked and Holding a Jade (Please vote for me!)
Chapter 318 Good news
Chapter 319: Falling over the mountain
Chapter 320: Emperor Qi is far away in the Eastern Kingdom
Chapter 321 Hot Spring Palace
Chapter 322: Inside Linzi City
Chapter 323: Lights on Earth and Stars in Heaven
Chapter 324 Qianyang
Chapter 325 Two pairs of father and son
Chapter 326 Fire Realm
Chapter 327: Teach you how to kill
Chapter 328: The Equality Country (Additional update for the alliance leader!)
Chapter 329: Good to be a teacher (please vote for me!)
Chapter 330 The Moon Star is Rare
Chapter 331: The heroes of the world should know me (additional update for the monthly ticket of 6,500)
Chapter 332: Ning Jianke (Additional update for the alliance leader Yun Shang Qingbo!)
Chapter 333: Shuzi is Rampant
Chapter 334: Oath (additional update for monthly ticket of 8,000)
Chapter 335: Tiger Minister
Chapter 336 'Mourning' (Additional update for the monthly ticket of 9,500)
Chapter 337 Having fun
Chapter 338: Yanfa Pavilion
Chapter 339 Return Gift (Additional update for leader 20181004211950939!)
Chapter 340 White Lantern (Additional update for monthly ticket of 10,500)
Chapter 341 The stars and the moon remain the same
Chapter 342 People are different
Chapter 343 Starlight is like me
Chapter 344 Good Encounter
Chapter 345 'Buddha's Fate'
Chapter 346 Zhu Hes Alliance
Chapter 347 Five Horsemen
Chapter 348 Funing Zhengyin
Chapter 349 Nothing is difficult in the world (More updates for the leader of the alliance riding a bull south!)
Chapter 350: The sword rises in Xianyang City
Chapter 351 Just for Asking the Sword
Chapter 352: Dont dare to call yourself invincible from now on (Additional update for alliance leader Ashens little Midi D!)
Chapter 353: Thousands of Cold Lights Break Through Obscurity (Added update for Alliance Leader Overlord Sword Demon VAE)
Chapter 354: Fighting for the top spot
Chapter 355: A forest of swords and guns
Chapter 356 Hero Yu Wenduo
Chapter 357 and so on (an extra update for the alliance masters to make up the numbers!)
Chapter 358 'Qi Pavilion'
Chapter 359: The Gathering of Prodigies from All Countries (Additional update for leader Champollion bc!)
Chapter 360 Fengcheng
Chapter 361 Upstairs and Downstairs
Chapter 362 Crane (Additional update for leader 20181004211950939!)
Chapter 363 Riding the Wind
Chapter 364 Cang Qing
Chapter 365: All the beauties from all over the world come here
Chapter 366: Storm (Additional update for the monthly ticket of 12,000!)
Chapter 367: The Mountain Ghost
Chapter 368: Pillar of Liuhe
Chapter 369: Living in the Storm (Additional update for the leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 370: Murder is guilty, felling trees is justified
Chapter 371 A small country
Chapter 372: What the Enemy Wants
Chapter 373: The frustrated in the world
Chapter 374 Let me help you
Chapter 375: A Smile (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, Inujiang Benwang!)
Chapter 376: If you see swan geese
Chapter 377: Honest yet close to hypocrisy
Chapter 378: This is what Tianjiao should do when he sees me (an extra update for the monthly ticket of 13,500!)
Chapter 379 Ghost
Chapter 380: Rotten trees towering into the sky
Chapter 381: Once seen, history will remain the same forever (Monthly vote: 14,000)
Chapter 382 Heroic Ambition
Chapter 383 The bright moon shines
Chapter 384 Shocking news
Chapter 385 Shaohua
Chapter 386 Taiyu
Chapter 387 Sheng Xuehui
Chapter 388: Such a plan for Zhaonan
Chapter 389 Do you still remember?
Chapter 390 Surprise
Chapter 391 Waiting for tomorrow
Chapter 392 Kings Landing
Chapter 393: Kowloon Holds the Sun, Everlasting Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 394: Inverse Four Symbols Hunyuan Jin
Chapter 395: Without knowledge or skills, Chang'an can be achieved (Additional update for the leader of the golden mean! 2/2)
Chapter 396: I once saw Tianxiao dancing in the palm of my hand (Additional update for the name of the alliance leader!)
Chapter 397: Veto (please vote for me!)
Chapter 398: National Tragedy (Additional update for leader adminnest!)
Chapter 399: The Body of a God, the Power of Heaven
Chapter 400 If no one comes
Chapter 401: Vermillion Bird and Red Lotus
Chapter 402: Proud
Chapter 403: You must have fun (additional update for the monthly ticket of 15,500)
Chapter 404: He is like the blazing sun (Additional update for the monthly ticket of 16,500)
Chapter 405 Peerless
Chapter 406: Return this sword
Chapter 407: Rising in clothes
Chapter 408: Who can compete for the top spot?
Chapter 409: Please give me some advice (more updates on how to do bad things for the leader without being punished by God!)
Chapter 410 What to fear
Chapter 411: Waking of Insects
Chapter 412 Eagle turns into dove
Chapter 413: Those who are not phoenix but accepted by the court
Chapter 414 Garuda breaks the formation with his sword finger
Chapter 415 Returning
Chapter 416 I have three major hatreds
Chapter 417: Riding alone into the battle, swallowing the thief's body (monthly ticket 16,500)
Chapter 418 I came to the Yellow River and climbed the Qingyun Staircase! (Additional update 2/3 for leader Langlang!)
Chapter 419 The fireworks have never faded
Chapter 420: Then and Now
Chapter 421 Bathing in the Milky Way
Chapter 422: Going Alone
Chapter 423 Magpie Bridge
Chapter 424: Kill yourself to death and reach bliss early
Chapter 425 Who has never been sad
Chapter 426: Your Majesty Meets with Emperor Qin
Chapter 427 The Emperor's Sword
Chapter 428: Reverse Journey (please vote for me)
Chapter 429: Like a Red Plum
Chapter 430: 'Sensible' (please vote)
Chapter 431 The night and snow are worse than each other
Chapter 432: Come and die with me (for a monthly ticket of 19,000)
Chapter 433 How can I say that I have no clothes?
Chapter 434: Sword can communicate with gods (Additional update 3/3 for leader Yang Saosao)
Chapter 435: Emperor Yama
Chapter 436: Sword Immortal (Additional update for the alliance masters to make up the numbers! 3/3)
Chapter 437: This sword is extremely famous
Chapter 438 Please play for the world
Chapter 439: Number One in the World (Additional update for the alliance leader to have a new life! 2/2)
Chapter 440: When the stars shine (ask for double monthly votes on the last day!)
Summary and Remarks of Volume Five
Chapter 1 You are there
Chapter 2: Face to face like a knife
Chapter 3 During the hustle and bustle
Chapter 4: Smile when we meet
Chapter 5 Lets drink this cup
Chapter 6 Honorable Return
Chapter 7 Qi people
Chapter 8 Presentation to the Imperial Ancestral Temple
Chapter 9 Ceremony
Chapter 10 What a great reward
Chapter 11: This world should be 'as you wish'
Chapter 12 Where is the inner palace?
Chapter Thirteen Fear of Anger
Chapter 14 Fufeng
Chapter 15 Thunder and Rain
Chapter 16: I am the emperors envoy as if you are coming from the kings presence
Chapter 17 Confrontation
Chapter 18 Its all your kindness
Chapter 19 Its not easy to live in Linzi
Chapter 20 Dragon and Tiger Golden Thread
Chapter 21 Immortality
Chapter 22 'Luck'
Chapter 23: Flowing Snow and Broken Night
Chapter 24: On Officials
Chapter 25: Biography of the Political Platform
Chapter 26 Changle
Chapter 27 Thousand Carp Pond
Chapter 28 August
Chapter 29 Major Case
Chapter 30: Die on your back
Chapter 31 'New Qi People' (Additional update for the leader of the alliance!)
Chapter 32 The Undestined Person
Chapter 33 The gods and ghosts have been reckoned with
Chapter 34: Tolerance
Chapter 35 Who is the heretic?
Chapter 36: Considerate (Additional update for the leader who is only waiting for someone!)
Chapter 37: Watching the Corpse (please vote for me)
Chapter 38 Kite
Chapter 39 Yang Xuance (Additional update to help the alliance leader regain his life!)
Chapter 40 Panic Disorder
Chapter 41 Hu Bugui
Chapter 42: He is like a blue bird (Additional update to protect the alliance leaders heart!)
Chapter 43 Gu Shiyi
Chapter 44 The case of Tianjiao
Chapter 45: Licking Wounds (Additional update for Lang Lang, who robbed his peers of all his glory for book friends! 3/3)
Chapter 46 The Source of All Evil
Chapter 47: Established as a divine statue, turned into loess
Chapter 48: Your life and death, gain and loss of a son (Additional update for the leader, Sister Miaoyu, Love Me Again!)
Chapter 49: One chess piece falls to several people
Chapter 50 True Wish
Chapter 51 Shadow
Chapter 52: Broken Soul
Chapter 53 Its all in the human world
Chapter 54 There is no silver here
Chapter 55 What a pity
Chapter 56: Theory of merits and demerits
Chapter 57: The mantis acts as a chariot
Chapter 58 Blood Occupation
Chapter 59: Qingyang Town
Chapter 60 Protection
Chapter 61: Heretic
Chapter 62 Dinner
Chapter 63 Funing (Additional update for leader Chen Zeqing!)
Chapter 64: Like a noisy drum
Chapter 65: A thing of the past
Chapter 66: Guests are kind to me
Chapter 67 Hide and Seek
Chapter 68 Mountains and Seas
Chapter 69: The sky is about to fall (Additional update for the alliance leader Zhongyong Dual Use!)
Chapter 70 Mistakes Again and Again
Chapter 71: The net is broken but the fish is not dead (an update for the leader Bili Ba Yalu!)
Chapter 72 The Price (Additional update for leader Priapus!)
Chapter 73 Jingtian
Chapter 74: Instructions
Chapter 75: Demonic Rape
Chapter 76: Full of Evil (Additional update for leader Bilis eight teeth! 3/7)
Chapter 77 It can be described as magnificent
Chapter 78 Jiang Shus answer (additional update for leader Bilis eight teeth! 4/7)
Chapter 79 I dont understand
Chapter 80 Rampant
Chapter 81 The winner can have leisure time
Chapter 82: Wanli Shenzhen (Additional update for leader Bili Ba Yalu! 5/7)
Chapter 83 The sky is like a canopy
Chapter 84 Flowers in the Mirror (Additional update for leader Bilis eight teeth! 6/7, 7/7)
Chapter 85 Good News (Additional update for the next member of the alliance leader Gou Sheng Sect!)
Chapter 86 Where did she come from?
Chapter 87: Darkness
Chapter 88 Open your eyes
Chapter 89 Searching
Chapter 90 Mantra
Chapter 91 The execution platform
Chapter 92 If I were a demon (Additional update for the alliance leader, Overlord in the early morning.)
Chapter 93: Obsession
Chapter 94 The Immortal Opens His Eyes
Chapter 95 Hopeless
Chapter 96: lingering fear
Chapter Ninety-seven: It comes like a start and goes like a dream
Chapter 98 Uturu
Chapter 99: The dense forest behind the wind (an extra update for the leader of the alliance who called me Master Hu Lai!)
Chapter 100: Sympathy for the Same Suffering
Chapter 101 The disappeared genius
Chapter 120: Unintentional Burning (Additional update 1/78 for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance!)
Chapter 13: Two lives apart
Chapter 140 Go down!
Chapter 15: How to call you
Chapter 106: Willing to die for one person and ten thousand people
Chapter 107: Thousands of miles away from the topic (Additional update for leader Ashis little cotton-padded jacket! Please vote for me)
Chapter 108 The knife is in Liyuan
Chapter 109 No regrets at this time
Chapter 110: Leaving the Bamboo Forest in the North
Chapter 111 Lighting the Night with Fire
Chapter 112: Everything is in practice
Chapter 113 The sky is full of wind and snow
Chapter 114: Eyes like the sea in old age
Chapter 115: Save it for another day
Chapter 116 Zhaotu
Chapter 117 The Milky Way of the Galaxy
Chapter 118: Old meeting in a foreign land
Chapter 119: No coincidence
Chapter 120 A piece of advice
Chapter 121: Fire at the city gate
Chapter 122 Seeing Baoguang
Chapter 123 How can I lose everything?
Chapter 124: A Buddhist Seeking Home
Chapter 125: Never leave your appearance in life
Chapter 126: All five hells are in vain
Chapter 127 Pay the bill today
Chapter 128: The traveler is about to die at this point
Chapter 129 Strange Rock Valley
Chapter 130: Three Hundred Years of Bloodshed
Chapter 131 A line falls between heaven and earth
Chapter 132 Time is not forgiving
Chapter 133: Cant let go of one thought
Chapter 134: Fighting the Demon with the Sword
Chapter 135 Nineteen Arc Style
Chapter 136 Tai Chi Blood Map
Chapter 137 Blood Occupation
Chapter 138: Innate chaos, extremely evil hungry ghost (Additional update 2/78 for Yan Shaofei of the alliance)
Chapter 139: Flying Fairy from Heaven
Chapter 140 Why 'evil retribution'
Chapter 141: First in History
Chapter 142 From now on I dare not compare with the scorching sun
Chapter 143: The Warriors of Immortal Palace
Chapter 144 It seems you have made up your mind
Chapter 145: He cant look back
Chapter 146 'Sincerity'
Chapter 147 'Afterlife'
Chapter 148 Covering Hands
Chapter 149: Half a lifetime of hard work, in exchange for a sword
Chapter 150 There is Jiang Wang in the world
Chapter 151 Yan Chun Hui
Chapter 152: Although the mountains are silent, there are great treasures hidden deep inside.
Chapter 153: Knowing makes suffering easier
Chapter 154 Bu Lian
Chapter 155 Mistake
Chapter 156: Different Ways
Chapter 157 See you later
Chapter 158 Who can count them all?
Chapter 159: Willing to be Jiang Qingyangs lackey
Chapter 160: Not arrogant, but not arrogant Jiang Wanger
Chapter 161 As if in remembrance
Chapter 162: Rule the Sky
Chapter 163: Smell the smell in three miles, and spread the name among the nations (please vote for me)
Chapter 164: Sorrow (single chapter updated 2/3)
Chapter 165: Looking back at the world
Chapter 166 Potential Theory
Chapter 167: Ten Battalions (3/3 update for single chapter)
Chapter 168 Who is he?
Chapter 169 Now coming from the east
Chapter 170: In front of the Ten Thousand Army Formation (Additional update for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance, 8/78)
Chapter 171 The Sword Immortal Arrives
Chapter 172: A sea of swords pouring from the sky
Chapter 173: Overcoming the arrogant, but humbled by the humble
Chapter 174 Honor
Chapter 175 No reply
Chapter 176 Urgent Matter
Chapter 177 But there is a request
Chapter 178 Starlight is like an arrow
Chapter 179: Grip like star sand
Chapter 180: Spying on Yuheng (Additional update for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance! 12/78)
Chapter 181: Waiting for Five Hundred Years for a Bouquet of Flowers to Bloom
Chapter 182 No one knows
Chapter 183 What to choose
Chapter 184: My love for you lasts longer than time
Chapter 185 Playing Chess with God
Chapter 186: Yan Xiaos Thousand Ways to Die
From 60 orders to 10,000 orders, those who purge themselves cannot purify themselves
Chapter 187 His Five Hundred Years
Chapter 188: The Buddha covers his face and cannot bear to see the common people
Chapter 189 Yuheng Xingjun
Chapter 190 From now on they call it 'Moon'
Chapter 191 Fuyao (asking for monthly votes)
Summary and Remarks of Volume Six
Chapter 1 Yanju
Chapter 2 God makes it clear
Chapter 3: Autumn Frost
Chapter 4 On the road
Chapter 5 Never See You Again
Chapter 6 The city is full of snow
Chapter 7: Sacrifice together
Chapter 8 The emperor has not yet opened the door for luck to enter
Chapter 9: Dont be so sad
Chapter 10 Breaking the Willow
Chapter 11: Poor and lonely like a hairpin-headed phoenix
Chapter 12: Always fearful
Chapter Thirteen Just Death
Chapter 14: Not Repaying the Virtue
Chapter 15: Appearances of All Living Beings
Chapter 16: Make the Dragon Pan and the Tiger Lie
Chapter 17: At your fingertips (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, I am a disciple!)
Chapter 18 There is always happiness here
Chapter 19: Its dark and dawn
Chapter 20: Mingguang outsmarts his fat nephew
Chapter 21 Disciples of Famous Disciples
Chapter 22 Home
Chapter 23 Seventeen Years
Chapter 24: Nothing but pride
Chapter 25: Its hard to stop talking
Chapter 26 Silent words
Chapter 27 Autopsy
Chapter 28 My Road
Chapter 29 Different paths lead to the same destination
Chapter 30 Yuan Fengs thirty-eighth year
Chapter 31: Give you my final trust
Chapter 32 Meeting with Your Majesty
Chapter 33: Its hard to get a captain in the world
Chapter 34: Heavens Heart and Human Heart
Chapter 35 It feels like a lifetime ago
Chapter 36 Long time no see
Chapter 37 Yi Shengfeng
Chapter 38: Eyes like the moon (please vote)
On the second anniversary of the serialization, lets write an answer together
Chapter 39 Huaichang (please vote for me)
Chapter 40: Purgatory of Mountains and Seas (Additional update for 8,000 monthly tickets)
Chapter 41 Where the King Lives (Updated for 12,000 votes)
Chapter 42: Like a sun extinguished (additional update for the monthly ticket of 16,000!)
Chapter 43: You dont need to avoid me when you see me (please vote)
Chapter 44: Show your beauty and spring (update for monthly ticket of 24,000)
Chapter 45 Never Forget
Chapter 46: This body is like a sheath (an additional update for the monthly ticket of 32,000)
Chapter 47 The Rising Dragon Banquet, The Theory of Gentlemen
Chapter 48 Nine Chapters Jade (Additional update for all readers!)
Chapter 49 I Watch the Worlds Heroes
Chapter 50 Mountains and Seas
Chapter 51 Ocean Water, Yinshan Mountain
Chapter 52: Confused Travel Notes on Mountains and Seas
Chapter 53: Mon Naihui
Chapter 54 The heart of a wise man who likes food
Chapter 55: Drops of water burn flowers
Chapter 56 Why is it called 'Fei'
Chapter 57: Stop fighting (additional update for the leader of the alliance, Mengluo!)
Chapter 58: Fighting
Chapter 59: A sword blocks the eyes and cannot see the world
Chapter 60: The thief must leave
Chapter 61: Dominate the world and chase the enemy with your hands behind your back
Chapter 62: The Six Paths of Divine Prison, rushing into battle alone
Chapter 63 Just sing it
Chapter 64: What is this persons name?
Chapter 65: If not for Chu Ge, then for Chu Mourning
Chapter 66? The Royal Chef
Chapter 67 I dont want to be empty-handed
Chapter 68 The Story of Volcanic Island
Chapter 69: Fight to the death with me
Chapter 70 Seeing that the five aggregates are all empty
Chapter 71 Long breath
Chapter 72 Chu Ge (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, White Light)
Chapter 73 The bright moon was there at that time
Chapter 74: Unjust injustice leads to loyalty and misfortune to the king
Chapter 75: Lingering (More troubleshooting for the leader!)
Chapter 76 Samadhi
Chapter 77: Nothing can be burned (Additional update 29/78 for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance!)
Chapter 78 Sincerity to Kaiyang
Chapter 79: The Tower Beyond the Sky, the Woodless Mountain (Additional update for Camus, the alliance leader Fei Lengcui!)
October Summary
Chapter 80 Staying in this house forever, God-given name
Chapter 81 The storm is like darkness
Chapter 82 Fighting against the wind and rain
Chapter 83 Hetian
Chapter 84 I'm afraid... this mountain is not high
Chapter 85 Like Him
Chapter 86 You will never be lonely (Additional update 31/78 for Yan Shaofei of the Alliance!)
Chapter 87 The battle between gentlemen
Chapter 88 Who has seen my five magical powers?
Chapter 89 This intention lasts forever
Chapter 90: A sudden shock in life
Chapter 91 Have you ever remembered
Chapter 92: Never Alone for a Long Night
Chapter 93: There is a moon at this time
Chapter 94 Uninvited Guests
Chapter 95 Where is the name of God?
Chapter 96: Come to Achieve Enlightenment
Chapter 97 Withered Nanyuan
Chapter 98 Chaos
Chapter 99: Heaven outside the sky, body outside the body
Chapter 100 Jiaxuan is dead
Chapter 101 White Tower
Chapter 102 Jade Thread
Chapter 103 Waiting for the Wind and Waiting for the Snow (Additional update for the leader Zhijiu!)
Chapter 104 Is there ever a door in the world?
Writing stories is ultimately about writing people
Chapter 105: The sword pours over Liubo Mountain
Chapter 106 The Boundary between Illusion and Reality
Chapter 107: Return from Fantasy...
Chapter 108 Wan in the middle of the water
Chapter 109 Black Snow Like a Waterfall
Chapter 110 Not today, but tomorrow
Chapter 111: Cant Leave (please ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month)
Chapter 112: Spring brings forth hundreds of grasses, but I have no life (please vote for me)
Chapter 113: Living for a Thousand Years, Hardly a Fall (please vote)
Chapter 114: The Separation between Heaven and Man (8,000 words, please vote for me)
Chapter 115 The world is not just mountains and seas
Chapter 116 Total War
Chapter 117 The fight for crossing
Chapter 118 Life and Freedom
Chapter 119: Only the South is not a minister
Chapter 120: Tentacle...out of reach
Chapter 121: Gods have their own gods, ghosts have their own ghosts
Chapter 122 Rain in the West and Clear in the South
Chapter 123 The sun is shining and everything is amiable
Chapter 124 The bell rings and the cauldron eats
Chapter 125 The top five things I have seen in my life
Chapter 126: I like you the most in the world
Chapter 127 Good
Chapter 128 My heart is at peace
Chapter 129 Seventeen Years
Chapter 130: The leader of one party, a fierce tiger sitting on the ground
Chapter 131 As deep as the sea
Chapter 132: One sword has shocked the world
Chapter 133: Born with a sword to kill people
Chapter 134 Saw it
Chapter 135 Someone is coming
Chapter 136: Silver Moon in the Sky
Chapter 137 Destiny
Chapter 138: Sun Gong One Pawn
Chapter 139 Star Road
Chapter 140 Lets go
Chapter 141 Extravagant Desire
Chapter 142 'Bitter' Heart
Chapter 143: Funeral (please ask for monthly tickets on the last day)
Chapter 144: Not Redeeming Outside the City (Please vote for me on the first day of the new year)
Chapter 145: Tonight or later?
Chapter 145: Tonight or later?
Chapter 146: The Reckless Man (Additional update 3/3 for the alliance tree)
Chapter 147: River and Mountain Thorns (Additional update for leader Lao Yan Fenfei Ma!)
Chapter 148 No one is beautiful
Chapter 149: Dading (for the alliance leader, only for the common people, extra update 2/3)
Chapter 150 I dont know whats going on outside the sky at this time
Chapter 151 She (he) is a god
Lets talk together
Chapter 153 Nirvana, Minggui
Chapter 154: I pay ruthlessness with affection
Chapter 154: A rainstorm
Chapter 155 Silent words
Chapter 156: The world is like a sea of suffering, and you and I both fight to get through it
Chapter 157 Cloud and Mist
Chapter 158 There is no sun and moon in the cave
Chapter 159: Blowing out the lampstand will reveal the moon
Chapter 160 Asking the Sword
Chapter 161: One Sword, Thousands of Snows
Chapter 162: Bamboo Sea Listening to the Trend
Chapter 163: Give others mercy and forgive them
Chapter 164 Daqi Qingyangzi
Chapter 165 Lei Yin
Chapter 166 The Immortal Dragon-Subduing Golden Body
Chapter 167 How do you feel about this?
Chapter 168 The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life
Chapter 169: Enduring the vicissitudes of life
Chapter 170: Winning the Commander-in-Chief
Chapter 171 The heart of heaven is unpredictable
Chapter 172: In March of that year, the prince shot the dragon and fox
Chapter 173: Jiu Long was once a young man with high spirits
Chapter 174: Millions of Heroes
Chapter 175 Who else would you rather me?
Chapter 176: The Heart-Lowering Monkey, the Determined Horse, and the Ability to Wukong
Chapter 177 The bright moon shines on the river
Chapter 178: Bi Fang title day, magical power confrontation
Chapter 179 The ultimate desire in the world, the sword falls from the sky
Chapter 180 The flag is like a dragon
Chapter 181 The Emperor Struggles with the Country
Chapter 182: The state owns its orphans
Chapter 183 I am also greedy for life
Chapter 184 The crowd is like a sea
Chapter 185 The so-called overthrow of the country
Chapter 186: The flag points to summer
Chapter 187: Millions of troops are like a sea, rushing towards Jianfeng Mountain
Chapter 188: The world is in danger
Chapter 189: There is no powerful country that can lose its territory without losing its generals.
Chapter 190: No heroism
Chapter 192 Its not a family affair
Chapter 193: Heaven and earth are bows, mountains and rivers are forging cauldrons
Chapter 194: Holding the bow of the sun to kill the gray dog, wearing the stars and the moon for another year
Chapter 195: Ten Thousand Miles to the Dragon
Chapter 196 Are heroes the only ones in the world who can sing long songs?
Chapter 197: Afraid of misleading the military situation
Chapter 198: Knowing that soldiers are deadly weapons
Chapter 199 Qixia Benyi Sect
Chapter 200: Help is coming from afar
Chapter 201 Dragon Brothers and Tiger Brothers
Chapter 202 In the rain
Chapter 203 Dont dare to have an ant colony
Chapter 204: Taking Honggu City lightly
Chapter 205: Seizing the Gate Alone
Chapter 206 Fighting for the Gate
Chapter 207: Walking on the Edge of the Cliff (Additional Update 2/3 for Alliance Leader YangerSun)
Chapter 208: Burning the midnight oil to play the Emperors book (For the leader of the alliance, only for the common people, I will update 3/3)
Chapter 209 Thunder and Broken Jade
Chapter 210: The First Merit on the Eastern Front (Please vote for me)
Chapter 211 New Rong
Chapter 212 The autumn wind blows the fallen leaves
Chapter 213: Be happy when you have fertile land and precious jade
Chapter 214 Please enter the urn
Chapter 215 I cant
Chapter 216 Starting from today
Chapter 217: Lend you good words
Chapter 218: The beginning must be like a dragons movement
Chapter 219 Feiguang writes about the sky with a pen
Chapter 220: The Duke is born, Xiufeng is dead
Chapter 221: The Queen doesnt know the affairs of the world
Chapter 222 The moonlight shines like water on Minxi
Chapter 223 Frost and Snow
Chapter 224: Welcome to the next life
Chapter 225 Beidou shines alone on Minxi tonight!
Chapter 226: Punishing the Doctor
Chapter 227 Come!
Chapter 228 Looking at your noble city from afar
Chapter 229 Sunrise
Chapter 230: Darkness and lightness
Chapter 231 Regretful things in life
Chapter 232: No turning back!
Chapter 233 Can you still fight!?
Chapter 234 God comes again
Chapter 235 God is coming! God is coming! God is coming!
Chapter 236: A real fire starts a prairie fire!
Chapter 237 I dare not say its name
Chapter 238: With one sword, all laws are born!
Chapter 239 I hate to see Jiangs five magical powers!
Chapter 240: The street looks like bluestone Xiang Wan
Chapter 241: How many things have risen and fallen through the ages, leaving history with this name
I am not the presence of GodSummary of Volume 7
Chapter 1 Withering in Three Days
Chapter 2 Spring is beautiful
Chapter 3 Showing Extreme Martial Arts
Chapter 4 Dont drink unless you have good wine
Chapter 5 There was snow in the world
Chapter 6: I was young and had a thin shirt
Chapter 7 Guitai is at a high place with nine hundred stone steps.
Chapter 8 Think quietly
Chapter 9 Is this righteousness?
Chapter 10 Qing history has its own words
Chapter 11: Its easy for people to be thrown away by the light
Chapter 12 No regrets
Chapter Thirteen: For whom is Fenglu standing in the middle of the night?
Chapter 14: Looking for a specific name in the vast sea of people
Chapter 15 Difficulties in meeting each other
Chapter 16: Lighten the Lips
Chapter 17 Summer in Linzi City
Chapter 18 The wind and clouds are stirring
Chapter 19 Bliss
Chapter 20 Happy Day
Chapter 21 Them in my eyes
Chapter 22: The world is not alone and we all work together
Chapter 23: Practicing martial arts with Taoism
Chapter 24: Going north with integrity
Chapter 25 Either adultery or theft
Chapter 26 Its a pleasure
Chapter 27 Make a fortune by seeing the coffin
Chapter 28: Those who have no way out in the world
Chapter 29 What monument should I bear?
Chapter 30 God Blessed
Chapter 31 Is the sky high and nine levels high?
Chapter 32 Inexplicable
Chapter 33 Erdemi
Chapter 34: Leaving the Spring Festival Car and Heading to Jinghu Lake
Chapter 35: Just lie down
Chapter 36 Ordinary things
Chapter 37 I dont know my heart
Chapter 38 People of today, roads of ancient times
Chapter 40: Life and Death at the Flick of a Finger
Chapter 41 Letter from Chu people
Chapter 42: Adding two to one makes four
Chapter 43: The yellow beam cannot fulfill my dream
Chapter 44: The bow is full and the arrows leave the string
Chapter 45 The wandering clouds have dispersed
Chapter 46: How to be widely heard
Chapter 47 Ten thousand miles is one horizontal line, ten thousand years is one vertical line
Chapter 48: Flowing Light
Chapter 49: People crossing from Jinqiao to the other side
Chapter 50: Mountains and Rivers Ten Thousand Miles of Heavenly Pillar Breaks
Chapter 51: The blue sky and the white sun, the Big Dipper shines on the royal court!
Chapter 1661 The heros name is widely known
Chapter 1662 A Hundred Years of Qingping
Chapter 1663 'Correct'
Chapter 1664 Wolf Eagle Crowned
Chapter 1665 Coronation
Chapter 1666 The merger of all religions, the remaining fire of the old gods
Chapter 1667 Everything is lovely
Chapter 1668 Those who disrespect will die
Chapter 1669 Wildfire burns dry grass and spreads all over the world in an instant
Chapter 1670 When will we meet again?
Chapter 1671 Chaotian Tower
Chapter 1672 The sun is shining brightly
Chapter 1673 The famous Chu Hao scholar has not returned for seven years
Chapter 1674 Governor of Southern Xia
Chapter 1675 Fishing on an empty mountain
Chapter 1676 I want to use this tree as a pillar
Chapter 1677 Good times come first
Chapter 1678 Rizhao Tiger Platform
Chapter 1679 Lazy to hold the power of punishment
Chapter 1680 The piece falls on the chessboard
Chapter 1681 Is it the kings land in the whole world?
Chapter 1682: Thousands of troops bow their heads
Chapter 1683 Stay! (Add 76/78 to the alliance Yan Shaofei.)
Chapter 1684 There is a true meaning in this
Chapter 1685 Young Successful Person
Chapter 1686 The white bull runs south
Chapter 1687 Happy Meeting
Chapter 1688 Pointing swords as steps
Chapter 1689 Domineering
Chapter 1690 Red Talisman (add 78/78 to Yan Shaofei of the Alliance)
Chapter 1691 What is... arrogance
Chapter 1692 Did I lose?
Chapter 1693 How the sun and moon change, how many crowds of people
Chapter 1694 Human blood is the boundary river
Chapter 1695 Niehai
Chapter 1696 True? False?
Chapter 1697 Three hundred and thirty-three years of calamity
Chapter 1698 There is nothing in the first place
Chapter 1699 Nine Thousand Miles of Troubles Are Calm
Thanks to the Great Alliance Empire|Qin Shang for the golden alliance!
Chapter 1700: Fa Wu Er Sect (buying Miaoyu for the leader of the alliance) Yes
Chapter 1701 He is very lonely
Chapter 1702 Discussing merit and virtue
Chapter 1703 The Wonder of Yandao
Chapter 1704 Although everything in the world is like a chess game, dont think that everyone else is the winner.
Chapter 1705 Sauvignon Blanc is shy to the weak
Chapter 1706 Can it be a good thing for a long time?
Chapter 1707 I am the only one who is unable to move forward
Chapter 1708: A lifetime of resentment against the setting sun
Chapter 1709: As unreachable as the moon in the water
Chapter 1710 No news
Chapter 1711 Because of Autumn
Chapter 1712 Unexpectedly, the withered flowers and yellow leaves have grown old
Chapter 1713 The Untied Boat
Chapter 1714 The ups and downs of life
Chapter 1715 The human heart is like a sea (for the alliance I love Qiqi 888
Chapter 1716 For Whom?
Chapter 1717 The electric snake tears through the sky, and there will be a shower
Chapter 1718 The stars and the moon are cold
Chapter 1719 We will not share this month, nor will we share the future!
Chapter 1720 National hatred and private hatred
Chapter 1721 How can the world be clear for the Eastern Kingdom?
Chapter 1722: Each others bait and each others hook
Chapter 1723 Where are you now that I am here?
Chapter 1724 Give me Jiang Anan some face
Chapter 1725: Breaking bones into pens
Chapter 1726 The mountains are difficult to overcome
Chapter 1727 The three truths drive away evil and lead a peaceful and prosperous age
Chapter 1728: Attend the feast and eat the fat deer
Chapter 1729 Life and death, white jade has time
Chapter 1730: Hanging the red lantern high (asking for the moon on the last day of July)
Chapter 1731 Six bodies go through the tribulation of life and death together, the wind and clouds meet, the dragon and the tiger compete!
Chapter 1732 This sword originated from the Savage Forest
Chapter 1733 Calculating cause and effect, what is non-life!
Chapter 1734 Anyone who loses six times and has seven lives
Chapter 1735 All living beings are sick!
Chapter 1736: The common people pity me, I pity the common people!
Summary and Remarks of Volume Eight
Chapter 1737 Something evil
Chapter 1738: Everlasting hatred, peoples hearts are not as good as water
Chapter 1739 Sing a line and never see him again in this life
Chapter 1740 Xuan Jings unique view
Chapter 1741 God is clear
Chapter 1742 Dugu is truly invincible, the blessed land of Donghai Mountain
Chapter 1743: Falling through mountains of swords and seas of fire
Chapter 1744 The small boat floats on the blue sea, and the sound of the tide comes one after another
Chapter 1745 White armor dotted with red snow, sword energy forming a comet tail
Extra - Whose Pegasus Lane was just ordinary at that time?
Chapter 1746 I am willing to roar like a lion today
Chapter 1747 The glorious era has come to nothing
Chapter 1748 The Six Desires Bodhisattva sits at the Heavenly Gate
Chapter 1749 Raise my purple flag!!!
Chapter 1750 Shocked to hear that the clear sky is thundering
Chapter 1751: The drum of heaven roars, humanity shines brightly
Chapter 1752 Its a pity for the world
Chapter 1753 Overthrowing the Army and Killing the General
Chapter 1754 No wind or rain today
Chapter 1755 Dont get too cold
Chapter 1756 Tianxi Wasteland
Chapter 1757 Commemorating Marquis Wu An
Chapter 1758 A pool of spring water reflects peach blossoms
Chapter 1759 Nine Cities Inventory, quick and eager to learn
Chapter 1760 Im afraid that the Ape Immortal Court will misunderstand
Chapter 1761 There are no famous Wuan people in Wuan City
Chapter 1762 You owe me memories and I must pay them back.
Chapter 1763 Heaven has a unique path
Chapter 1764 Do you know?
Chapter 1765 Wanting to Swallow One Hundred Thousand Soldiers in One Breeze
Chapter 1766 You have to retreat thirty-one!
Chapter 1767: Hold this mirror and accept my order
Chapter 1768 Come back!
Chapter 1769 Uehara Pearl
Chapter 1770 The world is all illusion, eternal life is true
Chapter 1771 Dont regard our country as the country
Chapter 1772 Gods will is always difficult to ask
Chapter 1773 Little Demon
Chapter 1774: Separated from each other in this life
Chapter 1775 Flower Street Storm
Chapter 1776 Monster
Chapter 1777 Lord of Hell, Lord of Yama, God of Assassins!
Chapter 1778 I have never worshiped God in my life, and I dont need to worship God!
Chapter 1779 Taiping Ghost Chaos
Chapter 1780 Always replace old talismans with new ones
Chapter 1781 The sea of clouds and the sky are boundless
Chapter 1782 Water Moon
Chapter 1783 Shichiro Shikaya
Chapter 1784 The Demon Master Tathagata!
Chapter 1785 Wait until the storm rises
Chapter 1786 Sitting alone in Feiyun Tower
Chapter 1787 Tattoo
Chapter 1788 The agency is too clever
Chapter 1789 Eyes like water and mirror like a lake
Chapter 1790 Snake Girl Holds the Mirror
Chapter 1791 Where can we not meet each other?
Chapter 1792 The Door to Wonders
Chapter 1793 Moyun Demon doesnt sleep
Chapter 1794 Buddha said
Chapter 1795: You are already outside Baoshan, why dont you enter Baoshan?
Chapter 1796 The blood moon falls in the mountains
Chapter 1797: Heavenly demons confront each other, sitting alone on the eaves
Chapter 1798 Guests coming from afar
Chapter 1799 There is true meaning here
Chapter 1800 Providence hits a reef in the deep sea
Chapter 1801 Dont ask for anything
Chapter 1802 Like a dream in vain
Chapter 1803 We were born into the sea of suffering, crying in the cage
Chapter 1804 No talking or moving
Chapter 1805 Lan Yin Xu Guo
Chapter 1806 The chess player also plays chess
Chapter 1807 Todays people look back on the past
Chapter 1808: Learning from the Lost Path
Chapter 1809 There will always be latecomers
Chapter 1810 The situation of Shenxiao
Chapter 1811 Lost in Time
Chapter 1812 Five Hundred Years of Lan Kes Son
Chapter 1813 Today is a good day, todays good luck will end
Chapter 1814 How far is the other shore! (Please take time off to make up the update 2/8)
Chapter 1815 No redemption for EMI!
Chapter 1816 Its all counted (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)
Chapter 1817: Flying light, flying light, persuade you to drink a glass of wine
Chapter 1818 There are infinite possibilities
Chapter 1819 The auspicious light should be there, what else can I ask for in the snow and mud claws?
Chapter 1820 Dont be afraid
Chapter 1821 Three Evil Tribulation Kings, Questioning the Evil Situation
Chapter 1822 If I were the emperor someday
Chapter 1823 I dare not say its name
Chapter 1824 Time flies like lightning
Chapter 1825: Thousands of Tribulations (please take time off to make up for the update 4/8)
Chapter 1826 What a magnificent name
Chapter 1827 God floating in the sea of clouds
Chapter 1828: Standing tall against a wall, one cannot be strong without desire (please take time off to make up for update 5)
Chapter 1829 Fine sand makes the sound of swords
Chapter 1830 This life is like being on the stage
Chapter 1831 How do you feel about me?
Chapter 1832 All living beings have regrets
Chapter 1833 Can the monk of Mount Xumi die?
Chapter 1834 Going down the mountain in strong wind and heavy snow!
Chapter 1835: Lifetime Regret of Failure
Chapter 1836 As if you are worshiping me
Chapter 1837 The sea of suffering once heard the evil tide
Chapter 1838 A visit here
Chapter 1839: Who is more worthy of my attention among those who are proud and famous in the world?
Chapter 1840: Cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade
Chapter 1841 The first shot in this world
Chapter 1842 I am a swan, why should I be afraid of the chasm?
Chapter 1843 After I leave, I will use this to reminisce!
Chapter 1844 The emergence of gods
Chapter 1845 Blood spilled like new
Chapter 1846 I will not obey the edict
Chapter 1847 It doesnt matter!
Chapter 1848 Marokana
Chapter 1849 Asking about time
Chapter 1850 Ruyi
Chapter 1851: The thought of dust arises and ascends to immortality
Chapter 1852 You dont have to have me
Chapter 1853: Going in the opposite direction is also the way forward
Chapter 1854 Sansheng Lanyin, Xueluoguang Bridge
Chapter 1855 Today is the right time to be stormy
Chapter 1856 Six Paths
Chapter 1857 Lose everything and gain this
Chapter 1858: Catching the moon in the water, seeing flowers in the dream
Chapter 1859 How many years have we been looking at the world?
Chapter 1860 Vigorous
Chapter 1861: In a time of great strife, only military power can lead to peace and stability
Chapter 1862 Chapter 126 The Beloved Returns
Chapter 1863: One hundred and twenty-seven Unique in this world
Chapter 1864 The wind and moon pouring down on Zi, performing the rituals of Xumi
Chapter 1865 Goodbye
Chapter 1866 Hoshiro-kun
Chapter 1867 Not all the scenery has been seen
Chapter 1868 All living beings have regrets
Chapter 1869 The Wind and Moon in the World
Chapter 1870 Im gone
Chapter 1871 I was born fifteen years earlier
Chapter 1872 I try to chase a possibility
Chapter 1873 Qi Xiao is not smiling
Chapter 1874 This mountain doesnt have to be famous
Chapter 1875 I know my soldiers
Chapter 1876 What kind of art of war is this?
Chapter 1877 One person against one city
Chapter 1878 Suppose the Champion is here
Chapter 1879 Who in the world can let Jiang Wang take the lead?
Chapter 1880 One Sword Removes Armor
Chapter 1881 I dont condemn
Chapter 1882 I still have courage, who can take over?
A New Years letter to book friends
Chapter 1883 Please show off your buttocks
Chapter 1884 If I were a soldier
Chapter 1885 Auspicious blessings, singing and dancing, prosperity
Chapter 1886 Flag hunting, blessing ceremony as sacrifice
Chapter 1887 Hanging knife on the door
Chapter 1888 When time comes, heaven and earth all work together
Chapter 1889: Thousands of voices are falling, all directions are open
Chapter 1890 Why bother me tomorrow
Chapter 1891 Landslide and Tsunami Dont Look Back
Chapter 1892 Finger Cutting Knife
Chapter 1893 Return to Ruins
Chapter 1894 Holding a lantern for the new year
Chapter 1895 Only scales and half claws are outside the clouds
Chapter 1896 Yuzhou
Chapter 1897 If you and I join forces, we can conquer the world
Chapter 1898 Jingxian
Chapter 1899 Ten cities with you!
Chapter 1900 Dinghai
Chapter 1901 Tomorrow comes tomorrow
Chapter 1902 Why is this happening again?
Chapter 1903 We are also famous generals
Chapter 1904 Jiang Wang never knows how to fight
Chapter 1905 Night Wandering God
Chapter 1906 Red eyes can see peach blossoms
Chapter 1907: Labor and Yan are inseparable
Valentine's Day Extra See the words like me
Chapter 1908 Nothing is Enough
Chapter 1909 Army Mobilization Order
Chapter 1910 A brave man
Chapter 1911 Facing the sea, carrying the world behind
Chapter 1912 I am at ease with Avalokitesvara
Chapter 1913 Spring Breeze
Chapter 1914 What night or day it is?
Chapter 1915 Shendu
Chapter 1916 The death of the true king will be of great benefit to heaven
Chapter 1917 Heavenly Buddha
Chapter 1918 Chao Cangwu
Chapter 1919 What will you ask for?
Chapter 1920: Gold and purple
Chapter 1921 The moon is like a hook
Chapter 1922 Who is widely heard, who is in the urn
Chapter 1923 How do I come to see you?
Chapter 1924 You are so beautiful
Chapter 1925 In the past, he died first, so he died first.
Chapter 1926 You go to the long night, I go to the bright moon
Chapter 1927 Whose young man is raised in my boudoir?
Chapter 1928 The oath of eternal love is still in my ears, and the infatuated children wish to come true.
Chapter 1929 The mans eyebrows have turned gray since he didnt return.
Chapter 1930 The Extraordinary Peak
Chapter 1931 South Ji Beidou, Shuiyue Jinghua
Volume 9 Summary and Remarks
Chapter 1932 Yunchao Festival
Chapter 1933 Yellow Leaf Tie
Chapter 1934 Returning to the old place
Chapter 1935 A deeper leak
Chapter 1936 Despite nine deaths, he still has no regrets
Chapter 1937 How can the world be so cramped?
Chapter 1938 Drinking Sweetly
Chapter 1939: Covering the whole world, there are no dangers
Chapter 1940: This heart is not imprisoned
Chapter 1941 The mountains are high and the road is far
Chapter 1942 Everything is safe
Chapter 1943 Dont forget peace of mind
Chapter 1944 The new ones leave and the old ones leave
Chapter 1945 Thirsty Drinking Water from the Gutter
Chapter 1946 The present is not what it used to be
Chapter 1947 I have no thoughts and I have been wandering for a long time
Chapter 1948 Under the sect
Chapter 1949 The North Wind knows what I want
Chapter 1950: Let Sedum win over the world for a hundred years
Chapter 1951 Future Future
Chapter 1952 My junior brother cant be so sincere
Chapter 1953 Loyal and good nature
Chapter 1954 Central Scenery, Shangfu Thirteen
Chapter 1955 No one is immortal
Chapter 1956 Twenty-four years like this
Chapter 1957 There is no more wandering dragon in the world
Chapter 1958 This pass crosses Chongluan Lake
Chapter 1959 Death and Eternity
Chapter 1960 The old place will be revisited
Chapter 1961 We dont do good deeds or make friends
Chapter 1962 Long Journey
Chapter 1963 Kamiike Tennou
Chapter 1964 How unreasonable
Chapter 1965 The human heart is desolate
Chapter 1966 A sword across the fingers
Chapter 1967 Red Lotus Returns to Wei
Chapter 1968 Why dont you do what I want?
Chapter 1969 The Pure Land in the Heart
Chapter 1970 Duke Wuhan
Chapter 1971 Jun Jingang
Chapter 1972 Star Map Mysterious Structure
Chapter 1973 Talking about business
Chapter 1974 The Door to Wonders
Chapter 1975 Reach the sky in one step
Chapter 1976 Begging for a living is like an alms bowl
Chapter 1977 Using the world as a cage, who should live and leave?
Chapter 1978 The World-Destroying Demonic Dragon
Chapter 1979 Illustrated Codex of Various Tribes, Jade Spirit of Fire
Chapter 1980 The Book of Creation
Chapter 1981 Zhong Lingyuxiu
Chapter 1982 The general trend is crushing, and the world is in love
Chapter 1983 Beauty, Wisdom and War
Chapter 1984 Buddhism Observes Evil Ghosts
Chapter 1985 Mountains and rivers are nothing but scenery in a basin
Chapter 1986 Historical blank
Chapter 1987 All phenomena are annihilated
Chapter 1988 Looking for causes through effects
Chapter 1989 Rebirth
Chapter 1990 Is there any door in the world that can stop lovesickness?
Chapter 1991 The Disaster of Destruction
Chapter 1992 The world is in trouble, but the sky is beautiful
Chapter 1993 The kings fate is not over (24 more chapters to make up for the leave)
Chapter 1994 Ill kill you today
Chapter 1995: Cut off the word '' twice
Chapter 1996 I dont know how many years have passed
Chapter 1997 I finally realized that I was the person in the tomb
Chapter 1998 If the sky is affectionate, the sky will also grow old
Chapter 1999 Planting Billions of Living Beings Like Crops
Chapter 2000 Dust in the palm of your hand
Chapter 2001 One Arrow and Phoenix Cry
Chapter 2002 The world is vast and unrestricted
Chapter 2003 Evil Immortality
Chapter 2004 A huge burden is overturned with one kick
Chapter 2005 The sun and the moon are in the sky
Chapter 2006 Kong Ke and Han Gui have become ancestors
Chapter 2007 I once saw that the South and the North were in vain
Chapter 2008 An irreversible communication in time
Chapter 2009 Everything has a reason
Chapter 2010 Beyond all my imagination at that time
Chapter 2011 Be careful!
Chapter 2012 Old View
Chapter 2013 If you think about something, forget about it
Chapter 2014 Remembering the Mountains and Seas
Chapter 2015 Migrating alone
Chapter 2016 You owe me a post
Chapter 2017 The meeting between wind and cloud
Chapter 2018 The second day of February
Chapter 2019 The sea of suffering has no limit, and the geniuses fight to survive
Chapter 2020 The storm gathers, the Dragon and Tiger Club
Chapter 2021 The General Manager of the Yellow River
Chapter 2022 Sunday
Chapter 2023: A ruthless romance
Chapter 2024 Sitting on Bodhi
Chapter 2025 Heavenly Thunder and Earthly Drum
Chapter 2026 The One Who Bears Ten Thousands of Destinations
Chapter 2027 Too much forgetfulness
Chapter 2028 Taixu Alliance
Chapter 2029 The arrow is on the string
Chapter 2030 I am not alone
Chapter 2031 Meeting in Changhe
Chapter 2032 The long river has no waves, but the heart is filled with wind and rain
Chapter 2033 Scenic Spots on Earth
Chapter 2034 Changhe Qingbo Zeng Zhaoying
Chapter 2035 Meeting from all directions
Special extra Fengxi
Chapter 2036 Someone comes up
Chapter 2037: Waking up from the dream in the Dragon Palace, becoming the three realms
Chapter 2038: Knowing this crime, it is a crime that cannot be redeemed
Chapter 2039 The world is eclipsed
Chapter 2040 The crane is short and the duck is long
Chapter 2041 Go to Xinan!
Chapter 2042 The world raises the flag (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)
Chapter 2043 The stone remains silent
Chapter 2044 Met Emperor Zhuang!
Chapter 2045 Maple Forests Old Dream
Summary and Remarks of Volume 10
Chronology of Zhuang Kingdom (Free Chapter)
Chapter 2046 Zeng remembers his youth
Chapter 2047 Gift to Dragon Palace
Chapter 2048 There is a true meaning in this, I forgot to say it
Chapter 2049 If you have nothing else to worry about
Chapter 2050 Fighting with each other
Chapter 2051 Immortal Capital
Chapter 2052 God knows
Chapter 2053 I dont ask for anything
Chapter 2054 Sad as death
Chapter 2055 Jiang Langs clever plan
Chapter 2056 A handful of Yi Che flowers
Chapter 2057 His words ring in my ears
Chapter 2058 Someone like Qiuhong has a letter
Chapter 2059 Converging over the whole world
Chapter 2060 If you are seeking the truth, you will be in danger.
Chapter 2061: He is in the wild, but his heart is in the world
Chapter 2062 Good times come true
Chapter 2063 The greatest truth in history
Chapter 2064 May love be immortal
Chapter 2065 You look at me so tenderly
Chapter 2066 Jiang Zhenren
Chapter 2067 A friend comes from afar
Chapter 2068 Suitable for this life
Chapter 2069 The world is full of purple flags (please vote for me at the end of the month)
Chapter 2070 The old woman lives alone and establishes military power in the world (asking for monthly votes)
Chapter 2071 The time of peace (asking for monthly votes)
Chapter 2072 Worry-free (Its the last day, please vote for me!)
Chapter 2073 The Bone God Throne (please vote for me)
Comments from No. 1 on the three lists
Chapter 2074 Xiaoyao Zhenren (please vote for me)
Chapter 2075 Seven Killers Meet
Chapter 2076 Famous through the ages
Chapter 2077 August Takaaki, safety of the deceased
Chapter 2078 Xinzhuang
Chapter 2079 The hero dies before rising
Chapter 2080 The mountain wind passes over the high cliff
Chapter 2081 Im afraid of being beaten today
Chapter 2082 Within ten steps, everyone in the world can be killed
Chapter 2083 The evil is worse than the disaster
Chapter 2084 The Age of Saints
Chapter 2085: Dacheng Shengsheng, evil brings forth lotus seeds
Chapter 2086 The True Saint of Yin and Yang
Chapter 2087 The lost river, the boat of knowledge!
Chapter 2088 Looking for Ancient Meanings Today
Chapter 2089 It turns out that old dreams have become yesterday
Chapter 2090 Dont daydream anymore
Chapter 2091 No one in the world is immune to dust
Chapter 2092: Is there an end to this world?
Chapter 2093 Its also considered the end of the world
Chapter 2094 The so-called good times
Chapter 2095 Four Thousand Years of Old Debt
Chapter 2096 A piece of grass carries a mountain
Chapter 2097 You can write about my spring and autumn for a book!
Chapter 2098 The age of myth has evaporated!
Chapter 2099 Out of the Myth
Chapter 2100 Blood Rose
Chapter 2101 Fifty thousand years of turbulence
Chapter 2102: Yesterday is forever (please vote for more updates)
Chapter 2103 There is no limit to learning
Chapter 2104 The lotus heart is red
Chapter 2105 Disaster Fist Peak, the highest in the world
Chapter 2106 Eight Dharma Realms, all living beings are equal (please pray for the moon on the last day)
Chapter 2107 All mountains and rivers in the world are governed by rules (please vote for me on the last day)
Chapter 2108: Hard journey (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)
August summary
Chapter 2109 Fifty thousand years of hard labor for saints, and all living beings and gods in one moment
Chapter 2110 Im coming too
Chapter 2111: Removed from the world
Chapter 2112 The sword roars in the world
Chapter 2113 Jin Feng Yu reveals human affairs
Chapter 2114 Xiang makes the world know my name
Chapter 2115 Under all living beings
Chapter 2116 Madman
Chapter 2117 Dont wait until the time comes
Chapter 2118 Taixu has no distance
Chapter 2119 Text Cocoon
Chapter 2120 Xi is faint and far away
Chapter 2121 Stealing the Sky
Chapter 2122: Real-person World Tour
Chapter 2123 The jade ax opens the divine sea, and the sword energy spits out clouds
Chapter 2124 The storm is outside the building
Chapter 2125 Its too late
Chapter 2126 Just wish
Chapter 2127 Chilling cicadas in early winter
Chapter 2128 Fighting for the Future
Chapter 2129 Big Avalanche
Chapter 2130 The Four Monarchs Welcome and the Emperor Pulls the Coffin
Chapter 2131 Cold days and short days
Chapter 2132 Shangsheng Warden
Chapter 2133: After all, how many people really got the deer?
Chapter 2134 After all, the world is a game of chess
Chapter 2135 As I wish
Chapter 2136 The first meeting after the snow (please ask for monthly votes at the end of the month)
Chapter 2137 Let everyone in the world see the way forward
Chapter 2138 Its like a beautiful woman never grows old (last day to ask for monthly votes)
Chapter 2139 Good Night (please vote for me!)
Chapter 2140 Pear Blossom Song (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)
Chapter 2141 How many pedestrians look at the sky with sorrow
Chapter 2142 Good times and pleasant times
Chapter 2143 The cold spring is unexpected
Chapter 2144 The bright moon is like a lamp and sheds tears
Chapter 2145 Underworld
Chapter 2146 Remembering Death Today
Chapter 2147 Dajing Royal Family, the Sword of Life
Chapter 2148 This road is blocked
Chapter 2149 You guys, dont miss me
Chapter 2150 Youth
Chapter 2151 Risen Official
Chapter 2152 Disease
Chapter 2153 Today the tiger is sitting on the mountain
Chapter 2154 Taixu cabinet member patrols on behalf of the sky
Chapter 2155 Before sunset
Chapter 2156 The Heavenly Palace on Earth, the Eternal Capital of Gods
Chapter 2157 I have a lot of fun today
Chapter 2158 Cant sleep at night
Chapter 2159: Making Trouble in Heaven
Chapter 2160 Free my mind
Summary and Remarks of Volume 11
Chapter 2161 The Tiger is Unwritten
Chapter 2162 A young boy will die if he goes into the sea
Chapter 2163 The world in the palm of your hand
Chapter 2164 Three Thousand Miles of Dragon Crossing
Chapter 2165 A hundred years of world-shaking fame
Chapter 2166 Ask the demon world if there is any truth
Chapter 2167 Awakening and swallowing the sea, drunkenly pushing Tianmen
Chapter 2168 Yushu Linfeng Sword (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket)
Chapter 2169: Makes people feel like they are in a mess (please give me your monthly vote)
Chapter 2170 Who are you afraid of?
Chapter 2171 Where in life do we not meet each other
Chapter 2172 Whats the point of gold and white walls?
Chapter 2173: A drunken prince for a long time
Chapter 2174 He decided to die
Chapter 2175 Why say so much?
Chapter 2176 Peach Blossom Spring
Chapter 2177 The world is far away, see you later
Chapter 18 Personal grudges
Chapter 2179 The world is unified and everyone has the same meaning
Chapter 2180 False stubbornness
Chapter 2181 God is also guilty
Chapter 2182 Star Witch
Chapter 2183 Ancient Soldier Ruins, Twelve Star Gods
Chapter 2184: First cut off the emperors title, then cut off the longevity
Chapter 2185 Heartbeat
Chapter 2186 Suzaku Yanwen
Chapter 2187 There is no end to the sea of suffering.
Chapter 2188: Calm down
Chapter 2189: Autumn grass grows in the South, and fierce winds blow in the North
Chapter 2190 Long life and long sight
Chapter 2191 Traces of the human world
Chapter 2192 Let him live and forget his old friend
Chapter 2193: Grasping thousands of miles of wind and frost
Chapter 2194 Qing Hong Guan Ye
Chapter 2195: Die for offering incense, so that lotus lives
Chapter 2196 Life is like a hanging pen at this point
Chapter 2197 The Autumn Colors of the Wei River
Chapter 2198 Eternal Yu Yuan, Five Truths Chasing the World (The last two days ask for the moon
Chapter 2199 A real person cuts the sky and sea with his sword (please vote for the last day)
Chapter 2200 The Autumn Sound of Ghost Prison (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)
Chapter 2201: When the spear is held empty, when will it be called?
Chapter 2202 Sincere congratulations to the world
Chapter 2203 Li Yi in the world
Chapter 2204 Swallowing thousands of miles with anger
Chapter 2205 The ambition of being alone
Chapter 2206 I cant quit
Chapter 2207 Corpse Dragon Ghost Tiger
Chapter 2208 No wind and snow are allowed to pass through the world
Chapter 2209 No taboos, born without boundaries
Chapter 2210 Long live nothing
Chapter 2211 Going to Yanshan together
Chapter 2212 Haotian Gaos Alliance of Doomsday Tribulation
Chapter 2213 Zhu Kong Miaos Karmic Immortal Formation
Chapter 2214 The mountains and rivers hang upside down
Chapter 2215 Its spring time
Chapter 2216 Embrace the pine trees in the cold spring
Chapter 2217 Mei Jianyue
Chapter 2218 I wish you no worries
Chapter 2219 How much life can be fulfilled
Chapter 2220 A tiger in human skin
Chapter 2221 People on the mountain, come down here
Chapter 2222 Qingshi is waiting for a book
Chapter 2223 The candle is extinguished, the sun and moon are dim, but my heart is bright
Chapter 2224 Congratulations to the birthday boy and good health to the whole family
Chapter 2225 A long life is a blessing, a short death is a disaster
Chapter 2226 The winter is blowing and the summer is coming, the eagle is watching the wolf.
Chapter 2227 The heart longs for it
Chapter 2228 The last plan (please ask for monthly votes at the end of the month)
Chapter 2229 June 9th in Hot Summer
Chapter 2230 Why is it like old times?
Chapter 2231: Swallows under the Eaves of Common People in the Old Times (Please ask for monthly votes on the last day)
Chapter 2232 Stormy (please ask for the first monthly ticket in 2024)
Chapter 2233: Teaching by words and deeds, when will the dream come true (beg for guarantee at the end of the month)
Chapter 2234 Who upholds justice?
Chapter 2235 The Flaws of White Jade
Chapter 2236 Divine Dragon Diving into the Abyss
Chapter 2237 Jinghu Sinan
Chapter 2238 Enemy Country
Chapter 2239 Like the death of a cricket
Chapter 2240 The weak fight for life and seek death, while the fool is trapped in death without knowing it.
Chapter 2241 The truth of immortality transcends ancient and modern times
Chapter 2242 The chasm between time and space is inseparable
Chapter 2243: Its hard to believe that the ancient monuments are old now
Chapter 2244 Dao Li 2531
Chapter 2245 Willow branches turn into new green, how long will the old pillow of the long embankment return to?
Chapter 2246 Hua Feng
Chapter 2247 Nine Categories of Knowledge
Chapter 2248 Feng Qiwu, Nan Dousheng
Chapter 2249 Beidou kills Nandou
Chapter 2250 Yin and Yang separate the world, the bridge of three ways
Chapter 2251 Nine Phoenixes Equaling the Sky
Chapter 2252 Higher than life
Chapter 2253 Fisherman
Chapter 2254 If you walk on water, you will die; if you walk on grass, you will die.
Chapter 2255 God
Poor work is not beautiful, Hua Zhang Tianqius summary at the end of Volume 12
New volume name confirmed
Chapter 2256 Heavenly Man (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket)
Chapter 2257 Those who die well are never heard of
Chapter 2258 Changsheng Town
Chapter 2259 Vision
Chapter 2260 Counting like a string
Chapter 2261 The broad road
Chapter 2262 Fish Meat
Chapter 2263 Bridge (Happy New Year to all book friends)
Chapter 2264 Knocking on the door
Chapter 2265 Good Breath
Chapter 2266 Star Funeral
Chapter 2267 Eat the Immortal and Chew the Demon
Chapter 2268 Stubbornness will not work
Chapter 2269 Looking for relatives and old stories
Chapter 2270 Fortunately, we are together
Chapter 2271 Hearth Iron River
Chapter 2272 Is there a way!
Chapter 2273 Warrior
Chapter 2274 Wang Ao, the one who reached the summit
Chapter 2275 Bullying the Sky
Chapter 21 I dont ask for anything
Chapter 22: Willing to sharpen it for you all
Chapter 23 Three Treasures Thunder Sound
Chapter 24 God forbid
Chapter 25: Jie Wukong Realm
Chapter 26 Lost Soul
Chapter 27: Morakas Cloak
Chapter 28 The Demonic Ape carries the mountain
Chapter 29 A gap is created in the void
Chapter 30 The whole world is paying attention
Chapter 31: The turtle has a long life
Chapter 32: Life is failing
Chapter 33 The Big Dream of Three Thousand
Chapter 34: Be calm even in the sea
Chapter 35 Unique
Chapter 36 Yama Sees Buddha
Chapter 37 Ping An Town
Chapter 38 Dragon Palace Ceremony
Chapter 39 Long Journey
Chapter 40 If we cant meet again
Chapter 41 Palace
Chapter 42 The Immortal in Wine
Chapter 43: See the world, drink thousands of bottles
Chapter 44: Eyes and ears are the door
Chapter 45 Yama Luo Tie
Chapter 46 Zeng Jutian
Chapter 47 Nine Sons Zhenhai
Chapter 48: The Weather of a Great Power
Chapter 49: The Nine Sons Come to the World, and the Sea Supervises the Heaven
Chapter 50: The Road to Heaven in Medieval Times and the 'Government' of the Sea
Chapter 51 Eternal Heavenly Treasure
Chapter 52 Participating in a grand event
Chapter 53: The Dragon King of the East China Sea, carving a cage as a lamp!
Chapter 54: The disaster of returning to ruins
Chapter 55 The Eternal Shocking Dragon
Chapter 56 Jade Mountain Suppresses the White Dragon
Chapter 57 Yongzhen Mountains and Rivers
Chapter 58: The Sun and the Moon Decline
Chapter 59 Return
Chapter 60 How can I hear it again?
Chapter 61 Immortal Eyes
Chapter 62 Its hard to calm down
Chapter 63 Swallowing words
Chapter 64 The south wind knows what I want
Chapter 65: Dreaming about Du Kang
Chapter 66: Decisive Battle at Tianya Terrace
Chapter 67: Nothing happens in the East China Sea, but hatred makes waves
Chapter 68: Ends of the World
Chapter 69: A sword coming from the west
Chapter 70: Call it a disease
Chapter 71: How can one die?
Chapter 72: Suppressing the Sea and Zhen Ge
Chapter 73 Heaven and Earth are ordered
Chapter 74 The Terrifying Lord
Chapter 75: Heaven has no dreams
Chapter 76 Born free, willing to be stubborn
Chapter 77: Whatever 'God doesn't give' is 'I ask for it myself'
Chapter 78 Me for me
Chapter 79 Crown
Chapter 80 The Big Dipper hangs in the sky
Chapter 81: Let me toast you with a glass of wine and advise you to eat more
Chapter 82 The sadness is here, it might as well turn into ashes
Chapter 83 The real persons coronation
Chapter 84 Please give me a defeat
Chapter 85: Ring for me! (Please vote at the end of the month)
Chapter 86: I kill the top of the mountain at the foot of the mountain
Chapter 87: Above the Sky (Please double the monthly ticket on the last day)
Chapter 88 My Life (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket on the first day of the month)
Chapter 89: Spring and Autumn, Life and Plants
Chapter 90: I have a road ahead and am determined to be thousands of miles away
Chapter 91: Take the world seriously
Chapter 92: The thief can come, and I can go!
Chapter 93: Turn around and find the shore
Chapter 94: Courage Beyond All Things
Chapter 95: Three Bells Protecting the Way, Sword Furnace Refining Demons
Chapter 96 Supreme
Chapter 97 Destiny
Chapter Ninety-eight: The frosty moon is across the sky, and the truth is not empty
Chapter Ninety-Nine: Who in the Heavens and All Realms Doesnt Know?
Chapter 100: Hearing the Tao from Life to Death
Summary and Remarks on Volume 13 of Mayfly Seeking the Way
Chapter 101 Name
Chapter 102: Cry under my sword
Chapter 103 Strengthen my voice
Chapter 104 Yan Bu returns south
Chapter 105 Dining Food
Chapter 106: Punishing the merciless with ruthlessness
Chapter 107: Humans are not grass and trees
Chapter 108: The sun shines brightly
Chapter 109 Under the daylight
Chapter 110 From now on, no one is allowed to be a demon
Chapter 111 Account
Chapter 112 What is the crime of the chess player?
Chapter 113 Failure is a crime (ask for monthly votes on the last day)
Chapter 114 Jingchen
Chapter 115: Forty-two years, nothing happened
Chapter 116 Fighting day and night
Chapter 117 Like the sea and like a mirror
Chapter 118 Sincerity is the commandment of the water tribe in the world
Chapter 119 Before the peak, all living beings are equal
Chapter 120: Fierce
Chapter 121 If there is love in the sky
Chapter 122 I am invincible in the sky and sea
Chapter 123: Human skin crossing the boat
Chapter 124: Willing to conquer the world
Chapter 125: Making this town look bad
Chapter 126 What do I want from you?
Chapter 127: This mountain is called Tianxia Mountain
Chapter 128: Pregnant
Chapter 129: Spit counts as a knife
Chapter 130 Year after year
Chapter 131 Seekers
Chapter 132 I am not alone in my ways
Chapter 133: An accidental journey in life
Chapter 134: Talented people emerge from generation to generation
Chapter 135: There is no dragon palace banquet in the world, so how can there be so many guests in the heavenly palace?
Chapter 136: Time flies by
Chapter 137 Is there an immortal?
Chapter 138 March 3
Chapter 139: Duanyan
Chapter 140: A sword strikes the eye
Chapter 141 How easy is it to measure a country?
Chapter 142: Lan Deng passes by
Chapter 143 Confused
Chapter 144: The sky is raining blood, and the earth is flooding with rivers of blood
Chapter 145 Sunset
Chapter 146 Determination
Chapter 147 In this gate
Chapter 148 Mirror World
Chapter 149: Know by the mirror of clothes, know by heart of virtue
Chapter 150 The fourth day of March
Chapter 151: Humans and ghosts have different paths
Chapter 152: Walking in the Long Night
Chapter 153 Rising Sun
Chapter 154: The mountains do not bury the bones
Chapter 155: This is the flag
Chapter 156 Danger
Chapter 157 Tomorrow is like forever
Chapter 158 Noble
Chapter 159: Heroes of the World
Chapter 160: The world shares this meaning, is there a God of Heaven?
Chapter 161 The gaps in his body are as cracked as a long river