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Chapter 435: Emperor Yama

The jet-black shackles that suddenly appeared looked like a two-headed snake.

The dark chains are snake bodies.

Two anklets are two snake heads.

One end was connected to Hei Wuchang's hand, and the other end was attacking Jiang Wang. The momentum was fierce, with the sound of roaring wind.

But Jiang Wang, who was wearing a green shirt and carrying a sword, only jumped up and somehow managed to step on the "snake head"!

This kind of body technique is really hard to see.

And he stepped on the black shackles with both feet.

The long "snake body" seemed to be a chain bridge spanning the distance between the two sides.

Wherever he goes, the road is smooth, and where he reaches is the way forward.

If you look closely, you can see that he is not stepping directly on the shackles.

Under his feet, there is a green cloud mark looming.

One step breaks a blue cloud.

The "snake head" of the shackles turned and bit, but it couldn't catch up with it. The "snake body" twisted and shook, but it couldn't get rid of it!

His speed is so fast, but he looks so calm, wearing fierce black shackles, but he is like walking on a flower-scented path. Casual, relaxed and natural.

This is in sharp contrast to Qin Zhizhen, who has his eyes closed tightly and is as calm as a cold reef.


The sound of the wind was blown away.

Bai Wuchang stood up with handcuffs in hand, his short and fat body seemed to contain infinite power. His fist exploded into the air, making an explosion that shook the eardrums.

Meet Jiang Wang head-on!

Jiang Wang, who was strolling, was suddenly like a floating duck, wandering helplessly in the air. He used his sword involuntarily to avoid the punch. Then he stepped on the blue clouds, turned behind Bai Wuchang, and thrust out a sword!

This series of movements is unpredictable, extremely elegant, and has an indescribable sense of beauty.

Although the Bai Wuchang who stepped out of the dark portal was much stronger than those ghost soldiers, in front of Jiang Wang, he was like a three-year-old naughty boy, with no power to resist. He couldn't turn around at all, and he couldn't avoid it.

But Sauvignon Blanc stopped halfway through.

Jiang Wang put his sword behind his side and pressed his palm on the back of Bai Wuchang's neck.

Because Bai Wuchang is short and fat, he even bent down a bit!

Why do you have to sheath your sword and change your palm even if you interrupt the rhythm of the battle?

People quickly saw the answer.

In front of Bai Wuchang, a long nail with a dark body and a frosty white tip came out of his chest and rushed towards the ground. Bai Wuchang, who was still menacing just now, shriveled up in an instant and disappeared like a cloud of smoke!

That terrifying long nail turned into a frosty white wind in the air, blowing lightly towards Hei Wuchang.

Qin Zhizhen, who had been standing in front of the dark door with his eyes closed, as if he would remain silent forever, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment!

Hei Wuchang in front of him even loosened his shackles, turned around and turned back, far away from Bu Zhoufeng's attack range, and returned to Qin Zhizhen.


Qin Zhizhen slashed out with his sword and cut the black impermanence in half, killing him on the spot!

Of course he didn't want to do this, but he had to do it now.

What Xiang Xiang said is right, Jiang Wang's fighting talent is indeed the best in the world.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, with almost only two contacts, he had already seen the operation method of his Yama Temple magical power.

The Temple of Yama is not a killing magical power in the conventional sense. It looks like a magical power that summons the power of ghosts and gods, but in fact it focuses on strengthening oneself.

But as an enhanced magical power, it is different from most enhanced magical powers.

In fact, the Temple of Yama is a magical power with complex functions that has continuously transformed the environment and exerted influence since its manifestation.

The first is to manifest outwardly, build connections with the world, recruit the power of ghosts and gods, and fight for oneself.

When the ghost soldiers of the underworld die in battle, the dissipated power of ghosts and gods will return to the Hall of Yama together with the killing power exerted by the opponent, and stronger black and white impermanence will follow.

After Black and White Wuchang died in battle, he was succeeded by a bull-headed and horse-faced warrior.

If an ox-headed horse dies in battle, the judge of life and death will appear.

At the last step, when the judge of life and death dies in battle, all the power is applied to him, and the entire Yama Temple enters its peak form. He will personally witness the body of the Emperor of Yama and be invincible!

Jiang Wang only understood this power cycle after the ghost soldiers in the underworld died in battle and the black and white impermanence appeared.

He restrained his Taoist skills immediately, and even used sword skills to deceive him during the confrontation. He suddenly drove out the killing nail, catching Qin Zhizhen by surprise.

Bai Wuchang, who was crucified, was directly annihilated, and even half of his strength was not returned.

Qin Zhizhen had no choice but to kill Hei Wuchang and complete the power cycle of Yama Palace by himself.

A large part of the spectators outside the field only saw the clues at this time. Even many of them didn't know the reason until now. They didn't know that Jiang Wang and Qin Zhizhen, one wasted precious fighting rhythm, and the other was self-defeating.

What is it doing.

Of course, there are even more powerful people who can recognize Yama Luodian at a glance. Those with extremely strong backgrounds can still ask questions even if they cannot recognize him.

But Jiang Wang on the court could only rely entirely on his own analysis and judgment.

He had no idea what the magical power displayed by Qin Zhizhen was before, and he didn't know its details now. He was just constantly testing, capturing, pondering, and quickly adding "knowledge" during the battle.

Qin Zhizhen's reaction undoubtedly supported his judgment.

Sure enough, if Bai Wuchang is killed in a normal way, a stronger existence will emerge from behind the dark portal.

But to break it by killing, it interrupts this continuous cycle.

He further concluded that the core of this magical power was the power represented by the dark portal. And Qin Zhizhen hid the core part of that power in the void!

He is constantly calculating in his mind, and his hands and feet are constantly moving.

The Qingyun mark appears and then disappears, Jiang Wang steps forward continuously and moves his sword rapidly.

Relying on the power of teleportation that is superior to others in the immortal skills of Pingbu Qingyun, he suddenly appeared in front of Qin Zhizhen, cutting across with a sword, dividing the line between life and death!

Qin Zhizhen did not confront him at all, but only took a step back and retreated into the dark door.

Jiang Wang slapped his backhand, and the killing nail turned into frosty wind and blew down lightly.

Kill yourself and die without mercy!


A chilling wind blew by, and the dark door shattered on the spot.

However, Jiang Wang frowned.

He didn't feel the annihilation of power at all. Bu Zhoufeng didn't blow anything just now, it just shattered the air.

Sure enough, this dark portal is just a projection of some kind of power.

The real core of power is what Qin Zhizhen has been doing in the void with his eyes closed.

Even with Zhou Feng's killing power, he cannot destroy it across the distance between the real world and the void!

It’s difficult!

The previous Sword Flower Flame Bird and Eight Sounds Burning Sea disappeared directly, presumably they were guided into the void. But after his Bu Zhou Feng blew by, it was the projection that disappeared, which is enough to show the killing power of Bu Zhou Feng.

, the power represented by that door can guide it, and it can also really cause harm to it.

But despite this, when Qin Zhizhen completely avoids the battle, Bu Zhoufeng is just an empty killing power!

What to do?

Jiang Wang thought quickly about a solution.

In another corner of the martial arts stage, another dark portal appeared, casting a fan-shaped shadow.

Qin Zhizhen's tall and straight figure came out with a sword in hand. This time, behind him were two brand new, mythical beings.

One has the head of a bull and the body of a man, with a majestic build and holding a steel fork.

One is a tall and thin man with a horse face and a human body, holding a spear.

It’s for the bull’s head and horse’s face!

Like the black and white impermanence, it is also a common image for praying to gods.

Even today, in many places, the method of summoning the gods with a bull's head and a horse's face is spread.

They are not real gods, and there are no bull-headed and horse-faced gods who truly occupy the throne of gods in the underworld.

The so-called Son of Heaven, the judge of life and death, the bull-headed horse-faced figure, the black and white impermanence... are all mythical images that the powerful monks condensed with great power during the time when Shinto was flourishing, making them easy to use in battle.

If I have to say it, these "gods" invited are all enshrined by the human race.

To a certain extent, its meaning is similar to the way practitioners on the floating land replace gods with totems.

To say "invite the gods" is nothing more than a symbol that facilitates enslavement and is just another form of combat puppet.

It's just that these mythical images are so deeply rooted in people's hearts that they have been passed down to this day, and there are many stories that have been passed down from mouth to mouth.

Of course, "mythology" is a very complex field. There is real "history", there are also half-true legends, there are information referring to ancient times, and there are also complete fabrications.

Only those who have experienced it for a long time cannot fully understand it.

Most of the time, just listen.

Jiang Wang once saw the impermanence of black and white in a trance before he died. It was a deep-rooted impression left by myths and legends, and it was an illusion. After practicing to this level, he had already understood the truth of the impermanence of black and white, and faced the bull-headed and horse-faced

There is no fear.


It’s just a practice method that has been eliminated by the times!

As soon as Qin Zhizhen appeared with an ox-headed horse face, Jiang Wang immediately stepped on the blue clouds and arrived.

However, Qin Zhizhen was equally decisive. He turned around and struck out with two swords. The horizontal and vertical blades were extremely sharp and killed the bull-headed horse-faced man on the spot!

The bull's head rolled down and the horse's head flew high. Then it disintegrated together with its body and fell into the endless darkness.

The aura of this bull-headed horse face is indeed stronger than the black and white impermanence, but the magnitude of its power is not as exaggerated as the ghosts of the underworld to the black and white impermanence.

This is because Bai Wuchang's power was completely destroyed and he failed to recover the Yama Palace.

At this point, Qin Zhizhen had no other hope, and simply gave up the possibility of grabbing more power, and killed himself. He only wanted to activate the Yama Palace to the final stage as soon as possible, manifest the true form of the Yama Emperor, and achieve the ultimate goal at this stage.

Peak combat power, come again to sweep the battlefield!

Although Jiang Wang didn't know enough about Yama Temple to know what kind of power Qin Zhizhen's magical power would show in its final stage of development, he could still imagine a thing or two.

As time goes by, the existence coming out of that dark portal will only become stronger and stronger.

Facing this kind of indestructible and increasingly powerful opponent, the terrifying sense of oppression is beyond imagination.

It can almost be compared to Yan Xiao.

And Yan Xiao's existence almost crushed the entire Senhai Saint Clan!

Of course Jiang Wang has an indomitable will and has been actively thinking of ways to attack.

But he slashed at it with his sword, but still got nothing. If the wind blew it away, it still only shattered the projection.

Too difficult!!

Qin Zhizhen obviously had strong fighting power, but he did not fight with him at all.

He devoted himself to using the ability to walk in the void, constantly wandering, and constantly accumulating power, just to accumulate magical powers.

completely predictable

When he finally takes action, it will definitely be earth-shattering!

The Yama Hall is not an unexplainable magical power.

The biggest weakness of this type of magical power is often the magical power itself.

Because it must be embodied and connected with heaven and earth, so that it can continuously create influence, accumulate strength, and continuously advance.

If one could directly attack the manifestation of such magical powers, crush them to pieces, or even turn them into ashes by an unexpected wind...

This magical power can be broken naturally.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know enough about the Palace of Yama, he also added some "knowledge" through constant confrontations and guessed one or two truths. It was for this reason that he kept chasing, trying to defeat Qin Zhizhen's supernatural powers.


But the Palace of Yama, where Qin Zhizhen’s supernatural powers manifested...

Built in the void!

How to manifest the Yama Temple in the void, how to make the Yama Temple's supernatural powers connect with the real world in the void and affect the real world, how to communicate the power of ghosts and gods in the void to come to the real world...

Before Qin Zhizhen did it, these were almost unsolvable problems.

After Qin Zhizhen did it, it would be difficult for anyone to follow suit.

Because not everyone has the magical power of refining the void and can freely walk in the void, and not everyone can develop the magical power of refining the void to such a terrifying level. They almost treat the mysterious void as their own backyard.

And when Qin Zhizhen did this, he had already made up for the biggest weakness of Yama Luodian!

After the Yama Palace appears, it hides in the void and creates influence in the world through the void.

How can ordinary monks have the ability to enter the void?

Even if you can enter, where can you find it in the vast void?

Taking a step back, even if it is found through the connection in this world, who would dare to walk into the void in front of the owner of the Void Refining Magical Power?

In the real world, Jiang Wang can fight Qin Zhizhen so anxiously, but in the void, he may not be able to last ten breaths! Because the void is Qin Zhizhen's home court!

Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!

The audience was overwhelmed with thoughts and could not imagine how Jiang Wang would break the situation.

But the bull's head on the field is dead, and the horse's face has disappeared.

They watched helplessly as Qin Zhizhen appeared on the martial arts stage again, accompanied by the dark portal projection.

And behind him, a mythical figure with a serious expression and wearing official uniform strode out.

The left hand holds the book of life and death, and the right hand holds the soul-enchanting pen.

He is the judge of life and death!

In myths and legends, there are rewards for good and punishment for evil, and life and longevity.

Powerful aura spreads around, and judging from the momentum alone, it is much stronger than the bull-headed horse-faced one!

What is despairing is not only the power of this judge of life and death?

People can't help but think about what kind of terrifying existence it will be when such a powerful judge of life and death returns to the Palace of Yama and comes to the world again.

But on the martial arts stage, the green shirt was still the same.

His face remains the same.

The eyes are the same.

The sword remains the same!

Suddenly, another one came walking on the clouds and killed them even though they were not following the wind.

This man seems to never know what giving up is.

This offensive is obviously in vain!

The result was just as people thought, there seemed to be no change. Jiang Wang rushed over with all his strength, but could not leave anything behind. Qin Zhizhen had disappeared.

If there is no wind, it will be blown away.


Someone discovered something was wrong.

This time Jiang Wang came too quickly, and the new judge of life and death who had just stepped out of the dark portal was too powerful. Qin Zhizhen had no time to kill him, so he pulled the judge and retreated into the void together!

On the surface, Jiang Wang did indeed return without success.

But he has clearly delayed Qin Zhizhen's evolution to the final stage of magical power.

The Yama Palace hidden in the void has indeed solved the biggest weakness of this magical power. But another problem is that the Yama Palace hidden in the void must consume the power of the Void Refining Magic.

That is to say.

It has a time limit.

Its limited time is the time that Qin Zhizhen's Void Refining magical power can still be supported!

That's the problem.

In this way, Jiang Wang's pressing step by step became another form of confrontation.

If Qin Zhizhen reaches the limit of his virtual refining powers and Qin Zhizhen has not successfully killed the judge of life and death and entered the final stage of the Hall of Hell, then Jiang Wang's fighting intention at this stage will have been completed!

Above the stands, Ye Qingyu's eyes were filled with brilliance. She had an astonishing talent in cultivation, but she had always known that Jiang Wang's fighting talent was hard to find in the world.

From the first contact with Yuheng Peak in the Three Mountains of Zhuang Kingdom, to Chiyun Mountain, and today’s river viewing platform.

That lonely figure walking down the stairs to the clouds. Where was he going down? He was clearly reaching a higher place step by step.

It also came into my eyes.

Ye Lingxiao next to him didn't speak or show any emotion. But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This Jiang Wang really does not miss any opportunity in battle, and he really has excellent fighting talent. He can often create possibilities in the impossible, and create opportunities when there are no opportunities.

This is extremely precious.

I wonder how much Jiang Anan will be able to bear it in the future!

Even as proud as he is, he has to admit that this guy who he dislikes looks a lot like he did when he was young!

As for how much...

For Jiang Anan's sake, let's count it as three points!

Not to mention how people outside the scene see it.

The figures of Qin Zhizhen and the judge of life and death suddenly appeared and disappeared on the field.

Jiang Wang even directly activated the Second Inner Palace Secret Treasure to Chase the Wind, and followed the Qingyun Immortal Technique to pursue again and again, but failed again and again.

The two sides launched an almost crazy pursuit on this martial arts stage.

For a time, the entire martial arts stage was filled with the afterimages of black-clad swordsmen, dark portals, and judges of life and death.

And the blue shirt turned like electricity, like a green lightning, connecting these afterimages one by one!


Without the blessing of the sravaka's immortal state, Jiang Wang's swordsmanship cannot compare with Qin Zhizhen's swordsmanship.

But instead of keeping the distance, he kept getting closer, showing that he was determined to kill him with the sword. Instead, he wanted to force Qin Zhizhen to choose to keep the distance!

He first broke the Third Generation Shura Sword, and then broke the Xura Baji Sword.

How can it not be proved that his swordsmanship is stronger than Qin Zhizhen's?

He relied on the misguided path and the divine state of the sravakas at first, but the other party didn't know it.

At this time, his aggressive posture seemed to be even more confident. He simply had a handle on his hands, so he dared to run rampant.

Even if Qin Zhizhen sees his flaw, he can't help but think about whether this is a trap!

It only takes three, and he has already suffered two losses in sword and sword duels!

Avoiding his sharp edge does not mean that you have lost your sharpness. Do you still want to take the initiative to get close to him to distinguish between life and death when you know the power of Douzhao Douzhan's seven moves?

What's more, he has already erected the Yama Palace in the void, and the Yama Palace has evolved to this juncture. He only needs to grasp the final stage to enjoy a sure victory.

No need to fight to get closer.

From Qin Zhizhen's perspective, his choice was natural.

In the eyes of many spectators, this is also the case.

But only Jiang Wang knows best.

Compared to Qin Zhizhen, who had activated the Five Palaces Tongyao and mastered superb sword skills, his sword skills were supposed to be weak.

In fact it is.

No matter in terms of strength or skills, they are inferior.

But in the actual battle, he let close combat become Qin Zhizhen's shortcoming!

A false consensus is also a consensus.

Therefore, he could press forward step by step, while Qin Zhizhen could only keep giving way and try his best to avoid getting close.

On the one hand, it is of course because he is running the Palace of Hell, in order to achieve a more secure victory. On the other hand, it also means that he is no longer confident enough in the face of Jiang Wang's sword!

Qin Zhizhen, who said "My boxing is the best in this realm, and my sword is even more important in boxing", after the Shura Sword of the Third Generation was broken and the Xu Baji Sword failed, he already recognized Jiang Wang's sword.

Maybe stronger.

The words of the descendant of the ancient flying sword by the Wei River

"The so-called No. 1 internal government in the world, I only recognize Jiang Qingyang from Qi State!"

At that time, the sword that illuminated the heaven and earth was accompanied by it, which had left a deep impression on his heart.

And in today's battle, each sword struck me deeper and deeper.

Engraved in your heart!

Of course, Qin Zhizhen is by no means someone who cannot face reality. It is not completely unacceptable that there are people in this world whose sword skills are stronger than his.

This cannot determine victory or defeat.

Jiang Wang wanted to consume it endlessly, and of course he couldn't agree!

Since you can't get rid of it no matter what, you have to accept the worse results.

When Qin Zhizhen walked out of the dark portal again, without any hesitation, he chopped off the judge next to him with one strike!

Black as the night.

The horizontal and vertical knives successfully cut off the judge's left arm. When the book of life and death collapsed, it cut into the judge's body from the left side, intending to divide it into two parts.

But after this meal, Jiang Wang has arrived!

Halfway through Qin Zhizhen's sword, he saw a cold and cold nail flying towards him and driving into the judge's right arm. The right arm holding the pen of seduction completely disappeared!

Before the true form of the Emperor of Yama comes, most of the attacks on the Yama Temple will be absorbed by the Yama Temple. But if you don't kill gods and ghosts, you will not be able to be accommodated by the Yama Temple.

Qin Zhizhen was already deeply impressed by Jiang Wang's magical power.

He didn't have time to completely kill the judge, so he used the horizontal and vertical swords to pick up the judge, immediately took a step back, and disappeared into the void again.

Now the annihilation of every power will be reflected on the true body of Yama in the final stage. Bai Wuchang was annihilated, Black Wuchang, and the bull-headed horse-faced ones failed to absorb the external power, and the judge of life and death did not have such a chance.

It is foreseeable that the true form of Emperor Yama in the final stage is determined not to reach its peak.

Naturally, Qin Zhizhen had already noticed Jiang Wang's fighting intentions and knew that Jiang Wang wanted to consume him. But before that, he still wanted to try again and make it as perfect as possible.

Now we are facing reality. We would rather suffer some loss of strength, but also want Yama Luodian to be able to successfully evolve to the final stage.

Of course, he will try his best to make this loss as small as possible.

It's a pity that the Palace of Yama will eventually affect the present world, and the death of the "judge" must also occur in the present world, otherwise why would it be so troublesome!

Qin Zhizhen held the judge in one hand and walked in the void, opening a gap in the void to observe the real world. When he was about to step out, he suddenly saw a man wearing a green shirt coming on the clouds, and a wisp of frost wind swirled between his fingers!

Of course he didn't care about the distance between the void and the real world, but if he walked out from here, at such a close distance, the judge in his hand would inevitably have a layer of flesh chopped off, which would greatly affect the final Yama.

The true state of the emperor.

He suddenly turned around and had already reached the other side. When he was about to step out, he suddenly realized that the man wearing a green shirt had arrived again!

The wind is hovering in the air!

Once is an accident, twice is "expected".

Qin Zhizhen's eyes were as heavy as water, and he carried the judge of life and death and moved again. Sure enough, before he stepped into the real world, the green shirt had arrived first, and the wind blew with it.

There is no doubt that Jiang Wang already knew where he was going to come out, so he could "block the door" in advance.

His intention is also very obvious, that is, he wants to block him in the void until the power of his magical power is exhausted, and he will be blocked in the void!

But the problem is...

How could the other party see through the void and the present world and spy on his whereabouts?

Qin Zhizhen immediately thought of Jiang Wang's terrifying soul power. After thinking about everything, there was only one possibility...

Was it left with some kind of imperceptible spiritual means?

Could it be that the soul clothes were not completely taken off earlier?

This seems to explain why his knife could be easily resisted before.

Standing in the void, Qin Zhizhen did not step out, his eyes were heavy, as if he was looking at Jiang Wang across the boundary between the void and the real world.

And the light of the five palaces' magical powers mixed together, instantly cleansing the whole body, covering the muscles and bones, shining on the five palaces and two seas.

The whole body shines brightly, but...

But found nothing!

There is no strange soul power in the body.

What kind of soul power can actually escape the light of heaven?

Qin Zhizhen confirmed that his soul fighting power was not as good as that of his opponent, so he was not sure whether he had really "seen it clearly".

It is not known that opponents such as Xiang Bei and Jiang Wang, who have extremely powerful soul power, have soul methods that are beyond his knowledge.

In the vast void.

Qin Zhizhen sighed lightly.

This sigh could not make any sound at all in the void.

He didn't want to admit it.

But he had to admit that facing Jiang Wang, he really had no room for reservation.

The descendant of the ancient flying sword may not be exaggerating. Jiang Wang is definitely one of the top inner palaces in the world...

But not the strongest!

There is only one strongest person in the inner palace, what is his name, and what is his name as the strongest!

In the eyes of the spectators at the scene, they could only see Qin Zhizhen on the huge martial arts stage, but he never showed up again. And Jiang Wang, with his sword alone, stirred up Bu Zhou Feng, stepped on the misty clouds, and came and went suddenly.

It looks indescribably chic.

But it inevitably makes people wonder what he is doing?

One is hiding in the void and the other is flying around. What are they doing?

Only a few people can make corresponding guesses, and even fewer people can see clearly that at this moment, Jiang Wang is blocking Qin Zhizhen in the void, consuming Qin Zhizhen's magical power!

The stronger the person, the more frightened he is.

As for Jiang Wang, his method was actually very simple. He just imitated Lin Youxie's thoughts and left a little soul power behind.

Of course, it is impossible for him to recreate Nian Chen, and he cannot achieve the "like heart attached to dust" effect that Lin Youxie had. Even if Lin Youxie personally planted Nian Chen, he would not be able to escape the Five Palaces Tongyao

With the irradiation of the light, the forest condition is almost restored!

Jiang Wang was able to avoid Qin Zhizhen's insight simply because he did not put the hidden power of the soul on Qin Zhizhen. Instead, he put the power of the soul on Qin Zhizhen when the wind blew the arm of the judge of life and death to pieces.

The judge of life and death!

It's dark under the lamp.

For Qin Zhizhen, it was hard for him to imagine that while Jiang Wang was trying his best to annihilate the judge of life and death, he would also bother to leave any mark.

Because if he hadn’t gone all out to annihilate him with Bu Zhou Feng, there would be no way he could have been stopped in time, let alone cause any damage to the judge before he killed him. And if he really went all out, since he had to use Bu Zhou Feng to completely destroy the Judge of Life and Death

What's the point of annihilation and leaving a mark?

Qin Zhizhen hasn't realized yet that he has been trying to make Jiang Wang stronger.

From the words left by Jiang Wang on the edge of the Wei River until Jiang Wang continued to bring surprises during this battle, in his heart, the image of Jiang Wang continued to grow in power.

It was precisely because of his misunderstanding of Jiang Wang's swordsmanship that he gave up the possibility of close combat. It was also because of his overestimation of Jiang Wang's spiritual skills that he let go and continued the search.

He didn't think he could find out Jiang Wang's hidden soul method.

He wasn't going to look for it again.

He will consider the next battle and the next one. At this moment, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to this battle. He wants to win this battle that brings him the ultimate enjoyment and pick the sweetest fruits of victory!

people only see

On the ancient martial arts stage, the projection portal of Yama Palace appeared again, and Qin Zhizhen suddenly stepped out with the judge in hand.

This is the new choice!

Jiang Wang, who had arrived in advance, fired three life-killing nails at the same time with a flick of his finger.

Boom boom boom boom!

Around Qin Zhizhen, a dark iron wall suddenly rose from the ground.

He was instantly surrounded on all sides!

It was as if there was a rule that separated heaven and earth, blocking Jiang Wang who was coming.

It’s for the magical power, the iron wall!

This is a relatively ordinary magical power, but in Qin Zhizhen's hands, it is anything but mediocre!

In other words, there has never been mediocre magical power in the world, only mediocre people with mediocre talents but lucky enough to pick the seeds of magical power!

This is a magical defensive power in an absolute sense.

Unlike the star wheel, it can withstand fatal damage within the range.

Unlike the Thunder Sound Tower, which follows the owner of the magical power, while defending against the opponent's attacks, it does not affect the attack of the owner of the magical power.

The iron wall separates us from the enemy.

While giving up the possibility of attack, it also improved its defensive capabilities in all aspects.

In the hands of Qin Zhizhen, it is truly said that "the wind cannot invade, the rain cannot fall, the knife cannot hurt, and the arrow cannot enter!"

He once used this magical power to isolate Shura in Yu Yuan and cut off the throne for his comrades.

He also once built a small cell with iron walls in the midst of thousands of troops, withstood countless attacks and killed the enemy in the formation.

Today, he was planning to use his magical power to create an opportunity for himself to restore the Yama Palace when he faced off against the Yellow Relic.

But Jiang Wang forced him to go out now!

Now that the iron wall is here, he no longer needs to keep it.

I saw the unparalleled killing nail, which easily penetrated the body of the thief, wreaked havoc on the whole place, and drove Qin Zhizhen to dodge everywhere... It was indeed so powerful that it penetrated the iron in an instant.


But only half of it was nailed in, and it was difficult to get any further!

And in the fortress formed by the iron wall, a terrifying aura began to spread.

There is no doubt that Qin Zhizhen must have killed the judge of life and death in it, and is only waiting for the final stage of the Yama Palace to arrive.

When the iron wall retreats, the Emperor Yama will come to this world and sweep across the world!

(The first number is 8,000 words, the second number is 10,000, and the third number is 8,000 words again. It’s been three days in a row, so let’s get some monthly votes!!!)

This chapter has been completed!
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