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Chapter 15 Thunder and Rain

As the Prime Minister of the country, Jiang Rumo was the last buffer between the emperor and the officials.

 Because the emperor's words are golden, and once he speaks, there is no room for change.

However, Liu Yingqi did not explain much to Jiang Rumo, and only respectfully asked for the judgment one by one. This was the same as Tian Xili's bayonet, which only asked for life and death.

Jiang Rumo could not say anything more.

 At this time, Tian Xili remained silent.

 No accusations, no retorts, no pleas, nothing. A resigned silence.

 This is a smart choice.

Liu Yingqi's request for death was of course a one-step killing, but he also had the intention of threatening the emperor with death. Liu Yingqi had nothing left and could not care about anything else, as long as he and Tian Xili died together.

 And he just wanted to behave differently.

Compared to the current Liu Yingqi, he does have fear. He has a gorgeous house, great power, and almost everything. How can he not be afraid of death?

 Then he will make his fear more obvious.

 Those who understand fear are more respectful and obedient.

 His own "obedience" highlights Liu Yingqi's "rebellion".

 So under the power of God, he remained silent and used his actions to interpret the sentence, "I beg your Majesty for your clear warning."

 Similarly, he was kneeling there, waiting for the Holy Judgment.

 He is the real one who can kill and punish at will!

His previous rash attack indeed despised Liu Yingqi, his wisdom, and his courage.

Now the opponent seizes the opportunity to directly confront the general and seek death. This is a ruthless move that he cannot break.

 But on the chessboard of Qi State, Liu Yingqi and he were fighting not only themselves. There was also a will above all others.

 So he simply let go of everything and let Emperor Qi handle it.

He did not believe that a great hero like Emperor Qi would allow his decision to be influenced by others, even if he was forced to die. After all, there is a word of "force"!

To take a step back, even if Emperor Qi really sent him to death together with Liu Yingqi, his respectful death would have completely different meanings from Liu Yingqi's coercive death.

 This is the best choice for the Tian family!

 Emperor Qi must remember Tian Xili’s loyalty and obedience! Only in this way can he not lose the hearts of the people.

 Everyone is waiting for the emperor's decision.

This matter involves a hereditary marquis, a hereditary uncle, and two famous families in Qi. No one can make decisions for the emperor.

 The chancellor of the country cannot do it, and the queen, prince, and princes and daughters cannot do it.

 But the emperor did not remain silent for long.

His voice seemed to fall from the sky, and it was extremely majestic: "Qingyangzi!"

Jiang Wang, who was silently watching this fight between famous families, was stunned for a moment.

 Who am I? What am I doing? What do you want me to do?

But he was still confused, but he reacted very quickly, bowed his hands and said, "I'm here!"

“I order you to leave for Daze County immediately and bring Liu Xiao back.”

Emperor Qi’s voice showed no emotion: “Do you dare to go?”

 With the internal cultivation level, it naturally requires some courage to seize a powerful Shenlin, and one who is already determined and has actually ignored the laws of Qi.

 Because Liu Xiao now probably doesn’t care whether you are Qingyangzi or a third-grade Jingua warrior!

 But Jiang Wang showed no fear on his face, not even a trace of hesitation.

“Your Majesty’s divine power is so great that if you are imprisoned for one crime, why wouldn’t you dare to do so?”

He only bowed once and without saying a word, he stood up from the ground in front of the Ancestral Temple, smashed the blue cloud mark, and went straight to Daze County!

 “Well done!” Zhong Xuansheng applauded in his heart.

In his opinion, there is no risk in this trip. Regardless of whether Liu Xiaosha kills Tian Anping or not, his loyalty to the Fufeng Liu family is unquestionable. The emperor sends people to capture him. If he dares to resist, he will be captured.

The entire Fufeng Liu family’s safety adventure.

 Before a possible life or death crisis, it is difficult for people not to hesitate. As the protagonist of today's ceremony, Jiang Wang's performance at this moment demonstrated his courage and loyalty, which was very eye-catching.

 For Jiang Wang, in fact he only asked himself one question

 Emperor Qi personally gave the order, is there any possibility for me to refuse?

 The answer was obviously clear. So he accepted the order and left without hesitation.

 As for the various pros and cons, you can think about it slowly on the road.

Jiang looked at the Emperor of Qi, who was far away from the blue clouds and sitting on the dragon throne, and then said slowly: "Both Xuan Huaibo and Marquis Gaochang, please get up first."

Liu Yingqi begged the emperor to die, but the emperor avoided talking and only ordered Liu Xiao to be locked up. This in itself was an attitude.

 First of all, the treatment of Liu Xiao depends on the final result, whether Tian Anping dies or not.

Secondly, Jiang was sent to look out just to let Liu Yingqi and Tian Xili see clearly.

When it comes to geniuses, there are many in Qi. There is one number one in the world right in front of us. He is the leader who came back from fighting with the top geniuses from other countries at Guanhe Tower.

So don’t think that the death of Liu Shentong is so great, and don’t think that the fact that Tian Anping is still in the family is significant.

 You have to weigh it carefully for yourself!

“My lord, thank God for his kindness!” After escaping the disaster, Tian Xili kowtowed and stood up.

Although Liu Yingqi’s tears were still wet and there was blood on his unprotected forehead, he could no longer kneel.

He choked and said: "Thank you, sir!"

  The emperor’s punishment cannot be ignored.

  The emperor’s favor cannot be ignored!

The two lords stood on the high platform one behind the other, while the other ministers and nobles stayed as far away as if they were avoiding the plague.

 The voice of the Emperor of Da Qi fell again: "Officer, what kind of crime should I be guilty of if I lose my etiquette in front of the palace?"

The ceremonial officer presiding over the main hall bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there are countless crimes. If the emperor does not forgive me, he may be beaten, demoted, or given a title, or dead!"

Emperor Qi said: "The ancestors of Gaochanghou and Xuanhuaibo have all made great contributions to the country, and I always think of them. Although they have violated the rules today, I should forgive their death. However, the crime must not go unpunished, and they should be flogged fifty times to serve as a warning to others!"

 The emperor looked at Cao Jie and said, "General Cao, I'm busy."

Cao Cao bowed politely: "I accept your order!"

Then he raised his hand directly to Tian Xili and Liu Yingqi: "Please."

 The emperor’s questions are famous.

 What he said was "disrespect in front of the palace", not what Liu Yingqi said when he begged for death, "disrespect in the grand ceremony and discourtesy in the Imperial Ancestral Temple".

 Because the Imperial Ancestral Temple violated the etiquette and offended all the emperors of the past dynasties.

From a legal point of view, the emperor cannot forgive the sins of previous emperors!

The emperor wanted to punish Liu Yingqi and Tian Xili, but did not kill them for this, so he asked this question.

 The courtesy officer obviously understood the king's heart.

Without saying a word, Tian Xili stepped down from the high platform and walked to the square. He took off his coat, unbuttoned his undershirt, and stood naked in front of all the civil and military officials and the people watching, and then knelt down.

 This is undoubtedly a huge shame.

Think about his status, but he has to be tortured naked in front of so many people whose status is far inferior to him.

 But perhaps this was the best outcome, so he accepted it silently, just like before.

Liu Yingqi’s actions were exactly the same, but his expression was even sadder.

 Cao Ji strode to the foot of the high platform and stretched out his hand.

 Of course someone offered him a whip soaked in water.

 This whip is a punishment whip, and it is dipped in water.

  This whip holds it to the law, and this water touches it like a needle pricking it.

He raised his hand, and the whip exploded three times in the air, which meant that heaven and earth witnessed it together, and the dharma and beasts heard it.

Then whip it off


Tian Xili, who possesses the cultivation level of Shenlin, and Liu Yingqi, who has the peak cultivation level of Wailou, were all beaten to the ground by this whip! Their faces were extremely distorted, so they did not cry out in pain.

They also gritted their teeth, held onto the ground, and stood upright.

In front of the solemn Ancestral Temple, in the huge square, there were only the sounds of whips echoing one after another.

And the two noble lords kept falling down and struggling to get up.

 This feuding pair finally reached a sad agreement in this situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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