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Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Jungle Behind the Wind (Additional update for the leader of the alliance who called me Master Hu Lai!)

In this large area temporarily designated by Jing Guo, there are countless scattered forces with good and bad reputations, but there are no forces that are particularly noteworthy, especially for Jing Guo.

Fu Dongxu, Qiu Tie, and Ji Yanyue, the three real people in the world, searched in three directions. A large number of manpower from Jingshi Stage had also been sent out.

Within three days, people in the prohibited area are not allowed to enter or leave.

Fu Dongxu encountered the oncoming pain while exploring in the wilderness.

At this time, Fu Dongxu's fluttering sleeves were hard to show off. After all, he was carrying pressure on his shoulders, had things on his mind, and searching from place to place was a hard job. Even a real person in this world would not be able to avoid getting tired.

Today he had to admit it.

Jingshitai took the lead in Jiang Wangtong's demon-making affair. It was really reckless!

Jiang Wang was forced to leave Qi, which was of course an excellent opportunity.

After the Yellow River Meeting, Zhuang Gaoxian, who had been paying attention to Jiang Wang, immediately piled up his chips after discovering this opportunity.

Because of the majesty of the overlord country, Zhuang Gaoxian did not dare to personally attack and kill Jiang Wang, who was now a noble. Moreover, as the leader of the country, he could not wander around the world like those unharmed real people, so he turned to Yujing Mountain.

When this perfect opportunity to defeat Qi State came before him, Zhuang Ting had evidence that was ambiguous enough to confuse the public and he also sacrificed his own money to support it.

Jingshitai was actually just doing a smooth thing, sending a team of outer building elites to quietly capture it and escort it to Yujingshan - this should have been a very simple and trivial matter.

But four elite members of the outer building who came from the evil army were killed by Jiang Wang alone!

On the one hand, the losses of the Evil Army need to be compensated, on the other hand, Yujingshan and Jingshitai are doing their work, and they give up halfway because of their shame. On the other hand, Jiang Wang, who can complete the counterattack, is more valuable than before. Correspondingly, killing him is even more important.

Is necessary.

So Zhao Xuanyang took decisive action.

What is still surprising is that Zhao Xuanyang personally took action and used his magic to hunt down the inner government, but it actually took more than a day to catch the person.

The Qi side is also puzzling.

A few days ago, the voice of Jiang Wang colluding with Ping Pingguo to rebel against Qi was still rising. Unexpectedly, they were suppressed in the blink of an eye.

What’s even more incredible is——

Qi State actually faced off against Jing State for a prodigy who had almost fled Qi State.

Fu Dongxu also realized at this time that he had misjudged Jiang Wang's power and weight in Qi State. The changes in Qi State some time ago were far from simple as outsiders like him saw. The Qi Emperor should have a more profound plan.

When Jiang Wang left the country and traveled around, it was more about jumping out of the whirlpool, rather than escaping as a serious matter.

This is more than just a miscalculation!

He even misjudged Jiang Wang's own strength.

A small matter escalated little by little and evolved into an extremely complicated situation. Now, of course, Fu Dongxu is no longer satisfied with just killing a genius of Qi State and beating Qi State. He has paid more and needs more.


At this moment, Fu Dongxu's face looked tired and he was no longer alive.

The yellow-faced old monk who came towards me also... well, he had never been born.

The yellow-faced old monk who was tired of the journey met Fu Dongxu, turned around and left without saying a word.

"Stop!" Fu Dongxu shouted.

He stepped forward and said in a stern tone: "Master Kujue, I have already told you to leave this area, right? I am not joking with you, nor am I just saying it to you!"

Because of Yi Kujue's bad temper, a curse word really came to his lips, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it back.

Looking at Fu Dongxu, a smile appeared on his old face as he saw an old friend: "The blocked area is too big! I'm afraid you can't find it, so I'll help you."

Fu Dongxu still doesn't have a good look on his face. He is so arrogant in front of him and respectful in the future!

"I've already said what needs to be said. It's best for you to leave on your own." He warned: "I'm not in the mood to deal with you now, but that doesn't mean I can continue to tolerate you."

"Isn't it too far-fetched to talk about tolerance and intolerance?" Ku Jue lightly hit Fu Dongxu's sleeve and complained affectionately: "Now you are looking for someone, and I am also looking for someone. Isn't it the end of the world?"

Fellow travelers?"

For some reason, Fu Dongxu felt that the painful sleep he was experiencing now was even more irritating than the painful sleep he pointed at and scolded at.

He said coldly: "I have already given you enough face."

Ku Jue blinked his innocent old eyes: "Give me a little more."

Fu Dongxu wanted to scream loudly, call Qiu Tie and Ji Yanyue over, and kill the old monk on the spot.

But as the leader of Jingshi Tai, he has too many things to consider.

After thinking for a while, he finally just said: "I have three chapters of agreement with you, first..."

"YaoYaoYao!" Ku Jue nodded repeatedly: "I agree!"

He agreed without hearing anything, obviously fully prepared to break his promise and get rich.

But Fu Dongxu still endured it and only said: "You are not allowed to leave me and act alone."

"That's a good relationship!" Ku Jue said with a smile, "I just happened to be tired of looking for myself alone. I'm very tired. I especially trust your Jing Shi Tai's information!"

Fu Dongxu found that no matter what he said, the other party could pick up the answer, and if he said one sentence, he could reply ten sentences...

He simply stopped talking and covered his head to explore.

Among the areas under the entire ban, the least visited areas are the Wumandu Mountains and the Zephyrhou Jungle.

The former is a group of volcanoes, and the origin of its name is no longer reliable. No one knows what these three words mean or what language they come from. In short, it is a name passed down from ancient times. It may have been corrupted.

The latter has relatively more rumors.

One of the most interesting ones is that in the era when Shinto was very prosperous, there was a strong man who used the power of wind to become a living god, and he was named the Wind Queen. It is said that after his death, he was buried here, using the endless dense forest as a burial place.

Hence the name "Dense Forest Behind the Wind".

Of course, there is no basis for this legend, and I have never heard of anyone actually exploring anything in the Fenghou Jungle. It’s just that it has been called like this for many years, and it has become a rule.

After exploring in many places to no avail, Fu Dongxu came to the dense forest behind the wind with a painful feeling of being held back.

Saying "holding back" is actually not accurate. After all, Ku Jue is also helping with the search very seriously. This "holding back" mainly refers to what Ku Jue will do after finding Zhao Xuanyang and Jiang Wang.

However, Qiu Tie and Ji Yanyue were both in this area, so Fu Dongxu was not too worried.

The two seemingly incompatible real people in this world, at least at this moment, have a common desire. Each is on one side, and they are scanning the place with their spiritual consciousness...

Suddenly there was a loud noise, as if the entire dense forest behind the wind was shaking.

The two real people in this world were not afraid. They rose into the air and looked at the source of the earthquake.

But about three miles away from them, there was a big tree that suddenly "pulled up".

It is like an old farmer who is planting rice seedlings, pulling out his legs from the soil - two extremely thick tree roots.

In the center of the big tree, the bark cracked, revealing human-like facial features.

A sudden loud shout made birds fly and trees shake in shock: "Where is Fu Dongxu!?"

(Both have ordered 9,000.

Writing is an exhausting job.

I hope that those who read pirated books, if they have spare time, can also come to Qidian Chinese website to support genuine reading and get a Wanding badge. Other children have it, but we are the only ones left.)

This chapter has been completed!
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