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Chapter 114: Eyes like the sea in old age

The sky and the earth are all white, and the roar is vast.

There is a man standing alone in front of the wind and snow, separated from the world by one hand.

Wuyan Lanzhu will never forget this scene.

Looking at the back of the cloaked sackcloth, I felt the power and unshakability before the natural disaster.

She actually thought of the Holy Mountain, and her eyes were dazed for a moment.

In the entire Chaha tribe, the herdsmen who were about to flee or wait for death came over one after another. They all came behind the man in a cloak and linen clothes, chanting words such as "Cangtu God protects", and piously

Kneel down on the ground.

In front of the miracle of the vast blizzard being intercepted by powerful forces, the herdsmen sang ancient songs

"The majestic Qionglu Mountain supports the sky of the grassland. The great Cangtu God shines on your kind people. From the plains of the east to the wilderness of the west, eyes like the sea till old age..."

These herdsmen do not have extraordinary power, and there is nothing magical about this song. It is just sung devoutly and has the power to soothe people's hearts.

Jiang Wang faced the wind and snow directly. In front of his right hand, the frosty white wind was quietly rotating.

In the blizzard that blocks the sky and the sun, this wisp of wind seems so weak, but it is like a candle lighting up the long night, preventing the wind and snow from entering in the blizzard.

It is said to be impotent, even the violent scenery of the Yellow Relic can be torn apart, and it is no problem to fight against a sudden snowstorm.

But the scope of this "white-haired wind" is too wide. At least Jiang Wang cannot sense its limits now. He can only protect the small tribe he can see. He cannot trace its roots and cut off its source.

In the vast snowstorm, a figure came slowly.

Saying "slowly" is actually not accurate. This person is very fast, but within the coverage area of ​​​​the white-haired wind, there is an illusion that he is struggling and appears to be slower.

Jiang Wang guessed that he should be a strong man sent by the Supreme Court to "relieve disasters".

Because the other party's goal was very clear, he was coming straight to this tribe. From a distance, he saw that he had protected this place, and he immediately turned around.

Only a white round card shot out in the wind.

"Come Moye, after the white hair wind dissipates, you can take this card to the Supreme King's Court to receive the reward. Just look for Cang Yu!"

The sound fell into Jiang Wang's ears in the wind and snow.

Cangyu is not the name of a person, but the organization responsible for public security in the Pastoral Kingdom. It is similar to the Inspection Office of Qi State, but its functions are more complex. It also has to inspect the grassland regularly, arbitrate herdsmen disputes, etc...

These two words are the feathers of the goshawk, which means "wings of God".

The extraordinary monk Cang Yu belongs to is called Feiya.

Jiang Wang glanced at the round plaque in his hand and saw that it seemed to be ground from animal bones. It was completely white, except that there was a flying feather engraved on the front, which was indeed the symbol of Fei Ya.

He turned his hand and put it away without paying much attention.

However, the appearance of this Feiya made Jiang Wang more and more aware of the suddenness of this white-haired wind. Apparently, even Cang Yu could not predict it in advance and only reacted hastily now.

If Jiang Wang hadn't happened to be nearby, it would have been hard to say what would have happened to the Chaha tribe.

Considering the control of the grassland by the Supreme Court, such a thing should not happen. No matter what kind of evil thing or disaster it is, how can the Supreme Court allow it to easily affect ordinary herdsmen?

However, Jiang Wang didn't intend to investigate, as there were many talented people in the pastoral country. He was just passing through the grassland to meet old friends, and he had nothing else to ask for.

This white-haired wind comes and goes quickly.

It only lasted for about half a quarter of an hour, and then it dissipated. The sky and the earth were clear, and there was a fresh smell after the rain in the air.

It seems that Cang Yu has already controlled the source.

Jiang Wang calmed down and turned around to see hundreds of herdsmen, men, women, old and young, kneeling behind him. Excluding those who were missing and those who had not returned from their trip, probably the entire Chaha tribe was here.

The old man kneeling at the front came forward with trembling knees and said: "Your Majesty the Envoy of God!"

He lowered his head and wanted to kiss Jiang Wang's boots.

Jiang Wang refused to accept the gift, so he quickly stepped away and bowed in return: "Everyone, please get up quickly. I just did something within my power, and I don't deserve such a great gift. Moreover, I am not your envoy."


As the largest Shinto country in the world, Cangtu God is not stingy with miracles. Going back to the present day, there have been countless divine envoys, all of whom have great reputations and have spread songs for the grassland.

But one generation after another, in today's grassland, when the word "god envoy" is mentioned, it only refers to Cang Meng.

This strong man who failed to take action on the river viewing platform wears a cloak all year round and wanders alone in the grassland. He fights against disasters and protects the herdsmen. His reputation is spread in the grassland, and his statue is worshiped by many herdsmen.

But not many people know his true appearance.

It is not unusual for the people of the Chaha tribe to have this misunderstanding.

The old man kissed the ground devoutly, then stood up, turned around, opened his hands and said, "Go back, go back! We, the envoys of God, don't want to reveal our identity!"

Obviously, he did not believe that strong men from outside would help them. The strong men in cloaks who would save them from the white-haired wind could only be the living divine envoys.

Hundreds of herdsmen saluted Jiang Wang in unison. Their piety and solemnity could not be interrupted at all. With expressions of gratitude or awe on their faces, they dispersed.

Jiang Wang shook his head and had no intention of correcting anything.

He casually picked up the bay-red horse that was lying limp on the ground, and with the help of the power of the walking stick, he comforted it slightly, making it energetic again.

Then he got on the horse and waved to the old man: "Old man, see you again when we are destined!"

The bay-red horse spread its hooves and floated away like a red cloud.

The old patriarch of the Chaha tribe knelt down again, touched his forehead to the ground, and sent the envoy away.

But he was also a little surprised in his heart. This divine envoy seemed to be different from the priests in the temple. He couldn't explain exactly what the difference was. He just felt that it didn't seem that high or that far away.

When he raised his head, he only saw a pony whizzing past and galloping ahead.

"Wuyan Lanzhu!" he shouted angrily,

The horse and the girl on it did not stop.

Heading eastward, we had not been walking very long when we heard the sound of horse hooves again.

Jiang Wang pressed lightly, and the bay-red horse stopped obediently. He turned around and saw that it was indeed the prairie girl with freckles on her face. She waved to him from a distance and rode her little yellow horse, galloping over.

"What's the matter, girl?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I'm here to thank you!" Wuyan Lanzhu said.

Jiang Wang smiled softly: "You have already thanked me."

"No, no, no." Wuyan Lanzhu shook her head quickly: "They are thanking the messenger and God Cangtu, but I know that you are not the messenger! I am not here to thank God, I am here to thank you!"

There is a healthy and lively atmosphere about this girl that makes people feel close to her.

When the herdsmen knelt down to give thanks, she was the only one standing.

Jiang Wang had played around with her in "debating scriptures" before, firstly because he was in a rare state of relaxation, and secondly because he saw her being frank and interesting.

At this time, he also asked with great interest: "How can you see it?"

Wuyan Lanzhu said very directly: "The God's envoy will protect us, just like the herdsmen will protect the cattle and sheep. But the God's envoy will not tolerate me scolding him, just like us herdsmen, we will not tolerate the cattle and sheep that bully us."


Under the cloak, Jiang Wang's expression became serious.

This girl's attitude towards God is different from others, probably because she has read a lot of books.

But this is not a safe word, and "God" may not be happy if he hears it.

"Okay." For the purpose of protecting the other party, Jiang Wang brought the topic back: "I have received your thanks."

Wuyan Lanzhu looked at him boldly and smiled brightly: "Moye, why don't you take off your cloak? Under the divine light of Cangtu God, we don't need to cover up too much!"

"The light of God cannot shine on everyone." Jiang Wang said with a smile, "Especially those like me who cover themselves."

Wuyan Lanzhu said a little depressed: "I just want to know what my benefactor looks like."

Jiang Wang tapped his heel, and the maroon horse began to trot again. He only shook the book in his hand at the girl: "Read more. The answers you want to know about this world...are all in the book!"

This chapter has been completed!
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