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Chapter 127 Pay the bill today

Jiang looked at the hand pushing the door and paused in mid-air.

Accidents that happen one after another are definitely not accidents.

Who is targeting?

How did you discover me?

Jiang Wang asked himself that these days in Zhao Kingdom, he almost never left the door or stepped out, and he had never done anything to expose his identity. There should be no possibility of being discovered during this period. To find him, it should only be based on previous clues.

But if the person who secretly manipulated this had already known his whereabouts before, why did he wait until today to take action?

Moreover, what methods are these various "accidents" based on? Why can't Dao Yuan fluctuate be detected and not show any trace?

These questions came to mind, and Jiang Wangdu's hand in mid-air was already holding a sheathed long sword.

The Shenlong wood scabbard is crude in shape, but the sharp edge of Sauvignon Blanc has come out of the scabbard.

Jiang Wang, sword in hand, strode out of the door——

No matter who it is, he will always face it. And in this state of frequent "accidents" being targeted, he does not want to involve innocent people.

The door led out to the corridor. Jiang Wang quickly turned around. He suspected that if he continued to stay here, the entire inn would collapse.

But at this moment, a knife suddenly appeared in front of him.

The shape of this knife is very strange, and the way it appears is also very strange.

Jiang Wang didn't notice the fluctuation of Yuanli, nor the way it appeared... whether it was flying from somewhere, manifesting itself in some way, or breaking through space.

In short, when he caught his sight, the knife had already appeared in front of him.

It has a mysterious flavor.

But he only pointed the hilt of the knife at him, and it seemed that he had no intention of attacking.

Jiang Wang looked at him coldly and treated him with caution.

I saw the tip of this small knife moving forward and landing on a corridor pillar not far ahead. It seemed to be held by an invisible hand and moved around, causing sawdust to fly. This small knife actually carved characters.

.From top to bottom, writes——

"I once took amulets on the streets of Linzi, now I have to pay the bill!"

Yu Beidou!

Seeing this line of text, it is not difficult to guess the source of this series of anomalies.

If you think about it carefully, although the bed collapsed and the door fell down today, which seemed very bad luck, there was indeed no "accident" that could really endanger your life. It was more like some kind of prank than a conspiracy.


When Jiang Wang saw this line of writing, his first thought was - "Didn't I pay a knife?"

At the beginning, everyone agreed that one knife would cost one amulet, so I wanted it.

After the money and goods are settled, why are there still additional charges?

Yu Beidou seemed to know what Jiang Wang was thinking. Right in front of him, after carving the last stroke, the carving knife suddenly lost its cold light, fell down, turned into a piece of money, flipped in the air, and fell into Jiang Wang's hand.

It's the one Jiang Wang paid originally!

No wonder I thought the shape of this knife was so strange before, it was clearly the alienation of a piece of money!

Jiang Wang also roughly knew from this how Yu Beidou came to the door. The sword he gave him personally had some connection with it. If a fortune teller of Yu Beidou's level wanted to do something,

Capturing some traces would completely prevent him from noticing.

Although Jiang Wang recognized the knife and money, he decisively put his hands behind his back and refused to take it.

The amulet given by Yu Beidou was gone. How could he ask for the money again?

The knife can be repaid, but the amulet cannot be repaid!

Jiang Wang put his hands behind his back to avoid it, but he persisted in letting go of the piece of money. It circled half a circle in the air and insisted on falling into his hand like a wild bee and a butterfly dropping its pistil.

The Qingyun mark appeared and then disappeared. Jiang Wang turned around gracefully and shook it off.

The knife and money chased him again, and Jiang Wang ran away again... One knife and a knife per person, turning back and forth in this long and narrow corridor, suddenly and misty.

Jiang Wang still doesn't know what the amulet sold by Yu Beidou helped him block. Although according to Zhong Xuansheng, it seems that something did happen. It was probably a curse, an attack... it should be accepted.


But then again...didn't I already pay a knife?!

Is it easy to get involved in Yu Beidou's matter?

His strength is far from enough, and he is often involved in some ridiculous things.

Jiang Wang thought that he was weak and had thin arms, so he was unwilling to do anything.

Who knows what Yu Beidou will charge?

After trying for a long time to no avail, I finally seemed to understand something and flew to the pillar again, continuing to carve words——

"How about just doing me a favor?"

Not to mention paying the bill.

Jiang Wang didn't care whether the other party could see or hear, he shook his head decisively and said: "If you have something to say, don't talk about it. I can't help you."

The coin paused for a moment, seeming to be shocked by his straightforwardness, and quickly continued to engrave: "I'll pay."

"This is not about money!" Jiang Wang softened his tone and apologized: "I'm sorry, it's really inconvenient for me right now. You'd better hire someone else!"

The inscription on the coin is extremely heavy: "Ten primeval stones."

Jiang Wang said without confidence: "I'm not short of money either..."

Daoqian hovered in the air for a while, and then said: "Teach me your top outer-level Taoist skills again."

"We are destined to meet each other!" Jiang Wang had already taken a step forward with a smile on his face: "If you have anything to say, please tell me. If you can help me, I will never refuse!"

With a stroke of the knife in the air, he erased the inscriptions on the pillars. He stopped "dialogue" with Jiang Wang and just flew out.

Jiang Wang tightened his cloak tightly and followed behind him in a low-key manner. He passed by the innkeeper who rushed over after hearing the commotion and handed over a gold ingot: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble. This is the compensation for the damage to the inn's items."

The shopkeeper took the gold ingot blankly. Before he could say anything, the man in sackcloth and cloak had already walked away.

His steps appear to be calm, but his speed is extremely fast, and he has a natural and unrestrained aura.

Only the authentic words with Linzi accent are left, which is like listening to fairy music.

He bit the gold ingot in his hand and made sure it was of high quality. He couldn't help but sigh: "You are indeed from Linzi!"

In the room where Jiang Wang smashed the top floor for no reason, two white-fleshed mandarin ducks were also having a conversation on the bed.

Curtains covered the canopy beds, making them appear to be hiding in a fortress.

"What was he doing just now?" The woman glanced outside through the gap in the curtain.

"I don't know." The man was shocked.

The woman asked again: "Did he peek at us earlier? Then in a moment of excitement... fell off?"

"I don't know." The man said sluggishly.

The woman whispered: "He seems to be an extraordinary master..."

"Probably." The man looked downcast.

"It seems that although this person is extraordinary, he cannot be ordinary."

"Hey." The man sighed.

"Who was he talking to just now?" the woman asked.

"There seems to be no one." The man was stunned.

"Is it to cover up his embarrassment?"

"Who knows?" The man's heart stopped.

"You seem to be scared." The woman said.

The man forced a smile: "Haha, I'm not afraid."

The woman took one look and said, "It's really broken."

The man fell silent.

"Report to the official?" the woman asked again.

"Everyone has left..." The man reacted: "Put your clothes on first!"

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When booking, we will hold a lottery in the Qidian book review area to thank the genuine readers. The tentative prizes currently include three copies of "Journey to the West" published by me this year, which will be given away after signing. Other prizes are probably some Chixin peripherals.

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This chapter has been completed!
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