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Chapter 141: First in History

It's not that Zheng Fei is really not afraid of pain, or that he doesn't really want to die. It's just that the power of evil retribution is so powerful that he has never encountered such an opponent in a long time.

Almost all opponents, after knowing his magical power of retribution, would avoid him and run away whenever they could.

How can we really die together if we don't agree with each other?

The deaths he has seen are all the madness after reaching the end. No one is willing to trade their lives while there is still a chance.

So when his left leg was cut off, he was still laughing.

When his abdomen was penetrated, he relaxed the shackles of the knife and subconsciously wanted to give Jiang Wang a chance to escape.

And when Jiang Wang's sword continued to cut, he couldn't laugh anymore!

Yanzi and Li Shou, who were separated in two other parts of the battlefield, were also frightened, but they were unable to help at the moment.

They had retreated too far!

Surrounded by the wind of the palm and the light of the sword, Jiang Wang and Zheng Fei were so close at this time.

The two of them stood almost face to face, with their eyes facing each other.

Jiang Wang saw confusion and pain in Zheng Fei's eyes, but Zheng Fei only saw Ningding in Jiang Wang's eyes. Ningding where still water runs deep!

All the pain, entanglement, and thinking were hidden deep in the water. This young man made a decision and never looked back.

Zheng Fei stared, opened his big hand, and grabbed Jiang Wang's shoulder, trying to stop this man's madness. But Jiang Wang's hand holding the sword tightened again!

Jiang Wang couldn't help but blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and Zheng Fei even had half of his face covered in blood.

And the sharp sword energy was moving crazily in Zheng Fei's body, spinning as fast as electricity, forming a sword shape, breaking through the Wufu Sea, and piercing the islands of heaven and earth!


The terrifying sword energy roared into a tornado in the Wufu Sea and crashed directly into Zheng Fei's island of heaven and earth. The Wufu Sea suddenly became violent and could not stop for a while!

"I'm going to die!" Zheng Fei, who was confused for a moment, lost his voice.

Jiang Wangdu slashed his sword into his Wufuhai, as if he wanted to kill him here.

Doesn't this person know that under the counterattack of the evil retribution supernatural power, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead? There are two other demons at the scene. What is the difference between serious injury and death?

It’s crazy!

But what will happen to Jiang Wang next? Zheng Fei can't think about it for a while. He only thinks... he seems to be dying now!

So his voice actually had a hint of whimpering.

That's a child's fear of danger.

He loves to play and he doesn't want to die.

Jiang Wang's face was expressionless.

He does seemingly crazy things, but he has calm and clear calculations in his heart.

In fact, these people did not think wrong. Of course, he would not die together with Zheng Fei.

Who is Zheng Fei? How can he be worthy of him? Jiang Wangtonggui!

It is a fact that humans and demons are evil, and it is also a fact that humans and demons are strong.

No matter how fierce he looks and how decisive his actions are.

It is just the price that has to be paid in order to defeat these powerful opponents.

At this point in the battle, he has already noticed that the counterattack of the Evil Retribution Magic Power has two manifestations. One is that it occurs at the corresponding position, and the other is that the damage of the counterattack corresponds to the damage suffered, but the final damage caused is also related to the damage suffered.

It has to do with the person’s own defense.

According to the previous tests, it can be concluded that in this battle, the conditions for Zheng Fei's evil retribution magical power have not been fully fulfilled. The counterattack damage of the evil retribution magical power is lower than the damage he caused to Zheng Fei.

But with the "flesh armor" around, Zheng Fei's physical defense was astonishing, and in the end the damage suffered by the two of them might be even.

In other words, even if the conditions for the magical power of evil retribution have not been fully met, killing Zheng Fei will most likely kill him at the same time.

Trading the residual leg for Zheng Fei's leg was a consideration of maximizing the benefits of the battle. It was equivalent to trading one leg for Li Shou and Zheng Fei's two legs... At the same time, it was also another test of evil retribution to gain "knowledge" of this magical power.


After he was convinced that he had understood the range and range of the counterattack of the evil retribution power, he decisively pierced the abdomen with his sword!

Piercing the abdomen is not the goal, nor is escaping Zheng Fei's grasp, because if Zheng Fei can trap him with Li Shou's help this time, he can do the same next time, and he may not have a chance to fight by then.

His goal is Zheng Fei’s isolated island of heaven and earth!

This is a sudden choice of battle.

He thought that no physical part of his body could be stronger than Zheng Fei, who was protected by flesh armor.

But within the system of a cultivator, his island of heaven and earth is very stable.

This is due to his powerful Heaven and Earth Gate and the original blessing he received in the Senhaiyuan Realm.

As the feedback from heaven and earth after cultivators push open the gate of heaven and earth, the island of heaven and earth suppresses the Wufuhai and inherits the lineage of Xie Tenglong. Its importance is beyond doubt.

Zheng Fei has reached the realm of outer buildings, and the Taoist Tenglong has swam into the Tibetan Star Sea, but the suppressive effect of the isolated islands of heaven and earth on the Wufu Sea still exists.

At the same time, Jiang Wang's five inner palaces all have magical seeds, and with the light of the five magical powers, the sea of ​​five palaces is far calmer than that of Zheng Fei. Although the Yunding Immortal Palace is more dilapidated than before, it can still help suppress the five palaces.


Based on these considerations, he chose to penetrate the Wufu Sea with his sword energy!

The purpose is to kill Zheng Fei until his island of heaven and earth collapses, and the sea of ​​five mansions shakes, to break his courage, while retaining his own combat power to the greatest extent.

But in the eyes of outsiders, his series of actions showed that he was really cruel and wanted to die with Zheng Fei.

They have already entered the Wufu Sea and attacked the isolated islands of heaven and earth. How can they be more murderous?!

Yanzi was inexplicably horrified, feeling like she had met a complete lunatic. Human demons don't care about the lives of others, but this man didn't care about his own life. She couldn't imagine how she could deal with it if she was in Zheng Fei's state.

The anxious Li Laosi made a more direct choice.

This guy is like a yes-man all the time, he just follows Zheng Fei "just". This guy is extremely alert in battle and always keeps a sufficient distance from Jiang Wang.

Seeing Zheng Fei trembling in fear under Jiang Wang's sword, his eyes suddenly turned red.

In his haste, he couldn't get close to the battle group, so he directly pierced his chest with a backhand claw and grabbed the beating heart.

"It hurts, third brother!"

He shouted like this, crushing the heart!

Jiang Wang, who was destroying Zheng Fei's island of heaven and earth, was shocked, and immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood on Zheng Fei's face.

He really never expected that Li Shou had such deep feelings for Zheng Fei.

Who would have thought that two people who do all kinds of evil and are crazy could actually have "emotions"?

Two people with no humanity at all showed their human side.

Just now, his heart was really broken!

It's all about forcibly gathering Dao Yuan to barely maintain the blood flow... If it can't be treated in time, it will collapse soon.

Tonggui Magical Power also did not meet all the conditions for its release, and the range of the counterattack was greatly mismatched. Therefore, Jiang Wang was injured like this, and Li Shou himself was only injured more seriously!

Li Shou came to save Zheng Fei with the determination to die!

Jiang Wang pushed away Zheng Fei, who was still in turmoil in Wufuhai, took advantage of the situation and drew out his long sword, dragging a broken leg with a piece of blood, and rushed towards Li Shou again on Qingyun.

Li Shou had such deep feelings for Zheng Fei that he decided to make it happen!

Maybe some people can see the brilliance of humanity in Li Shou, but Jiang Wang sees opportunities.

Killing Zheng Fei was just an illusion. He just wanted to temporarily destroy Zheng Fei. At the same time, during this gap, he was looking for opportunities to kill Yan Zi who had endless ways to kill him.

Li Shou desperately tried to save Zheng Fei, causing serious damage to him, but also further evolving the battle situation.

He made a decisive choice.

This counterattack was too sudden and too decisive.

It was so fast that Lin Xian, who was watching, could not react, and Yanzi, who was in the middle of the battle, could not catch up!

One moment, he was fiercely trying to die with Zheng Fei, piercing Zheng Fei's belly with his sword, but the next moment, he decisively pushed Zheng Fei away and counterattacked Li Shou!

His heart was broken, his mouth was still bleeding, and he had a broken leg... But he was flying in the air as freely as a blue bird!

Freedom is also self.

Li Shao, who had just crushed his heart with his own hands and was curled up in a ball due to pain, was startled by the sound of wind and quickly stood up.

A long sword has been penetrated by the heavenly spirit, and it has been stabbed all the way to the end without any hindrance!

Boom! Boom!

The Star Tower was shattered, the five palaces collapsed, and the Tongtian Palace was instantly like sand!

The Fourth Man-Demon Flesh-Cutting Man-Demon died so easily in a way that no one could have imagined!

And Jiang Wang's whole body suddenly overturned, falling to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

A sharp pain came from Tianling, straight to his spine, and spread all over his body. The pain made him almost open his mouth and wanted to howl, but he held on tightly.

Only then did he remember that Zheng Fei and Li Shou had already consumed the blood of balance. Now it seemed that the magical powers of both parties were in common to a certain extent, and Li Shou also had some of the effects of the evil retribution magical powers.

But the best thing about misfortune is...

With a single benevolence, he saved the only bloodline of the Feng family, preventing Zheng Fei and Li Shou from fully completing their balanced blood.

The evil retribution effect obtained by "balancing" on Li Shou cannot be compared with the real evil retribution.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, Jiang Wangxuan stopped.

Only three feet away from the ground, he suddenly stood up and looked calmly at the approaching swallow!

"Hoo, ho!"

Jiang Wang gasped.

There were injuries all over his body, his body was broken and his energy was weak, and his face was covered in blood.

I don't know when his sword-immortal state dissipated. Perhaps it was when he was close to Zheng Fei, or perhaps when his sword penetrated Li Shoutian's spirit?

He looks so weak that he could be easily killed by anyone...

It seems that a straw can knock him down, and a gust of wind can put him to sleep forever.

But this look in his eyes will force the Masked Man to stop!

At this moment, Yanzi realized that the injured person in front of him was breathing heavily...

He's not a frail young man who can't help but be frail.

He is the real strong man who slaughtered Huan Tao and Li Shou with his sword!

Two of the four great demons have been eliminated. Is it possible for her and all the evil demons to kill this person?

The swallow hovered in the air and couldn't help but look at Zheng Fei.

The obese fat man was standing on the ground. His island of heaven and earth was almost chopped to pieces with a sword. The sea of ​​Wufu was still turbulent. After being pushed away by Jiang Wang, he fell back to the ground and shook for a while before he stood still.

At this time, he was looking at Li Shou blankly.

In other words, Li Shou's corpse.

Li Shou, who followed him all day long, echoed every word he said, obeyed his words, and rarely talked back... Li Shou, who was both a follower and a yes-man, died just like that.

Not even a last word was left behind.

When Broken Heart came to save Zheng Fei, those words "It hurts, third brother!" were actually the last words in his life.

Never say anything else.

In order to save Zheng Fei, he almost committed suicide and launched Tonggui to stop Jiang Wang.

This directly caused him to become weak, giving Jiang Wang the opportunity to kill him with one strike.

This thin man, who has never had any opinions, suddenly showed his opinions at this moment.

Zheng Fei opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but no word came out.

Few people know that Li Shou is really his younger brother.

It's not a ranking between humans and demons like Zheng Lao San and Li Lao Si, but a real blood relationship.

They share the same mother and are connected by blood.

Their father was a scholar in his early years, but he was not good at reading and dropped out of school after a few years. He went into business and lost money in everything he did. Later he became addicted to gambling and lost all his family property.

Every day I would pounce on the gambling table, and when I got off the gambling table, I would soak in the wine jar.

Their mother often left them alone and had adulterous affairs with others outside.

My father's family has strong clan power in the local area. After my mother's affair was exposed, the adulterer was imprisoned in a pig cage.

Because he and Li Shou were still young and needed care, his mother was able to survive.

The clan needed people, so my father also opened his mouth to forgive.

But when my father said he was forgiving, it was more like he was trying to keep a long-term employee who provided gambling capital.

From then on, he beat his wife and children all the time.

If something didn't go his way, he would punch and kick him. He would hit "**" and "bastard". He suspected that Li Shou was the son of the adulterer.

His mother couldn't bear the torture. One morning, after cooking for their brothers, she jumped into the river.

Zheng Fei still remembers that he ate braised pork that morning, which was as wonderful as the Chinese New Year. His mother said that when he grows up and makes more money, he can eat braised pork every day.

After walking out of the door, when he came back, he was already wrapped in a straw mat.

When he was young, he did not know the meaning of death. But from then on, the two brothers lived with their father.

My mother's death was like a stone dropped into water, causing ripples for a moment, but they quickly returned to their original state without any changes.

My father didn't change, but got worse. Sometimes he would bring two steamed buns back when he remembered. If he couldn't remember, he would let them starve. He would often beat the young Li Shou until he was covered with bruises.

He always went to his neighbor's house to beg for food. Later, when the neighbor saw them, he closed the house.

He didn't know whose "seed" Li Shou was, he only knew that Li Shou was his younger brother.

He didn't dare to stop his irritable father. He only knew that when his brother was being beaten, he would rush forward and block it with his body.

"Hit me, hit me, father, please hit me! I'm not afraid of pain. I really am not afraid, hahaha!"

He smiles like this every time. He remembers that his father used to like to see him smile, saying he was chubby and cute, and he looked like a meat bun when he smiled.

But his father...

It’s really two kids playing together.

Use fists, soles, sticks...

This one is an unfilial son, and that one is a bastard. They are all evils left behind by that bitch to harm others. Otherwise, how could he be so talented that he would get so drunk that he would be so unlucky?

Until the age of nine...

He stabbed his father's throat with a smile, and the pair of scissors was handed to him by his younger brother.

They fled that place.

Many years later, he could never forget the look in his father's eyes at that time. It was hatred, pain, resentment, or something else.

Always looking at him.

He is not afraid.

He is not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, not afraid of his father, not afraid of anything.

He still takes his father's surname Zheng, and his younger brother takes his mother's surname Li.

How many years?

How many years has this follower been with you? We walked a long way together, did a lot of things, and played for a long time...

Zheng Fei didn't know what he was feeling at this moment.

He just felt that this was really not fun.

It’s not fun!

This is the most uncomfortable game in his life.

He didn't notice the swallow's gaze, he couldn't pay attention.

He looked at Li Shou, who was completely breathless, and still felt that this was a joke.

"Li Laosi, pretending... ho ho... just pretending to be dead, right?"

"Are you pretending to be dead? Why don't you come closer and see for yourself?" Jiang Wang's voice sounded.

This voice is calm, which makes it more real and powerful.

What he said is true.

Zheng Fei then turned his head and looked at Jiang Wang, who was standing not far in front of Li Slim.

Tears rolled out all of a sudden.

"I'm going to eat you!"

He said such terrifying words in a child's angry tone. He held the machete and hit him like a wall of flesh.

The air around him was distorted, sizzling sounds were jumping, and a terrifying power was boiling.

He cried really hard and was so sad that his nose and eyes were wrinkled.

Jiang Wang greeted him with his sword expressionless.

There is no sympathy in my heart.

He doesn't care about the deep relationship between Zheng Fei and Li Shou, nor what they think. Just like Zheng Fei and Li Shou, they never care about other people's feelings.

He only knows that the purest evil should die the most complete death.

He will not be soft-hearted or shaky.

There is a line between life and death, and he wants all these humans and demons to be on the other side of the word death!

Swords were clanging and swords were roaring, and in the rocky valley, there seemed to be thousands of troops covering the area.

Jiang Wang's sword is like the bright moon in autumn water, and Zheng Fei's sword is like the great river.

The knife and sword collided together, making the most violent sound.

Jiang Wang was chopped off with his sword!

The man was in mid-air, spurting out another mouthful of blood.

His heart was broken, and he relied solely on the monk's physique to temporarily suppress it with Tongtian Palace, and forcibly used Dao Yuan to maintain blood circulation.

Facing Zheng Fei who was at full strength, he couldn't stop him at all.

In this direct collision, the whole person was chopped away.

Under the huge pressure, the muscles were shaking slightly.

It is a manifestation of pain and relieves stress.

Bits and pieces of strength returned, and Jiang Wang kept checking his physical condition amidst the pain.

Wufuhai, Tongtian Palace, muscles and bones...

So far, except for the fifth inner palace that is still being explored, the number of rooms opened in the other four inner palaces all exceeds 3,000.

Insight into oneself is like knowing the universe,

Although the mysteries of the human body require a lifetime of exploration, Jiang Wang can confidently say that he has won a lot compared to fellow monks.

Only when he understood Zheng Fei and had such a clear awareness and judgment of himself, could he dare to fight back against the evil retribution supernatural power, stabbing his stomach with a sword and hitting the island of heaven and earth with his sword.

At the moment when he was cut open by a sword, he was flying in the air like a leaf on a branch, but he had already pulled back the sword in his hand.

The body that was still flying upside down suddenly paused in the air and turned upside down. The person turned like a dragon, with a sword rising to the moon, the sword energy burst out, and the momentum was like a lovesickness.

Using the Acacia Sword Style, he slashed directly at Yanzi!

Yanzi, who was waiting for the opportunity, was frightened. Even the Taoist skills he had prepared were scattered. His body swayed and scattered afterimages, scattered by the wind... He didn't have the courage to fight at all.

The fear is getting deeper and deeper.

Before entering the valley, Jiang Wang's mountain-shaking sword that forced them back had already frightened her.

And from the beginning of the war to now, she, the notorious masked demon, has been driven away by Jiang Wang with sword after sword, just like driving cattle and sheep, and she has already left a mark of fear.

She could fully feel Jiang Wang's determined murderous intention, and this murderous intention was most firmly verified with the deaths of Huan Tao and Li Shou.

Those dangerous premonitions were by no means false, and her escape was not cowardice. Jiang Wang really wanted to kill her, and he really had the ability to kill her!

She is just looking for opportunities.

Opportunities to encircle and kill, opportunities to attack and kill, opportunities to delay, and even opportunities to escape.

At this moment, she could only retreat.

Jiang Wang had already predicted the outcome. With just one stroke of his long sword, a bright moon rose on one side and set on the other. It turned around naturally and hit Zheng Fei again.

If we only consider it in terms of combat power, Zheng Fei, who has evil consequences and is seriously injured, should be left to deal with him last.

Swallows, whose combat strength is relatively intact, should be dealt with first.

But in Jiang Wang's view, this terrifying masked demon was nothing more than a frightened weakling in this battle.

He has powerful supernatural powers but no strong will.

In other words, the defensive line of will has been broken.

Compared to all kinds of evils, such as cutting off flesh and beheading, she, the masked demon, is indeed the one who cherishes her life the most.

The collection is rich and the skills are exquisite.

But when we meet on a narrow road, what we compete for is "courage".

For Jiang Wang, Zheng Fei is the opponent he needs to deal with first since his physical condition is already weak.

Zheng Fei is a terrifying opponent!

Of course, the head-on collision between him and Zheng Fei was not to be chopped off with a knife, but to supplement his "knowledge".

He needs to know what Zheng Fei's current state is, and what changes have occurred in Zheng Fei's strength, speed, and magical powers.

Don't hesitate to take risks for this.

At this time, Zheng Fei's eyes were stained with blood and his face was ferocious. The fat on his body was gradually stained with blood, and his aura was violent and crazy. He must have entered some kind of vicious state.

He raised his knife and slashed at Jiang Wang, his posture was like a butcher chopping a pig bone, both ruthless and accurate.

Killing is just a game, something too simple and too natural.

With this cut, he just wanted to find happiness.

He doesn't care what others do, he just wants to know if he is happy or not!

Between life and death, he wanted nothing more.

This is His way!

Use "happiness" to build the building beyond the road.

In the distant starry sky, the light of the four holy towers flows into the rocky valley, bathing Zheng's fat body.

The secret technique of anger disintegrated silently, and the hell of five consciousnesses was basically broken by the starlight.

This sword is coming along the way, Jiang Wang is not allowed to escape.

Jiang Wang indeed had no intention of escaping.

He even ran forward and met him head-on. His eyes were calm, as if he was going to die hand in hand with Zheng Fei. When the blade reached his face, he just turned his head to the side!


The blade fell against his cheek, and his right ear flew off.

Jiang Wanghun seemed to be unaware of the pain. When he turned his head, he had already moved forward. He slammed into Zheng Fei's arms with great strength and stabbed his sword through the abdomen again!

Zheng Fei’s huge body stiffened instantly!

Falling straight to the ground!

His isolated island of heaven and earth suffered heavy damage once again!

One ear can change the path. One sword can kill the world.

Exchange of equal value is not Jiang Wang's fighting principle, so the Sauvignon Blanc is already in his stomach, electricity is swimming in the sky, and the sword is flashing.

When Zheng Fei's Wufu Sea was in turmoil, the tendons in his hands and right foot were cut off!

Zheng Fei tried to force the connection with Dao Yuan, but Jiang Wang's sword energy also accurately followed up, cutting those Dao Yuan into pieces.

The Wufu Sea was in turmoil, and Zheng Fei, whose limbs and tendons were broken, could only fall to the ground.

Affected by the magical power of evil retribution, Jiang Wang almost clung to him and fell with him.

This is an extremely risky choice.

That's been the case from the beginning.

As long as Zheng Fei's knife was missed by an inch, or if he was a breath too slow to avoid it, the knife would not only cut off his right ear, but also directly chop open his forehead.

How much confidence and courage do you need to turn your head when facing someone?

Sword Hitting the Island is an adventure that has been tried once.

The sword light slashing at Zheng Fei's hands and feet made it even more difficult and thrilling.

Just relying on several confrontations to test the strength of the evil retribution magical power, when Zheng Fei's flesh armor was broken, he controlled the attack to just enough to destroy Zheng Fei's limbs, but the counterattack force was not enough to completely cut off his own limbs.


How precise control does this require?

If there was a slight misjudgment or a miscalculation of strength, it wasn't just Zheng Fei who was lying on the ground.

But even if he drew the sword so perfectly, most of the tendons in his limbs were actually broken, and they were just forcibly connected with Daogen.

In this state, although Zheng Fei was temporarily eliminated, it was hard to say how to fight against the Masked Man and Demon.

But the moment Jiang Wang landed with Zheng Fei, he used the fat on Zheng Fei's body to catapult, and suddenly looked at Yan Zi, his right eye instantly flowed with red gold light, and his left eye instantly turned red!

Use the magical power of the red heart to control the eyes of Qianyang!

We must use all our strength to fight the soul to solve this last human demon!

But Yanzi's reaction was equally fast. Almost at the same time that Jiang Wang slashed Zheng Fei and turned his head, the beautiful face instantly flowed away like water, and a sharp face emerged in the ripples.

And the wave of light continued to expand, and the whole person was hidden in the wave of light and disappeared.

No sound is heard, no shadow is seen.

But he used another "treasure" hidden at the bottom of the box and escaped in a hurry!

At this moment when both Huan Tao and Li Shou were dead, and Zheng Fei was firmly suppressed, she simply did not have the courage to confront Jiang Wang!

Her courage had already collapsed when Jiang Wang advanced and killed her again and again.

The aura of the unmasked demon completely disappeared in this rocky valley, but Jiang Wang did not completely relax. He only temporarily closed the eyes of Qian Yang, and then used the sword energy to cut Zheng Fei's Dao Yuan open again.

Under the influence of the magical power of evil retribution, this sword energy also acted on himself.

Fall on your back.

His good body control allowed him to take over the physical body the moment he fell, moved his body, and sat down next to Zheng Fei, who was lying on his back.

At this time, the blood color on Zheng Fei's body has faded. Although he is still fat and obese, he has shrunk twice.

He looked at Jiang Wang with innocent and confused eyes.

"I feel pain, Xiao Jiang, I feel pain."

He cried like a child.

Jiang Wang glanced at him calmly, then the soul crashed into his Tongtian Palace, opened the single-riding formation diagram, and launched an attack at the level of the soul.

In the dizziness caused by the evil retribution magical power, he once again stirred up the sword energy to prevent Zheng Fei from regaining his ability to move.

Feeling the same severe pain in his limbs, Jiang Wang remained calm and reluctantly used his Daoyuan to temporarily take over his right hand, holding Sauvignon Blanc, and stabbed the side of Zheng Fei's neck with his sword!

At the same time, blood spurted out from his own neck.

But he had no scruples, and just used sword energy to cut Zheng Fei's Daoyuan once again. Under the counterattack with the evil retribution magical power, his own hands were unable to fall down...

This is an extremely bloody, extremely cold, and full of courage scene.

Being cruel to others does not require courage, only being cruel to yourself requires courage!

Jiang Wang's method of dealing with Zheng Fei was "stupid" and very simple.

After seeing Zheng Fei and Li Shou's magical powers at the Qingyunting Mountain Gate, his only thought was that when he encountered these two demons in the future, he would have to turn around and run away. Because he really didn't know where the flaw was and how to deal with it.

In today's arduous battle that was inescapable, he only found one "flaw" that was not a flaw.

The evil retribution magical power requires sufficient conditions to complete an equal or superior counterattack. So far, the counterattack force it has formed is weaker than the damage Jiang Wang caused to Zheng Fei.

Jiang Wang took this to the extreme. While saving his own life, he abolished Zheng Fei's combat ability and caused injuries that were difficult to heal. Then he allowed him to slowly lose blood and worsen his injuries as time went by... until


The damage of the evil retribution magical counterattack is only related to the damage released by Jiang Wang when he attacks.

But Zheng Fei obviously hasn't realized this yet.

He stared at Jiang Wang, and because of the blood spurting from his neck, he made a whooshing sound: "Little...little Jiang. Let's die together...together."

The condition of Jiang Wang's injury is not optimistic. If Zheng Fei is on the verge of death, then he is also half-dead.

But his voice remained calm.

That is the tranquility that has grasped everything.

"That's not right." He lowered his sword energy again, causing Zheng Fei's injuries to continue to worsen, while saying quietly: "You are the only one who will die. Because it was not me who killed you, but your wounds and time."

He repays evil with magical power and repays all harm, but there is still no time!

But Zheng Fei seemed to be unable to hear these words clearly.

There seemed to be countless voices in my ears, crying, begging for mercy, pleading, screaming...

All the voices came to him at once.

He has been pursuing happiness and the lost childishness all his life. But the pain on his body is unbearable, as if he has returned to his childhood, with the punches and kicks falling like a storm...

He was in so much pain that he wanted to cry, but he couldn't make a sound.

I don’t know how long it took, it was so long that it felt like I was experiencing life all over again.

Blood also overflowed from his eye sockets.

He looked at the sky with blurry eyes, and in a daze he saw the skinny face. Li Shou had not had enough to eat since he was a child, and he could not grow well.

Later, no matter how much meat I bought him, he still wouldn't gain weight.


He said hoho hoho: "I don't feel any pain, I'm not afraid of pain, ho ho ho ho ho..."

The breath is getting loose little by little.

He just died with his eyes open.

The blood almost formed a stream under his body...

Lin Xian, who was hiding at the side relying on the innate chaos formation, stared at this scene in a daze.

The deaths of Huan Tao and Li Shou, as well as the escape of the masked demon, gave him an extremely unreal feeling.

Especially when Jiang Wang was sitting next to him, quietly waiting for Zheng Fei to die, he felt an inexplicable sense of tranquility, far away from the impact of the previous bloody killings.

It's more like watching a young man meditating and meditating.

Tyranny and tranquility coexist in such harmony.

This was a peerless battle that he could not describe. After the ultimate splendor and violence, in the end, only the back of a young boy with scars all over his body was left, sitting quietly and alone.

It wasn't until the aura of all evil men and demons completely disappeared that Lin Xian suddenly realized

Just now, he witnessed the legend with his own eyes!!!

This is the pinnacle battle among all the battles at the inner government level recorded in history throughout the ages.

This is a battle that surpasses the immortal legend of Old Man Tianfu!

On September 25, 391 in the Dao Calendar, in Duanhun Gorge, Rock Valley, and the leader of the Yellow River in the Inner Palace, Jiang Wang faced head-on against the evils at the pinnacle of the Outer Tower. He cut their flesh, uncovered their faces, and beheaded the four great human demons.

Drive away one of them and kill the other three with the sword.

Obtain proof of the first inner palace in ancient and modern times!

From ancient times to the present, going back 30,000 years, 130,000 years, 300,000 years...

In the realm of inner palace, Jiang Wang ranks first.

There is no such person in all the history!

This chapter has been completed!
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