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Chapter 172: A sea of swords pouring from the sky

It is also said that Jiang Wang used his sword to overturn the mountain and hit the human world, destroying all the ghost mist surrounding the swallow, breaking the blood on his face, breaking the wings of a bat, and it was as powerful as destroying dry matter.

The edge of this sword shines brightly in front of thousands of troops.

Qi Jing could clearly see the 100,000 troops in both camps.

This sword divides the east and west boundaries, runs through the north and south, and kills human demons on the spot who can definitely be considered strong in the outer building realm.

Everyone was shocked.

On the side of the Qi camp, people finally understood more intuitively what Lin Xian said, the so-called "the strongest internal combat power that has ever existed". They understood what it means to exceed the limits of the internal government beyond imagination.

This is how it is when you kill and reveal your face today, but how graceful will it be when you kill all evils, cut your flesh, and behead your head that day?

Lin Xian was so lucky to be able to witness that battle!

Xie Baoshu had no expression on his face, but his heart was sour and very uncomfortable. Although his uncle Xie Huai'an had repeatedly urged him to reconcile with Jiang Wang as soon as possible when he was in Linzi, he still had arrogance and many grievances in his heart.

Wen Tinglan and Yan Fu got engaged. He casually went to bully Jiang Wang, but was bullied several times...

Lying in the hospital, I was approached and greeted. I was blocked in the street and mocked...

He was a dignified prodigy from the outer world, but his reputation was not as good as Jiang Wang's, his rank was not as good as Jiang Wang's, and his official rank was not as good as Jiang Wang's... For various reasons, he was angry with Jiang Wang, but he could not act recklessly.

I was so upset that I lost seven or eight pounds!

This time I came to Xingyueyuan to officially make meritorious service and seek a title.

He has even thought about it. When he succeeds and Ming Jue joins him, he will meet Jiang Wang again on Linzi Street, and he will provoke him in the street and give him a violent beating, which will bring a storm throughout the city...

Let the world know that there is still Xie Baoshu in Linzi!

But today I suddenly discovered... It seems that if we really take action, we may not be able to win.

I was really suffocating.

I felt itchy all over.

But it can only be suppressed.

In Jingguo's camp, a young genius with a green gourd hanging around his waist said: "If a war breaks out, this person must be killed first!"

This voice sounded in the ears of several geniuses at the same time.

The person who said this was Xu San, who "should accompany peach blossoms with green plums" and was famous for his romantic style.

He considered the problem purely from the perspective of winning or losing the war. It was too easy for an invincible genius like Jiang Wang to create an advantage on a local battlefield. If this problem was not resolved as soon as possible, it would be difficult to grasp the variables of this battle between geniuses.

Wang Kun, who was posted at Jingshitai, immediately responded: "Brother Xu is right. When the two armies join forces, killing Jiang Qingyang, who has the largest reputation, first is the way to seize the opportunity by cutting down the flag!"

The sword that fell on Xingyue Plain caused ripples not only in the front army.

Even the two general towers on the east and west sides of Xingyueyuan could not ignore this dazzling sword.

Although it is the power of the inner palace, it has shown its peerless appearance.

"Have you seen it?" Lian Jingzhi of Xiangguo Dazhuguo asked.

Standing not far behind him is his daughter Lian Yuchan, who is also the most talented monk of the younger generation in the Xiang Kingdom. Now she only holds the position of a private soldier and is guarding the general platform.

Lian Jingzhi took her with him this time, just to let her observe.

"I saw it." Lian Yuchan, who has a face with oval seeds and a very delicate face, said.

He added: "I can see it very clearly."

She looks like the person in the painting, but she wears a helmet and armor, and her murderous aura is cold.

Lian Jingzhi said quietly: "Whenever you can thrust out this sword, I can safely remove my armor."

Lian Yuchan pursed her lips slightly and said nothing, but there were two swords hanging on her waist... both swords were buzzing.

Things are facing each other far away, and each has its own waves.

On the general platform on the east side, Fang You, who was in charge of the soldiers and horses of the Xu Kingdom, couldn't help but tilt his upper body slightly: "Is this Jiang Wang?"

"This is Jiang Wang." Mrs. Xidu said in a cold voice: "With such strength, he deserves to be famous. None of the young people in our country can match him."

"He is already recognized as the number one imperial concubine in ancient and modern times. His opponents will no longer be limited to his contemporaries." Fang You shook his head and said meaningfully: "I'm afraid it won't be a few years before we old guys will compete with him."

"How many years are you talking about..." Mrs. Xidu turned her head suddenly in the middle of her words and looked at the front line of the battlefield with a look of shock on her face!

Fang You also suddenly lost his temper.

They all sensed that a terrifying force... was coming!

Right at the place where the geniuses of Qi Jing's two camps are facing each other, and where Jiang Wang slashes away the vitality of the unmasked man and demon with his sword...

That clear so-called boundary line.

The bloody face disintegrated, the bat wings broke, and the whole body began to shrink...

At the position of her heart, there was a silver-white projectile that suddenly jumped out.

In an instant, the silver light burst out, and there were thousands of bright lights!

Everyone who looked at this place was stabbed so hard that they had to close their eyes.

Many soldiers even had eyes bleeding.

In the eyes of the extraordinary monk, this silver-white projectile jumped up, and in the sudden bright light, it turned into a silver dragon. After circling the ground, it rolled up the masked demon and shot straight into the sky!

In the end, only a silvery-white light was seen, shining in the sky. It was the brightest in the sky, even surpassing the sunlight, and it became smaller and smaller, getting farther and farther...


The silvery white light gradually became clearer and closer.

First go to the sky, and then turn back from the sky!

Until... in people's sight, the bright light has become clear enough to see the specific image——

It was a handleless long sword that had already been formed, with the tip of the sword pointing down, right in the direction of Jiang Wang... falling.

There is the sound of swords in the sky.

It's like thunder in the sky.

The bright white sword light soared, centered on the flying long sword, and spread throughout the sky.

It looks like silver lightning dancing wildly.

The sky is like a piece of paper that can be smeared on, and the sword energy is like a moving, never-ending book mark.

The sword energy is booming, like a power grid covering the sky.

The terrifying screams are getting denser and louder.

Thus the Sea of ​​Sword Light was formed.

A sea of ​​swords pours from the sky.

Just fall into this world!

The bright white sea of ​​sword light occupied the sky, pouring down mercilessly.

The force generated by the confrontation between hundreds of thousands of troops was suppressed by several feet!

Only the endless sword light is falling.

It's just like……

The sky is falling!

The sky fell, and the entire sky collapsed.

A hole opened in the sky, and the sword sea was like the water of the Tianhe River, pouring down with Jiang Wang as the center! By the way, it also covered the battlefield of nearly 100,000 people.

What kind of strong man would be killed like this without saying a word?

Jiang Wang immediately thought of what Yu Beidou had said about the first demon Yan Chunhui.

Even Yu Beidou, who is one of the strongest real people in the world, can only be resurrected with life blood when facing Yan Chunhui's flying sword. Not to mention Jiang Wang?!

When he killed the beheaded demon, Yan Chunhui did not take action. When he killed the evil demon and chopped the flesh of the demon, Yan Chunhui also did not take action.

It seems that the eyes of the first human demon do not fall on these lower ranking human demons.

That's why he came to hunt down Jie Mian alone.

Unexpectedly, we hit a hornet's nest!

It can only be said that luck comes with luck, and fate sometimes likes to play some nasty jokes.

What kind of spectacle is this?

The sea of ​​swords poured down from the sky, and the bright white sword light was like waves and tides, hanging upside down like a waterfall.

"It is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen into the sky!"

Who is doing this?

Isn't he a god?

This is such a terrifying sword!

Just now Jiang Wang's mountain-topping sword was as soft and powerless as a waterweed under this sea of ​​swords.

Looks weak by comparison.

Anyone who is on the battlefield here will see a sea of ​​sword energy everywhere they look, with nowhere to escape.

No matter which country he is a genius, no matter which country he is a soldier.

Under such a sea of ​​swords, one can only feel deep despair.

This is a gap that cannot be bridged and a chasm that cannot be overcome.

Who can fill the gap?

When the sky falls, who can survive?

At the moment of life and death, who can be fearless?

At this moment, Jiang Wangxu was standing in mid-air. He had just killed the unmasked demon, but before he could calm down, he encountered this sword.

Although his cloak was bathed in fire and his five palaces were shining brightly, he, like everyone else covered by this sea of ​​swords, had no power to deal with it.

Under the sloping sea, ants are helpless.

Thousands are useless, tens of thousands are useless, and hundreds of thousands are still just ants!

There is no way to deal with it!

Whoever takes the lead will die!

But Jiang looked up.

He didn't say a word, he just raised his sword and moved forward alone towards the sea of ​​sword light.

This is a life-or-death situation, and his only choice.

He never had any other choice!

The frost-covered beast behind him, the flames surrounding him were swaying, and the immortal red gold light in his eyes seemed to have solidified into a divine statue.

The blue clouds dispersed one by one, and five bright light sources were embedded in his body.

He knew he couldn't escape, but he didn't wait to die.

If death is a fixed ending, if he is really facing Tian Qing, he will also let the fallen "Tian"... see his sword!

Jiang Wangteng is in the air, a capital "person".

The human character stands between heaven and earth.

Sauvignon Blanc trembles.

He thrust his sword into the sky!

Facing the sea of ​​swords alone.

This is a young man less than twenty years old, charging towards unmatched power.

This is an inner monk who bravely challenges the power of the sky.

On the battlefield where thousands of horses are silent.

In the silence of a hundred thousand troops.

He alone pushed back against the sky, so resolute and so dazzling.

Ten years from now, this scene will not be forgotten by anyone present.

He who wields his sword even when there is no hope is a true hero in the world.

Suddenly a roar resounded throughout the world: "Jiang Qingyang! Where do you want to go? Chongxuan Sheng will go with you!"

In the military formation of the Qi camp, a fat body suddenly swelled up and turned into a giant of fifteen or six feet, shaking the sky and the earth, roaring like thunder. He jumped into the sky and rushed straight into the sea of ​​swords.


This sea of ​​swords appeared too accidentally and appeared too powerful.

Facing life and death on a narrow road, suddenly seeing the power of the sky collapsing... This is a chasm of strength that cannot be overcome by wisdom.

Everything that can be used at this time cannot deal with this sea of ​​sword energy.

Chong Xuan Sheng is extremely smart, so he understands better what cannot be done.

Simply give up all thinking, leave the choice to the impulse of your own heart, manifest the laws of heaven and earth, and ascend to the sky.

Jiang Wang is going to die, and I am going to die too!

A figure in black armor, carrying a heavy sword, followed him silently.

She always went wherever Chong Xuan Sheng went.

No matter the reason, no matter life or death.

If you cut the mountains, cut the mountains. If you cut the sea of ​​swords, cut the sea of ​​swords.

Even if it doesn't help, even if... there are no bones left.

Together with Chong Xuan Sheng!

"The whole army forms a formation! Listen to my order! Gather as close as possible to where the arrows fell!" Li Longchuan, who had a jade belt wrapped around his forehead, turned over his hand. The Qiu Shan bow had been drawn to the full moon. When the bowstring moved, ten feather arrows flew out and landed separately.

At ten different locations, they exactly correspond to the ten battalions on Qi Fang's side.

"I will lead you to death!"

He wanted to unite the strength of the army in the shortest possible time and make a desperate fight.

Take the reputation after destroying the city as proof!

Almost all the geniuses in the Qi Fang camp gave up their control over the military formation and left them all to Li Longchuan to unify them.

"Everyone knows Shimen Li!"

This sentence is never empty talk!

Yan Fu didn't say anything impassioned. Even on this fierce and dangerous battlefield, he still looked like a gentle and calm noble prince.

With just a flick of his left hand, eight four-winged ink warriors lifted their swords into the air. When they grabbed it with their right hand, there was already a handful of talismans and seals.

He took the time to throw a storage box into Lin Jie's hand next to him. He just said "use it as you like" and flew high into the sky.

Lin Jie, the genius of the Yi Kingdom, was stunned for a moment. He was a little dizzy after being hit by the box full of talismans. But for some reason, he had already grasped the long knife in his hand, and he couldn't help but fly into the sky.

He had studied countless Legalist regulations, but none of them could explain his impulse at this moment.

Maybe people who are about to die must do something stupid?

There was a voice that sounded very unpleasant——

"How can I let my little brother be so beautiful!"

But when I saw Bobo Zhaoxu, the eldest son of Uncle Shuo Fang, standing in mid-air, he pointed his finger at the center of his eyebrows and immediately opened his "Celestial Eye"!

The third eye has two openings. One eye sees everything clearly, and the other... is for heaven's punishment.

From the raised eyes between the brows, a divine light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the sea of ​​swords for "Heaven's Punishment"!

Of course, it is impossible for Heaven's Punishment to penetrate such a terrifying sea of ​​sword energy, but how could he, Bao Bozhao, let all his younger brothers and geniuses die in front of him?

When I spread the word back to Linzi, I don’t know how my brother, who is used to being disgusting, would laugh at me!

Chongxuanzun despised this battlefield. He, Bao Bozhao, came here to set an example for the young talents of the Eastern Region!

Being one step slower than Jiang Wang is already a step slower than others. You can’t be slower than others.

Chao Yu, who was born in the military, was even more decisive. He flicked his ponytail, like a blade arcing. He jumped into the air, the red-eyed and green-faced general jumped in front, and the extremely sharp long knife was hidden behind him...

She charged towards the sea of ​​swords, waiting to draw out her sword to kill this thief!

Xie Baoshu, who is also a prodigy from the Outer Building Realm, is shaking his pen like a rafter, his hair is disheveled, and he is singing a wild song——

"Heaven will never end my suffering in this world, and this suffering should also be known to God!"

When things come to a head, how can someone with the surname Jiang still steal the limelight!?

He used a bright mirror to control Kuangge and displayed his strongest Taoist skills. He shook his giant pen, from bottom to top, and stroked the sky with one stroke, facing the sea of ​​swords...

You have to write your own ending!

No one wants to be left behind.

Especially Lei Zhanqian's arrogant temper.

He lost to Jiang Wang in terms of strength and cultivation. How could he lose in courage again?

At the moment of life and death, no one dares to throw a punch!

Then a fist surged into the sea of ​​thunder, and the sea of ​​thunder and lightning collided with the sea of ​​sword energy.

Although the gap is huge, it is like a pool of water versus a vast ocean.

But his punches were majestic and not weak at all.

The Nine Heavens Lei Yanjue replaces the punishment of heaven with thunder punishment. After fully controlling the thunder world, his punch is the real... "Man sends murderous intent, and the world turns upside down!"

Lin Xian, Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu... even Gao Zhe.

All the geniuses in the Qi camp, at the sudden critical moment of life and death, were all inspired by the figure of Jiang Qingyang's single-handed sword, and they all rushed into the sky one after another.

No one hesitates, no one shrinks.

I want to come to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds, I want to compete with Jingguo's genius, and I have some ambition.


The geniuses of all countries collide with the sea of ​​swords!

The earthworm raises its arms and dares to hold up the sky!

Among all the geniuses who charged after Jiang Wang.

The only king, Yiwu, is the most arrogant.

He clenched his fist and faced the sea of ​​swords. He couldn't even see the face of the sword master, and he didn't know who he was. But with one punch, the soldiers boiled in the air, and countless soldiers and horses were condensed.


Then thousands of troops went to the sky!

One man becomes an army.

He only said: "If you don't die today, I will kill you tomorrow!"

A sword that can exert such power that the sky collapses, and can directly overwhelm the world with the sea of ​​sword energy, must be an existence that stands on the pinnacle of the extraordinary.

Although the geniuses are fighting bravely, everyone is just fighting to the death.

He, Wang Yiwu, was the only one to say such arrogant words to the powerful man behind this sea of ​​swords!

It was really arrogant to the extreme.

The performance of the geniuses in the Qi camp was different.

On the Jingguo camp, as soon as the bright white sword light turned around, a calm voice came into the ears of the geniuses - "Now listen to my order."

When the sea of ​​sword energy poured down.

The voice also said almost at the same time: "With the power of this true king, there is no need to be brave. Yu Shuai is at Wanhe Temple and can get here in a moment. What we have to do is to delay as much time as possible!"

"Every department listens to the order! We will use the formation rehearsed last night. Xu San will lead the army to the fifth position, Wang Kun will lead the army to the fourth position, and Pei Hongjiu will lead the army..."

But in an instant, everyone's positions were clearly arranged, without any omissions.

The situation on the entire battlefield, with an army of nearly 50,000 men, seemed to be all in this man's mind.

And once his order came out, no one had any objection.

Because the person speaking at this time is Chen Suan, who is recognized as the strongest outsider in Jingguo and was born in Penglai Island!

Following his command, Jing Guo's twenty teams quickly took action. Each team rushed to the designated position, and in an instant they formed a simple and stable defensive formation.

With the combined efforts of 50,000 people, we hope that we can fall in the sea of ​​swords and survive for one more breath.

Even if you buy one more breath, it may very well be the difference between life and death.

The sea of ​​sword energy fell from the nine heavens. These young geniuses, regardless of camp or nationality, all gave up. It can be said that they all showed the grace that a genius should have.

However, whether it is the attack chosen by the genius of the Qi camp, or the defense chosen by the genius of the Jing camp...

Facing this majestic and vast sea of ​​swords, in fact they are equally powerless!

A thousand people are like ants, ten thousand people are like ants.

Waiting for death is like an ant, so how can struggling not be like an ant?

This means that you will die if you welcome someone, you will die if you avoid it, you will die if you flee, and you will die if you fight.

Only the true king can control the true king, and all the dust will fly under the path of evolution!

The sea of ​​ten thousand miles of sword energy roared and surged endlessly, and the bright white sword energy was like the waves of the Milky Way, as if falling from the nine heavens to the world.

It was as if this "heavenly river" was about to "drain" the ants.

Especially Jiang Wang, who was holding the sword at the front, was almost less than a hundred feet away from the sword sea, and could reach him in an instant.

Suddenly there was a figure standing in front of everyone.

He has a short beard, a hairpin, and a military uniform of unknown material.

It is not particularly tall, but standing high in the sky, it looks like a pillar supporting the sky.

The strong wind pressed down by the sea of ​​swords couldn't lift the corners of his clothes!

Behind him are a group of geniuses charging forward, and in front of him is a sea of ​​roaring and falling sword energy.

His voice was calm, but there was endless majesty in it: "I am very relieved to see my genius from the Eastern Region fighting hard today. I will use this fist to cheer you up!"

So he punched the sky.

At this moment, in this situation, of course this person can only be the Great Qi Army God Jiang Mengxiong!

His fists are simple, with well-proportioned fist peaks and distinct ups and downs.

It rises like a soaring dragon, like a majestic mountain rising up from the vast earth! It has the potential to hit the heavenly gate.

As soon as the fist moved, the terrifying fist wind swept across the sky first, and the clouds from thousands of miles were lifted upward!

The roaring fist wind expanded rapidly, stretching like a mountain range, facing... half of the sword sea.

With Jiang Wang as the boundary, the sky within the Qi camp was held up by Jiang Mengxiong's fist.

On the other side of the Jingguo camp, the sea of ​​sword energy is still falling...

"Alas...you are too stingy!"

In a helpless sigh, Yu Que suddenly appeared in Liangyi military uniform and drew his sword with his backhand!

He spoke very casually, showed himself very casually, and drew his sword very casually.

But a sword light immediately soared into the sky, evolving into a long rainbow that stretched across the sky! The sword energy continued to fly, and then rose into a cloud of sword energy. The clouds were connected one after another. The sword energy formed a sea of ​​clouds, and the sea of ​​clouds rushed towards the sky!

This sea of ​​clouds... firmly resisted the other half of the falling sword energy sea.

Still taking Jiang Wang as the dividing line, those facing the majestic sea of ​​sword energy were half Jiang Mengxiong and half Yu Que.

Jiang Mengxiong deliberately controlled his power and accurately blocked only half of the sword energy ocean. In fact, it was more laborious and took more effort than facing the entire sword energy ocean with one punch. But he obviously enjoyed it and would rather expend more energy than give it to Que Xian.

A chance to sit back and watch a play.

Whoever belongs to you should take care of it yourself!

At this moment, seeing Yu Que finally take action, his fist suddenly moved upward.

Looking up at the sea of ​​sword energy, he shouted angrily: "You dare to take action against me, Da Qi Tianjiao, Yan Chunhui, are you here to die today?!"


The Fist Wind Mountain Range collided with the Sword Qi Sea.

The whole world is darkened!

That scene was like heaven and earth having merged, and chaos suddenly returned.

At least in this Xingyue Plain, it feels like the end of the world is coming!

Indescribable, indescribable.

The power of terror swept through everything, including people's perceptions.



Hear this loud sound like a heavenly drum again.

The brief darkness was torn apart.

People then saw that the entire bright white, surging sword energy ocean, visible to the naked eye, moved up a few distances...

The "sky" that collapsed was knocked back!

This is Jiang Mengxiong, the True Lord of Yan Dao, and this is Jiang Mengxiong’s fist!

Who can't be moved?

"……Who are you?"

An old voice fell.

"Yan Chunhui...who is it again?"

These two questions came up one after another.

Like an old man who hasn't woken up, babbled infatuatedly.

The ocean of sword energy that covered the sky suddenly dissipated.

It seemed that the mythical scene of the sky falling and the Milky Way flowing in was just an illusion.

The sky is clear and the clouds are clear, and everything is peaceful.

When people looked far into the distance, they only saw a silvery-white light spot, which flashed in the air and then disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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