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From 60 orders to 10,000 orders, those who purge cannot purge themselves

 Part1:Why should I write this article?

 A while ago, a senior online writer, Wandering Toad, mentioned me by the way when he was answering a question on Zhihu, which was a small affirmation for me.

 Someone asked me to read it, so I was very happy to see that article.

 Unpleasant things are in the comment area.

 I saw a person I didn’t know at all commenting: “I suspect that book Chixin is a fake.”

 In fact, this person doesn’t know me at all, has never seen it, and hasn’t even clicked on the fan list of True Heart.

 This is how he responded to my question. He said: "It's true that I haven't read your book and don't have time to read it. But on a certain website, many people said so."

 Many people say this, so he treats it as a fact and can say it anytime and anywhere.

 I was very angry at the time.

 But after thinking about it, why “many people say that?”

Who is making such rumors?

Who is spreading such rumors?

 Things always have a source. Or as many readers ask, "Why is love so serious? Who has it been offended?"

 I actually knew the answer all along.

 I didn't say it earlier because I think writing itself is the most important thing and shouldn't be distracted by these snakes, rats, mice and ants.

 But when I suddenly saw such a piece of mouse droppings while I was resting, my mood for the whole day was ruined.

 I was very angry that day and wanted to write an article like this to sort out the causes and consequences and explain the rights and wrongs.

 However, the status was not good during that time and it was difficult to update, so I couldn't spare the time to write articles.

 Later, I simply thought that forget it, those who are clean will be clean themselves. I let my works speak for myself, and I let my achievements speak for themselves.

But just the day before yesterday, after I had achieved the achievement of "writing from 60 to 10,000 subscriptions", an inexplicable person suddenly jumped out on Zhihu and directly commented that I was a "big brush".

Since August, there has been an alliance leader almost every day, including one with silver, and one with seven alliances in a row. This one is still in the top twenty of the monthly voting list.

 And I am actually what others call a “big brush”.

Does your brusher use the leader to brush up the leaderboard? Isn't it stuck at the beginning of the month when the reward is four times the monthly ticket?

 Which brush is so stupid that it uses the same amount of money to pay for three times the monthly pass?

 Which brush can achieve this without any cost, from its launch in February to now, being on the sales list and at the top of the monthly ticket list at the same time every month?

 Who is using his own IQ to doubt my IQ?

 I decided to write this article.

 I don’t believe that those who are clear will clear themselves. If you don’t occupy the high ground of public opinion, trolls will occupy it, and idiots will occupy it.



 Part2:Who did I offend?

 The cause of the incident was in October 2019, that is, when I first started serializing, I had just updated it to Chapter 5 "If You Have Experienced Everything I Experienced".

  Someone who I don’t know is one of my readers asked a question on Zhihu, asking, “How do you evaluate the long fairy tale novel "The Love of Love" serialized in Qidian?"

 The question description is "Judging from the quality of these five chapters, is it possible to become a hit?"

 The reason why I am not sure whether this person named "Little Transparent xx" is my reader is because I saw his homepage and liked it seven times, and it seems that he is my reader.

However, after he rashly raised such a question, he did not say a word when someone questioned whether this question was directed and staged by myself.

 Amid the abuse that filled the screen, not a word was said.

 It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

   He has not explained anything to me, nor has he explained anything to me.

 At that time, when I was asked this question by Art, my first reaction was panic.

 There were only three answers to this question, all of which were bombastic.

I quickly wrote an article, saying that it was just my first time writing an online article, and I would never dare to say that I could write a hit. I could only make sure that I would try my best to write it.

 But as I write this…

 A large group of people have already arrived.

  【A literary youth written with hypocrisy and cancer, if I can sign a contract, I will lose】

  【My three-year-old son can write better than a primary school student.】

【This kind of traditional writer who can't write stories and can only use seemingly gorgeous but empty-headed writing to deceive people is really a disaster when it comes to writing online articles.】

     Why did love begin to lead to bad money? 】

There are also those who analyze sarcasm word for word, and those who teach me how to use punctuation marks...

There are too many to mention. (Many of the answers at that time have now been deleted or modified. So some readers may be surprised when they read it. Not many people were overly aggressive? In fact, seven or eighty of them were at that time.

Each answer was scolded more harshly than the last. The more positive answers were basically added later.)

 What are the consequences of this matter?

Those three readers who blew the whistle silently deleted their answers.

 A reader commented on me and said: Ah Shi, I thought it was very good. But if everyone says so, you must have a lot of questions, right?

I gave up my intention to promote the novel on Zhihu and stopped updating Zhihu from now on. I almost gave up the more than 200,000 followers I had accumulated after writing on Zhihu for several years.

 I have not responded to any of the attacks under this question.

 Even if someone goes under my article to trample on me, I will just block it silently.

 At that time I had only one idea: I was writing a novel for myself.

 I’m not trying to prove it to anyone.

There is such a splendid world in my heart, and I want to describe it. I will always have a close friend.

 An interesting point is that most of those people who used extremely disparaging words and wanted to trample me into the dust came from the same organization.

 “Thatched Cottage Literary Club”.

This is an organization where many unknown Internet article authors gather together, probably just for Internet articles.

 What is the level of this club?

 About a year later, one of them asked on Zhihu, “Why can’t the novel I worked so hard to even get signed?” (It was the one who taught me how to use punctuation marks.)

 I rack my brains to think of plots every day, because I have poor grades and am so anxious that I can’t sleep all night long. I don’t have time to deal with them.

 I didn’t respond even to those attacks, insults, and tramples.

 I guess I shouldn’t offend anyone, right?

 But I was still "offended".

 The first person I offended was the person named "Yu Sanbei" on Zhihu who analyzed and ridiculed word for word (account has been canceled now)

Yu Sanbei claims to be an editor-in-chief, but no one knows which website he is the editor-in-chief of. He is one of the founders of Caotang Literary Club.

 He did something very interesting.

He set up a Caotang Literary Club, invited several people to help, and publicly taught people to write online articles, charging several thousand yuan each. He even came up with a routine of "I will teach you to write online articles, and you will share the income with me after you successfully sign the contract."


If things only come to this point, it will just be an IQ tax.

 But after he received the money, he didn't even want to cheat, and he didn't even bother to attend class.

 After receiving the money, I disbanded the group, canceled my Zhihu account, and ran away with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

 Only a bunch of newbie authors who are confused are left.

 After I heard about this incident, I immediately posted it on Zhihu.

I suggested that the victim call the police immediately and said that I could help contact a lawyer.

 Later, a victim sent me a private message and asked me if I could help.

After consulting my lawyer friends, I asked them to keep the transfer records, chat records and other evidence, and first go to the police to file a case. This matter does not need to go to the court at all, the police station can handle it. I said that if I need to go to the court, my lawyer will

Please help.

Later, Yu Sanbei quickly returned the money.

 And those victims... chose to make peace with the matter.

  If I have offended anyone, I should be offended by Yu Sanbei.



 In addition, the second person I offended was named Zhang Xin (now logged out of Zhihu).

Identity is the veteran of Caotang Literary Club. He is one of the people who "enthusiastically" helps new Internet writers and is responsible for giving lectures. After the Fish Three Cups incident, he immediately drew a clear line and canceled his account.

This person is the most villainous guy I have ever seen. Even if he only wears an ID in the virtual network society, he is so ugly that it makes me want to vomit.

  After the question appeared on Zhihu, he first just commented in various comment areas where I disliked my answers.

 “It’s the boss who dares to say it.”

   “I’m so pink, I said what I dare not say.”

 “The boss really hit the nail on the head.”

Later, seeing that the situation of criticizing my speech was getting better, he jumped out and decisively posted, saying, "It is really a disaster for traditional writers to write online articles."

 You can only follow others when you trample on them. It’s extremely obscene and disgusting.

 I still can’t figure out why this person disgusts me so much.

I don’t understand even more, why are they all running the Caotang Literary Club? Yu Sanbei is a liar, but Zhang Xin is a good person?



 The rumors about "flushing the rankings" will fall on the third person.

 This person's name is "Nanfang is very good".

This person is more interesting.

When Fish Three Cups was cutting leeks, he was one of the leeks being cut.

 At that time, I was licking all kinds of things in the comment area, and each bite was "big as a fish" or "big as a heart".

 He and Zhang Xin have a pretty good relationship, and they probably discussed me in a certain online author group.

According to his own disclosure, he started writing online articles around that time, carefully studied the routines, summarized the writing method of product online articles, and wrote in a certain place.

 From writing without a dime, I was able to earn tens of thousands a month from writing, and then to a maximum of 130,000 a month in manuscript fees.

 At that time, it was probably when I ordered just over a thousand dollars.

 In terms of grades, he was much better than me at that time.

 But I still can’t figure out why he hates me so much.

 Perhaps you can help me analyze it.

The earliest knowing that the question was one of the questions from the south.

His answer at that time was actually not too harsh. He told some truths. For example, Qing He Yi Shen had no fan base at all when he wrote online articles. There were only 175 recommendation votes in six days. For example, this question was to put Qing He Yi Shen on fire.


It was a year later that his anger started to get worse. (Probably because he felt confident after writing that he was earning tens of thousands a month?)

  A reader who noticed me when I was attacked by a group of people was "irresponsible" and asked on Zhihu a year later, "One year has passed, how can I give a fair evaluation to the work ""?"

Nanbian is very good. At that time, he jumped out and said, "You can't bully young people into poverty even with this grade?"

And I suspect that the person who asked the question a year later is the same person as the person who asked the question a year ago. Fans who are trying to explain why are really disgusting.

 Later it was discovered that it was a misunderstanding, and he even apologized to Tietou Langfanyun.

And he also revised his answer and praised me. Why did I persist in interrogating for so long? I deserved the word "man".

Oh, in the comment area of ​​another answer, in February 2021, he trolled a passerby from November 2020, saying that he was a crazy fan who was so passionate. Later he found out that the time was wrong, and apologized.

 It feels like a firecracker that explodes when it sees someone and apologizes after it explodes.

 But if things end here, we don’t seem to have anything to worry about.

Under the question of one year later, I also wrote a serious article, emphasizing that "I can't evaluate my work, you might as well come back to it ten years later.", "I don't want to knock anyone down, I just want to write my work well."


 I really have no intention of wasting my precious time in endless arguments.


 The problem occurred in February.

Readers who have followed along all this way know that in Chapter 233 of the volume "Traveling is Difficult" on February 1st, "Why Huaibi is not guilty", I said that I wanted to be on the list.

  I want to make a big recommendation.

I said that I have been writing for more than a year, and I have written 2.3 million words, and there is only one limited exemption. The average subscription is only 1,700, and the monthly ticket list is hovering around 200. I can't stand it anymore.

 I said I was sure my work was good, I just needed a chance to be exposed.

 I want to hit the rankings, I want to hit the top 100 monthly votes.

Either be like Yin Guan, who becomes a god in one battle. Or be like Yang Jiande, who will give up everything and be destroyed together with the country.

 Everyone knows what happened next.

 Readers have become leaders one after another, and silvers one after another. Like Lulu Ashu, they all used to watch pirated copies, and they all came to reward them, and the highest one was directly ranked among the top ten in monthly votes!

 The amount of rewards that month was 128,684 yuan.

I will never forget that February, when I gritted my teeth and persisted in writing more than two million words, and finally managed to get through.

 It started from that time. Until today, the sales list and monthly ticket list have always been at the forefront.


On the other hand, Nanfenfenghao suddenly started to quarrel in mid-February and publicly accused me of cheating on the rankings. He also told me that all the author groups he was a member of were saying the same thing.

 I still don’t understand where his ill will towards me comes from. I don’t understand where the ill will from those people in the group of authors he mentioned comes from.

I asked him, if I want to refresh, why don’t I refresh when I have hundreds of thousands of words, and why I have to wait until I have 2.3 million words before I refresh? Have you calculated the cost? When I refresh the list when I have hundreds of thousands of words, it may only cost a few thousand.

RMB. If you write several million words, it will cost hundreds of thousands. Won’t this account be settled?

 He didn’t answer.

 Nanbian is very happy to say: Up to now, you have written all the recommendations you should have, but you don’t even have a high-quality one. Doesn’t that explain the problem?

 But in fact, there was only one limited-free recommendation at that time, and it was during the limited-free period of the entire site. These data can be directly checked on the website!

I asked him, you didn’t even check, why did you just open your mouth?

 He didn’t answer.

The south side is very good and said that all the leaders of the sincere heart are brushed.

I said I can invite you into my leader group, and you can verify the authenticity one by one. You can also click on the fan list to see with your own eyes whether those leaders are fake.

Even Brother Yan saw my debate on Zhihu at that time and took the initiative to tell me that he could go to Zhihu to testify for me.

Later, Brother Yan went to testify.

 It’s easy for Nan Bian to change his mind and say, I admit that your fans are awesome, but I don’t admit that your books are awesome.

(It was probably around that time that his circle started talking about becoming a fandom again. What’s funny is that the earliest one, Yan Qing He Sheng, had no fan base at all, with only 175 recommendation votes in 6 days, and it happened to be Nanfang Qinghao.


 Nanbian is very good and said that it is true only if you subscribe.

I also recognized him as a caesarean fan. I showed him a screenshot of my daily addition of 100,000 subscriptions. Any author who has signed a contract with Qidian should know what the concept of 100,000 daily additions is, and they should know that this is the success of their work.

The performance of rapidly growing genuine readers.

 But he stared at the total subscriptions and said, you have been writing for so long and only have this few total subscriptions?

 I said that my grades were indeed not good in the past, and I did not deny it.

  I wrote 2.3 million words in obscurity but with high quality and quantity, and lived off my savings. I have never denied it. Is this a black point?

 I asked Nanfang, who is so good, why he came to hack me when he didn’t even know the basic rules of the starting point.

 He said that fans act and idols pay for it.

How do fans behave?

 After I silently wrote more than two million words, some of my readers saw the 2019 question on Zhihu and ridiculed the people who had ridiculed me.

 It was such a thing that made Nanfang Qinghao hate me.

He said that it has been a year and your fans are still judging us. If we don’t look for you, who will we look for?

 This is the reason why he slandered me.

 This is the reason why they spread rumors everywhere.

  If you people feel that being criticized is being harmed.

Then what was it that you trampled on with all your contempt and humiliation?

If someone attacks you and makes you feel aggrieved and angry, have you ever thought about how others feel when you attack them?

  If you feel pain, have you ever thought about how I felt when I faced a screen full of trampling, and gave seventy or eighty answers from beginning to end, with each scolding getting harder than the last. How did I feel?

 The most important thing is that I am a novelist. I don’t make money from my characters, I don’t sell my face, and I don’t have any endorsements. When will the author also need to pay for the actions of readers?

 Up to now, it has received 100 reviews, 10000 reviews, and 2 stars of glory. Counting piracy, the readership is conservatively estimated to be in the millions.

 Each reader has his or her own independent will.

 Who can I control?

 I tell readers again and again that I never want to slap anyone in the face, I just want to write my story.

 What else can I do?

 When you people mocked me, I ignored it.

 You can't bear it when others can't stand it and ridicule you? Are you running over to me?

 Take my disdain as weakness!

 This group of core members of the Caotang Literary Club.

Yu Sanbei, Zhang Xin, these people are very good in the south, and their respective small circles.

  Pretending to teach people how to write novels on Zhihu every day, giving pointers on this and that.

Humbling around in various groups of piracy authors, and hanging out in various piracy forums.

Has a very good appeal, but unfortunately this appeal is only reflected in slandering others.

 Can’t even add a subscription to myself!

 Hide under the mask of the Internet to this day.

 When something happens, you will shrink your head, close your account if you cancel it, and withdraw from the network if you withdraw from it.

For this kind of people, these people, some people believe what they say. The rumors they create are actually spread everywhere.

 At the time when I was scolded the most, I didn’t respond to a word. I just added these four words to my Zhihu homepage.

 At that time I thought, if it is a bad work, then let it become a scar on my face. If it is ugly, I will be ugly.

Who the fuck is ugly now?

 When my grades were not good, I said my grades explained everything.

 When my grades improved, I said they were all bad.

 When I have no fans, laugh at me because I have no fans and I can’t get a hundred subscriptions.

 I have fans, and they accuse me of being a fandom.

 Honestly, you bastards have to say all the right things and wrong things?

You people always look at others and never pay attention to your own works. You rush to the street and attack them again and again. You only scold this and that every day.

So what about those who write with real effort? What about those who put all their thoughts into their works?

 Can we just let it be slandered?

 You can hide behind the mask and continue to spread rumors and smear us.

 But today I will single out you mice first.

Three cups of fish, Zhang Xin, the south is very nice, the weather is sunny.

 Let’s come back with a different mask.

  Anonymous rat!



 Part3: The results are upright

 From tips, subscriptions, this chapter talks about activity level, book friend circle activity level, monthly ticket list, sales list, any point can verify the true performance of this book.

Anyone with eyes can verify the facts for themselves.

But many people don’t even need to read the book or browse the fan list. They can happily publicize the “black spots” of the book with just “heard”.

 Who are these people?

 Starting from fifty-nine subscriptions, I reached 10,000 subscriptions when I wrote more than three million words.

  If you take a broken bowl and start conquering the world, until you have everything you need, isn’t this achievement worthy of being called an honorable one?

I think after this article is published, someone will definitely have something to say.

 “If you have time to write this, why not write a few more chapters of the novel?”

“Which author has never been hacked? This author really has a glass heart.”

The bedbug didn’t bite you, so you don’t feel pain. I feel pain.

 If I ignore it in the first place, if I remain silent.

These villains probably won’t keep chasing me and biting me. That’s why the ancients said, it’s better to offend a gentleman than a villain. So the ancients said, “Turn big things into small things and turn them into small things.”

 So an author, or any public figure, is best left silent.

 Because any sentence you say or any point of view you express will be misinterpreted and opposed by some. Making a sound is driving away readers.

 It is best to remain silent so that you can embrace more readers and make more money.

 A writing machine stripped of personality is the safest.

 But I don’t want to do this.

 I did nothing wrong, why am I silent?

I wrote in the book, "If no one raises a fire in the darkness, tonight will be an eternal night. If no one raises a voice about it, silence will be an accomplice!"

 When I get out of the book, am I silent?

 Should I even turn a blind eye to the dirty water that is poured on my works?

 In this era, the Qing Dynasty can no longer clean itself up.

 So I came to clear my name myself.

 I am responsible for every word in this article.

Anyone I mentioned can come and confront me to see if I have any lies.

 As of this writing, apart from giving myself a genuine subscription to the author's account and paying for the cover myself, I have not spent a penny on this book.

 ’s achievements are upright.

 Out of the 188 alliance leaders so far, if anyone can find one whom I am very fond of, they will show evidence to smash me in the face.

 I pledge to donate 100,000 RMB to charity, and at the same time reward this person with 100,000 RMB.

I don’t think anyone who handles it would be willing to give up 100,000 yuan, right?

 You are welcome to inquire at each brush.



 Part 4: Three additional points.


 Personally, I think Wandering Toad is an outspoken person, and at the same time, he is an author whose writing style is completely different from mine.

  In response to the Zhihu question in 2019, his evaluation was, “If I tell the truth, I will definitely not be welcomed by others.”

I don’t think he stepped on me on purpose. I just think our creative ideas are completely different, so he wouldn’t approve of the opening chapter.

 When my grades were still very poor, this is what I told readers, "Our creative concepts are different. What he said is probably right, but I also believe in myself."

 I still say that now.

Of course, this sentence of Toad, as the ancient god of Internet literature, gave courage to people such as Yu Sanbei and Zhang Xin. This influence is there. But it cannot be said to be his fault.

 He expresses his opinion honestly, that's all.

 I have no conflicts with him.

 Including later when I was so angry at Nanfang Tinghao, it was also Toad who told me, "No one in the Internet literary circle cares about whether you have read or not, they only care about your results. When you subscribe, naturally there will be no voice."

 It was this sentence that made me put down my emotions for a while and concentrate on writing.

Of course it turned out that what he said was not entirely right...

I have already written about Baimeng, Wanding, and ranked at the top of the monthly sales list, but flies still come to me. They buzz again and again!


 Personally, I fully understand the way website recommendations are distributed based on performance.

 Because there are too many novels added to the library every day and there are too many authors assigned to the editor, it is impossible to manage everyone.

Of course, when I was anxious and painful, there were indeed times when I felt resentful. For example, why was it not recommended to me even though it was recommended to a eunuch? At least I will never be a eunuch.

But think about it carefully, how can you read it? You have a book with two million words and only one thousand orders. If I were the editor, I wouldn't read it carefully.

After all, it was Bei He who signed the book. The beginning of this book is not a coincidence, and the novel does not include the main character in a few thousand words.

 And when my grades were not good, he patiently listened to my complaints and did not ignore me.

At that time, two million words and only one thousand orders, Beihe said that this score was good for a newcomer. I told Beihe that what I wanted to match was the score of the great master's novel. My stubborn self-confidence was not laughed at.

Although I didn’t have good recommendations at that time, it was indeed because of my poor grades.

 After the results were matched, we all had the recommendations we should have. I didn’t miss any activities.

 So, thank you to my editor.

 Thanks to the editor-in-chief Bei He and the editor-in-chief Fu Chen.

 Thanks to them for always thinking of me when good things happen.


 The slander of Chixin is not just about slandering Chixin. They come from various angles.

 For example, there is one that says, “A sincere reader will reject other books.”

Just a few days ago, I met a person who was known as a sincere reader. He went to Mr. Chen Dong’s book and asked Chen Dong to learn writing from Qing He Shen, which directly caused a wave of quarrels.

Our assistant Zhang Shuo rushed over to apologize. The operator rushed over to explain without stopping.

I felt sorry for my operators, so I went to make an alliance myself and posted to explain the situation.

 As a result, this person who calls himself a sincere reader did not subscribe to even one chapter.

 What do you think these people are like?

Another time, someone posted on Zhihu and said, "The writing is good, but it's disgusting that readers go to other book circles to dislike me."

 I responded immediately after seeing it. I hope this person can take a screenshot and send it to me. If it is my reader, I will definitely deal with it.

 But this person didn’t reply to me.

 I don’t know why either.

When there are many people gathered together, there will always be a variety of voices, and there will be no end to them.

I have seriously emphasized in the reader group that readers should not talk about other people's works and not criticize anyone's books. I have emphasized this many times. Whenever I see someone criticizing a certain book or author, I will stop it immediately.

Readers of the genuine book club can testify to this.

  As long as there are posts similar to disapproval in the Qidian Book Friends Circle, the operation team will immediately warn them to delete the posts.

In addition to managing the official circle and managing the book club group, I and our operations can't be managed anywhere else.

How should we care about someone who is hiding in someone else's book and trying to gain some black reputation?

I can't let someone else pull me out and step on it once, so I'll go to the alliance myself and write an explanation, right?

 As an author, and my managers as passionate readers, we have been doing the best we can.

 What else can we do?

The vast majority of readers will not read just one novel. There are thousands of readers. When a reader does something, the behavior may be annoying to you, but how can I accurately attribute this reader to me?

, and accuse me of it?

 I don’t know why. I was just writing a novel, and something as advanced as Pi Pi Hei appeared.

As an author who wrote an online article for the first time and wrote two million words, am I worthy of such a star?

 I don’t know why this is the trend now.

 They can spread rumors and slander as much as they want, but you and your readers cannot refute them.

 The author's rebuttal is that he has a glassy heart and cannot accept any criticism.

 The reader’s rebuttal is a fan circle and a protector.

 But what is rumor? What is slander?

 Why are we turning a blind eye to these real viciousness and these truly despicable behaviors?

 What causes this garbage?

 I think it is silence!

 So I write this article.



 “A clear stream of water, meandering by itself

 It can wash bluestone and purify the moon

 But rotten leaves and dead branches also swim with the waves, and so do smelly fish and rotten shrimps!

 Go to paralysis!"

This chapter has been completed!
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