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Chapter 67 I dont want to be empty-handed

"How long have I been unconscious?"

The light in the cabin was very gentle, illuminating Taiyin's somewhat confused handsome face.

Only a slight red mark can be seen between the eyebrows, which will probably fade away in a short time.

"Zhulong opened his eyes once and closed them again." Xiang Beidao, who was sitting in Weicang.

His figure was so majestic that just by sitting there, he occupied half of the cabin. With the Unparalleled Halberd coming across, he was so crowded that he couldn't even straighten his legs.

It makes this cabin, which is not very spacious, look even more cramped.

Taiyin is injured. He can't squeeze Taiyin, he can only squeeze himself.

"One day and one night..." Taiyin murmured, carefully checking his physical condition and feeling that his physical condition had returned to its peak. Naturally, he knew that it was Xiang Bei who used precious medicine to save him.

He closed his eyes and sighed: "What a stunning shot."

"It's indeed beyond my expectation." Xiang Beidao.

When he replied, he was wiping the blade of his sword with a piece of flannel with his head lowered.

The mighty and majestic man's movements at this time were very gentle.

Taiyin felt it quietly for a moment, then opened his eyes, and the scene of a shot across the sea in his mind was gone.

He probably recalled how he was shot.

So he asked: "How did we escape?"

Xiang Bei said in a normal tone: "I lost the Huaisha jade."

He just told a fact very calmly.

There was neither complaint nor comfort in Tai Yin's tone.

He invited Taiyin, and he accepted all the consequences, that's all.

Taiyin pondered for a moment and then said: "Then we need to get the new jade as soon as possible."

After being shot by an unknown person, he was not depressed, but immediately began to think about the next step.

Everyone will win.

Every person who is praised as a "prodigy" has won countless games from childhood to adulthood.

Everyone knows how to face victory.

But not everyone knows how to face failure.

Therefore, sometimes, failure can better reveal the background of the so-called genius.

"Yes, otherwise we won't be able to survive Tianqing and will be eliminated." Xiang Beidao.

Taiyin asked directly: "Which piece should I take?"

But in fact, both he and Xiang Bei knew that this question was of little significance.

Ultimately, the two of them didn't have much choice.

For example, Douzhao's Xisong jade, Zhongliyan's river-crossing jade, and Wu Ling's Tusi jade, there is no possibility of snatching them.

"Can Chu Yuzhi and Xiao Shu be found?" Xiang Bei asked realistically.

"It depends on fate." Taiyin shook his head: "My seven-star compass can only store one trace in a period of time."

Xiang Bei understands.

A combination like Chu Yuzhi and Xiao Shu, who are recognized as the weakest in the audience, would definitely hide their whereabouts immediately and would not be able to show up easily.

Taiyin's seven-star compass previously stored the traces of Jiang Wang, but later, out of fear, it also stored the traces of the Dou King Beast.

The King of Disasters...

He suddenly remembered something.

I couldn't help but ask: "When you met Jiang Wang earlier, was he alone? Did Zuo Guangshu leave the scene by then?"

"Yes!" Taiyin suddenly realized.

When Jiang Wang was chased by the beasts of trouble, there was no one else around him.

With Jiang Wang's strength, he was easily defeated by Fu Dou in the end. How could Zuo Guangshu, who was obviously inferior, be spared?

As the key to unlocking the mountain and sea realm, the Nine Chapters Jade Bi will never leave before the mountain and sea realm is closed.

If Zuo Guangshu and Jiang Wang have already left the scene...

So where will the Orange Song Jade Bi be?

It must be at the position where these two people finally left.

"Let's go to the place where Jiang Wang's traces disappeared!" Taiyin said immediately.

The cramped cabin where the two of them were hiding at the moment was the Xiang family's secret treasure shuttle. It had the ability to hide its traces, prevent and escape. It also traveled through mountains and divided soil, just like swimming in water.

Because there are many floating mountains and islands in the mountains and seas, this treasure was used.

Just as Taiyin finished speaking, Xiang Bei had already steered the mountain shuttle.

The dark sea bottom and the huge mountains lurking in the shadows are like a sleeping giant.

At a certain moment, the dark rocks parted. A black mountain shuttle swam out naturally. This scene was like a fish swimming in the water, without any abruptness.

The part of the cabin that touches the sea water instantly turns into the color of sea water. When you swim among the dense aquatic plants, it becomes the color of aquatic plants again. When you walk through the tall corals, it turns blood red again.

The color of the entire traversing cabin is constantly changing, always blending in with the environment, and is very exquisite.

After escaping with Taiyin, Xiang Bei relied on the power of the mountain shuttle to penetrate deep into the undersea mountain range to avoid possible pursuit.

This treasure shuttle, named after passing through mountains, is also very calm in the water. It swims gently and naturally, with no waves, but the speed is not slow.

Whenever a giant beast appeared, it stood still.

After stopping and walking like this, he finally left the bottom of the sea, jumped out of the sea, and flew to the location in Taiyin's memory.

Without the shackles of water, the shuttle across the mountain is as fast as lightning.

But under Xiang Bei's control, it did not fly high and only flew close to the sea surface.

Taiyin in the cabin had already taken out the sound-absorbing formation disk.

The mountain shuttle is so silent and good at blending into the environment. Unless it is constantly moving at high speed, there is almost no need to worry about being noticed.

The orientation in the mountain and sea realm is quite confusing. It is almost impossible to determine the orientation in any way except at a specific time. But for Taiyin, who holds the seven-star compass, it will not be too big to pursue the places that have been explored.


When people pass by, they leave traces, and when things pass, they leave traces.

In Taiyin's eyes, all traces were invisible.

Even the Formation Dao itself, in his opinion, is just a modification of the traces of heaven and earth. This is of course a counter-argument. As we all know, the Formation Dao uses human Dao to emulate the Heavenly Dao, and is a monk's introduction and use of the power of Heaven and Earth.

If Taiyin expressed this idea publicly, Taishi, who respected the ancients and was the first to be conservative, would not be able to tolerate him, so he always kept it in his heart.

Qinglong takes "faith", Suzaku takes "virtue", Xuanwu takes "benevolence", and White Tiger takes "killing". These four characters are the four characters of the Tao he chose. In the framework of the Tao formulated by the sages, they are quite satisfactory.

My uncle Taihua also followed this path, and he eventually became a real person and revitalized the Tai family clan.

This should certainly be a glorious road.

The principles he practiced have never deviated.

But he couldn't deceive his heart. The most authentic place in his heart had never been touched. The path he wanted had never been achieved.

Therefore, the fourth floor has been standing side by side for a long time, but it has never reached the peak of the road.

Now he was shot down by an unknown person.

Is it time for a change?

But why is family more important than mountains?

How can the orthodox tradition, which is already struggling to survive, tolerate someone shaking its foundation?

After flying for about two hours, the mountain shuttle had arrived at the location where the Six Paths of Divine Prison formation was originally deployed.

Xiang Bei showed extraordinary caution, maneuvering the shuttle, first diving into the water at a certain distance, and slowly approaching the target position underwater. After carefully observing and confirming that there were no problems, he and Taiyin jumped out of the cabin.

Outside, I began to look for the orange jade jade that might have been lost nearby.

But this is obviously in vain.

No matter how serious they are, how careful they are, and how many methods they use, they end up empty-handed.

"If you die in battle in the mountain and sea realm, will your body be removed according to the rules of the mountain and sea realm?" Taiyin asked: "Or will it stay in the mountain and sea realm, exposed to the wind and sun, and eaten by strange beasts?"

"Generally speaking, at the moment of death in battle, the body will be moved away. Only the Jiuzhang Jade Bi will stay." Xiang Beidao.

"Sure enough..." Taiyin muttered: "I won't leave you with conclusive evidence to judge the authenticity of this realm."

"If it were so easy to confirm the reality of the mountain and sea realm, people would no longer have to argue about it." Xiang Bei said quietly: "But whether it is true or false does not affect the harvest, so you don't need to care too much. At least it will be cut off after the battle.

The 30% of the soul’s origin is real.”

Taiyin thought for a while and then asked: "Will the Orange Song Jade Bi be taken away by Hu Dou? Is there any possibility that the Jiuzhang Jade Bi will be lost in the mountains and seas?"

"The possibility of being taken away by Fu Dou cannot be ruled out. Jiuzhang Jade has its own special characteristics, and it is not uncommon for it to be favored by strange beasts." Xiang Beidao: "But after the journey to the mountains and seas is over, every piece of Jiuzhang Jade will eventually return.

To the place where it first came in. For example, my Huaisha jade will return to the Xiang family and wait for the next use."

Taiyin sighed: "The jade in Huaisha will eventually be returned to its original owner. This is really good news that comforts me a little. It's a pity that we need a piece of jade now."

"I can only think of other ways." Xiang Bei asked: "How is your recovery now? Can you still set up a formation?"

Seeing that Taiyin didn't speak for a long time and seemed to be thinking about something, he couldn't help but ask again: "Taiyin?"

Taiyin suddenly came to his senses: "I'll take all the precious medicines you packed in the box, so of course there won't be any problem."

"However, since the Orange Song Jade Bi may have been taken away by the Dou King Beast..."

He pondered and took out the seven-star compass: "I have its traces here, and you have the shuttle, why don't we go and take a look?"

"Where to go..." Xiang Bei paused and then said: "Are you serious?"

How terrifying is the Dou King Beast?

Once he got serious, even someone as strong as Jiang Wang would disappear in the blink of an eye and leave the field in failure.

And the other side also has a large army with them.

Xiang Bei doesn't think that he and Taiyin can last a few more rounds if they join forces.

Taiyin's thinking was already very clear, and he said slowly: "We don't have many choices now. If we don't fight now, when the sky falls, the chance to fight will be gone."

Xiang Bei, who has always been brave and arrogant, is now the more cautious one. The more he loses to nothing, the more reluctant he is to be red-eyed: "Now it's not a matter of whether we fight or not, but what we do with it."

A fight of misfortune? A head-on collision, and you and I won’t be able to make it through one round.”

"We are just looking for the Jusong Jade Bi, not to fight against Fu Dou." Taiyin said calmly: "Find the place where they live, use the mountain shuttle to get close, get the jade and leave. Since the Fu Dou King Beast

If you can come out to hunt for the first time, you will definitely come out for the second time, so we can make good use of this gap."

"In addition, Fu Dou's lair is the only important place we currently control. We have already been in contact with Fu Dou, understand their fighting methods, and understand their abilities, so why not go and see the situation?

Compared to other strange beasts' lairs, the Dou Dou Lair is a less risky choice.

Even if they don’t bring back the Orange Song Jade, maybe we can still find something to gain from this trip there.”

Xiang Bei glanced at Taiyin again, as if he had just discovered his gambling nature now.

What Taiyin said was clear and logical, but it seemed that he completely ignored the cunning and power of the Dou King Beast.

After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "The harvest you mentioned is not true. If there is no jade, we can't take anything away."

"We can cooperate with others, we can give some benefits, and share the light of jade with others. We can even buy jade. Then some people will definitely leave the game, and some people will have a few more jade in their hands. In the future,

At the end of the trip to the mountains and seas, no matter how much jade is in hand, it will be superfluous, no one will mind selling it for a good price... Of course, we always reserve the possibility of snatching the jade."

Taiyin said: "Anyway, after we have gained something, everything will be easy to talk about."

"In a place like the Mountain and Sea Realm, your gains may not be yours. The premise is strength, not gains. This is not the Chu State, nor the Xia State, and the rules of the game in this world cannot be applied here." Calm down.

Xiang Bei's thinking was clear enough and his vision was sharp enough: "Tai Yin, you are a little impatient."

If you think about it, you will know the roles of people who have extra jade in their hands. Why should they talk to you? Can't they take away all your gains?

"If you have a better idea, listen to you. If not, listen to me. OK?" Taiyin said to Xiang Bei with an unprecedented serious expression: "My country and my family need me.

Behave better. Today, I don't want to leave with nothing."

He sensed Xiang Bei's intention to quit, and knew that the loss of 30% of the soul's origin was something Xiang Bei could not bear.

But he also knew that Xiang Bei could relate to his feelings the most.

The death of Zhenjun Xiang Longxiang and the death of Zhenren Taihua brought similar harm to their two families, and the impact on them was also completely different.

We feel sympathy for each other, so we get along with each other.

He will also question himself in his heart, what kind of bad person would do to influence his friends' choices by poking scars.

But the final answer is that there is no choice.

He couldn't leave like this.

Xiang Bei held the Unparalleled Halberd and said, "Okay. I'll go with you."

High in the sky, there is a blood-crowned bird flying on the wind.

The wings are spread out like a hanging cloud.

A moving shadow under the cage passed over an island.

This is a volcanic island.

Volcanoes erupt from time to time, sending black smoke straight into the sky above the island.

The magma pools one after another are embedded on the island dominated by black stone, which looks particularly eye-catching.

Of course, the beasts that can be seen everywhere, lying or standing, cannot escape its sharp eyes.

The blood-crowned bird is slightly lower in stature, and its sharp claws are ready to move.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

All over the mountains and plains, dog-like beasts leap out from all kinds of places, roaring in anger!

The blood-crowned bird immediately stopped its dive, but seemed a little unwilling to do so and was still hovering over the island.

At this time, in the tallest volcano, Hu Dou, with a three-pronged head and tail, walked out of the erupting magma. He had an elegant posture but a fierce momentum, and looked at the giant bird coldly.

The blood-crowned bird reluctantly pulled it up to a higher place, flapped its wings and flew away.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The beasts all over the mountain screamed again, in a daze for their king.

All the magma pools are boiling

Except for the lava lake on the mountainside of the main peak.

Not long after completing his feeding duties, Jiang was still lying on the lava with a bruised nose and face. He plugged his ears in dissatisfaction and rolled over in the hot lava.

"It's so noisy, these vicious dogs!"

This chapter has been completed!
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