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Chapter 74: Unjust injustice leads to loyalty and misfortune to the king

So trust is such a rare thing.

We have been together for so long, and there is hard work even if there is no credit, and there is also fatigue even if there is no hard work, right?

Sancha actually still distrusts him so much that he has to be taken with him whenever he goes out to fight!

Jiang Wang cursed in his heart.

How could there be such a cunning and suspicious vicious dog in the world?

What's wrong with you just going to fight without worries?

Will I, Jiang Qingyang, take the opportunity to escape?

Well, even if I can...

Aren't you going to give these troublemakers who stay in their old nest some exercise?

How can you grow without experiencing ups and downs?

As a friend, it would be reasonable for me to help you test the guarding power of the volcanic island, right?

Sancha turned his head sharply.

Jiang Wang immediately put on a smile.

The great King of Disaster roared, and the black wave began to gather.

Jiang Wang said nothing, remained motionless, and did not even do anything to observe the environment. He seemed to be loyal to the King of Disaster and had no intention of running away.

Having said that, after eating Samadhi Zhenhuo for so many days, Sancha's fur became more and more shiny and smooth.

As the saying goes, one is black, two is yellow, and three are flowers. This stew will definitely taste...

The Dou King Beast's tail was divided into three forks, and it was pulled back and forth in the air several times.

This action reminded Jiang Wang of Ji Hui, and he felt a long-lost sense of intimacy that made him want to step forward and kick him.

Unfortunately not.

If you step on it... your leg will be gone.

The majestic King of Fu Dou, who commands the army of Fu Dou, had no idea that anyone was comparing him to a dog that was so ordinary that it was even stupid.

It just scratched its tail grandly, and above the tip of its three-pronged tail, a ray of light jumped out like a swimming fish and landed not far from Jiang Wang's skin.

Separated by less than a centimeter, it covered the whole body.

This dim light travels all over the body, just like the black-furred beasts around it.

Looking around, the dim light surges like sea waves, with the power of a silent thought.

Jiang Wang clearly sensed that at this moment, the aura of this mighty army of disaster had completely disappeared and was undetectable!

Including himself, all traces of his aura disappeared completely, as if he were wearing a hidden cloak. No, the effect was much better than the hidden cloak.

Hidden Yi cannot blend into the environment when moving. Under this wave of ghostly light, the army of disaster is still moving forward.

In vision, the army is vast, but in perception, nothing exists.

Is this what Sancha can rely on to lead an army to hunt down opponents?

Jiang Wang was surprised, but what surprised him was more than that.

He subconsciously followed the King of Fighters, and he would go wherever the King of Fighters went.

As a result, I stepped on it and almost fell.

When he had the feeling of "stepping into space" and "falling" in his heart, he suddenly realized that his limbs had become part of the dim light.

He could still feel his body, but every part of his body had turned into dim light.

And during the entire process of transforming into a ghostly light, he himself was completely unconscious!

This is a very wonderful experience

He knew that nothing had changed in his body, and he could even still feel the power of his body, the flow of blood, and the tremors of his muscles... But at this time, it truly existed in the form of ghostly light.

He can't have any influence on this tide of ghostly light, because this tide of ghostly light is dominated by a single will.

Trisha controls everything.

But he can also feel what other Fu Dou can feel.

The five senses have not been lost, but I cannot use secret techniques such as the sravaka state, nor can I truly feel my eyes and ears, cannot close my lips, vibrate my vocal cords, and naturally cannot make a sound.

You can only "see" from a fixed perspective and "listen" with your physical body's own hearing.

Such as the smoke from the volcanic island, such as the wind swept by the tide of ghostly light...

for example……

The dim light swam into the space gap!

The huge tide of ghostly light seemed to have found a gap in some space in the high dome and flowed in like water.

Jiang Wang felt like a shadow or a puddle of water, going with the flow.

He tried to feel Daoyuan, and he could feel the vitality of Daoyuan in Tongtian Palace, but he could not drive it.

The power at the soul level cannot be activated either.

This led Jiang Wang to speculate: If the shadow formed by Fu Dou's army appeared inside to interfere with the power that was different from the Fu Dou King Beast, would it be immediately dispersed?

Otherwise, the shadow of light formed by the combined forces of the army would not be able to imprison individual power to this extent...

But he couldn't make the attempt.

Sancha gave him too many "surprises".

This guy actually has the ability to lead the entire Fu Dou army to travel through the gaps in space!

Jiang Wang now fully understood why he, Zuo Guangshu and the others were suddenly surrounded, without even a chance to escape.

The army of Fu Dou completed their journey and ambush in the space gap. This shadow of light moved without leaving any trace. It was strange that they could find it.

He then thought about the huge and well-prepared appearance of the fighting beasts at that time. Perhaps the target was not them, but the Kui ox.

But they happened to meet at the right time and ran into Fu Dou's ambush.

The most annoying thing is... they even helped drive away Zhong Liyan!

What a spirit of self-sacrifice for others.

It's like showing kindness without intending to repay it, rescuing people who are suffering and suffering.


Today's hordes of beasts are hunting with such fanfare, what are they hunting for?

Is it still the Kui ox?

Or is it...a more powerful existence?

Others may not know, so how could Jiang Wang not notice it himself?

During this period, Samadhi True Fire was supplied every day, and he fought with Sancha every day. Sancha's strength was obviously getting stronger day by day.

Otherwise, how could he, Jiang Qingyang, stay in the magma lake without even a single attempt to escape?

I don’t know who Sancha’s opponent is this time, and what abilities he has...

With vague expectations, Jiang Wang stood in the shadow of the dim light, passively feeling the gaps in the space.

There is no scenery to speak of in this kind of place, and terrifying space turbulence can be seen everywhere. There are also some deep caves, and even the three forks must guide the shadow of the ghost light to stay away.

Jiang Wang also "saw" a two-headed ape, glanced at their dim shadow from a distance, and then jumped away.

What's even weirder is that one of the ape's heads seemed to have seen him and cast a disdainful look at him...

It must be an illusion.

In short, when we meet on the left and right, we should avoid each other.

The shadow of the dim light flows by itself.

Sancha obviously did not bother this space traveler.

But judging from Jiang Wang's understanding of Sancha, the reason why this guy is willing to live in peace is most likely because he can't catch up...

The guy who even wanted to hunt Kui Niu failed, so he rounded up a few people... If he could block this two-headed ape, how could he let it go?

I haven't met any passers-by since then.

Jiang Wang also became more familiar with the desolate scene in the space gap, and was finally able to understand what kind of environment Qin Zhizhen was walking in back then, waiting for an opportunity to stab him at any time.

This is also part of the supplement of knowledge. If we fight Qin Zhizhen again, we may be able to judge the impact point of his sword more accurately...

In the state of shadow, the concept of time becomes increasingly blurred.

Jiang Wang always focused part of his mind on timing. After about three hours, the trip in the space gap finally came to an end.

The shadow of the light stopped at a certain position in the gap in space. Some of the shadows separated like a river and entered the normal space.

Jiang Wang knew that there were hundreds of misfortunes.

Then the shadow of the light began to circle around, and parts of the shadow were separated in many different directions.

This is setting up an ambush...

As the chef, dear friend, and trusted partner that the King of Disaster can no longer part with, Jiang Wang is honored to always be in the main body of this shadow of light and has never been separated.

Being carried with him by the great King of Disasters, never leaving him.

Jiang Wang was very moved and chose to silently write down Sancha's "art of war" routine.

Including the location chosen for the ambush, the style of setting up the ambush...

It is almost impossible for him to defeat Sancha in the mountain and sea realm, but after becoming more familiar with Sancha, he may not be able to escape its pursuit.

If Sancha was a human race, he would probably be a famous general.

The whole process of setting up an ambush was clear in purpose and simple in action, and the arrangement was completed in a matter of seconds.

Then he launched into action.

I still don't know how to cross the space barrier, but it seems that the shadow of the dim light naturally flows out from a certain opening when it tilts slightly.

Jiang Wang knew that if he could see clearly the cause of this "hole", he might be able to easily break the barrier of space, but unfortunately he couldn't see why.

It seemed that he was just in a daze. He had appeared in a normal space and saw floating mountains and blue sea.

The dim light that shrouded his body dissipated, and the dense army of evil forces spread out.

And Jiang Wang, who was following closely behind the Dou King Beast, had already seen the target of this hunting trip.

It was a strange beast that looked like a crane. It stood on one foot on a stone platform extending horizontally between the cliffs. It looked beautiful and noble.

Its body is green with red markings, and its beak is as white as frost and snow, with a sharp cold light.

This unknown floating mountain is already full of strange beasts that look like black dogs.

The cliff where this bird stands is surrounded by people, without any space left.

Obviously, this was not the first time that this strange beast encountered an ambush from the Dou army. There was no look of surprise in the bird's eyes, only anger.

"Bifang! Bifang!"

It shouted like this.

The blue wings flapped and flew straight towards the direction of the Dou King Beast.

His body is as fast as lightning.

When the frost-white bird's beak opened, a puff of flame spurted out. When the wind blew, it swelled up, like a bunch of flowers hanging upside down, and instantly spread into the sea.

Is this bird too stupid to use fire to deal with trouble?

Jiang Wang was shocked as soon as this thought came into his mind.

Not just because wherever the sea of ​​fire reaches, disasters and disasters are turned into ashes.

What's more, at this time, he had already recognized that what this bird was shouting out was actually the true fire of samadhi!

But Bifang's Samadhi True Fire is different from him.

The color of his Samadhi True Fire is red.

Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire is also red, but it is divided into three layers of flame, giving rise to three colors. They are red, dark red and light red.

It's not easy to see if you don't look carefully, but how could Jiang Wang, who controls the true fire of Samadhi, not notice it?

He has been taking Fire Lotus every day these days, depleting the true fire again and again. The Samadhi True Fire has a tendency to turn to dark red. Although it is not obvious yet, it shows that the dark red Samadhi True Fire may be the Samadhi True Fire.

The shape of the next stage.

But what about the bird that calls Bifang directly?

If the light red color is the final form of Samadhi True Fire, then why are these red and dark red flames retained?

At this moment, Jiang Wang had no idea of ​​​​escape at all. He only stared at the bird of Bi Fang, exploring the true meaning of Samadhi True Fire!

If we could truly understand the mystery of Samadhi True Fire, it would be worth losing 30% of the soul source!

The power of the soul can be repaired, and the origin of the soul can be replenished.

Miraculous powers need to be realized once to be able to master them all!

The reason why he used his magical powers as he wished was largely due to Zhuang Chengqian's "personal teaching". His lack of luck was due to the accumulation of Yan Xiao's beak.

Illustrated source of fire, detailed explanation of fireworks burning the city... He has mastered many secret techniques of fire. He has never slacked off in his research on fire. He has accumulated a lot of knowledge and gained a lot of understanding. But as for the true nature of Samadhi

There is always a barrier between the fire powers.

He felt resistance but didn't know what it was.

Today you may have a chance to break through the fog!

At this moment, how could he be content to watch the fire from the other side?

He must feel the fierce flames personally, even if it burns his body and soul.

The long sword in his hand vibrated, and regardless of whether Sancha understood or not, he shouted: "Don't hurt Sancha! I will fight with you today!"

In the midst of the retreating group of beasts, he actually swam upstream and charged at the enemy beasts bravely!

Sancha was shocked.

It was planning to give the cook a warning before confronting Bi Fang, lest he take advantage of the chaos and escape.

But I didn't expect these two-legged beasts to be so loyal to the great King of Dou!

Bi Fang's fire burned everything.

All these disasters under its hands cannot be avoided.

Only the cook moved forward bravely.

What kind of spirit is this?

What kind of quality is this?

It really misunderstood the cook for too long and made the cook feel wronged for too long!

There are many suspicions, which makes Zhongliang suffer...

This king is incompetent!


The great King of Disaster jumped into the air, surpassed Jiang Wang in an instant, and faced Bifang head-on. The king's majesty did not allow it to watch his cook die.


Amidst the wild roar, it swelled up again, and stopped in front of Jiang Wang. It was tall and long, and it opened its mouth and sucked!

The sea of ​​​​fire filled the sky, and half of it was swallowed up in an instant.

The entire body of Sancha instantly turned red, so red that it was almost transparent, and even the bones could be seen!


Its back was burned directly, and a wisp of flame spurted out.

But soon another dim light blocked it.


Two more openings appeared, and the true fire of Samadhi flew out.

Once again, I was blocked by the dim light.

After repeating it several times, the red light on the body dissipated, leaving the black skin shiny and the black hair shining.

The three forks stamped their feet in the air, looked up to the sky and roared, the whistle was very enjoyable!

Raise ginger for hope for many days, use ginger for hope at this time.

What kind of bullshit Samadhi is so popular, it’s nothing more than that.

It has already become accustomed to eating it!

This chapter has been completed!
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