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Chapter 94 Uninvited Guests

The machine Mahulaka is flying in the air.

Jiang Wang was still sitting on the snake's head, crossing his legs casually, holding a sword in his left hand, and supporting his cheek with his right hand, looking ahead, wandering in the sky.

He was thinking about what Wang Changji said

"There's something wrong with the world."

What's the problem?

Wang Changji's words are unclear, and it seems that he cannot express them verbally.

This mountain, this sea, this sky, and those strange beasts...even including the fire lotus I ate, and the seals I learned, everything is so real that it couldn't be more real.

What does Wang Changji mean by "problem"?

Practicing the Fire Source Illustration allowed Jiang Wang to control the movement of fire rapidly. But it was also the Fire Source Illustration that restricted his understanding of fire.

After understanding the true meaning of Samadhi True Fire, he also realized a truth

"What you know and see is also bound by something."

This awareness makes the road ahead suddenly clear.

Although there is no actual improvement in combat power.

But since then, there have been few barriers to "knowledge".

There is such a process of practicing delay.

He will always remember to remind himself not to be bound by knowledge.

Now, he tried to bypass everything he knew and rethink the entire mountain and sea realm.

As we all know, the mountain and sea realm is Huang Weizhen’s legacy.

Whether it is an extraterrestrial world he discovered or a world he created himself, in short this world is closely related to Huang Weizhen.

The mysterious seals left on the mountain god wall were also experienced by Jiang Wang personally.

When he first entered the Mountain and Sea Realm, he followed Zuo Guangshu because he didn't have time to familiarize himself with the relevant information. Later, he got separated and thought more about it.

But the questions he was thinking about were mostly "What is the purpose of Huang Weizhen leaving this test?", "Will Huang Weizhen leave anything here?", "If I were Huang Weizhen, what conditions would I use to screen?


Now, what if we strip away the influence of Huang Wei and rethink the world?

If I have never met Sancha, never been to the mountains and seas, never been to Zhang'e Mountain, I don't know Huang Weizhen...

How will everything evolve?

He inexplicably believed in Wang Changji's judgment that there must be some problems in this world, even though he couldn't figure out the problem himself.

What Wang Changji said is that the more Jiuzhang Jade you have, the better you can protect yourself. Is this a hint?

While he was thinking, he would inadvertently lower his head and glance twice.

Zuo Guangshu sat cross-legged on the palm of Mohu Luojia and practiced. Occasionally he would take out a small object from his arms and rub it carefully. After rubbing it for a while, he put it back and continued to practice.

I heard that Qu Shunhua put that thing in Zhan Zhao's arms before he met him.

This kid...

Moon Goddess sat on Maharaja's other hand.

After Jiang Wang relayed Wang Changji's words, "Self-realization of treasure nature, one's own body is a spiritual vessel," she stopped talking much and didn't know what she was thinking.

I have been meditating there.

In short, the three of them have their own concerns.

The thoughts of spring, the thoughts of autumn, and the thoughts of youth.

Such a team with little morale and little fighting spirit silently approached Tiangui Mountain in the North Pole. Zuo Guangshu, Qu Shun, Hua Yue Tiannu and three others had already found Tianshan Mountain before, so they had probably determined the North Pole.

The orientation of Tiangui Mountain. Although the orientation in the mountain and sea realm is very confusing, Yue Tiannu also has his own unique method.

Jiang Wang was thinking and observing in this way, and his mood was actually relatively relaxed.

Now that Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu have recovered, as long as they are not surrounded by supernatural beasts and the three of them work together, there is no need for anyone to be afraid.

As for what's wrong with this world... Come to think of it, no matter what, the world Huang Weizhen left behind would not be able to deliberately harm the Great Chu Tianjiao.

Douzhao, who has reappeared the brilliance of the best killing technique in the world, is struggling here. What does he have to worry about?

If you want to retreat, say this, if you want to advance... I have two pieces of Jiuzhang Jade in my hand. The worst I can do is to leave early. Anyway, I have received a lot of benefits, and there is nothing to be greedy for. I don’t know how long it will take to practice the Disaster Seal and the Bi Fang Seal.


In short, there is room for advancement and retreat, so the world becomes wider.

Be able to observe the world with a broader mindset.

Boom boom boom!

The sound like the galloping of thousands of troops suddenly hit my ears.

Jiang Wang remained silent until a white line appeared in his field of vision.

It was a waterfall hanging from a towering floating mountain, erupting from the mountainside and hanging down to the foot of the mountain. The foot of the floating mountain was surrounded by a river dozens of feet wide.

It's like a moat.

The waterfall hung upside down and crashed directly into the river, breaking the ice floes and making such a fierce sound.

Heard it from far and near.

It is a strange thing for a river to flow around a mountain. There are many floating mountains in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but floating water is the first one.

Clear and transparent, the rapids are like broken jade, running around the mountain, but suspended in the air, outlining an invisible river.

Heaven and earth are different. Seeing the wonders of the world is one of the joys of spiritual practice, and it is also the practice itself.

The more you see, the more you can touch the essence of the world.

Mohu Luojia stopped, Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu both opened their eyes.

Arctic Tiangui Mountain has arrived.

Speaking of Yuetiannu, all the eight members of the organization have the strength of the outer building level. Unfortunately, the opponents encountered in the mountain and sea realm are not ordinary.

Therefore, if these mechanisms are released, no matter who they confront, they will end in destruction.

The real money and silver that was smashed in, and the debris after the collapse, it was really like running water...

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang couldn't help but miss his immortal warriors even more.

In his opinion, the best thing about the Immortal Warriors is their "immortality". Although the materials are a little harder to find, once the casting is successful, there is no need to invest more. Compared with those fragile puppets, the savings are huge.


"Keep an eye on the materials for the Asgardian warriors!"

Immortal Master Jiang's voice echoed in the ruins of Yunding Immortal Palace, like the voice of God's decree.

Baiyun boy, who was sleeping in the Qingyun Pavilion, was startled. He bounced up on his butt, then sat back on the ground and bounced several times in succession.

Blinking his sleepy eyes, it took him a long time to realize what order he had received.

He couldn't help but frown.

How dare you speak when you are angry?

Above Mohu Luojia's head, Jiang Wang looked at the floating mountain in front of him and asked cautiously: "Do you still have the things your grandfather prepared for you?"

"Yes." Zuo Guangshu jumped out of Mohu Luojia's palm with an eager expression.

Jiang Wang then flew down and couldn't help but take another look at the Maharaja.

In terms of pathfinding, its size is too large and it is easy to be discovered. In terms of combat, the battle that will take place on the North Pole Tiangui Mountain must be related to the mountain god of this mountain. The role that this Mahulaka can play is also limited.

Such an expensive Buddhist puppet hardly plays a big role in high-level battles. Most of the time in the mountain and sea realm, it only serves as a vehicle, which is really not cost-effective.

Of course, the vast majority of people in the world who are not from the Momen and carry puppets with them to fight usually do not consider the issue of "whether it is cost-effective".

Yuetiannu casually put away the mechanism Mahulaka, flew beside Jiang Wang, and for some reason explained: "If this mechanism is just one, it will indeed have limited effect at a slightly higher combat level.

But if we can unite the eight tribes and form eight heavenly performances, it will be very powerful. It can further perfect my pure land."

Jiang Wang was a little surprised, but just said: "Then I'm very much looking forward to it."

"What are you surprised about?" Yue Tiannu asked again.

"I or others don't think much of this mechanism puppet or anything... Zen Master Yue doesn't seem to be someone who cares about this." Jiang Wang said truthfully, and added: "Although I don't have much contact with Zen Master, in my case

In my mind, you shouldn’t even ask this question.”

Especially things that involve the structure of the future combat system, such as the Eight-part Heavenly Evolution and the Perfection of the Pure Land, although they are not undisclosed secrets, they are not things that can be told casually.

This implies a certain level of trust and closeness.

It is especially difficult for Yue Tiannu, who has always been indifferent to rationality.

"I will learn to care in the future." Yue Tiannu knocked his temple with his fingers and made a deep voice: "Capturing emotions is one of the abilities of this puppet body, based on the natural reaction of a pattern. I think

Since I take this as my identity, I should also integrate my emotions. For example, curiosity, honor and disgrace."

"Zen Master seems to have changed a bit," Jiang Wang said.

"I hope it's a good change." Yue Tiannu said.

"Good or bad is often a relative term." Jiang Wang said casually: "If the Zen master himself thinks it is good, then it is good."

Yuetiannu's face was covered with divine light, and he sighed sincerely: "The donor is very wise!"

An image of a yellow-faced old monk suddenly popped into Jiang Wang's mind. He put his hands on his hips and laughed, 'This woman is right!'

He couldn't help but speed up and flew close to Zuo Guangshu: "It's not easy to be granted the name of a god, so we have to be careful."

Zuo Guangshu also lowered his voice cautiously: "We are not going to fight head-on. We just want to get a few Jiufeng feathers."

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the confidence mainly comes from Duke Huai.

With the strength of the three of them, cooperating with each other, and the things specially prepared by Huai Guogong, it should not be difficult to get one or two feathers.

The floating river surrounding the mountain is like a jade belt, spreading out in front of you.

The three of them flew across the river and set foot on the Arctic Tiangui Mountain.

Like three light feathers, they fell on the snow, making no sound.

Be wary of uninvited visitors.

This is true outside the body, and it is true inside the body.

When Jiang Wang visited Fushan, where Jiufeng belonged, he didn't know that outsiders were also visiting his Wufuhai...

In Yunding Immortal Palace, a fat and white boy walked out of Qingyunting with lordly steps and hummed.

"I am originally a loose person in the Immortal Palace~"

"Rely on your ability, enjoy happiness, eat well and sleep well~"

He left very reluctantly. After all, he had long been tired of looking at the ruins in this place. But he had to take two steps, otherwise the ginger would say he was lazy again.

In fact, if I really think about it, I have been following Immortal Jiang for so long and haven’t eaten anything at all?

What little vitality there was was lost with the collapse of Lingkong Palace.

Taking a few mouthfuls of Shanfu Qingyun every day is like eating marshmallows. If you eat too much, you will feel tired. If you don't eat it, there is nothing else.

The man surnamed Jiang can hardly guarantee the integrity of his robes, and the recovery of Yunding Immortal Palace is far away. He, Yu Nei Wushuang Xiao Baiyun, has long seen through it.

It's miserable.

The songs he sang became more and more sad

"I have been working diligently with this Immortal Master since then. I am so busy that I can hardly hold my hands or speak."

"You can't have peace when you run east and west, what else can you say..."

"The little baby is so pitiful." Suddenly a voice said.

"Who?" Baiyun boy immediately stopped singing, his clever little eyes kept darting, and he was very alert.

"You should know who I am, you have an ancient aura..." The voice was erratic, as if it was about to be cut off at any time, and its location could not be determined at all.

"huh huh huh huh."

Baiyun boy hummed twice inexplicably.

Although I have already scolded you in my heart. Who the hell does your mother think you are? Jiang Shu or Ji Fengzhou? Why should this fairy boy know you?

But there was no emotion on his face.

I haven't learned anything else from following Immortal Jiang, so I should still have this skill.

"Sad, deplorable." The voice said.

Baiyun boy is completely confused now, and he cannot easily contact the Immortal Lord, so as not to scare the snake. He can only follow the words and ask: "Who are you sad about? What are you sighing about?"

The voice sighed: "You have a glorious history and a great inheritance, why are you here as a slave to others?"

Baiyun boy blinked his eyes.

Looking at the ruins, broken tiles and broken bricks in front of him, he really couldn't describe it with "brilliance" and "greatness".

I can't help but feel that I have met a madman...

Don’t I know what my family environment is like?

But this madman obviously has some skills, otherwise how could he hide it from the Immortal Lord and directly talk to himself in the Immortal Lord’s Five Palaces?

He knew that he could not reveal his secret, and he could never say that he actually half understood and half understood Yunding Immortal Palace. He often had to see specific things in order to retrieve some corresponding memory fragments.

So I asked


This little fat guy's attitude is really a bit unpredictable.

The mysterious voice probably thought about it for a while, and then sighed in a particularly friendly tone: "How did you end up like this?"

It seems that no matter who you are, your temper will become very good when you ask for help from others.

Baiyun boy thought, just like a certain immortal master.

But the so-called "degradation" mentioned by the mysterious voice really didn't resonate with him.

The welcoming boy who struggled for Yunding Immortal Palace for many years has long since disappeared. It can be said that he is a new existence, but he has only absorbed some memory fragments about the Immortal Palace itself. Even those memory fragments come and go.

It’s not real, I have never experienced the grand occasion of the Immortal Palace era.

If you are born like this, how can you be degraded?

Of course, if you have to say so... the current Genting Immortal Palace is even more dilapidated than when the Immortal Master just gathered the three Immortal Palace buildings. It can probably be regarded as a kind of decline?

Thinking of these, Baiyun boy finally felt a sad emotion.

He sighed in a decent manner, but said nothing. "Alas."

The mysterious voice had a very positive attitude and said: "I can help you."

"Oh?" Baiyun boy continued to be inscrutable.

The mysterious voice said: "My power is beyond your comprehension, and what I can do is beyond your imagination. You don't have to have any scruples."

This sentence obviously cannot be continued with "oh" anymore.

Baiyun boy thought about it seriously and asked, "Who are you? Why are you helping me? How can you help me?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, nor why I want to help you. What matters is..."

The mysterious voice said: "Do you want to change this situation? Do you want to get rid of this life of being dependent on others? Do you want to exchange life with this body and enjoy the endless glory?"

"Do you want... to be truly free?"

This chapter has been completed!
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