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Chapter 99: Heaven outside the sky, body outside the body

If there is a god in the mountains and seas, no one can ignore it.

Then there must be only the name "Zhu Jiuyin".

Because every time it opens and closes its eyes, every time it breathes and breathes, it affects the entire mountain and sea realm.

No one knows Zhu Jiuyin!

Chaos describes Zhu Jiuyin's crime, saying that he "thinks he is the supreme one. He despises the destiny of heaven and the gods."

Earlier, he said that the mountain and sea realm would be destroyed by those idiots, and also mentioned that the divine order would collapse...

It seemed like a big shadow was being pulled out.

The Mountain and Sea Realm is not a Yanfa Pavilion that was born purely because of the genius of Chu. The world will not stop because people come to the trial or don't come to the trial.

It has its own laws.

The mountain gods and sea gods in the mountain and sea realm are not some symbolic marks or symbols of nothingness. They are real existences with their own stories and lives.

Like Sancha's revenge for his son, like Chaos' hatred for Zhu Jiuyin.

There are reasons behind those surprising and unknown changes.

"What's the conflict between you and that god?" Jiang Wang asked cautiously.

"Contradiction?" Chaos seemed to be laughing or crying: "Yeah, what's the contradiction?"

"It's just that everyone in the world is a subject, but I am not a subject."

Its voice became generous: "It's just that the whole world is suffering, and I dare not say anything. I am not angry, so I set up this southern abyss!"

It breathed violently a few more times, as if it was struggling against something, and then said: "On the Poseidon wall behind you, there are the inscriptions I left back then... Have you ever seen them?"

Only then did Jiang Wang and the others turn around, and saw a series of Dao characters appearing on the dark Poseidon wall.

"When the mountains and seas reach this point, they are transferred to the south. No one from all over the world will submit to the south!"

There is something extraordinarily unruly about this sentence, and it has the potential to rise to the top of the sky.

One can almost imagine the majesty and arrogance at that moment.

Looking at this grotesque sea god in front of us, he is both blind and blind, moody and emotionally confused...it can't help but make people sigh.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, and this applies to everyone in the world.

"I saw it." Jiang Wang sighed: "Your Excellency is so proud."

"Uh-huh..." Chaos laughed weirdly before gasping: "I haven't been praised for a long time. This feeling... I really miss it! Young man, you have to know that in the battle that concerns life, you

You must win. If you lose, even the thing you despise most will never kiss your boots again."

"I've learned a lesson." Jiang Wang said, "But I still want to emphasize that my admiration for you comes from the bottom of my heart and is not meant to flatter you."

"Uh-huh!" Huan Chaos said: "You have repeatedly reminded me that you have something to ask of me. An old guy who has been trapped in Nanyuan for nine hundred years is happy to show his worth...but you have to do things for me."

It repeated: "Help me do something."

"Emotionally, I'm happy to help, but..." Jiang Wang said in embarrassment: "Zhu Jiuyin is here, and you are the only one who dares to disobey me in the entire mountain and sea realm. The three of us are even more mediocre in strength. Any mountain god can come to our door."

, can’t deal with it...what can I do for you?”

Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu said nothing, allowing Jiang Wang to fully represent their will.

No matter what different thoughts he had in his heart, at this time, he gave Jiang Wang enough trust.

Chaos slowed down his voice and said: "I am here and cannot move. But when Zhu Jiuyin invaded from the south, I bit off its tail. It was also injured, very seriously."

"It's sunny outside, day and night, and Zhu Jiuyin doesn't look like he's injured..." Jiang Wang said with a bitter look on his face: "Besides, even if it is seriously injured, it's something we can't bear to breathe."

"Day and night are its sacred duties, how could it ignore it? Don't say it's just injured, you have to persevere even if you're about to die!" Whenever Chaos mentioned Zhu Jiuyin, he would easily become evil.

After a long pause, he said, "I don't want you to deal with it directly."

It opened its mouth and spit out a triangular pale white spire. The spire floated and slowly flew in front of Jiang Wang.

"You only need to place this Tower of Withering on the top of Zhongshan Mountain."

Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu explained: "Zhu Jiuyin sits on two sacred mountains, one is Zhangwei Mountain and the other is Zhongshan. I think it is similar to Tanggu and Yuyuan, one is for sunrise and the other is for sunset. Because Zhu Jiuyin is also

The god of change between day and night..."

Chaos has already spit out the tower, so there is no room for rejection.

If you just put the Withering Tower in one location, it's not entirely impossible...

The withering tower in front of us has a strange shape, with a hideous bone spur at the tip. However, it has no peculiar smell and its entire body is clean.

But when Jiang Wang thought that this thing was spit out from Chaos's belly, he felt a slippery feeling that lingered.

With a smile on his face, he randomly found a coat in the storage box and carefully wrapped the small tower in a respectful manner. He tried to put it into the storage box, but couldn't. He had to wrap it again.

One layer, put it in your arms.

Then he said sadly: "The Lord and I hit it off like old friends, and I am very willing to do something for you. However, going to Zhongshan here is very dangerous. After we say goodbye today, I don't know if we will see each other again. I am even more afraid that I am not strong enough and will do something bad.

It's a big deal for you.

Why not...you help us get the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes first. After we strengthen ourselves, we can go to Zhongshan. As the saying goes, sharpening the sword will never waste time chopping wood. With your wisdom, you must know this truth."

He calmly replaced "providing clues to the Nine Phoenix Chapter" with "helping get the Nine Phoenix Chapter".

"Well, sharpen the knife, yes, I know." Chaos' word order was a bit confusing at this time, and it seemed that his thoughts were beginning to conflict again.

It said in a state of struggling to hold on: "Leave me, walk in the direction facing the Poseidon Wall, keep walking, you will see Jiaxuan. Regarding the Chapter of Nine Phoenix... you will get more from it

.There are many evil thoughts in this place, all of which are the pain of being exiled by Zhu Jiuyin. But with the Wither Tower on you, there will be no danger on the road."

If we can see Jiaxuan, one of the Nine Phoenixes, then the clues to the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes will of course be more reliable.

Jiang Wang was overjoyed: "Thank you so much, God!"

Chaos gasped: "Go...go."

"Besides... I'm really sorry to say it." Jiang Wang said he was embarrassed, but he said in a nice way: "Can I dig out a piece of your Poseidon Wall? I need this kind of material very much. I will go there later.

Zhong Shan was also very helpful.”

Chaos was stunned for a moment, probably unable to react: "I, you, this..."

Jiang Wang immediately said: "If it's really inconvenient for you, I'll just dig a piece!"

"Then... okay, we agreed to dig only one piece." Huan Chaos said.

It didn't seem to notice at all, and Jiang Wang didn't give it the option to refuse at all.

The conflict of ideas was probably very intense at this time.

Chaos only agreed. Jiang Wang had already appeared next to the Poseidon Wall, and the Samadhi True Fire burned directly on it.

The process of "reaching his samadhi" is slow, but progress is made after all.

And the delineated range... is a bit large.


Chaos said suddenly.

The Samadhi True Fire on the Poseidon Wall was immediately extinguished.

A piece of quicksand wood the size of a fist fell off and fell into Jiang Wang's hand.

"Take it and go." Chaos said.

Even though it was already so rude, Jiang Wang said goodbye enthusiastically: "Then we won't bother you for now. I hope the god will recover as soon as possible, defeat Zhu Jiuyin, and restore glory!"

After exchanging some costless polite words, he called Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu left.

Before leaving, he saw that Chaos's belly was bulging high, and there was a shadow of something running around in the belly, which seemed to be about to explode...

What tortured Chaos into this state?

Jiang Wang didn't dare to look more, nor did he look back.

The South Abyss is a deep sea area.

Not long after the three people left Chaos, they began to feel the presence of sea water.

It was as if I had passed through an invisible barrier, from a waterless environment to being in the water.

The Chongxuan environment here is upside down and chaotic, making the body feel ups and downs. But the sea water here is calm. It seems that the power of Chongxuan, which is sometimes heavy and sometimes light, only works on outsiders like Jiang Wang.

Large clumps of algae floated like some kind of insects gathered together, giving it a gloomy feeling.

The three of them remained silent, and just followed what Chaos said, walking in the direction facing the Sea God's Wall in the Withered South Abyss.

They left the deep water area, stepped on the water like stairs, and walked towards the sea.

A coldness of being watched has never disappeared since it appeared. And there are more and more spying eyes... Jiang Wang can feel the weight of the eyes, and can also feel the malice in them.

Chaos said, those are the pains of being exiled by Zhu Jiuyin.

In a clean and tidy city, there are also gutters. Under the sun, there are still shadows. The dark side of the world always exists.

There is no other way but to respond vigilantly.

Leaving the deep water area and walking all the way to the surface of the sea, the depressing feeling did not disappear even a little bit.

The sky is dark and the sea is dull.

The depressed mood is like an eternity. It keeps accumulating, accumulating...

Makes you want to go crazy, want to give up, want... to die.

Dying here may be a relief.

If the whole life is miserable, what is the benefit of being born?

Fortunately, Jiang Wang's will is consistent, Yue Tiannu has a Zen mind, and Zuo Guangshu also has the means to deal with this situation.

Those chaotic, evil and depraved atmospheres cannot invade this team.

Even if there is long-lasting silence, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of withering away.

After walking a long way, Zuo Guangshu finally opened his mouth: "I have established a connection with this body of water. But the range is very small. The water here is not pure, and there are many kinds of forces pulling it... It's not just the divine handle that is being mastered.

s reason."

The team seemed to come alive.

As an elite team, of course they have been fighting in their own way.

Zuo Guangshu successfully established a connection with the water area. In essence, he was fighting for a private domain in the Toonan Abyss.

Let people around you feel freer and more comfortable.

"There is a lot of resentment in this place," Yue Tiannu said.

"Zuo Nanyuan fought against the entire mountain and sea realm with his own strength, and there must be heavy casualties." Zuo Guangshu said: "After all, Chaos has become like that, and there are other beings who were killed or exiled by Zhu Jiuyin... and they are full of resentment.

It’s inevitable.”

If he were somewhere else, it wouldn't be so difficult for him to communicate with the water.

Jiang Wang only advised: "Don't try to resolve it, don't throw sparks into the oil pan."

"Of course I know this." Yue Tiannu looked around and sighed: "And with my current cultivation level, I can't resolve it. This place... has accumulated too much and has been entangled for too long."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "Master Yue is very knowledgeable. Is there anything similar to this in the world?"

Yue Tiannu was silent for a moment and said: "Disaster water."

Jiang Wang asked again: "How did the predecessors and sages respond?"

"It takes too long to talk about this matter, and it cannot be explained clearly in a short while." Yue Tiannu said: "I can only say that the current peaceful situation of Huoshui is controlled by the Sanxing Palace and the Blood River Sect."

"Blood River Sect?" Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows slightly.

The first time he heard this name was because of the Heart-Eating Demon Bear. The former ninth human demon who died under Zhu Weiwo's gun was an abandoned disciple of the Blood River Sect.

The second time I heard about it, it was that True Lord Xuehe, as one of the helpers gathered by True Lord Shendu, attacked Wan Tong, cut off the dragon horns and returned. During that time of turmoil in the confusing world, True Lord Xuehe wanted to regain his strength.

Xuan Zun became a disciple.

He smiled: "Speaking of which, I always thought this was a left-wing sect. Later, I finally understood it and realized that it was also a major sect in the world. But what I didn't expect was that it also shoulders such a heavy responsibility..."

Yue Tiannu said calmly: "There is no need to deny that many of the Blood River Sect's Taoist techniques are indeed a bit violent and can easily go astray. However, if you use the techniques correctly, you will be righteous, and if you use them wrongly, you will be evil."

"I've learned a lesson." Jiang Wang lowered his head slightly.

"The most important thing is." Yue Tiannu said: "When a sect is defined as a heretic, it means that it has lost its right to speak. In essence, it has lost its strength. Such a sect cannot last long.

It cannot survive, let alone develop and grow.”

When she said this, she had some profound meaning: "So, how can there be any heresy in the world? The so-called side sects are mostly because they can't get on the stage."

Jiang Wang did not expect that Zen Master Yue, who was profound in Buddhist teachings, would say such a truth.

When people talk about Buddhism, they all say they are compassionate. But it is a huge fallacy to think that they are not sober enough.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "Then there is no distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, right and wrong?"

This is actually the question Jiang Wang wants to ask.

But then I thought about it, even if it is a cult like the White Bones Way, most of the believers believe that they are saving the world and are seeking to spread "fairness".

"Of course we have to separate. If there is no distinction between black and white, how can there be day and night? If good and evil are not restricted, how can there be clarity?" Yue Tiannu said: "However, the principles of the world cannot be consistent. In one person's body, there is still a mixture of good and evil.

, let alone a force or a region? If you think about it carefully, which major sect in the world is a side sect, and which big country is an evil country?"

Zuo Guangshu was unable to respond for a moment and only said: "Buddhists often talk about karma and retribution. I thought Zen masters saw black and white very clearly."

"How can I say that I can see clearly the black and white in the world? I often... don't know what's right or wrong." Yue Tiannu sighed, and then said: "Look, we are in the South Abyss now. Is it black or white? At this moment, it's black and white.

In the realm of mountains and seas, is it black or white? What about the world at this moment, is it black or white? A body with tens of millions of weights, the sky is outside the sky, the body is outside the body...how can we tell the difference?"

"One body stands with thousands of weights, the sky is outside the sky, and the body is outside the body." This Buddhist verse is exactly the famous saying left by Zen Master Zhaowu of Mount Xumi.

It is said that it is actually difficult for a person to distinguish between right and wrong. In different "heavens" and different "bodies", there may be completely different answers.

There are three thousand worlds in the palm of your hand. Putting your palms together is a simple action, but it may destroy hundreds of millions of living beings.

Jiang Wang said calmly: "The Zen master has made a very clear distinction."

Yuetiannu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly clasped his hands and smiled: "Donor Jiang is right."

Wherever you are, just ask where you are, that's all.

Zen Master Zhaowu left this verse, and it was nothing more than his original mind.

After all, there is no constant answer to such a question.

The three of them have reached the present state of cultivation and have already thought about their own paths. They will not be easily persuaded or changed by anyone.

Therefore, it is just a dragonfly touching the water and passing it by.

Zuo Guangshu asked again: "This Jade Bird, Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, and Lianhong have never been famous in the world. Are they really phoenixes? This is the first time I have heard of these nine types of phoenixes. I think... Chaos doesn't seem to be

Very sober.”

"Do you know the clues to the Nine Phoenix Chapter?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Are you Chaos' opponent?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Zuo Guangshu could not answer.

Jiang Wang then said: "Then it means whatever it says. If you have any questions, please wait until you see Jiaxuan."

There seems to be some unknown danger lurking in this dark sea.

It was weirder than any environment they had experienced so far in the mountains and seas.

Dark, dead, and cold.

It seems that the root of everything is destruction, and there is no place that people yearn for.

It is in sharp contrast to the blue sea, blue sky, exotic flowers and rocks outside the abyss.

Perhaps only in this kind of place, only in this extremely difficult environment, can we "not surrender" to Zhu Jiuyin.

It does not correspond to the rules of the mountain and sea realm.

Therefore, there is no alternation of day and night, only eternal night.

There is no light in the long night, and there is no sound in the quiet sea.

Walking on the dark sea, every step you take is extremely cautious. You can clearly feel that you are being watched by some terrifying existence, but you can't find anything.

Jiang Wang never touched the Withering Tower hidden in his arms, but he could feel that it was this object with an unclear appearance that ensured a smooth road ahead.

It means that Chaos at least still has some authority in the Withered South Abyss.

"The Tower of Withering is like the order of the Poseidon, and all evils are subdued without invasion." Zuo Guangshu said with a smile: "Can we be considered to be full of divine light now?"

Jiang Wang said calmly: "But even Chaos himself, who gave the Wither Tower, seems to be unable to stay awake for a long time. So it is very doubtful how long the usefulness of this Wither Tower will last..."

"The inscription on the Poseidon wall reminds me of something." Zuo Guangshu said at this time.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

"Brother Jiang is familiar with history books, so he should know it." Zuo Guangshu said: "It was the same when the Jing Dynasty was at its peak... The whole world is submissive, but Nan is not subject."

He emphasized: "Only Chu, no minister."

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "You mean... withered Nanyuan is to Zhu Jiuyin, just like Chu was to Jing in the past?"

"It's quite similar... isn't it?"

"I think most Chu people would have this association." Jiang Wang said, "I just don't know whether that word was left by Huang Weizhen or by Chaos himself."

"Huang Weizhen?" Zuo Guangshu asked in confusion: "Didn't Chaos let us see it? How could it be Huang Weizhen? Did you identify it from the handwriting?"

Jiang Wang thought to himself that the Mountain God Wall and the Sea God Wall were the existence that could best embody Huang Weizhen's will. The Bi Fang Seal could be passed on through the Mountain God Wall, and the Misfortune Seal was the proof.

If Chaos wants to leave a message on it, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

But he just said: "I don't have the ability to distinguish. It's just that since the mountain and sea realm is closely related to Huang Weizhen, it is reasonable for him to leave such a line to express his feelings for Chu State. Chaos asked us to read that line,

It explains its ambition, but it does not say that it is the words carved by it itself."

"That makes sense..." Zuo Guangshu said, "Brother Jiang, do we want to help Chaos?"

"It's probably hard for Chu people not to be moved by this spirit." Jiang Wang smiled and said, "We'll wait until we meet Jia Xuan first and find the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes."

Chaos only said to keep walking in the direction facing the Poseidon Wall, but did not say how long it would take.

Probably, to it, time is not an important thing. Or perhaps, its concept of time has been lost in its constantly conflicting thoughts.

There is no distinction between day and night in Toonanyuan, and the three people on the road can only keep track of the time in their hearts.

They rarely speak anymore and become more and more silent. Even with the help of the Wither Tower, they must devote more and more energy to fighting against the environment of the Withered South Abyss.

It’s not just the extremely chaotic Chongxuan environment, nor is it just the infestation of dead silence and suppressed emotions.

There is also the dark wind that blows down from time to time, and it will cut through it like a blade.

The sea water, which is dead most of the time, sometimes suddenly "collapses". Like quicksand in the desert, there are sinking areas in the water.

Zuo Guangshu only felt that there was a terrifying aura on the other side of the "sinking pit", but he could not examine it carefully.

Later, they stopped treading water and walked directly into the air. In this way, they would undoubtedly consume more yuan stones in the confrontation with the extremely heavy and mysterious environment.

For Zuo Guangshu, this was the least of his worries.

But I didn't dare to fly too high, because the sky was really dark, and there were obviously some evil thoughts hidden in the low clouds.

Just keep going forward.

Until a certain moment, Zuo Guangshu remembered that it was thirty-five hours later.

They did see the phoenix.

At that time, the sky was lightless and the sea was dark.

They all felt tired, but no one complained, they just moved forward silently.

Then when I raised my eyes, my field of vision was already occupied.

It was a black phoenix hundreds of feet long.

Lin in front, deer behind, snake head and fish tail, dragon and turtle back, swallow's jaw and chicken's beak.

There are five lines on its body, which appear like characters.

The first text is called virtue, the wing text is called shun, the back text is called yi, the belly text is called faith, and the back text is called benevolence.

Noble, mysterious, gorgeous...

But it has been dead for a long time.

Ps: Regarding Zhu Jiuyin, the original text of the Classic of Mountains and Seas records two places. In the Overseas Northern Classic, it says Zhongshan and Zhuyin. In the Great Wilderness Northern Classic, it talks about Zhangwei Mountain and Zhu Jiuyin and Zhulong. The rest of the images

, the description of ability is consistent, but it should be a fallacy. Let’s unify it here.

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