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Chapter 129 Seventeen Years

Jiang Wang has been away for a long time.

In the spacious and bright study room.

In the contemporary Huai State, Zheng Zheng is writing vigorously.

There is a high pile of official documents to be processed, and it seems that there will be no time when it will decrease...

He always seems to have things he can't finish.

The son died in battle again, and the eldest grandson died in battle again.

None of this made his back bend even one bit.

He just worked quietly, just like he had for many years in the past.

I wrote vigorously for a while, then suddenly thought of something and paused for a moment.

"Give Lu Shuanghe a message."

"If he can't manage his own people, then he doesn't need to."

After saying this sentence casually, he lowered his head and started writing again.

There was no voice response from the room.

But the will of Duke Huai of Chu will undoubtedly be implemented in Chu State... and even in the entire southern region.

There is a mountain in the territory of Yue State. The mountain is nameless.

There is an academy on the mountain, but the academy is also nameless.

However, because the most famous ministers and high-ranking officials of the Yue Kingdom lived here in seclusion, it was widely known to the high-level people of the Yue Kingdom.

People at that time might say: Yinxiang Peak.

However, the mountain gate is closed all year round, and the mountain trails are rarely used.

This place does not accept visitors.

It has been quiet for many years, with only the bright moon and mountain breeze.

Ge Fei, who was wearing a high-gown Confucian uniform, was walking on the mountain road. His unattractive face was as rugged as the mountain road.

In fact, leather flies are not born ugly. They were just raised as bugs when they were young, and were stung by poisonous insects, which completely changed their appearance. Although the poison is gone, the appearance has changed. The current appearance is the result of raising them for many years.

But with his family background and strength, he won't be bothered by his appearance.

Behind him were two Tenglong Realm guards...

When it comes to being a guard, the word slave is probably more appropriate. After all, the cultivation level of Tenglong Realm really cannot protect him Ge Fei.

One holds the harp, the other holds the sword.

It is a kind of pomp to follow him respectfully.

The harp is excellent, and the sword is also excellent.

The failure of Shanhaijing did not cause Ge Fei's status to decline.

No one in Ge's generation can compete with him.

Looking at the entire Yue Kingdom, there is only one Bai Yuxia among the younger generation, who can be called a genius, and can compare with him. Going back a hundred years and even now, only Gao Zheng when he was young could be said to be better than him.

After all, the pond in the Yue Kingdom is too shallow to raise dragons. He, Ge Fei, a genius who is not weak even in the Chu Kingdom, really does not have to worry about his peers in the Yue Kingdom.

However, the struggle is never divided by age. The pressure he has to face is sometimes the pressure of the entire revolution.

At such a time, he climbed up the steps, facing the mountain breeze, his Confucian robes were rolled up, his steps were leisurely, and his attitude was calm.

Everyone knows that he is a disciple who retired and became a high-ranking minister.

It's been a few days since I returned to China, and this is the first time I've come to see the teacher... It would be outrageous not to come again.

Ge Fei is not a shameful person, so he came.


The guard holding the sword chased forward a few steps, holding a white thousand-mile speaking box in his hand, and said respectfully: "There is news from down the mountain that Yi Shengfeng from the South Dou Palace is coming to visit you."

Ge Fei flicked his sleeves and said, "No."

The guard immediately sent a message: "Young Master said I can't see you!"

It only took a while.

A panicked voice sounded from the voice box thousands of miles away: "He broke into the mountain!"

"Is this man sick?" Ge Fei frowned and waved his hand: "I went and stopped him, but they said I wasn't there! There were people who came to visit and barged in. Who is this!?"

The guards holding the sword and the piano looked at each other and were about to turn around.

There is a sound that pierces the space and travels from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside at high speed

"Why doesn't the famous Ge family's Fei dare to see me, Yi Shengfeng?"

The sound was like the sound of gold and iron, with a compelling and sharp sound.

Dare to forcefully break into the Yinxiang Peak and suppress the direct descendants of the Ge family on the territory of Yue Kingdom. This in itself is a kind of sharpness that can hurt people.

The sound has arrived, and the people chasing the sound are approaching.

Seeing it is inevitable.

Ge Fei stopped, narrowed his eyes, and looked back.

But I saw a long mountain road, winding into the distance. On the rugged mountain road, there was a person striding towards me.

Wear a jade crown and wear a long sword.

He has a stern face and sharp eyebrows.

His eyes are like a flat lake.

Endless murderous aura was undercurrent at the bottom of the lake.

The whole figure looks like a sword that has been hidden in its scabbard for many years but can no longer be hidden!

Ge Fei opened his mouth and scolded him like a member of a noble family: "Are all Nandou Hall full of people who don't understand etiquette? You are..."

This man, who was full of murderous intent and came after the sound, turned into sword light and jumped away without saying a word!

Such a sharp person.

He ran away as soon as he saw Le Fei!

The mountain road was silent for a while, with only the wind blowing on my gown.

Ge Fei was silent for a long while.

Suddenly he laughed softly and said: "Hehehe, leave as soon as you see me."

He looked at the guard next to him: "What's wrong, do I look scary?"

The guard holding the sword only remembered shaking his head, shaking his head desperately.

The guard holding the piano fell into an unspeakable panic: "No...no."

Ge Fei took a few steps casually and walked up to the guard holding the sword. He sighed softly and suddenly pulled out the long sword like lightning flashing through the sky!

The cold glow has dissipated.

Bang bang!

Two bodies fell to the ground.

Ge Fei squatted down, took out the Qianli voice box that the guard holding the sword had put in his arms, pressed it lightly, entered the Dao Yuan, opened the communication circle, and then said to the person on the other side of the voice box:

"Yi Shengfeng forced his way into Yinxiang Peak, disturbed my master Qingxiu, killed my guards, and used my famous assassin to send orders. I want him to be wanted throughout the country."

Having said that, regardless of the response from the other party, he threw away the microphone box in his hand.

While standing up, he cut it off with a sword.

He paused for a moment, the anger in his eyes still seemed to be difficult to relieve, and then used his backhand sword to cut open the harp that was still intact on the ground.


The strings are broken and the body is cracked.

Then he casually threw away the sword that had just killed two people.


The bloody sword rolled down the mountain road.

Ge Fei bared his teeth.

"It's a bit unlucky."

He looked up at the sky and thought quietly for a while.

Then take a step and continue walking to the top of the mountain.

At first, my steps were a little wandering, as if I was hesitating or thinking, but as I walked, I became more determined.

Da da da.

I stepped on the stone steps up the mountain with my boots and finally reached the top of the mountain.

It is a bit far-fetched to call this building on the top of the mountain an academy, because there are not many scholars in it, and there are not even many books.

In terms of shape, it looks more like a Taoist temple.

Unfortunately, Taoism is not practiced here either.

No gods, no popularity, no involvement.

The door was closed tightly, and the iron ring with animal heads crossing it was rusty, and the red paint on the door had long since peeled off.

The reason why Gao Zheng suddenly retired from office at that time is still a mystery. And the time locked in this unknown mountain has never been answered.

Maybe it won't happen in this life.

Ge Fei walked to the side door, gently pushed open the ajar door, and stepped into the courtyard with an overwhelming creaking sound.

The tall knotted trees were silent.

The courtyard was once again filled with fallen leaves.

No one else is allowed to visit here, and there are never any servants to serve.

A high-ranking official has no wife or children, and after becoming an official, he has no friends or neighbors.

In these seventeen years, only Ge Fei came here.

Therefore, the fallen leaves all over the courtyard were cleaned by Ge Fei on normal days when he came over.

A big broom made of bamboo branches was leaning against the wall, with a withered color.

But Ge Fei just passed by.

He stepped on the fallen leaves and walked in, walking through the deserted front yard amid the rustling sound.

The leaves are swirling in the wind.

He felt vaguely uneasy.

Where does it come from?


He took a long breath and continued walking forward.

The breath on my body is very stable.

But his eyes are black sometimes and white sometimes.

It changed like this repeatedly for a while, and finally returned to its normal appearance, slightly swollen, not very impressive, but with eyes that matched this face.

He stepped through the middle gate, stepped onto a fine gravel path, walked in a winding path for a while, and then arrived at the backyard.

The backyard was equally deserted, with cobwebs covering the corners.

He walked a few steps, took a brief look, and found the small door to the backyard. He walked over and gently opened the wooden door.

Then I saw the back mountain.

A wooden door opened the cliff.

Everything that is picturesque is mixed in time and reflected in the eyes

There is a smooth white stone chessboard, and an old man sitting in front of the chessboard, frowning in deep thought.

His brows were frowned so tightly, as if they were sewn together with invisible threads, as if they were hiding endless sorrow.

He is solitary and solemn, like a stone sculpture.

After him and the chessboard, there are Gao Ya and Yun Wu.

He was playing chess on the cliff, but there were nineteen lines on the chessboard, but not a single chess piece.

This situation, this person.

A kind of silent loneliness, an eternal loneliness.

Who is he playing against? And what moves are he using?

Ge Fei walked forward.

"Sit down." Gao Zheng suddenly said.

Although the fine lines on his forehead have become somewhat obvious, his sculptured facial contours still reveal some of the grace of his youth.

He must have been a handsome man back then.

Of course, like all beautiful things in the world, it is wasted by time.

Although he said one sentence or one word.

But this sentence seems to have nothing to do with him at all.

His eyes were still looking at the chessboard, and his face was full of worry. He didn't know why he was worried.

Ge Fei thought for a while and sat down opposite him.

Gao Zheng faced a long test with a blank chess board, which lasted for a long time.

Just when Ge Fei began to feel impatient, the famous prime minister of the Yue Kingdom spoke.

"For the past seventeen years, Ge Fei could only stand and watch, but could not sit on the chess bench."

"I hope he can understand it, but I don't want him to understand it. I wonder if you can understand this contradiction?"

Gao Zheng raised his head and looked at Ge Fei opposite the chessboard with very calm eyes: "Chaos? Zhu Jiuyin?"

Ge Fei's expression suddenly changed!

His eyes changed in an instant. The left eye was as black as ink with no whites, and the right eye was as white as snow with no pupils. A terrifying aura awakened in his body! Vigorous! Flamboyant!

The blood is surging, and the muscles are filled with strength.

For a moment, the heaven and earth seemed like a prison, and murderous intentions arose like wolf smoke.

But Gao Zheng just looked at him calmly.

It didn't get dark, nor did it get any brighter.

Nothing seems to have changed.

In other words, he can't change anything.

The silent exchange lasted for some time.

A piece of green moss peeled off on the edge of the high cliff.

Ge Fei suddenly smiled: "Why don't you call me Ge Fei?"

His terrifying aura subsided in an instant, and his eyes returned to normal.

He sat upright opposite Gao Zheng, looking very gentle.

"Ge Fei will not sit on this chess bench or sit opposite me." Gao Zheng said lightly.

Ge Fei immediately stood up, stood next to the blank chessboard, and looked like he was thinking. Then he asked: "Teacher, the student really can't understand, who are you playing chess with?"

Blank chessboard with no answers.

Gao Zheng didn't give it either.

This Prime Minister, who led the Alliance of Fallen Immortals, once visited Mugu Academy, and was praised as the most successful person in the history of the Yue Kingdom, seems to be just a lonely old man sitting alone in the background.

He even seemed slow to speak. He just said slowly: "Leather can't see the cobwebs, fallen leaves, and dust. He has been cleaning for me since he was five years old. I remember that at that time... he was not as tall as a broom."

His eyes were far away, as if they had penetrated time, imitating a child's confident tone: "I'm not as tall as a broom, I want to sweep the world!"

He narrowed his eyes again and replied: "If you don't sweep one house, why sweep the world?"

But now, Ge Fei, who was sitting opposite him, said seriously: "I will remember to clean it later."

Gao Zhe seemed to sigh, but he didn't seem to.

After all, he just sat there and said slowly: "You are too nervous."

"Yi Shengfeng senses danger, but he doesn't know who you are, and he doesn't know enough about Ge Fei..."

He raised his head and asked: "Why can't Ge Fei let him feel the danger?"

Facing the old man's eyes, Ge Fei smiled: "You are right."

"You have lived in Yue for so many days, and your identity as the direct descendant of the Ge family can give you enough convenience. But you don't know me better, and you want to control me so that I can hide your identity for you...

…You are too arrogant.”

Gao Zheng emphasized slowly: "In this world, you have no right to be arrogant."

Ge Fei lowered his head to show that he was taught: "You taught me the right lesson."

The two of them behaved exactly like normal teachers and students.

One teaches seriously and the other studies hard.

"Arrogance is an obstacle to survival, and nervousness is the beginning of failure." Gao Zheng said: "You must solve these two fundamental problems first."

Ge Fei said: "Please give me some advice from the teacher."

"Let's start with doing things first." Gao Zheng said casually: "Go down the mountain now. No killing is allowed, and no strength beyond the scope is allowed to solve the problem you broke into today. You must give an account for the people you killed. Their

You have to handle the funeral affairs well, and any possible disputes with Nandou Palace... you have to put them away."

"I understand." Ge Fei thought thoughtfully.

"That's it for today." Gao Zheng said, turning back and staring at his empty chessboard.

Ge Fei slowly raised his head and said with a smile, "You are really a good teacher."

"First of all, I'm from Yue." Gao Zheng said without any hesitation.

Ge Fei straightened up, bowed seriously, then turned and left.

This trip was very different from what he expected, but it was very rewarding.

Great harvest!

When he walked to the wooden door, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked: "By the way, how did you find me?"

"That's the knowledge for the next lesson." Gao Zheng looked at his chess without raising his head.

Ge Fei said again: "It seems that I haven't answered you yet, am I Chaos or Zhu Jiuyin?"

"That's not important." Gao Zheng said.

Ge Fei looked at his profile as he sat alone in front of the chessboard.

It's like seeing a mottled meticulous painting.

He only saw a sad old man.

I don't know why he is worried.

His frown was like a river, like a mountain, like a bleak autumn scene... I just didn't know if there was any trace of sadness in it for that five-year-old child.

"I'm no taller than a broom!"

After all, those were seventeen real years.

This chapter has been completed!
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