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Chapter 240: The street looks like bluestone Xiang Wan

Longing for lovesickness, cutting off a person’s head.

The five mansions are like smoke, and the four seas are flowing.

But I saw the blood spurting out wildly, and the heads flying up!

The lingering sound of divine crying is still there.

Jiang Wang turned around with his sword in hand and faced Shang Yanhu and Shenmo Touching directly with blood on his face.

At that moment, the blood flying behind him was like a red cloak flying in the wind!

What just happened?

What kind of magical power is this?!

Just now, he suddenly burst into tears and stopped violently. He was completely at a loss. Instead, he created an opportunity for Jiang Wang to kill Li Fu. This choice can no longer be explained solely by impulse.·

Not only did I feel that something was wrong, I was looking inside myself over and over again, trying to solve the hidden danger of being manipulated.

Shang Yanhu, who broke free from the divine cry, calmed down and became very cautious. He finally saw all Jiang Wang's five magical powers, but the price was indeed not what he wanted to see!

According to Shang Yanhu and Chu Rang's judgment at this time, the fifth magical power that Jiang Wang has hidden until now should be related to

Related to "manipulating others".

For a strong man like Churang who is proficient in the art of controlling beasts, he immediately thought that he might have been controlled by some kind of force just now.

In this god-demonic body, although he is inevitably murderous, his will is absolutely dominant. With his fighting wisdom, even if he is influenced by the blood bat, he tends to be violent and impulsive, and often has the idea of ​​​​killing everything he sees.

He shouldn't have made such a stupid move. He must have been controlled quietly at some point.

However, how could he not leave any trace after being mentally manipulated?

He thought back over and over again, as if he just felt an unpredictable danger, he just felt that Jiang Wang must not be allowed to use his killer copper, and he just thought that he must interrupt Jiang Wang's terrifying explosion.

So I subconsciously chose the most powerful and least likely to be avoided killer move.

There is some truth to this choice, but if you think about it for a moment, you should give it up.

Then why...didn't you "think about it" at that time?

Was it the trick at that time? Or was it already lurking earlier?

Why is there no trace in spiritual consciousness?

No evidence of invasion was found in Tongtian Palace, Yun Temple, and Wufuhai.

The less traces he can capture, the more uneasy and suspicious he becomes. Of course, time will not stop for him, and the battle will not stop for him.

Three of the five princes of the Xia Kingdom have died in battle.

At this moment, the head of Daxia Guangpinghou flew high behind Cha Wang, and the leader's body fell behind Jiang Wang.

With the flying blood as the background, Jiang Wang has once again raised his sword to kill!

It’s as if it’s not him who’s got a broken arm, it’s not him who’s scarred, it’s not him who’s outnumbered,

It's as if he is the one with the absolute advantage!

Covered in blood, his delicate features were obscured.

The hunting cold wind hit his clear edges,

The green shirt is stained with blood, and the long sword looks like a dragon swimming.

His sword and Shang Yanhu's fist struck Chiyuri in an instant.

The energy is flying and sparks are flying!

Except for being caught off guard and being overturned by the cries of one of his own, up to this moment, Shang Yanhu could still be said to be unscathed.

Relying on the thick steel to rob his body, he didn't care about defense at all. He opened his iron fist like a bow and punched straight like an arrow!

He completely gave up Badu Boxing and switched to the secret Iron Arrow Fist in the Great Xia Army!

Because this boxing is simple and direct, there are not so many twists and turns, and it is clever and versatile. Correspondingly, it is not easy to be disturbed in the battle.

When punching, the arrow leaves the string. It is possible that Wu Chang used this boxing technique deliberately to prevent Jiang Wang's possible control of the magical power from taking effect. In other words, even if it takes effect temporarily, it will not affect the continuation of the fist!

Iron Arrow Fist is not a very advanced boxing technique.

But its attacks are fierce and fierce,

Especially under the control of Shang Yanhu's rugged supernatural power, he is fully capable of defeating the powerful God of Death.

Once this posture is drawn out, the fists seem to be fired with thousands of arrows.

The fight between two people was like a ten thousand army rushing to kill them.

No one thought before the war started...

On the way to the northern route, such a convenient thing as rounding up and killing the geniuses of the Qi Kingdom and washing away the humiliation of the imperial mausoleum, turned out to be such a situation.

Anguo Hou Jinling died, Yangling Hou Xue Chang died, Guangping Hou Fu died,

But Shang Yanhu’s fist remains unwavering!

No matter what happens, he will always believe that his fists can defeat Jiang Wang's one-armed body, and the more he fights, the braver he becomes!

The sword killed Jin Ling and decapitated Li Fu. At this moment, his intention and momentum were at the peak of his life. What he had learned was displayed freely. Every move and every move was a stroke of genius.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, and it is difficult to see the winner for a while.

And the touching sword finger fell at this moment!

The blue flame gave off a three-foot-long sword light, which was sharp and formidable.

Why did he dare to let go of his scruples and join the battle group at this moment?

Because in the short time that Shang Yanhu was charging forward, he had already carved a thought imprint in his heart with secret techniques to remind himself that every time he has a choice, think about it first!

In order to eliminate the manipulated Yinhui, against the touch of Jiang Wang's unknown supernatural power, the god and demon body dropped his sword, and the battle situation immediately took on a crushing trend!

Jiang Wang received two arrow punches in a row, and was beaten so hard that the sword frame fell apart and his sternum was dented.

The touching ghost fire sword light also passed through the side,

If Sanwei Zhenhuozan hadn't been resolved quickly, half of the body would have been frozen!

Like a lone boat sailing in an angry sea, it may capsize at any time.

But Jiang Wang is Jiang Wang after all,

The mysterious fire was just burning here, and he suddenly jumped forward, and then used his sword across the sky, bringing down the rain of fire in the sky, and launched another round of fast attack!

Shang Yanhu is already a strong man in the realm of gods, and his fists, fists and intentions are all top-notch.

The touch of the God-Demon Body is actually a bit more lethal. If every attack didn't require an extra layer of thinking, Jiang Wang's situation would be even more difficult.

But neither Shang Yanhu, who was getting faster and faster with his fists and arrows, nor Ting Ting, who was cautiously controlling his own ferocious nature, never saw wavering in Jiang Wang's eyes.

He seems to be absolutely unwilling to retreat or escape. He seems to be convinced that he can win the final victory!

Where does this confidence come from?

The light of supernatural power in his body has obviously begun to dim.

Even though his blood energy has already declined, he still chooses to fight with attack!

This triggered a sudden awakening in my mind filled with murderous intent. Could it be that I had actually been quietly controlled again?

Is this step-by-step attack actually walking into a trap?

Is there a problem with ideological imprinting?

His subconscious offensive slowed down,


Jiang Wang's swordsmanship suddenly became violent.

Eight sounds burning the sea, five consciousness hells, wrath, the thunder sound of the vajra descending on heretics, swords, flowers and flame sparrows...

The sword performs all kinds of tricks, and it falls like rain on the ground.

His figure is extremely nimble, flying around the touch base, shuttling like lightning! Using the touch setback as a shield wall, while avoiding Shang Yanhu's offensive, he also uses the touch setback as a target to attack like crazy!

Sure enough, there is a hidden lesson! Sure enough, he has been tricked! This young genius of the Qi Kingdom has been planning for a long time, and it is time for him to slay the dragon!

The touch arouses such terrible alarm in the heart,

After a brief but solid thought, the bat wings flapped, and he suddenly jumped up and flew away from the battle group at a terrifying speed!


The blue clouds shattered, and Jiang Wang's figure was even higher in the sky. Jiang Wang's Sauvignon Blanc actually greeted Chu Rang's head.

Blocked his way first!

The sword light was like the tide and the flames were like the sea, almost sealing off all the space he could move around.

How could there be such an accurate prediction?

This feeling of being anticipated every step of the way!

Is there any more decisive means to be unleashed?

The line of fire flowing on the three-foot green front is like a red pen mark.

Scenes of Fu's death and Jin Ling's death were spinning in my mind like lanterns.

Tie Rang felt that he was about to lose control due to the impact of the Red Blood Ghost Bat's fear consciousness. It was difficult for him to admit that he also felt fear.


He looked up to the sky and roared wildly, screaming [divine cry]!


Jiang Wang's man and sword were painfully still at this moment, frozen in the air, almost like a divine statue that had lost all its spirituality.

However, a wisp of irregular wind had already cut off the frost-white wind before that, and turned into a cold spike long ago, and it had already penetrated before the cry of God started.

In the all-round and indiscriminate horrific killing of Shenwei, the killing nail moved forward without being affected at all, and landed on the top of the head...penetrating through the blue helmet!

Without knowing the full extent of Jiang Wang’s supernatural powers,

Shang Yanhu and Chu Rang responded differently.

In fact, Shang Shanghu's method is correct, but the method of giving in is not that it doesn't let him think, but that when he thinks, he tends to make wrong choices.

In fact, his thinking and choice at that time were also influenced by Jiang Wang's misguided approach!

He was on the wrong track from the beginning!


Mistakes keep begetting mistakes.

And he must bear the final result himself!

A killing nail directly ignited the blue soul fire. It penetrated the flesh and blood all the way down, from the neck to the soles of the feet, and then dispersed into a wisp of frost wind and floated away.

God's weeping stopped in summer,

The body of the god and demon was still unsolved. The extremely dead Chu Rang and the red-blooded ghost bat each fell in ruins. Shang Yanhu, who received the god's pull for the second time, responded in time this time, but he did not recover much later than Jiang Wang.

.However, what he needs to face is a very desperate situation.

From a situation of overwhelming advantage, it has evolved step by step to this point.

None of the princes of Daxia who were more beautiful than him in terms of status, strength, and status died in front of him one by one, and he was sure that he had tried his best!

How can this not make people despair?

Anyone other than him, as the last survivor, would have lost his fighting spirit by this time.

But after all, he is Shang Yanhu, and Bi Yi is the Marquis of Beixiang.

At this moment, he just clenched his fists again and looked straight at him: "Then, just start everything from scratch, just like it's just you and me, let us divide life and death like this!"

Jiang Wang said nothing.

The only response was to point the sword at the person.

Daoyuan exploded arrogantly, and the iron-gray color of Shang Yanhu's body once again changed to a deeper level. At this time, a too obvious change had occurred between heaven and earth!

Whether it was his title and authority as the Marquis of Beixiang in Daxia, or his perception as a powerful divine being, he had already noticed that at this moment, an obvious change had occurred in the national defense formation covering the mountains and rivers of the Daxia Empire.

It collapsed, and its strength shrank by more than half!

With Guiyi City standing shoulder to shoulder and Tongyang City's defense line as solid as Mount Tai, no matter how fierce the fighting is, parts of the flanks will only be disconnected from the national defense formation, just like a tree falling leaves without damaging its roots - this is

It was considered at the beginning of the design of the National Defense Formation that it was impossible for the National Defense Formation to collapse to this extent—unless the Northern Front battlefield also collapsed after the Eastern Front battlefield was abandoned!

There are obviously other powerful people who have gone to the northern front, and Ren Qiuli, the master of Tianji, has obviously taken action...how could it be?

No matter how much I can’t believe it, how much I don’t believe it, the objective facts cannot change that Shang Yanhu turned around and flew away without saying a word!

With this withdrawal, the world and the earth unknowingly triggered a battle between two and six gods, and the winner was completely determined!

Among the five princes of the Xia Kingdom, there was a strange beast. Five died in the battle and one escaped.

For a while, only Jiang Wang was able to stand alone in the sky.

At this moment, his power and intention have been completely sublimated!

Ever since he broke out the Dao Yi sword on the Mianxi battlefield, he already possessed the secret of the divine presence left by Wu Gan Huang Weizhen, which gave him the opportunity to shape it perfectly.

But we still need an opportunity to achieve it naturally and grasp it without missing a beat.

The six great gods are surrounding each other. If the gods do not come, they will die. This is a natural law.

Chongxuan's victory is in danger, and the three thousand soldiers of the victorious camp are surrounded. Unless the gods come, there will be no rescue. This is inevitable.

How great is the law of nature and human kindness!

So he achieved success in one step.

And he teamed up with Zhongxuan Dao to defeat the six gods with two gods, which has proved to himself that there is no other possibility in the world. This is the most perfect answer for him along the way!

But, it's not over yet.

Yiwang, with one arm, has already stepped on the clouds and is chasing Shang Yanhu. No matter what happens to the national defense formation, the northern front, or the eastern front, for him, this battle is not over yet.

What he wants is not only victory but also the survival of those who have gone astray?!

In this open space in the east of Sang Mansion, people and birds scattered for a while. When Zhong Xuan Sheng was carried by Xie Zhun'an and flew down here, there was only a battlefield that had been beaten to a crisp. Xiu Lie was still describing the battle.


The collapsed divine will complicatedly entangled the bloodstains at the divine level in the air, still carrying a trace of spirituality that was unwilling to dissipate.

Apart from several corpses lying around, Zhong Xuandao was sitting under an old tree, his body covered with white snow and red plum blossoms.

His eyes were open and still had a compelling sharpness, but his consciousness had fallen asleep.

His left hand was still holding it, as if holding his knife, but there was no moonlight in it.

Just as Zhong Xuansheng was about to go up to wake him up and ask about Jiang Wang's situation, Xie Huai'an already said with unspeakable emotions: "Eight gods are here fighting in a melee, five are dead, one is unconscious, and two others are chasing and one is escaping.

, left the scene!"

This victory is really amazing! "Where did you escape?" Chong Xuansheng said quickly: "Please thank Shuai and go rescue people quickly!"

Xie Huai'an spoke in a complicated tone: "Judging from the traces on the battlefield, Jiang Wang was the one chasing after him."

Chong Xuan Sheng breathed a sigh of relief obviously, and all the tight fat on his body slumped down. He tilted his head and passed out. Although the Linwu War was over, Xie Huai'an was leading his troops to the west.

But with Chong Xuan Sheng's speed, how could he meet Xie Huai'an so quickly?

He relied entirely on the life-burning secret method to achieve speed beyond the limit. In the shortest time, he judged Xie Huai'an's marching route, intercepted Xie Huai'an, and persuaded the Eastern Front coach to take action personally, which led to the current scene.

At this moment, my heartstrings loosened and I could no longer hold back.

Xie Huai'an looked at the fat man, and then at the young man under the tree over there, and couldn't help but sigh: Although Futu is dead, his strong heart is still there!

His eyes were far away, as if he had seen a scene from the past, and the sound of horse hooves from the entire army could be heard in the distance.

Boom boom, boom boom.

Bursts are like spring thunder.


This chapter has been completed!
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