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Chapter 1670 When will we meet again?

Life is a long picture.

Since the fall of Maplewood City, Jiang Wang and Zhang Linchuan, two former "brothers", have started their own magnificent stories and have experienced rapid development and progress.

But it took a completely different path.

One shines brightly in the spotlight, while the other spreads crazily in the endless darkness.

Zhang Linchuan's biggest advantage today is that he hides in the dark and hides very deeply.

level stations, all have single-line connections, usually only connected to the Shinto world through faith. His whereabouts are extremely difficult to capture, and he

His strength is unfathomable.

The low-key and hidden Wu Sheng Cult looks like a small puddle on the roadside, but if anyone steps into it rashly,

, you may have stepped into an abyss.

From Jiang Wang's current perspective, Zhang Linchuan is the most

His biggest weakness is that he hides in the dark and cannot see


The path he chose to run a cult certainly allowed him to become stronger as quickly as possible, but it also made him intolerable to Zhao Zhaotian.

The sages said, "Those who do bad deeds are exposed and exposed, and people will find them and punish them."

It is this point that makes Zhang Linchuan easier to deal with than Zhuang Gaoxian, no matter how strong and cunning he is.

The biggest difference between him and Zhuang Gaoxian is that

Jiang Wang can use his great power of Qi Wu'anhou without any scruples to strangle him all over the world!

This is sunlight, the suppression of darkness.

If we say that the time is now

On the day, in addition to the cultivation of the eyes and bodies, the Sutra Palace of Linjiu is the Wusheng Cult that is rapidly expanding in the black world.

Jiang Wang's management means that he can calmly display everything under the sun, his power, his fame, and his status.

Just like this time in Muguo, Jiang Wang just talked to Yuwen

Duo said a word and easily wiped out the Wu Sheng Sect's station on the grassland without even reaching Helian Yun Yun's level.

The outstanding talents of Wusheng Cult, the earth spirit envoys who were awarded the title of "Wusheng Old Mother", led the team to the grassland to develop their faith.

In order to win the trust of the Chiha Tribe, Yigui, the guardian of the Wusheng Sect, personally went to the grassland to interview Chiyan.

Grassland must not be an insignificant part of the development plan of Wusheng Cult.

But it was erased so easily.

One is because of Jiang Wang's current status, and the other is that the Immortality Cult itself is a cult and cannot be seen in the light. It is just and logical for Yu Wen to choose to suppress it, and there is no need to consider anything else.

This operation is a good example. To deal with Zhang Linchuan, we should start from this aspect. Use the great momentum to crush everything in the darkness, no matter whether it is like an abyss or an ocean, or it is twists and turns.

Wanduan. The sun rises in the east and naturally illuminates the mountains and rivers.

Dealing with Zhuang Gaoxian is different.

The state of Zhuang is an orthodox empire recognized by all the countries in the world, and Zhuang Gaoxian is the emperor of Zhengshuo. He is attached to Yujing Mountain and faces the city of Tianjing. In a duel with Zhuang Gaoxian, there is no way to overpower others.

Taking advantage of Yujing Mountain, he performed a thunderous act, but after his success failed, his vitality was severely damaged. However, he did not have the background of Zhuang Gaoxian, and he could not make many mistakes after trial and error.

But then again, Zhang Linchuan is not a good person.

What’s the opposite? He started from scratch and achieved such a great fortune. If such a terrifying person cannot be killed at once, he will definitely cause endless troubles.

In fact, the opposite is also true.

In Zhuang Gaoxian's eyes, how could Jiang Wang and Zhu Weiwo not be a serious thorn in their side? The ancient covenant to slay demons stipulated that the city would not be redeemed, and the two times they made a move, they would do nothing if they did not move, and they would eradicate the roots if they moved.

Zhuang Gaoxian is an enemy, but he is also someone who can learn from him in some aspects.

According to the tacit understanding reached by Jiang Wang and Wang Changji.

Now Wang Changji is acting as an open chess player, but he is sneaking into the dark place.

Traveling around the world, chasing each other with Wu Sheng Cult.

Jiang Wang is in the light, climbing higher and higher step by step, but he is playing a secret game

, while accumulating strength, he only secretly collects relevant information about Wu Sheng Cult.

I’m very familiar with it too! I’ll definitely take you there when the time comes. I have a Taoist technique called Eight Sounds Burning Sea, which was inspired by it found in the four famous halls.”

"This is good, this is good." Yu Wenduo suddenly laughed.

Jiang Wangyi cupped his hands and said, "The mountains are long and the rivers are far away!"

Yuwenduo responded: "See you soon!"

When he lowered his hand, Marquis Wu'an from Dong Qi had disappeared.

Thinking of this brief time together, Yu Wenduo couldn't help but sigh: "How many heroes are there in the world?"

Amid the blue sky and blue plains, this carriage is still speeding along.

In the carriage, Yuwen Duo frowned again: "Why didn't I learn any Taoist skills in the Shen'en Temple?"

"It seems that I still don't go there often enough." He concluded.

Got the reason.

He sighed again: "As expected of Rucheng's third brother, Wu

Anhou's state of mind is really impressive. No wonder he

Anhou's state of mind is truly admirable, no wonder he doesn't bother to play with me!"

Since then, there have always been rumors on the grassland that the secret method of Wu'anhou of Daqi was discovered in Wenwen Township. This attracted many grassland nobles to make pilgrimages to Eastern Qi to "find inspiration."

I don’t know who passed it on.

This is how the trip to the grassland ended.

Loaded with partial knowledge of the current situation in the pastoral country,

The envoys of Da Qi returned from the east.

Using Yu Wenduo to come forward to raid the Wu Sheng Sect's base was the last thing Jiang Wang did on the grassland.

Before that, Jiang Wang was still under Helian Yunyun's arrangement

Next, in a closed environment, he challenged Na Liang, the "wolf boy" who was already leading the army in the Royal Cavalry, and defeated him with an overwhelming advantage.

In the same environment again

Here, I had a fight with Yuwen Duo

Cousins, Yuwen Lie and Xiao Sheng, one of the "Three Horses of Yulu"

Half a move.

After the war, they drank with Yu Wen Lie. Yu Wen Lie admitted that he had no power to fight back in front of Cang Men. It was a pity that the living god Cang Men was not in the high court during this period, otherwise Jiang Wang would also want to challenge him. Even if

If you get beaten, I think you will gain a lot.

But in fact, after the two challenges ended, the envoy team had left the country openly.

And Jiang Wang quietly stayed in the grassland, firstly to wait for an answer from Huang Relic, and secondly to deal with the Wusheng Cult matter. Every time he went to Huang Relic, he always disappeared, and the carriage

Stop directly outside the military fort.

After the envoys of the State of Qi left the grassland, something happened to Wu Shengjiao, which would not easily lead to associations and arouse Zhang Linchuan's vigilance.

Once the matter was over, he didn't stay long. He caught up with the team overnight and silently got into the bullock cart. The original cart was given to Yu Wenduo, and the current one was Yu Wenfeng's return gift.

The white bull that pulls the cart is a gift from Helian Yunyun. It is said that he was raised in the temple and is very spiritual.

After getting on the team, he silently got into the ox cart. The original carriage was given to Yu Wenze, and the current one is a return gift from Yu Wen Ze. The white ox pulling the cart is a gift from Helian Yunyun. It is said that

It's in God

Those who were raised in the temple are full of spirituality, which is no less impressive than Yanzhao who was raised in Qingyang Town.

Of course it is a pity not to see Rucheng, but after a mission, you can't just live in the grassland. There are many big and small things in the country. For example, he has a new fiefdom in Guxia.

I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s time to go and take a look.

From the grassland to conquering the Eastern Qi, there were no surprises along the way.

Jiang Wang just concentrated on practicing on the road.

In the previous duel with Dou Zhao, Tu Hu was accidentally involved in Tu Hu's plan against Huan Mojun. Tu Hu expressed his intention to compensate. After reviewing the battle between the two, someone specially sent a gift to Jiang Wang.

The body-training technique at the door-god level is called "Xuantian Glazed Kung Fu".

There is also a passage accompanying the exercise.

It is written in the Cangtu divine script. When translated, it means:

"May the high gods protect you, friend of the grassland. May you have more choices."

Jiang Wang's defense has always been covered by the body of Tianfu, and he focuses more on strengthening the offensive end.

Tu Hu obviously wants to make up for his shortcomings. If his physical defense is improved, he will naturally have more choices in battle.

Is there any other meaning to doing this job first...

Regardless of whether it exists or not.

Lord Jiang doesn't understand anyway.

It was May when I left Qi, and it was already July when I returned to Qi.

As an envoy, the first thing Jiang Wang did after returning home was to report to the emperor. Of course, the foreign affairs note submitted to the Political Affairs Hall also had to be written on the way and handed in when he returned home...

It is equivalent to reporting twice.

When Marquis Wu'an of Da Qi returned to Linzi, the emperor was

There was a meeting in Ziji Palace. Han Ling came out in person and led him to

Went to Donghua Pavilion and waited.

He was already familiar with this place, and he knew everything about the layout.

Han Ling brought him over and returned to Ziji Hall.

There were two official guards standing outside the pavilion, but there was no one else inside the pavilion.

The fragrance burned in the animal furnace is very light and has the power to soothe the mind.

Jiang Wang sat in silence for a while, then couldn't help but get up, walked to the stone screen depicting the appearances of all living beings, and admired it quietly.

This painting is always fresh when you look at it. All the living beings in the painting are vivid and their emotions are vividly reflected on the paper.

Nowadays, Jiang Wang's Herringbone Sword has gained access to the gods, but he dare not say that his understanding of human nature can surpass this painting.

He had carefully examined this picture of all living beings countless times, and he could always see something new and interesting.

Today he discovered another detail.

There is a long street in the painting. A flag banner selling wine is blown by the wind, and a window facing the street is half-covered. Although it is only half a window, you can also see the desks and desks in the room from the window.

There is a piece of paper pressed on it, and there are words on the paper.

If you look carefully, it is written one by one

"The orioles and the yellow children, the white wengs with their sticks, are playing and strolling,

When will we see you again?"

The street in the painting is close to the city gate.

In the fields outside the city, there are paintings of an old man leaning on a wooden stick with a kind smile, and urchins running around letting paper orioles fly.

He had an impression of this scene, but the corresponding piece of paper and this line of writing were only seen today. I don’t think it should be right, because this is not an omission of meaning or metaphor, but an omission of concrete details.

Lack of details.

He pointed at this painting to solve the case and looked at it countless times. How could he miss such a detail?

Taking a closer look at the old man, I found that his appearance vaguely... resembled that of today's man.

Jiang Wang understood.

This was not a detail he missed, but a detail added by another person at a later time.

That person changed the painting, changed this little thing, and made it

An ordinary old man lives in the painting.

There are so many words that it’s hard to describe it all.

There is only one sentence - when will we meet again?

"looking at what?"

Suddenly a voice asked.

Although the voice is gentle, it travels throughout the nine heavens.

The voice of Emperor Qi!

The Daqi Emperor did not know when he had conquered the Donghua Pavilion, and no movement was heard. He wanted to scare people to death.

Jiang Wang woke up instantly and quickly turned around to salute: "I've met your Majesty!"

"No courtesy." Emperor Qi just raised his palm, still looking at the painting on the stone screen with great interest, as if he only cared about the question he just asked.

Is it better for you to know the emperor's thoughts, or not to know them?

Jiang Wang was heartbroken and said loudly: "I will risk my life to remonstrate with you!"

Qi Tianzi was obviously a little surprised. He moved his eyes and looked at

Looking at Jiang Wang: "Let's talk."

"The emperor must move without dignity." Jiang Wang said: "How can you come and go so quietly, without making any noise to the humble ministers?"

Han Ling stood by silently twitching his eyelids.

It's hard to imagine that Marquis Wu'an dared to "report the evil first" after returning from a mission to the grassland.

But he did grasp the truth.

How do you say something?

Be confident?

"The emperor must behave with dignity. Aiqing's words are very reasonable. It can be seen that he has read a book." Emperor Qi took time to relax and said: "But when I returned to Donghua Pavilion just now, there was obviously a guard of honor in front of me.

There was an announcement later and it was very noisy.”

His voice was not serious, but lighter: "Which of us was wrong?"

..." Jiang Wang lowered his head: "I was wrong.

It’s just that I was distracted just now and didn’t hear clearly.”

The emperor smiled and pointed at him: "Jiang Qingyang,

He turned around and walked towards the Dragon Seat, and said casually: "Tell me, what did you see and hear on this trip to the grassland?"

Jiang Wang followed the emperor obediently and stated what he saw and heard during his trip to Mu Kingdom without adding any opinions.

The emperor sat in a high place, always as quiet as the abyss, and did not express any opinions on the affairs of the pastoral country.

But after Jiang Wang finished speaking, he suddenly asked: "Marquis Wu'an went to the grassland to observe the ceremony this time. Who did he have to compete with the envoys from all over the world? What was the result of the battle?"

Jiang Wang said loudly: "I have never failed!"

The emperor laughed out loud: "It seems that Aiqing is very good at choosing opponents."

"I'll tell you the truth, I didn't refuse anyone who came!"

This time Han Ling also smiled.

The emperor asked again: "So, what opponent did Aiqing encounter this time?"

, but who impressed you more deeply?"

"No one impresses me. I only focus on

Use your own practice to fight for the honor of Qi." Jiang Wangji

Jiang Wang quickly added: "But Dou Zhao from Chu State is still a bit troublesome."

Emperor Qi nodded: "The Golden Bridge on the other side. It is difficult to match Mrs. Dou's special skills... Han Ling, later you will take Wu'anhou to the inner treasury to help him choose a god who can compete with him."

Soul Secret Technique. In order to prevent people from saying that our country-saving techniques are not as good as others, it also allows our Lord Marquis to have less trouble in the future and be louder next time."

Han Ling lowered his head and said, "I will definitely do my best."

Jiang Wang knew in his heart that this was the "reward" for this mission.

He bowed down with satisfaction and bowed his hands in a formal manner: "I thank you, Your Majesty!"

But the waist here has not straightened up yet.

In my ears, I heard the emperor asking again, seemingly casually.

Finished sentence: "I heard that during this mission, you were not in the envoy team for a long time?"

Suddenly there was thunder on the ground.

These words are called a desperate need in my heart!

This chapter has been completed!
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