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Chapter 1719 We will not share this month, nor will we share the future!

There was a moment of silence in the savage forest.

Jiang Wang let go of his already red hand, let go of his sword, and concealed his star tower. But the substantial murderous intention did not dissipate... like a huge stone, it sunk into his condensed eyes. middle.

"Is he dead?" Fourteen asked aloud.

"Lei Zhanqian is dead. This man named Zhang Linchuan is not alive yet."

I don’t know where Chu Liang’s life-cutting knife has been stored. He has seen too much in his life and has no emotional disturbance. He only frowned slightly and said: "This man is not simple. Humanity is not humane, and Shinto is not Shinto." .The puppet body is not a puppet body, and the seizure of the body is not the seizure of the body...it may be some kind of magical power based on numerology."

If he is someone who seizes the body, he can see through it at a glance. How dare this evil spirit come to take Qi's ship?

Judging from the performance of this magical power, Zhang Linchuan is almost Lei Zhanqian himself. It can be seen that it is consistent with numerology, and he has made inferences for some reason.

Chongxuan Sheng said: "Can't even you kill him completely?"

"How can it be that easy? He didn't really stand in front of me. This was just an existence similar to a clone..." Chongxuan Chu Liang said softly: "I only killed three of his original bodies with my sword in another life." A hundred years of longevity will knock him down from the rank of true god."

Fourteen blinked, this was a power she could not imagine.

"Then can you locate Zhang Linchuan's true identity?" Chongxuan Sheng asked, "Where is he now?"

Even putting aside his relationship with Jiang Wang, his murderous intention towards Zhang Linchuan was extremely strong.

This cult leader is so evil and daring that it makes people think and fear him.

If it weren't for Lin Youxie a few months ago, Fourteenth would have been the one who got into trouble!

Before, he had no feelings about Lin Youxie's disappearance, and the help he provided was entirely for Jiang Wang. After understanding the whole incident, he also shouldered a share of responsibility for Lin Youxie's death.

Lin Youxie's death was of course a huge misfortune. But he also clearly realized how rare it was to be able to detect this cancer hidden in Lushuang County in advance.

Zhang Linchuan's caution, planning, and disguise are all top-notch.

Just imagine if Lin Youxie's unexpected thought had not left a loophole in Zhang Linchuan, who had no loopholes at all. When Zhang Linchuan really erased all the discord, he could develop his career in Qi State again as Lei Zhanqian.

With this body's talent for obtaining the top-level magical thunder seal, Zhang Linchuan himself has reached the vision of a true god, coupled with his wisdom and forbearance, coupled with the Lu Shuanglei family's innate close relationship with the royal family...

It is truly unimaginable to what extent Zhang Linchuan could develop into a terrifying level and what kind of enemy he would become!

Especially such a person has a fundamental conflict with Jiang Wangben and cannot be at odds with each other. It is a life-or-death relationship.

Since it is a life-and-death relationship...

Of course I want you to die and me to live.

So he couldn't wait to ask Zhang Linchuan's true identity.

Chongxuan Chu Liang shook his head: "This person's numerology-like magical powers are quite weird. Before he exposed himself, I couldn't even find out that he had replaced Lei Zhanqian. Even if he had been exposed and officially handed over, his true identity was hidden. After entering the Shinto world, through many transfers by believers, we were able to establish contact with Lei Zhanqian's physical body, which was impossible to trace.

I was able to cut off his life span because his identity was entangled with the fate of this physical body. His identity could be snatched away, but his lifespan was the same. But he also made a prompt decision and gave up. In the end, he only talked to Qingyang.

A trace of sadness.

The path of destiny is not my specialty. If Supervisor Ruan is here, he might be able to figure something out..."

Zhong Xuansheng didn't say anything about what he would have done if he had known it earlier. Those words had no meaning. He directly crushed the summons decree in his hand.

Not long after, there were waves of breath coming closer to the savage forest.

The leader Qing Zhuan flew over quickly, penetrated into the forest, and half-knelt on the ground: "What are your orders, Lord Marquis?"

Chong Xuansheng said directly: "With the seal of this marquis, we will mobilize the nearby county soldiers, control the county guard Luo Zhengchuan, blockade the Lei family's ancestral home, and track down the remnants of the cult. At the same time, we will arrest the Zhou family, Zhou Qingsong, and all the party members, and report them to the inspection."

The government is asking for punishment! The demon used his body to cause trouble for more than a year, and the key figures in Lushuang County cannot abstain from responsibility!"


Qing Zhuan took the order and left.

Only then did Chong Xuansheng look at Jiang Wang: "What did you say?"

Fourteenth, Chongxuan Chu Liang also looked over.

In today's round, Zhang Linchuan suffered a huge defeat. Is that enough?

The body Zhang Linchuan replaced with some magical power died on the spot, and all his hard work in Qi was in vain. Is this enough?

Zhang Linchuan was cut off a large amount of his longevity by Chu Liang, the Chongxuan who controlled the terrifying path, and was temporarily knocked down from the rank of true god. Is this enough?

Jiang Wang, who had been silent for a long time, just pointed his sword finger at the night sky with his blood-stained hand: "Zhang Linchuan and I will not share this month, nor will we share the future."

This is not an exclamation, this is a statement.

His voice was very cold and therefore very firm.

Under the true God are false gods.

For Zhang Linchuan, who can no longer reproduce Dongzhen level combat power in a short period of time, this is an excellent opportunity to kill him!

Chong Xuansheng raised his eyes and looked at the lonely moon, and only said: "If the moonlight is like this tonight, then don't let him see it too many times."

Jiang Wang turned around and walked out.

The pressure of the strong man gradually dissipated, and the bones on the ground were also taken away.

The evening wind hit the dead leaves that could no longer bind the remaining branches.

This late night in the Savage Forest is so lonely and cold.

So lonely.

September 2, 3921 in the Taoist calendar, was an ordinary day.

But because of an open letter from Jiang Wang, the Marquis of Wu'an in Da Qi, it is no longer ordinary.

On this day, Marquis Wu'an of Qi signed and printed a letter in his own handwriting, dipped it in blood, and passed it on to Tianxing Cliff, Mirror World Terrace, and even to all the countries in the world!

In this open letter, he denounced the harm caused by evil cults, especially those who were known as the "Wu Sheng Cult" who committed many evil deeds and disrupted the order of the world, which cannot be tolerated by heaven or the world.

He called on everyone in the world to jointly suppress the Wusheng Cult. He also listed high rewards for the top-down leaders of the Wusheng Cult and vowed to uproot this evil cult.

Taking Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of Wusheng Cult, as an example, the price offered by Marquis Wu An was a full 20,000 yuan stones, plus his promise to do his best!

The world marveled at the financial resources of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State, and felt the weight of this hatred.

It should be noted that one yuan stone can buy a storage box, which can be exchanged for a first-class pulse-opening pill. The Mo family's very popular high-quality squirrel box only requires three yuan stones.

Back when overseas, a Burning Sun Flying Boat was blown up by the Hai Clan because of Jiang Wang. Ding Jingshan only asked Jiang Wang to pay three thousand yuan stones. The Burning Sun Flying Boat was as famous as the Thorn Boat and was truly a giant on the battlefield.

Killer weapon!

The weight of these 20,000 primeval stones can be seen from this.

Even if Jiang Wang wants to take out so many precious stones at once, he still needs to use Desheng Trading Company and Taixu Jiaolou as pledges.

It can be said that he spent all his money to pay for it and vowed to kill Zhang Linchuan.

And Marquis Wu'an's promise to take action with all his strength is even more extraordinary.

Today's Marquis Wu An is already one of the few masters of the Qiang Shen Lin. It is completely foreseeable to become a real person in this world, and once achieved, he will not be an ordinary real person.

This is a promise with unlimited value-added possibilities.

And in this open letter, Jiang Wang also described Zhang Linchuan's condition in detail, listing all the information he had displayed so far, including his thunder method, magical power to replace others, and being good at hiding...it was clear that he had been injured by the murderer.

The combat power has dropped to the level of Dongzhen.

In other words, a cult leader who is at the most divine level can be exchanged for 20,000 primeval stones and the promise of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State.

Once this letter was handed down, the world was shocked!

"Jiang Wang lost his mother when he was young, and his parents when he was still young. Life is like this, and he has never complained.

I only hope that my hard work will reward my hard work, my righteousness and courage will be rewarded, I will go my own way, and I will be able to love myself and others.

On the seventeenth year of the year, I encountered the evil cult White Bone Dao. Overnight, the country was destroyed, all my relatives and friends died, and there was no one left behind!

I will never be able to sleep peacefully again.

Hundreds of thousands of people mourned in their ears, and there were endless blood and tears in their eyes.

God shows no mercy, but I am the only one who feels this lingering hatred."

In the palace of the Duke of Huai, a handsome young man in Chinese robes was reading a letter in his hand. He paused several times before continuing——

"Wandering thousands of miles without any ties to this body, I found a close friend and entered the Eastern Qi Dynasty.

Although I am young and weak, with little talent and little intelligence, I am born with blood in my heart and dare not lose it. God has given me a seven-foot body that I dare not give up.

Travel thousands of miles, travel thousands of miles with your heart.

Hold a three-foot sword and practice three-foot righteousness!

Fight bloody battles in the mysterious world, suppress disasters with your own body, slay demons in the wilderness, and never fall behind others.

The murderer, the blood-sealing demon, dare to be the first!

Kindness must be repaid, and trust must be fulfilled. I, Jiang Wang, will never let anyone down in my life, but I have a good friend, Lin Youxie, who died for me, Jiang Wang!

With Qingpai's integrity, he investigated illegal activities and died tragically at the hands of the cult leader...

My heart is bursting with hatred, and my heart is filled with grief and madness!”

The beautiful woman sitting opposite the handsome young man had her eyes turning red at some point.

Hearing the young man read again——


The White Bone Way of the past is now the Wusheng Sect!

Can deceive people's hearts, turn to evil ways, spread poisonous thoughts, and cause widespread harm? How can this be tolerated by heaven?

One messenger, one evil scripture, recklessly prolonging disaster for several years.

One altar and one idol can spread poison for thousands of miles.

If you believe in this evil god, you must sacrifice your blood and your life to him. The body will be ruined and destroyed everywhere, and the number of people whose families will be ruined and their families will be destroyed is countless!

Under the vast blue sky and the bright red sun, can the righteous people in the world endure this evil spirit?

Since I came from this world, I have looked up to the sky and bowed to the earth.

If you don’t believe that the sky has no eyes, if you don’t believe that there is no reward for good and evil!

If it happens, I will repay it personally.

Even if your body is broken into pieces, you will be punished!

Today there is a man named Zhang Linchuan, the Bone Messenger of the past, and the ancestor of the Wusheng Cult today... Jiang Wang swears by the sky that he will never share the same sun and moon with him!"

Zuo Guangshu grasped the letter in his hand tightly, but he could no longer read it.

It was hard for Xiong Jingyu to imagine that this open letter was written by Jiang Wang, who had lived in the Duke of Huai's Mansion for many days. Such a gentle, polite, sincere and trustworthy child had experienced so many hardships...

She has seen too many people, and because of the suffering she has suffered, she resents the injustice of the world and is cynical about the world. From then on, she becomes extremely hostile to the world, commits all kinds of evil, and wishes she could bring the whole world with her...

And Jiang Wang had so much to bear, but he only said, "The same is true for fate."

The eldest princess of Chu calmed down and asked again: "What else was written next?

"Reward for the Wusheng Cult." Zuo Guangshu replied in a low voice, then raised his head: "No, we have to increase the reward in the name of the Duke of Huai State, and we also have to spread this letter in the southern region.

If grandpa refuses, then in my name..."

He swallowed his voice because an old man in court clothes was standing outside the door at the moment.

"Nonsense." Duke Huai of Chu frowned: "At such a young age, you can talk about the entire southern region at every turn. Who do you think you are?"

"Grandpa!" Zuo Guangshu said with red eyes: "Brother Jiang..."

Zuo Xiao just stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the letter."

Zuo Guangshu reluctantly handed over the letter in his hand.

"Where did this letter come from?" Zuo Xiao shook one hand and asked while reading.

Zuo Guangshu replied: "Brother Jiang sent it to Tianxingya and Jingguojingshitai, requesting that Wusheng Cult be designated as a cult and call for the world to suppress it... I had someone make a copy and send it..."

"Okay, don't worry about this anymore. Just stay at home and read your book!" Zuo Xiao folded the letter in his hand. He had just come down from the court meeting and turned around to leave the house.

"Mom!" Zuo Guangshu waited until his grandfather was gone, then said angrily: "What do you mean, old man? I can't ignore Brother Jiang's affairs."

"Okay. Listen to your grandpa and go study." Xiong Jingyu patted the back of Zuo Guangshu's head and said softly: "If your grandpa doesn't care, my mother will go to the palace."

Not to mention how the young master of Chu turned the book over and over without being able to read it, and how he drafted it back and forth in the illusion of Taixu, and finally failed to write a single word...

On this day, before the sun went down, the Chu Empire had a letter of credence declaring it to the world.

The State of Chu, one of the hegemons in the world, officially classified the Wu Sheng Cult as a cult, and it was the worst type of cult in the world. It ordered the entire country to annihilate it.

Spreading the teachings of this sect to more than 20 people is the same crime as murder. Anyone who turns a blind eye to the Wusheng sect's missionary activities and fails to report it in time will also be punished.

The Duke of Huai State even offered rewards to the leaders of the Wusheng Cult at all levels. Those who kill the core members of the Wusheng Cult can not only go to the Wu'an Marquis Mansion and Bowang Marquis Mansion in Qi State to receive the reward, but also go to the Great Chuhuai

The Duke's Mansion receives the reward.

For a moment, the southern region was shaken.

Everyone among the Wusheng cultists shouted for beatings, and even an orthodox Taoist temple with a vague name called "Xiao Wuxiang Life and Death View" was beaten up by the excited people.

This vigorous campaign to annihilate the Wu Sheng Cult began in Lushuang County of Qi State. With the support of the Wu'an Marquis Mansion and the Bowang Marquis Mansion, it gradually affected the whole country and even the Eastern Region.

Outside the Eastern Region, the Great Chu Empire took the lead in responding, classifying the Wusheng Sect as an evil sect and ordering its nationwide annihilation.

At this time, the Mu Kingdom also released the news that the Wusheng Cult had caused trouble in the grassland and blasphemed the supreme deity. It designated it as a "must-suppress" level cult and declared, "Anyone who shines with the divine light of the Cangtu will not be tolerated."

The evil of life".

Si Yu'an, the master of Jiange Pavilion, publicly stated that Marquis Wu'an was a very polite young man. He was very optimistic about Marquis Wu'an's future. If there was a chance for him to meet those little mice of Wusheng Cult, he would not mind making a fortune.

Extra money.

The great master of Legalism, Wu Bingji, made a public statement - talking about Lin Youxie, a disciple of Judi Palace who would not be able to enter school in the future, he put Zhang Linchuan's name on the list of executions and called on all Legalist disciples in the world to kill him... It even put Wu Sheng in trouble.

The teacher was completely beaten into a street rat!

Zhang Linchuan never imagined that Junior Brother Jiang, who was coaxed by him in the past, would have such a huge influence today.

A piece of thin paper, with the name of Marquis Wu'an, can be seen as powerful.

Just an open letter was sent out, and from then on, there was no place for the Wusheng Cult in the Eastern Region, the Southern Region, the Mu Kingdom, and the Chu Kingdom!

In just a few days, more than half of his Earth Demon messengers were killed or injured. Even the guardian Dharma King Yigui was ambushed and was in danger of an unexpected incident.

A large number of followers quit the religion, like a landslide, and the missionary cause suffered a devastating blow.

This was not only a blow to his career, but also directly related to his personal cultivation and extraordinary power, and it came at a critical moment when he was beheaded by Chongxuan Chu Liang!

The trance lasted just overnight, and with the help of the inanimate world, it spread crazily in the darkness, and the inanimate religion, with its tentacles almost all over the world, was in danger of overthrowing!

Legally speaking, the Inanimate Cult has been defined. The righteous sect will not tolerate the growth of evil heretics, and the existence of evil cults will definitely not be allowed in the national order.

And Jiang Wang offered a reward of 20,000 yuan stones and his promise to take action with all his strength...


As the inanimate ancestor of the Trinity, he not only has to be wary of dangers from the outside world, but even within the core of the sect, some eyes are green and gleaming with hunger!

This chapter has been completed!
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