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Chapter 1794 Buddha said

Under the light of the blood moon, Shu Jialan's face was hidden in the darkness, and the look in his somewhat compassionate eyes was changing.

He came to Moyun City with a mission from the sect.

Zen Master Xiong, who is recognized as the master of Buddhism in the world of demons, recorded the Dharma collection "Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom, Roots and Fruits" when he lectured at Ancient Nan Mountain. It was recorded and handed down to the world by his tenth Dharma King. It is still enshrined in Ancient Nan Mountain and is an eternal classic.


This tenth Dharma King later inherited the throne after the disappearance of Zen Master Xiong, carried forward the ancient Nanshan Mountain, established the orthodox religion in the world, and influenced all directions. He is the first orthodox Buddha in the world, and is named "Light King Tathagata".

Zen Master Xiong was posthumously named the Buddha of the past, also known as "Hidden Light Tathagata".

Taking "that light is hidden, this light king" means the inheritance of Taoism and the great prosperity of Buddhism.

However, the founder of Black Lotus Temple and the former No. 1 Dharma King of Gunnan Mountain believed that many aspects of the Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom and Wisdom recorded by King of Light Tathagata deviated from Zen Master Xiong’s original intention in many places.

Expand your own influence, seek to seize the upper hand of Buddhism, and secretly usurp the Buddha's will to be your own.

For example, there are many questions and answers between Zen Master Xiong and his disciples recorded in "The Collection of Supreme Wisdom, Spiritual Wisdom, Roots and Fruits". Most of those who asked very spiritual questions and had great insights into the Buddha's enlightenment were the Tenth Dharma King. Those who asked stupid questions were stubborn and difficult to understand.

Most of them were other Dharma Kings, and among them, the First Dharma King made the most stupid mistakes and often disobeyed Zen Master Xiong.

This is not true!

It was through the process of sorting out Zen Master Xiong's remarks and compiling them into serious scriptures that King of Light Tathagata rose from being the tenth Dharma King who accompanied him at the end of the throne to becoming the most influential being in Ancient Nanshan. He held a great treasure and successfully succeeded the Tathagata.

The Demon Master Tathagata, who founded the Black Lotus Temple, took away a large number of believers to apostatize, and also took away his re-edited Zen Master Xiong's Mantra Sutra - "The Canon of Crossing the Dharma".

Most of the contents of the two Buddhist scriptures are the same, and they are both transmitted from the Taoism of Zen Master Xiong and record the mantras of Zen Master Xiong. However, due to the differences in editors, some subtle adjustments and interpretations ultimately present completely different appearances.

"The Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom" mainly talks about "wisdom", "spiritual wisdom", "root bones", and "cause and effect".

"The Canon of Crossing the Law" talks about the relationship between Buddha and faith. It mainly talks about joining the world, saving the world, and crossing the world.

It is worth mentioning that Black Lotus Temple also recognizes Zen Master Xiong as the past Buddha and his title of "Hidden Light Tathagata".

But the meaning here at Black Lotus Temple is "When the light disappears and the demon master emerges, the world will gain enlightenment."

Both are Buddhists and both follow the teachings of the Hidden Light Tathagata, but there are fundamental differences between the two sides.

The common source is more hateful than other sects.

Shu Jialan's purpose of coming to Moyun City this time is also related to this.

At the beginning, the Demon Master Tathagata broke with the King of Light Tathagata, rebelled from the Ancient Nan Mountain, and built the Black Lotus Temple on his own.

Seven of the eight remaining Dharma Kings under Zen Master Xiong supported King of Light Tathagata. But there was one who did not support anyone. He vowed not to establish a religion or live in Xi in this life, and walked down the Ancient Nan Mountain alone.

, and from then on he traveled around the world.

He is Xiangmi, who ranks fifth among the top ten Dharma kings.

No matter in "The Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom" or in "The Canon of Crossing the Dharma", he has a very positive image with Buddha nature. In "The Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom" it is said that he is as wise as a fool, and in "The Canon of Crossing the Dharma"

It is said that he is honest and suffers from hardship.

There is even an additional mention in "The Canon of Crossing the Dharma" - "The Buddha said, Xiang Mi, my way is passed on!"

Of course, this may not be compiled by Black Lotus Temple to shake the orthodoxy of Ancient Nanshan.

In the Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom, this sentence was spoken by the Tathagata Hidden Light to the Tathagata King of Light.

Which of the two Buddhist scriptures is more authentic has not been clear for thousands of years. The two sides have debated scriptures and fought countless times. Each has its own victory or defeat, but no one can convince the other. To clarify the truth, perhaps the only way is to trace the truth.

Travel through time and ask Zen Master Xiong back then.

After the fifth Dharma King Xiangmi went down the mountain alone, he never returned to the Ancient Nan Mountain and never set foot in the Black Lotus Temple.

He traveled around the world for three thousand years and left countless legends in the demon world.

Finally, he passed away in front of the Conferred God Platform in the ancient imperial city.

It is said that on the day of his enthronement, he "said nothing, but the Buddha's voice descended from heaven as his words. He kept writing with the blood of the Buddha as the seal."

He used his finger as a thread and blood as ink for three months in front of the altar to write down his life's understanding of Buddha, leaving behind the obscure "Fifty-eight Chapters of the Buddha's Words".

As for why it was written to Chapter 58 instead of the complete version of Chapter 99 as later generations suspected...

At that moment, "I haven't finished speaking yet, but the Dharma has come to an end", so I stopped writing and sat down on the spot.

All this is recorded in the "Taikoo Jing Zhuan" which represents the official history of the demon clan.

Xiangmi never established a religion or taught any disciples in his life, and he didn't even have any attendants around him. After he passed away, his body was empty, not even a relic was left behind.

Only this "Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Teachings" is considered by many powerful people from other religions to be a classic that can be used to check and fill in the gaps in "The Collection of Roots and Fruits of Supreme Wisdom, Divine Wisdom, Wisdom, Roots and Fruits" and "The Canon of Crossing the Dharma", and even correct errors.

Probably because of this, neither Gunan Mountain nor Heilian Temple has ever been mentioned.

It was originally collected in the Taikoo Imperial City and enshrined in the Tianyao Pavilion.

But in the long history, due to various reasons, thirteen chapters have been lost.

Shu Jialan came to Moyun City because the Black Lotus Temple captured the information about the lost chapter of "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings". He needs to find this treasure and take it back to the mountain gate without attracting the attention of Gu Nanshan...

Although it is not mentioned much, the importance of "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings" is self-evident. Whoever gets it has the right to speak, and whoever is closer to orthodoxy. Speaking more broadly, it is the light.

The journey of promoting Buddhism can, in the long run, support the struggle with the Buddhist tradition in Nanshan.

The destruction of the Japanese Arhats in Moyun City just gave Black Lotus Temple a reason to enter.

The death of his junior brother exaggerated his anger.

He rampaged through Moyun City and turned the world upside down. He was searching for monsters and even more scriptures.

I didn't expect that I could just take my revenge and raze a small and ignorant organization, but I didn't expect to be involved in such a storm, and to actually be involved with Wen Shenxiao's secret treasure!

He had to consider, was the appearance of Zhiwen Zhong simply aimed at Shenxiao's secret treasure? Or was he, like himself, suddenly exposed to this matter in the process of searching for "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings"?

After all, it is too sensitive to appear in Moyun City during this time.

Especially when he sensed his surroundings, the Taiping ghosts were still confident, the Rusty Sword Dog Demon was still calm, Lu Qilang remained unmoved in the rain, and Snake Yu had no expression on his face... It seemed that he was not surprised at all. It seemed that they all knew the secrets of Shenxiao and had something to do with them.


He had already intended to retreat and wanted to take action slowly, but now he couldn't move.

"Buddha Says Chapter 58" He must never let go.

Who wouldn’t be moved by the secret biography of Yu Zhen, the Great Ancestor of Shenxiao?

Even... there is the Zhiwen Bell hanging in the night sky at this moment!

He wants it all.

Even though I know that behind this temptation, there is an undercurrent of danger in the vast sea.

The figure that was already flying high, in order not to attract attention, was discovered by the strong man from Ancient Nan Mountain, and slowly fell down again.

The Black Lotus Sacrifice Altar turned quietly, Shu Jialan frantically contacted the strong men of the sect, but his face remained calm.

Still facing the fat Taiping ghost, he looked at him coldly, projecting just the right amount of anger: "Okay, since you don't want me to leave, then Buddha won't leave. Let's see what you want!"

Zhu Dali snorted coldly: "Grandpa Guizha is right here, how do you like it?"

During the scolding, he did not forget to give himself a promotion.

But in words, although we were going back and forth, no one gave way to anyone. But in action, you were just staring at me, and I was staring at you, and no one moved.

Shu Jialan didn't want to fight at all. The fear of Taiping Dao was second, but the main thing was that he couldn't take his eyes away from Shenxiao's secret treasure.

Zhu Dali is because...the top management of the organization has not yet arrived, and he really can't do it by himself.

So what's the hurry?

Let’s scold each other first.

Hearing the barking noise in his ears, Lu Qilang's jade face remained calm.

The evening breeze ruffled the corners of his clothes, and he had the coolness of a noble prince.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful for his perseverance, and even grateful to Shegu Yu who had escaped all the way here. And Yu Xin, who talked so much about Lu Qilang Shaozhi, was so cute!

What's wrong with a few curse words when you bring a gift to your door?

Although his posture did not change at all, and the hand holding the sword was still like his lips, there was indeed a frenzy in his heart.

Yu Xin does have a big secret.

My spiritual sense has indeed manifested itself.

And what is about to be opened right before our eyes is the secret treasure of the legendary Yu Zhen!

At this moment, his energy was still entangled with Snake Guyu, but his mind and eyes fell on the night sky.

Yu Xin, Brother Xiong... think twice about the tattooed demon bear?

Zhiwen Zhong...who is coming? If it is any Bodhisattva, Zhuxian will not sit back and watch, and the Yu family is not without a backer. The one from Ziwu Hills is not far away.

Thousands of threads are mixed together, and his spiritual sense leaps like a dragon, exploring the smooth path to the final victory.

This scene of people coming from all over the world to create a storm made him feel a rare surge of pride.

But Sheguyu, who was confronting Lu Qilang, was the least excited one in the audience.

She was not in the mood to watch Shu Jialan and Taiping Guizhao play the "come here" game here, and she didn't care about the Shenxiao secrets. She looked at Lu Qilang warily and retreated slowly.

Today, there are many strong people gathering in Moyun City. It is foreseeable that due to the emergence of Shenxiao Secret Treasure, there will be more strong people coming in a steady stream.

If she, the crimson moon king who is despised by the world and cannot see the light of day, wants to leave, tonight is probably her last chance...

Chai Asi tried to repair the door for a while, but before he could repair it, he kicked it open and watched the show with an unhappy expression.

His heart was calling out to the great ancient god, and he was very excited: "Sir, I don't know how much strength you have recovered now? Can we swallow this secret treasure of Shenxiao for ourselves? If we can eat all the inheritance of the ancestor of Shenxiao of the Yu clan,

Isn't your journey back to the top a big step forward?"

It’s not just Chai Asi either.

At this moment, the Red Fire Divine Seal, the Immortal Divine Seal, and the Frost Wind Divine Seal were all sending messages non-stop.

The Ancient God in the Mirror dealt with it calmly and let Yuan Laoxi develop the church steadily without doing anything other than preaching. Let Zhu Dali wait patiently. Taiping Dao high-level officials have entered the city and are competing with other strong men.

Let Chai Asi...

Get out!

Of course, you wouldn't say that. How could the great ancient god be so uncalm?

"Ah Si, your filial piety is commendable, but you have underestimated me. What do you think of a feather? It's just a little bird that holds branches and builds a nest. What it hides may be rare treasures in the world, but what does it do to my state?"

Benefit? The trauma I have suffered is the sorrow of the ages and the sores of the eternal world. It can only be adjusted internally and cannot be treated by external forces... To put it simply, you retreat first."

Chai Asi listened in a daze, but at least he understood the last sentence.

"No, Lord, you don't need it, the little demon does! Now that I have obtained this secret treasure of the sky, the little demon will soar into the sky. Isn't it also possible for the little demon to serve you better?"

"Why do you, a little thief, take notice of this petty gain?" The great ancient god had no choice but to reveal his weakness: "Although it is okay to pick flowers casually. The little spider-string demon is nothing but mediocre. But

It is still inconvenient for me to take action now... According to my observation, the little spider is watching this place, and I have not yet recovered to the point where I can easily wipe out the sky demon. To be honest with you, it is to deal with that spider string.

It’s time to use all your skills!”

Of course he didn't know where Zhu Yi was hiding to recuperate, but he was just talking nonsense, could Chai Asi go and verify it?

Hearing that Empress Tianzhu was also in this city, Chai Asi was indeed honest.

After all, it is an existence that stands at the top of the world. No matter how arrogant he is, he does not dare to look down upon him now.

All the stories of a fox pretending to be a tiger's power to sweep away all the geniuses and trample on all the demon kings disappeared in the bottom of my heart.

"Where should we retreat?" he asked in his mind.

"Whatever, just stay away from the center of the chaos. You can also go find Yuan Xiaoqing..." The great ancient god was thinking about how to let this little demon lead the other demon kings away, leaving Hongzhuangjing alone in this secluded courtyard, away from the disputes.


Suddenly, there were continuous explosions outside the city, and treasure lights shot into the sky, as if a strange treasure had been born.

But none of the demons in Moyun City wavered, and they all stared at the night sky more seriously.

At the next moment, the sky suddenly changed——

The big bell hanging high in the night sky kept ringing.

In the shadow of Shenxiao's secret room under the giant clock, Yu Xin finally completed the last piece of the puzzle. The silver-white walls flashed in a flash, and the mysterious and gorgeous door burst open!

It's like there is an endless stream of light exploding in your vision.

It's like all the sounds in the world are confused in your hearing.

Past and future, thinking about delusions.

All the feelings are compressed into one moment.

All the creatures who witnessed all this and felt all this "exploded" at that point.

Chaos, I really don’t know why.

At a certain moment, everything in the world changes. When it rises, it becomes clear, and when it sinks, it becomes turbid. The sun and moon rise, and mountains and seas surge. One thought becomes light, another thought becomes darkness... The chaos is cut away, and the heaven and earth are first divided!

The vision became clear again, and everything happened.

In the secret room of Shenxiao that hangs under the Zhiwen Bell and is seen by all the monsters.

It was as if there was a whole bright world that opened its arms to Yu Xin and Xiong Sansi.

"Why don't you wait until dawn?" Yu Xin asked.

Xiong Sansi's voice was rough: "I always feel something is wrong, like I'm being targeted by someone, so I'd better start it early to avoid a long night of dreams."

Yu Xin was very excited: "Brother Xiong, don't worry, the route in is so complicated, I don't believe it, who can be so fast -"

In the old house of the Yuan family, Yuan Mengji also lamented: "It's a pity that I didn't have time to prepare this time. Yu Xin, a little bird, took advantage. But it's not a pity. Who could have thought of it in advance? Zhu Xi

, Quan Xihua and the others are the same, the eldest brother does not need to laugh at the second brother..."

The words are not finished yet.

Suddenly, a white rainbow rose from the city lord's palace, crossing a perfect arc in the night sky, as if it penetrated the blood moon!

Its starting point is at the Lord's Mansion of Moyun City, its height seems to be in the blood moon, and its landing point actually penetrates into the shadow of the secret chamber of Shenxiao.

Reality runs through the illusion!

And on the rainbow bridge, the beautiful and fragrant spider orchid is as graceful as a flying dragon, and the spider with twinkling compound eyes embraces the harp, following closely behind, they both stepped on the white rainbow and penetrated the blood moon, walked into the secret room of Shenxiao, and walked to the divine place.

In front of Xiao's Secret Treasure, he walked behind Yu Xin!

Buddha said: Don't speak lies.

In fact, there is another reason why it is called "The Fifty-Eight Chapters of the Buddha's Sayings"...

I didn't originally set this number, but when I wrote this chapter, it happened to be chapter 58.

So when I just revised the article, I temporarily changed it to this.

This is a literal response.

Fate is wonderful beyond words.

This chapter has been completed!
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