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Chapter 43: Overthrow the Army and Kill the General

The famous instrument spectrum is a ranking of famous instruments in the world, and only the top 100 are included in each spectrum.

In fact, across the world, so far, there is no very accurate and convincing ranking of famous instruments.

But because of its influence to a certain extent, it has to have such an existence.

The right to speak is of course in the hands of the world's powerful countries such as Jing, Qin, Chu, Qi, etc., but the ranking is different for each country.

The ranking of a famous vessel not only depends on the vessel itself, but also on its owner.

Most of the time, the top experts in the world only exist as a deterrent, making it impossible for them to fight to the death. Before the actual fight, even they themselves have a hard time judging who will win and who will lose.

When all countries rank their famous instruments, they will definitely favor their own strong ones. The difference is only in degree.

For example, in Qi's famous instrument list, the number one ranking is Jiang Mengxiong's "Suppressing the Army and Killing General", which is a pair of finger tigers, one "Subverting Army" and the other "Killing General".

"To overthrow the army and kill the general" means that the army was destroyed and the general was killed. It is said that Jiang Mengxiong used this name to alert himself. It also means to bring this disaster to the enemy.

This is also true for most of the Qin and Jing states. Those who rank first must be equipped with troops by their own strong men.

The most outrageous thing is the list of Chu's famous instruments. Among the top ten, Chu itself occupies nine seats. It has no credibility at all. But it is very popular in the country.

At present, it is generally believed that the list of famous instruments listed in Jing State is relatively fair. However, it is also not recognized by many people.

The famous instrument list mentioned by Lianque, of course, only refers to the Qi State version. Just the ranking of famous instruments in Qi State is relatively reliable.

The Sauvignon Blanc has just been released, and it is indeed of famous quality. But it can only be said that it is already qualified to be on the list. To really be on the list, it still needs to be judged by its owner.

For a weapons maker, the final position that the weapons he forges can reach is also where his glory lies.

Sauvignon Blanc was brought to the ancestral hall for worship by Lian Zhuping, the head of the Lian clan, and an ancestor worship ceremony was held three days later.

Only when the winding, tasseling, and sheathing were completed during the ceremony did Lian finally complete this famous vessel.

During this period of time, Jiang Wang could only wait at Lian Que's home.

Although the two did not remember what happened in the secret realm of Tianfu, they had similar personalities and made Sauvignon Blanc together, so they have truly become friends.

Jiang Wang also learned from Lianque why Mr. Lian was so enthusiastic about Sauvignon Blanc.

That's because in the past fifty years, the Lian family has not produced another famous weapon.

Among the top five holy places for weapon-smiths in the world, the Lian family is now ranked at the bottom. It is even on the verge of falling out of the list of the holy places for weapon-smiths.

The birth of Sauvignon Blanc has consolidated this status.

Jiang Wang originally thought that for such a sacred place for weaponsmiths, it was natural to forge a famous weapon.

But in fact, the birth of the famous instrument requires the right time, place and people, and it is difficult to force it.

For the casting of Sauvignon Blanc, Lian Que spent almost all his money and used the most precious materials in order to repay the favor.

He is the only elite member of this generation of the Lian family who can control his own destiny. He has accumulated many years of experience and integrated it into one.

During the casting, an ancient furnace that could only be used three times in a lifetime by the Lian clan was used. The sword furnace, which had endured through the years, was a guarantee of quality.

During the casting process, the spirit and will of the sword master and the weapon caster are consistent and implemented into the sword.

All of these factors finally led to the creation of Sauvignon Blanc.

Almost impossible to copy.

The Lian family held an ancestor worship ceremony this time, and the momentum was huge. People from all over Qi came to participate.

Even Zhongxuan Sheng sent people to send congratulatory gifts.

Sauvignon Blanc is Jiang Wang’s companion.

Jiang Wang is now on his side.

The greater the popularity of Sauvignon Blanc, the greater Jiang Wang’s reputation, and the more prestigious his Zhongxuan Sheng.

Many times, fame and fortune are tied together.

In the destined to be difficult competition between him and Chongxuanzun, there might be people who originally wanted to sway to Chongxuanzun, but because of this prestige, they would sway to Chongxuansheng.

Two big trees compete for living space. People often cannot see the intricate roots underground, but can only see the lush branches and leaves on the outside.

Jiang Wang tried to understand these things. Refining the mind in the world of mortals is also a kind of practice.

Fengxian County is located in the northwest of Qi.

Zhangjia Town is a small town in Fengxian County.

There is a man named Zhang in the town. His life is decent, but he is only decent in this small town.

Looking forward hundreds of years, the Zhang family is naturally a wealthy family.

Not to mention the small Zhangjia Town, even in Fengxian County, the Zhang family has the final say. Even in the entire Qi State, it is considered very influential.

But time has changed. The talents of the descendants of the Zhang family have withered, and they have slowly declined.

The industry was scattered again and again, and the power was divided again and again. In the end, we could only return to our ancestral land, to this small town where people with the surname Zhang have lived for generations.

At that time, the Fengxian Zhang family, a wealthy family in Qi State, only had this meager direct lineage left.

As for the neighbors and the people in the town, their bloodline can be traced back to their ancestors for who knows how many generations. It is almost non-existent.

In the Fengxian Zhang family's generation, Zhang Yong was born.

This child is a single son of the third generation. Although the family situation is not good, they still love him very much. He is afraid of melting when he is held in his mouth, and afraid of falling when he holds it in his hand.

However, this child is not spoiled. Instead, he knows compassion and gratitude. However, his elders are too protective and his personality is a bit introverted and shy.

The Zhang family has a quota in the secret realm of Tianfu, which was passed down from ancestors. Now it is almost non-existent.

Not everyone in the Zhang family dared to take a chance on such a precious spot. However, for several generations, the best disciples did not come back alive after going to the Tianfu Secret Realm.

This is one of the reasons why the Zhang family has declined so far.

The secret realm of Tianfu is so dangerous, and now that it has been passed down to several generations of the Zhang family, they naturally dare not even try it lightly.

What people didn't expect was that Zhang Yong was usually reserved and shy, but he had an idea in his heart.

He actually left a letter and secretly ran away to Tianfu City!

The old lady from the Zhang family almost went blind from crying.

Zhang's father sighed all day long, and Zhang's mother shed tears, but they could not change the fact that Du Miao ran off to take risks, and the bloodline of the Zhang family might be cut off.

But what everyone couldn't imagine was that Zhang Yong miraculously became the winner of the Tianfu Secret Realm. He successfully reserved a position in the inner palace of the magical power!

As soon as the news about the Tianfu Secret Realm came out, it spread here.

Not only the officials from the town came to congratulate him, but even the city lord sent people to send congratulatory gifts, and even issued a commendation letter from the county government!

The Zhang family was suddenly filled with people, and the Zhang family wept with joy.

Zhang's father even ambitiously proposed a plan to revive his family's reputation.

The entire Zhangjia Town, and even the whole city, are waiting for Zhang Yong to come back.

Waiting for him to return home in fine clothes and return to his hometown with great honor.

However, just two days before Zhang Yong came back.

Something horrifying happened.

The entire Zhang family was wiped out overnight.

A total of twenty-three people in the family, including servants, were not spared.

Not even a chicken or a dog could survive.

Special personnel from the city came to investigate, but no results were found.

I don’t know the reason, I don’t know the process, I don’t know the murderer.

The only thing people know is:

From the Fengxian Zhang family with hundreds of years of history, only Zhang Yong remains.

The boy who returned to his hometown with great success was still on the road, but he no longer had a hometown to return to.


This chapter has been completed!
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