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Chapter 1870 I am gone

Jiang Wang walked very quickly. He was still sitting down at Sanfenxiang Tower to prepare for the banquet, but he was already outside Linzi with his hind legs.

Put the boundless wind and moon to rest for a while.

However, he did not go to sea as soon as Jiang Wuyou thought. Instead, he sent a message to Bai Yuxia to take people to Jueming Island first, while he flew south, plundered Feichang, and sailed straight to Tianxing Cliff.

He came here for two things.

One is to visit Yu Beidou, who is a guest in Sanxing Palace, and thank him for the Qidao coin that helped him ward off disasters in the demon world.

Secondly, Master Wu, who was in charge of the Ju Underground Palace, at the request of Chongxuan Chu Liang, took some of the evidence that Chongxuan Sheng had searched for and went to Xin'an City to question him in person, but returned without success.

The Chongxuan family has already paid a corresponding price for this matter.

But he still wants to take responsibility as the cause of this incident.

"Master Yu is no longer in the Third Palace? When did it happen?"

Jiang Wang found the real person Jukui of Guitian Palace through Zhuo Qing Tathagata of Judi Palace. Only now did he know that Yu Beidou, who claimed to have been practicing hexagrams for half his life, was actually imprisoned in Sanxing Palace in the past few years.

Only then did he know what price Yu Beidou paid in order to conquer the so-called "mustard disease" and "a mere little devil".

It's not just that precious left eye.

There is also a free and easy real person who spends his time trapped in an iron cage.

It's not even just that.

Jiang Wang didn't know where the Iron Cage was, but just from the name, he could roughly imagine the torture it represented.

To put it bluntly, Yu Beidou has no relatives, no friends, no teachers in this world. He has no intention of preaching, and his future is dead... There is really no need to do anything else. Considering that he is the number one real person in the world.

Power, what kind of happy life can't you live?

Instead, he was busy running around and suffering, making himself exhausted...and quietly, neither preaching nor making a name for himself.

Why bother?

When people talk about the real Yu Beidou, in recent years, the only major thing that they can probably think of is that he stood on the opposite side of the Jingshi Terrace of Jingguo, walked up the Tianxing Cliff, and asked the Sanxing Palace to rectify Jiang Wang's name.

And his own more magnificent turbulence in the Soul-Dead Gorge, and the difficult struggle with the Blood Demon that never stopped after Jiang Wang left, were all lost in the dark room...

When Yu Beidou first came to Tianxing Cliff, it was in such a situation!

Jiang Wang suddenly understood why he was sending "You Evil" to the Sanxing Palace. On the way out, Yu Beidou would squeeze into his carriage, scowl at him and pick on him, and finally beat him up.

Give him a meal...

I think that although Yu Beidou has decided to bear everything on his own, he has been trapped in an iron cage for several years. He also hopes that someone can look at him and care about him, right?

Ju Kui is a very tough and majestic person. Facing Da Qi Wu'an Marquis is no different than facing a stone. Even Zhuo Qingru, who belongs to the Sanxing Palace, is not special to him.

Regarding Jiang Wang's question, he just replied in a business-like manner: "What happened last month."

He added rigorously: "The fifteenth day of the fifth month in the Dao calendar."

It was actually the day after he escaped back to Wu'an City.

Jiang Wang felt a little inexplicable and asked: "Senior, does he know where Master Yu has gone?"

Ju Gui shook his head. When he shook his head, the lightning pattern between his eyebrows seemed to flash with lightning: "I don't know about that."

Jiang Wang sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

I selfishly hope that Yu Beidou will go to the world of freedom instead of continuing to slay demons with his one eye.

Jugui added: "But he left a message, saying that if you have a conscience and come to see him one day, let me relay this sentence to you."

This sentence of "conscience discovery" is indeed very Yu Beidou's sour and insinuation style.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Wang asked.

"You don't have to come here anymore." Jugui said slowly, "This is what he asked me to tell you."

Jiang Wang laughed dumbly.

This Mr. Yu really feels uncomfortable if he doesn't make fun of others for a day.

Before he walked out of the Iron Cage and left the Sanxing Palace, he left such a sentence to wait for Jiang. In vain, he listened solemnly and thought that Yu had left behind some secret method passed down from generation to generation, a good way to save the world...

After Ju Gui said what Yu Beidou told him, he turned around and returned to the palace without any additional communication throughout the process.

Zhuo Qingru said from the side: "This is the character of the dramatist, it's not about anyone."

Jiang Wangdao: "I am very grateful to the dramatist for wasting his time to answer me."

Because of Lin Youxie, he had become acquainted with Zhuo Qingru. But he was actually still very unfamiliar with Sanxing Palace.

The Palace of Heaven and Earth has little experience in the human world, and the Palace of Earth and Earth usually has to go to extreme places. The Palace of Punishers, who "bears a thorn and hangs a ruler, and is responsible for the lawlessness of the world", can hardly exert influence on a hegemonic country like Qi.

When the law comes into Qi, it becomes Qi Dharma.

His contact with this Legalist holy place was actually very few, but the limited few times left a deep impression on him. Every time he heard its name, he was in awe.

Zhuo Qingru, who has string-like hair, is walking in front, and the wind hits the ceremony stone, showing his majesty.

Her voice was more powerful than the sound of the ritual stone: "The palace master said that there is no need to meet. The Sanxing Palace has its own etiquette. He is investigating the trap of the genius of the human race, and it is not for anyone in particular. Please don't put any pressure on Brother Jiang, no

Just forget your original intention and keep moving forward.”

Jiang Wangsurong said: "Jiang has learned a lesson."

The relationship with Wu Bing, the leader of Judi Palace, is only once, but the style of the master is so powerful that it is unforgettable.

"Brother Jiang, are you going to come back together?" Zhuo Qingru asked.

"No." Standing on the Tianxing Cliff, Daqi Wu'anhou looked into the distance: "I will go to sea from here."

The waves hit the cliff one by one, breaking the bones and shattering the sky again and again.

Zhuo Qingru also looked at the sea level in the distance, and there was an undercurrent in it: "You have only been back from the demon world for more than a month, and now you have to go to sea to conquer again. Is Qi Ting too inconsiderate?"

Jiang Wang only said: "Every moment is urgent."

"Perhaps this is the reason why you are famous all over the world." Zhuo Qingru said with emotion: "I have been reading "Youxie" often recently, and it is always new. Qi is really a place where talents are born."

Jiang Wang pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Brother Jiang, what goals have you set for this trip to sea?" Zhuo Qingru asked again.

"The goal is irrelevant." Jiang Wang said quietly: "It's nothing more than testing the quality of those false kings of the Sea Tribe. It's nothing more than doing our part for Haijiang... and nothing more than cultivation."

Today he is not wearing the official uniform, but he looks more majestic than the last time he came here.

The ritual stones on the mountain path seemed to ring for him.

Zhuo Qingru nodded, and suddenly said: "I am planning to travel around the world with a stick hanging on my back, but I haven't decided where to go first. Just now I suddenly thought, it would be better to hit the sun, otherwise I will end up with the Marquis of Wu'an. Going to sea together... I wonder if it would be convenient?"

Jiang Wang was a little surprised: "Senior Sister Zhuo hasn't been to school yet?"

Mr. Jiang is no stranger to "study tours". He first met Xu Xiangqian on this guy's study tour.

It's just that when others study abroad, they travel far away to see the world's scenery, appreciate the principles of the world, and improve their practice.

Xu Gao'e went on a study tour with Zhao Wuyan, traveling to every corner of the world.

As he once said after drinking - "Learning is all in beauty."

Putting aside these black sheep, the study tour itself is a very meaningful thing.

Schools all over the world have the habit of studying abroad. This is not only to train their disciples and make their best contribution to the people of the world, but also to spread the theory more deeply and concretely.

Confucianism carries a cup and sword, travels long distances, complains about injustice, and drives away thieves and bandits.

The Mohist family carried a copper box, which contained a number of utensils, a number of organs, and diligent personnel work.

Legalists carry thorns, hang rulers, and hide ropes. The thorns are for punishing evil, the ruler is for notary justice, and the rope is for binding thieves.

The Taoist hunts ghosts, the Buddhist practices asceticism.

Farmers bring treasure bags of land to store various kinds of fine seeds.

The doctor Xuan Hulang has a reputation of "helping the world"...

Zhuo Qingru said: "I feel ashamed to say that Qingru has spent these years in the Dharma Palace, concentrating on practicing, and the worldly affairs have faded away. Now that the cave is blocked, it is difficult to see the mortal world and the blue sky, so I came up with the idea of ​​​​study... I really have a utilitarian heart. ."

"A gentleman does not care about his heart. What he does is what he gets, and he only knows what he gets. Why should I think too much about it, senior sister?" Jiang Wang said: "It's not inconvenient for me, but I am involved in military affairs on this trip, so I can only walk with my senior sister for a while. Before we go to the final decision, We must separate before Mingdao."

"Cassia Island is a stronghold for the Qi State's military garrison, so I naturally woke up." Zhuo Qingru's voice was not high-pitched, but very clear, like a knife carved on a slip: "I plan to enter the fantasy world from Tianya Tower. Diaohai Tower has always been reserved for martyrs who aid the sea. The opened waterway...oh, now it’s time to call it Zhenhai Alliance.”

"That's right." As a prince of Qi State, Jiang Wang said self-righteously: "Zhenhai Alliance is governed by three families. The reserved waterways and various conveniences provided to the martyrs who aided the sea also have the wishes of our Qi State."

Zhuo Qingru left as soon as he said so, very simply: "Since we are on a study tour, I have to change my ceremonial attire. Brother Jiang will wait a moment."

Jiang Wang didn't want to sit indoors and wait, so he watched the sea alone on the edge of the cliff for a while.

Zhuo Qingru came back very quickly. When he came back, he had already taken off the Xie Zhi crown and tied up his long hair with a headband. His ceremonial clothes were also changed into ordinary gowns, with a thorn strip hanging on his left waist and a straight one on his right waist. The ruler is like a hanging sword.

Wear simple clothes without concealing your extraordinary temperament.

"Let's go now!"

Jiang Wang immediately stepped out of the high cliff and walked away in the air.

Zhuo Qing is like riding the wind, walking beside the blue clouds.

Regardless of whether it is Cassia Island, Yanggu, or Diaohailou, they all have air defense means deployed in the areas they control.

Nowadays, the Zhenhai League has unified the offshore archipelago, greatly integrating the power of the sea people. Under the framework of the Zhenhai League, the three families have more cooperation, and most of the areas with blurred boundaries in the past now have clear divisions of responsibilities.

Simply put, stricter control reduces the space for confusion between black and white, and reduces the possibility of fishing in troubled waters.

Today, Jiang Wang flies across the sea with no obstructions. No matter how the rules here change or how strict they are, he is already a person who stands on the rules and can make rules.

Study tours should be down-to-earth and leave traces step by step, but Jiang Wang has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders and will not give in. Zhuo Qingru also intends to go to the lost world first.

So the two of them crossed the sea all the way to the end of the world.

Vast expanse of blue waves and sparkling water.

Outside Huai Island, the two of them dropped their clouds and blended into the crowd going to the island.

Walking towards the island while talking and laughing.

"I thought you were going to fly across Huai Island and land at Tianya Terrace." Zhuo Qingru said casually while looking at the scenery of Huai Island.

Walking together along the way, discussing history and practice, the two parties became more familiar with each other, and their words became more casual.

Jiang Wang felt that Diao Hailou was guarding the sea territory for the human race. No matter what the grievances between him and Diao Hailou were, he still had to give him the necessary respect. But he just said: "Senior Sister Zhuo doesn't know, Jiang is a low-key person."


Zhuo Qingru looked at the environment and found that most of the people were going in one direction, and wondered: "Is today a big day? Or is there something big happening on Huai Island?"

Regarding the big day on Huai Island, Jiang Wang only remembered a sea festival ceremony, but that event had already passed.

He looked at it and said, "The crowds are all heading towards Tianya Terrace."

The two looked at each other, hit it off immediately, and decided to go see the excitement.

Today's Tianya Terrace is very noisy. The gentle slope facing the offshore islands is surrounded by hundreds of layers of sea dwellers, densely packed with heads. Various hairstyles, various scarves and hats, and those on the other side of Tianya Terrace facing the Mysterious World.

The waves contrast with each other.

The so-called offshore islands have always been crowded with people.

The two powerful Shenlin monks walked effortlessly among the crowd, quickly seized the favorable terrain, and squeezed into the second row.

The reason why I didn't stand in the front row was because Sir Jiang's face was already quite famous in the offshore islands. It would be a bit embarrassing to be recognized while watching the fun.

"Are we not being kind enough to compete for positions by relying on our cultivation?" Jiang Wang asked via voice message as he looked at the seamen stumbling and shouting behind him.

Zhuo Qingru looked at Tianya Terrace, his expression still serious: "You can do whatever is not prohibited by law."

"It seems that 'law' is not that rigid."

"What is stereotyped is your impression. The law is the core of consistency, which is expressed in accordance with the times and circumstances. A certain rule must be a stereotype, and it is inappropriate to make a rule that is not easy to change."

"I know the last sentence." Jiang Wang happily showed off his knowledge: "It comes from "Qin Lue" and was said by Wei Shu."

Zhuo Qingru said: "...This sentence comes from "The Law of All Ages", and Wei Shu is quoted."

"Yes, yes." Jiang Wang nodded, indicating that he knew it very well. He bumped the person next to him with his arm, controlled his voice and asked, "What big thing happened at Tianya Terrace today? Why are there so many people around?"


The people next to him looked at him in surprise: "You don't know anything, why are you squeezing here? And you're squeezing so far!"

Jiang Wang smiled awkwardly: "Aren't you just joining in the fun?"

He said and touched a piece of silver and sent it over.

"Hai Min's bad nature is that he loves to join in the fun! He never knows if there is anything serious going on day by day..." That Hai Min was obviously an angry young man, and he severely criticized the ugly phenomenon.

When his palms were full, he lowered his head and said immediately: "Yanggu Fu Yanqing, today I challenge Chen Zhitao of Diaohai Tower to decide who will be the No. 1 Prodigy in the offshore area! Come on, good brother, stand here and see, here.

Good view.”

Fu Yanqing and Chen Zhitao are all acquaintances!

However, when they first met, Fu Yanqing's cultivation level was not much higher than his own. At that time, Chen Zhitao was already the famous Diaohailou senior brother in the offshore islands, a powerful person with divine power.

Unexpectedly, Fu Yanqing would be able to challenge Chen Zhitao now.

In this world, no one is idle.

Jiang Wang smiled and moved to the side of the angry brother, not forgetting to send a message to Zhuo Qingru: "Isn't this considered a bribe?"

Zhuo Qingru said quietly: "It depends on how you define Qi Lu, I can't control you."

Brother Angry looked at Jiang Wang for a while: "Brother, I think you look familiar."

Jiang Wang smiled: "The silver looks familiar to me!"

He smoothly entered the role of watching the fun, rolled up his sleeves and said: "Watch a show, watch a show, the number one genius in the sea, Chen Zhitao is here!"

There was also a burst of noise from the crowd at the right time.

But when I heard the endless sound of the waves, it suddenly stopped.

Under "Tianya", the waves were raised high, and a water flower bloomed on it, spitting out a crystal clear drop of water, which went directly up the high cliff and landed in the middle of Tianya Terrace.

Transformed into the appearance of Chen Zhitao.

His appearance has never been outstanding, but his temperament is still honest, and there is a sense of heaviness between his eyebrows.

The sea breeze blew his clothes, opening his broad mind. The skylight shone on his body, casting a shortened shadow.

amidst the cheers of onlookers.

Fu Yanqing walked out of the shadow.

The sword eyebrows and frosty eyes remain the same.

Jiang Wang sighed for no reason.

"The fight hasn't started yet, why is Marquis Wu An sighing?" Zhuo Qingru asked through a message.

"Things are different and people are different."

This chapter has been completed!
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