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Chapter 1959 Death and Eternity

In order to erase the traces of his attack, King Bian Cheng had actually deliberately suppressed his power and made himself an emotional guide rather than a manipulator. He just threw an emotional spark into the ever-spreading emotional hot pot,

A riot like a raging fire broke out.

Otherwise, with his current power, a single meeting could make these people crazy with jealousy and mad with anger.

After the riot occurred, it already had the ability to spread on its own.

Under the calm guidance of King Bian Cheng, the chaos was like wildfire burning dry grass, and the chaos could no longer be contained!

On the warship representing the Chiwu navy, the general also became angry. He immediately drew his sword in his hand and roared: "Stand still! Stand still! Anyone who messes with the confinement will be killed without mercy!!"

The soldiers on the warship followed the military orders and drew their swords and crossbows in unison, threatening these people with life and death.

"The situation is not right..." Wu Minjun kept calm and shouted loudly: "Everyone calm down, please believe the court! What we are facing now is not a big problem, losses can be compensated, overdue dates can be rescheduled, everything

All problems can be solved properly!”

"Minjun is right!" King Qin Guang echoed loudly: "Everyone, calm down and listen to what Minjun has to say!"

Xiao Linzheng's eyelids jumped at the sight and he was filled with jealousy, but he had no reason to get angry with them. After all, he still remembered his identity and flew down from the building, like an eagle fighting a rabbit, catching one who had lost control of his emotions.

The man who shouted "Chongguan" grabbed his neck and held him up: "Let's see who dares to take the opportunity to cause trouble!"

But what he didn't notice was that the man he was holding by his neck had a green light flashing in his eyes, his body suddenly stiffened, and then hung down like a rag bag.

According to the habits of King Qin Guang, this man should have been completely dead. Thinking of the presence of King Bian Cheng, he was only in a deep coma. But in such a situation, it made no difference whether this man was dead or alive.

"Kill!" someone screamed.

The fear exploded instantly.

Whoosh whoosh!

A sailor on the warship was so nervous that he subconsciously fired his crossbow in shock. This triggered a violent chain reaction. The other soldiers instinctively fired their crossbows, and the entire warship was emptied of arrows like locusts.

The lake road frightened a group of people and caused a lot of screams!

King Bian Cheng raised his foot and kicked away the prisoner king who was happily waiting for the body. He sent a message and ordered - "Save people. If the secret is revealed, I will kill you."

The Rogue King suddenly jumped into the air, opened his hands wide, and faced the arrow with his body. He glared at the boat of sailors and shouted angrily in an unpleasant voice: "You are very bad! Why do you kill people?!"

The arrows in the sky shifted due to him and fell into the lake one after another.

But his bravery and kindness inspired many people.

"These soldiers are crazy and want to kill us! Disarm them first!"

"The Chiwu navy has been controlled by Tao thieves! Brothers, if you don't fight, you will die. Follow me and charge!"

It is easy to reproduce any sound in the sravaka state. No one knows who is shouting in the chaos, but the emotions are getting more and more turbulent!

Even the general on the warship heard the nervous voice of his brother - "Boss, we can't hold back the pressure here. Hurry up and send a message to Shuiguan and call in more brothers!"

When he heard that it made sense, he raised his hand and fired an arrow high into the sky!

At this time, Chongluan Lake was in chaos.

The ships that had withdrawn in an orderly manner all turned around and came back, rushing towards Chiwu Shuiguan in a crowded manner.

The only navy warship here was knocked to and fro, unable to control the situation at all.

Wu Minjun took advantage of the situation and flew to high places, wanting to take responsibility and suppress the unrest.

But a hand pressed on her shoulder, and she looked up and saw that handsome face that made her heart beat wildly.

King Qin Guang's voice was gentle but powerful: "Mr. Min, your status is very sensitive, and it is not convenient for you to participate in such an occasion. I will take everyone to Shuiguan for shelter first, and leave it to me to deal with it."

"How is this possible?" With his status as a descendant of a famous family, in such a turbulent situation, if it is not handled well, it is indeed easy for others to make a fuss, but Wu Minjun is still very responsible: "I am a person who studies Taoism, how can I avoid trouble?

Avoiding responsibility?”

King Qin Guang smiled at her: "Be obedient."

With a little force on his hand, he pushed her back to the boat, while he stood up and picked up the people who had fallen into the water one by one, blocking arrows for this one, blocking knives for that one, and at the same time kept persuading: "Stop fighting.

, stop fighting, is there anything we can’t talk about properly?”

But for some reason, the more he did, the more chaotic the situation became.

Wu Minjun was completely defeated by this smile. She stood on the deck for a moment, not knowing what night it was. The noisy sound and chaotic crowd seemed to be in the sky. And her thoughts were as light as the clouds.

A female student next to her said with admiration: "The students from Montenegro are really role models for our generation!"

She glanced at King Bian Cheng, who was standing quietly at the bow of the boat, and said in her heart, except this one who was so scared.

Xiao Linzheng had to admit that the guy named Zhang Wang was right. They heard that these students from the Bamboo Society were all rich or noble, had great futures, and had sensitive identities. The situation in Chongluan Lake was such a mess, and they were indeed not suitable.

Participate again. If you accidentally get involved in the riots, you will have to shed a layer of skin when you return to the family.

Although I didn't like this pushy guy very much, I still ordered Lou Chuan to head towards Shuiguan first to avoid the trouble here.

The building boat shuttled across the lake, and not long after, several parallel warships came face to face. There were many soldiers on board and the weapons were cold.

Just as the leading general was about to scold him, Xiao Linzheng was too lazy to talk nonsense. He flew over and took out an iron plate of identity to him: "Do you recognize it? 'It shines in all directions, and the mirror reflects the world.' I have secretly joined the Mirror World Platform, so it is inconvenient to get involved here.

Due to the situation, we need to go to Shuiguan for temporary refuge. In addition, I am Pei Hongjiu's cousin, that is Wu Jiangchen's cousin, and that is from the Wang family of Chengtian Mansion... You should handle the matter yourself and don't cause trouble for us, understand.

What do I mean?"

The general wiped his cold sweat and said: "I understand, I understand!"

The warship immediately released the building, which was full of young Taoist students.

Zhang Chengqian, a student from Montenegro who had been silent on the boat, suddenly said: "My two seniors are still there!"

Xiao Linzheng continued what he said: "This riot came out of nowhere. I suspect there are evil heretics in those merchant ships. One of them said he was going to Longmen Academy to take an exam, which is particularly suspicious. You must screen carefully. If necessary, I will follow up

My uncle reported."

This person is Pei Hongjiu's cousin, and his uncle... that is the disaster-killing commander Pei Xinghe!

The general of the Chiwu Navy was in awe and handed a waist tag to Xiao Linzheng on the spot: "You will all be the pillars of the country in the future, so it is not appropriate to get involved here. You should go to Shuiguan to recuperate first. I am dismounting Baohua, here.

Leave the matter to me."

Xiao Linzheng took the badge and patted his arm to show that he remembered the name.

At this time, Wu Minjun emphasized: "There are two students from the Black Mountain Society over there, helping to suppress the situation. Don't accidentally hurt them."

"Yes." Xiao Linzheng could only say: "There are two people from the Black Mountain Society who came with us. I arranged for them to suppress the situation there. General, please be careful and don't accidentally hurt good people."

"As expected of someone from a famous family, you are really thorough and considerate!" Ma Baohua was extremely impressed: "I will go to suppress the situation first, and I will ask you for advice later!"

Five warships immediately rushed to the waters where the incident occurred.

King Qin Guang and King Wuguan, who had already been notified, flew away from the chaotic crowd almost at the same time to welcome Master Wang.

King Qin Guang's face was full of regret: "Zang Wang is incompetent and unable to properly mediate the situation. Next, General Lao!"

Ma Baohua glanced at them, waved his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You go and have a rest first. Leave this place to me."

Standing above the lake, watching the warships sailing past menacingly, the Rogue King couldn't help but sigh: "What a Jingguo people who are dedicated to their duties!"

Starting a riot in front of Chiwu Water Pass is a dangerous thing. It will definitely attract the attention of Jingshidai and will inevitably leave the possibility of being tracked. But there is no way they can wait here for three days, and they can't stand it at all.

Start checking.

Before King Bian Cheng made a move, he was even prepared to forcibly break through the pass. With the strength of his majestic official king, it must not be difficult to break through the Chiwu Water Pass with the other two Yamas. This is not a great pass in the world.

If there is a god standing guard here from the sky, who can he stop?

Only when he escapes from Jingguo can the world be considered vast and he will have enough room to deal with. No matter how Jingshitai pursues him, no matter what happens to other Yamas, he has accumulated so many corpses, so his death will not be too miserable.

But what I didn't expect was that King Bian Cheng and King Qin Guang had such a tacit understanding, and Xiao Linzheng and Wu Minjun were so cooperative. They could get through it like this.

It's just that this tacit understanding that only exists between King Bian Cheng and King Qin Guang really makes his borrowed heart feel uncomfortable. I am the leader of the organization, so why do you two meet me like this?

What about outside?

Don't you want to see a good friend who can help you collect corpses at any time?

King Qin Guang was not so emotional and walked to Chiwu Shuiguan in a graceful manner.

He left so lightly, but someone had to study carefully to discover that after he passed, all traces of the "Three Black Mountain Students" were "unthinkable" and they "destructed themselves" one after another.

This kind of use of incantation is close to Tao.

The nature of this assassination attempt that ventured into Jingguo has changed from the moment You Que became acquainted. Escaping from Jingguo is no longer the biggest test. How to face the mysterious client, how to face Youque's pursuit,

That's the next focus.

But what he was more curious about at this moment was, if his and King Bian Cheng's judgments were correct, how would You Que plan to go? Is it really possible to die forever?

You Que did not leave.

In the old house of Youjia in Taiping City, there are full of coffins.

You Que's body was lying in one of them.

Although the Fengtian sect, which was once glorious for a while, has met a tragic end with the death of all its members, it is officially declared that all the remaining members of the You family's ancestors have been wiped out.

But it won't shorten You Que's life.

Several wanderers who were struggling to make a living in Tianjing City hurried back to their hometowns to seek comfort, beg for mercy, beg for compensation, beg for justice... and arrange funeral arrangements. The first few things were so important that the last thing had to be done together.

After another delay, the coffin stopped in the courtyard, again and again.

Anyway, no one will come in again.

The ones who can still make the decision in the You family are You Shirang's three brothers, You Shixiong, You Shijie, and You Shiying.

Of course, he is neither heroic, outstanding, nor heroic.

When the family became increasingly unable to keep up and the youngest was born, they had no choice but to "give up".

The corpses of Taiping City's corpses have already been autopsied. Lou Junlan, who can represent the Yingtian Lou clan, also came to see them in person, focusing on You Qinwei and You Que. People from Jingshitai came, and someone from Tianjing City also came.

A real person in this world who is experienced in punishment.

All findings were consistent.

You Que is indeed dead. The rest of the You family, including You Qinwei, also died completely.

The murderer may not necessarily come from Hell, but he is indeed the same person.

All members of the You family were killed by the same sword energy - they were all consistent with the sword that penetrated You Que's vitals.

The name of King Bian Cheng has been known to the world since then.

The night is already deep.

The old house of Youjia with its densely packed coffins became increasingly gloomy.

The old man hired by the You family brothers to look at the body was still sleeping soundly in his room.

A man wearing a dog-skin hat walked into the courtyard very familiarly. He had a black visor on his face, revealing only a pair of somewhat passionate eyes.

One hundred and thirty-seven coffins were spread across several yards.

This man searched back and forth for a long time before he stopped in front of one of the coffins, which was of relatively good quality. After all, he was the biological uncle of the four brothers of the You family. No matter how distant he was when he was alive, he would get some preferential treatment after he died.

Tuk Tuk.

Dogskin Hat raised his fingers and knocked on the coffin board politely: "Hello, are you there?"

After a while, the coffin board was pushed open, and You Que, who had a bloodless face, sat up.

He glanced at the dog-skin hat lightly: "Chu Xu?"

"Hey!" The low voice could not hide the enthusiasm of the dog-skin hat: "Wu Si should have come because he hates Yi Zhen Dao even more. But he hates it too much... so I am here to pick you up."

You Que nodded indifferently, slowly raised his right hand, and touched the center of his eyebrows with his index and middle fingers. He said calmly: "This body has been dead for several days and I need some time to fill up my life."

"You are busy with your business." Chu Xu sat down next to the coffin, bathing in the moonlight comfortably.

But he was not an idle person, and he couldn't help but sigh: "I can't believe that you are also a member of our organization. Leader of the Yellow River, what an honor that is! Last time we also met a leader of the Yellow River, hey

, extremely crazy.

"Speaking of the leaders of the Yellow River, they are the treasures of various countries. Jiang Wang, for example, has already been granted a title of marquis, and his military achievements are among the best in the world among young people... Why do you have such a good future, but

Can’t stay any longer? Uh, can I ask this question?”

"Maybe he is also an idealistic person," You Que said calmly.

Chu Xu was stunned for a moment and then said: "Zhao Zi said that Jiang Wang left Qi State because he had something that he could not do in his position in Qi State."

"In that position, there are too many things that cannot be done." You Que's tone was extremely calm: "This is how the national system is, it will wear away everyone's ego. Your occasional willfulness and sharp edges must be kept at the highest level.

Only with the permission of the will can you exist. And they will announce your death as 'maturity'."

Chu Xu did not continue the topic and changed the topic: "Speaking of which, if you choose to leave Jingguo in this way, is the risk too great?"

You Que said quietly: "I did such a big thing, but I was eventually captured and traced, which aroused the suspicion of Yizhen Dao. I can't survive until I die."

"Alas." Chu Xu sighed: "I have been on tenterhooks these days, fearing that your fake death will be seen through. I heard that the emperor even sent a real person to see you."

"My method of hiding longevity can't be seen through by anyone below Dong Zhen. There won't be more than ten real people who have the chance to see through it." You Que's calm voice contained strong confidence: "Among those ten people, Sang is not included.

Immortal longevity."

Sang Xianshou is the real person who came to observe You Que's body. He is an expert in prisons and has dealt with the dead all year round. He is a terrifying figure in the Central Prison. He would never be easily dispatched without the instructions of Emperor Jingtian.

"What if someone above Dongzhen comes?" Chu Xu asked.

"Who is You Que? A waste who has lived in seclusion for twenty-four years. What is the You family? A shabby house that can only remember its old glory. You Que's death and the destruction of the You family are the limit of attracting real people to observe, so thanks to

I remember some old feelings for the emperor. As for Dongzhen and above... whoever comes to see me is a person of Yizhen." You Que said quietly: "I am afraid of being exposed, aren't they afraid?"

I would like to dedicate a new book "I Used Ten Thousand Lives to Become an Immortal Emperor" written by an old author.

This chapter has been completed!
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