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Chapter 2039 The world is eclipsed

Kill you.

Such simple three words.

"Kill you."

Such an indifferent sentence.

The person in front of him did not give Zhuang Gaoxian the feeling of a "human".

The "human" he understands is a fragile creature with many weaknesses. As long as you can find its lifeline, you can easily control, control, and exploit it.

Fame, wealth, power, and emotions are all very useful tools.

And he is very good at capturing people's emotions, driving them to death and controlling them.

But the person in front of me was so different.

Too calm, too distant.

It seems like he doesn't care about anything in the world.

Even when he said he wanted to kill people, it was so calm.

It can't even be described as cold.

He seemed to be just stating a fact that was taken for granted, but it also seemed particularly profound.

This man cannot be persuaded.

When Zhuang Gaoxian realized this, he stopped doing any unnecessary things or saying any useless words.

His soul body began to rise and grow, overwhelming all directions, and his spiritual consciousness swept across the sky. Under the chaotic sky, he touched the foundation of this world. The emperor's soul must control the only "I" and grasp the only "I".


The soul was already as tall as a mountain, reaching up to the sky. The indifferent man walking towards him looked as small as an ant in comparison.

But he was still moving forward, as if he didn't care that his world was being destroyed.

The sky peeled off and the sea of ​​clouds collapsed.

The world is dying!

A real soul cannot be imprisoned at all.

Everything around is distorted, including the person who is still walking this way...

At a certain moment, everything collapsed.

The Son of Heaven completely crushed this world, eradicated all illusions, and finally saw that glimmer of truth——

This body is no longer in the sea of ​​clouds, and the sky is no longer chaotic.

The sky is calm, with normal clouds and sunshine.

Zhuang Gaoxian frowned, this was so unusual, so unusual!

He found that he was standing in a quiet little courtyard. The courtyard was very ordinary, with a deck chair, a lazy fat orange cat, and a person sitting on the threshold, holding a bowl and about to eat.

It's very rich in the bowl.

White rice, green vegetables drizzled with oil, and braised pig's trotters in soy sauce.

People are very simple.

His facial features were plain, he raised his head and looked at the uninvited guest, his eyes were indifferent and distant.

This is [Little Orange Fat Cat Deep Courtyard], Wang Changji’s unique soul battlefield.

It was the only place he could call "home" in his life.

Zhuang Gaoxian wanted to see the "truth" in this world, and now he saw it.

This is not a happy thing.

He has released the power of his soul in this way, but he still cannot escape from the battlefield!

This undoubtedly shows that the ordinary-looking person in front of him can indeed compete with his soul, at least at the soul level.

No wonder he dared to drag his soul into the battlefield, no wonder he dared to fight head-on to kill the emperor's soul.

The most powerful god in the world has come, and he met the second one today!

Am I some kind of evil heretic, the chief culprit, who will eventually be hunted down by the protagonists who are lucky enough to join forces?

He was in a trance for a moment, but he immediately put the trance away.


The Lord of Four Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers, the Emperor of Dazhuang Zhongxing, a Mingjun of a generation, an unparalleled hero!

I am also the protagonist of my own life, a great being who will definitely leave my name in history.

Those who have not grown up should not grow up again.

At this moment, the man sitting on the threshold had silently stopped his chopsticks, put down his bowl, stood up, and walked into the courtyard towards Zhuang Gaoxian.

Zhuang Gaoxian spread his sleeves, and the emperor greeted him.

The majestic momentum is overwhelming, he wants to crush this thief head-on!

But the accident happened again.

To be precise, he had keenly caught the accident before it happened.

For a person who is used to controlling everything and always taking precautions, "accident" means "danger".

Zhuang Gaoxian suddenly looked back.

What aroused his alarm was the courtyard door.

This is no ordinary door.

When he looked through with his true eyes, what he saw was an ancient, majestic, and noble stone door!

It’s Chaotianque!

The door happened to be pushed open, and Jiang Wang, a man with a majestic appearance, walked in with his sword in hand.

There is a circle of Buddha's light behind the person's head, and at this moment he is the body of a Bodhisattva.

Looking beyond Jiang Wang to the outside of the courtyard, behind the blurred light, Zhuang Gaoxian saw brilliant fireworks, flying flame birds, and a city in flames.

He didn't recognize where this place was, but he only knew that he would face a brutal fight in this strange soul battlefield.

He opened his big sleeves and expressed his acceptance with the dignity of the emperor.

This is definitely an unprecedented soul war.

Appeared for the first time in this world.

Wang Changji's original Divine Soul Killing Field was combined with Jiang Wang's Chaotian Tower, and both were mounted in the city of Burning Fireworks.

Putting aside all the spiritual foundation, magical talent, and unparalleled fighting understanding of the genius...Wang Changji's "home" is also in Maple Forest City!

At this moment, they have made the greatest determination to kill Zhuang Gaoxian's soul.

The so-called Yuan Shen has the soul as its core and the Taoist dragon as its body. They are built together into one body and the spirit is used to refine the spirit.

There is an essential gap between spiritual consciousness and divine consciousness, soul and soul.

When the former attacks the latter, it is like mud and sand colliding with iron and stone. It should be a futile effort that leaves no traces but no damage.

But in this blazing Maple Forest City, in the small courtyard where Wang Changji once lived alone for many years... it was inherited from Emperor Qi Wu's Chaotian Que Town, and Wang Changji's original creation of the Soul Killing Field frightened him.

There was actually a possibility of fighting.

Two young men who are the best in the world, with their souls, pounced on the emperor's soul without hesitation. They each had their own killing methods, with different thunder and fire, so they realized this "possibility"!

Water droplets can penetrate stone, not to mention that the stone has decayed!

Zhuang Gaoxian is not careless, but truly regards them as his opponents. With the soul of the emperor, wearing the emperor's crown, at this moment, the truth of jade is revealed, and the color of jade is all over his body!

The Tao Kingdom was granted the title of Emperor.

His soul is extremely noble, prominent in the high court, and he says: "If you are ordered by heaven, you will live forever!"

Above his head, the boundless jade color condensed, and the wind and clouds gathered to see the dragon and tiger, creating the emperor's seal!

He wants to use the Emperor's Seal to fight against Chaotian Tower, and take this soul killing place and the flaming majestic city into national ownership. Then he will kill at will with the thought of life and death.

But this battle is unusual.

As soon as the Emperor's Seal appeared, a rotating thunder pool appeared on the horizon.

The abyss of this pool is unfathomable and the bottom cannot be seen, just like the eye of the sky!

Wang Changji pointed his finger to the sky, and there was endless thunder. Being guided by it, he kept whipping the emperor's seal, just like the thunder flowing down a waterfall three thousand feet.

A foolish king will be punished by heaven!

When Jiang Wangcai entered the courtyard, a scorching sun had already appeared in his red eyes, forming a brilliant and eternal chariot of the sun. It was traveling through the blazing thunder and lightning waterfall, with the neighing hooves of the celestial horse, and the horse trampling on the emperor's jade seal!

The Eye of Qianyang obtained from the old Yang royal family has been completed by Ji Yanru and the whole story has been completed. At this time, it has also been transformed into the Red Eye of Qianyang by Jiang Wang.

This killing method is a display of his authority after mastering it.

Different from the original version which was resplendent and resplendent, its emphasis was on authority. His Sun Chariot was more solid and sharp, focusing on charging and killing.

Zhuang Gaoxian has been in power for four thousand miles. He is at the pinnacle of his life and his country is at its peak.

But compared with Gu Yang, how small is it?

The dynasty with the surname of Ji once ruled the world and was the lord of the Eastern Region. It once competed with Jingguo!

When the sun chariot of the old Yang royal family patrolled the world, kings like Zhuang Gaoxian could only prostrate themselves!

The so-called Emperor's Seal was knocked away by the chariot of the sun and dimmed instantly.

He lost his luster for a moment and was whipped around in the air by thunder.

And the killing moves before and after are approaching.

Wang Changji was strolling forward, and wherever he passed, there were thunders. The lightning flashed, and the whole courtyard was floating like a sea of ​​thunder.

Jiang Wang even pierced the golden watch in his palm, used it as a sword, and stabbed the king!

Who in this world can turn their back on Jiang Wang, and who dares to let Wang Changji take action?

Zhuang Gaoxian stretched out his hands and pressed down, and the phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared around him.

The mountain is Qichang and the water is Qingjiang.

Turn around, suppress thunder and deter gold.

Although he is outside the country, the imperial power is still in his sole control. He can also exercise power over mountains and water at a single command.

Of course, it is not as powerful as in the Zhuang Kingdom, but it is enough to set up mountains and surround the water here, separate the five elements, and establish authority. With the true nature of the ring body, it can resist the suppression of this divine soul killing field.

But how could Jiang Wang and Wang Changji let him get what he wanted?

The golden watchman of the cave was first picked into it, and then the thunder snake swam and tore apart the mountain shadow.

The five elements were all in chaos, and the situation was unstable. The three of them fought like this in a melee, killing each other until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dim.

The battle between souls and souls begins in the blink of an eye.

But when Jiang Wang and Wang Changji joined forces to seal the gate to Chaotian Palace and the thunder pool was filled with soul killing fields, they were inextricably linked to the battle with the emperor's soul...

Victory or defeat outside the body has once again become the key.

Zhuang Gaoxian's Yuan Shen came out of his body in order to resolve the battle in one fell swoop, but now not only does it not help the situation, but his Yuan Shen is also caught in a bitter battle, which in turn makes him miss the opportunity to respond and puts him in real danger!

The magical emperor's sword was too sharp, especially for a king like him. He placed his hope in the soul, but the soul was entangled. In the flash of lightning, when the confrontation was approaching, he suddenly

Raise your palm——

Supernatural power, completely opposite!

Zhao Rucheng quickly retreated with the same determination as when he came.

He did address the imminent danger.

But he let go of Jiang Wang!

Under the constraints of polar opposites, Jiang Wang seemed to be walking alone on the horizon. His boundless momentum and unparalleled sword intent were like fireworks blooming in the distant sky.

How gorgeous, but not dangerous at all.

But no matter how remote the corner is, no matter how lonely the time is...

This person is always moving forward.

He walked alone for a long time, in a lonely world, and finally waited until this moment.

Move the Beidou and it will be winter all over the world.

The body becomes the three realms, and the creation of the world becomes true.

Sauvignon Blanc roared impatiently, and the blue cloud mark appeared and disappeared so frequently that the shadow of a blue cloud pavilion appeared behind him.

Then all the light and shadow disappeared.

Jiang Wang cut out his sword.

On the sun and moon, there are no fireflies.

This heart is bright, who can illuminate it?

Like a sun rising on the horizon, its light is unparalleled in the world at this moment!

This is the third sword of his path——

They all made me what I am today!

My experiences, my feelings, my choices, everything along the way... have made me who I am today.

Zhuang Gaoxian, do you know how I came to you?

Do you know how I can draw my sword and point it at you openly?

How much have I gone through along the way. How much have I gone through!

Jiang Wang said nothing.

Only the sword is ringing!

When this sword illuminates the heaven and earth, it has already struck.

Zhuang Gaoxian released Jiang Wang in order to defeat the emperor's sword. He was undoubtedly drinking poison to quench his thirst!

Now is the time to get your hair dirty!

Jiang Wang's sword cannot be described or observed, because everything, including the gaze, has been absorbed, shattered, and conquered.

As soon as this sword comes out, the whole world will be eclipsed.

Zhuang Gaoxian's hurried sword strike was no exception.


The sword of Emperor Yong that was taken from Han Xu was cut off on the spot!

His flat crown was also flattened!

The pearls flew away, making the sound of broken jade.

A few strands of broken hair are floating in the air!

Such a majestic emperor could be so embarrassed!

I wish that the gun in my palm would take off for a moment, like a golden crow flapping its wings: "Why is Your Majesty doing this great gift, taking off your crown to see us!"

Those times when I was sitting in the mountains and sea.

Little by little he lost his edge.

And at this moment, release it bit by bit!

So far, Zhuang Gaoxian has not been injured in a real sense. At most, the scene is a little ugly. The few strands of hair that were cut off cannot be seen without looking carefully.

But the sudden collapse of a tall building only started from the initial shake.

The emperor lost his cauldron, and all the princes drove him away.

The emperor has lost his power, and the whole world will fight against it!

At this moment, Jiang Wang cut off his imperial crown with a sword, and everything that he had suppressed earlier came back like a tide, coming one after another!

The Xinjin Spear came looking for an opening, and its unparalleled sharpness broke through his external defense. The true fire of the sun gathered at one point, and then pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

The forward dragon light shot completely tore apart the space and stabbed the sky spirit.

King Qin Guang's cursed green light instantly dyed the crown clothes, turning the jade clothes into green robes. Zhuang Gaoxian, who was dressed in green, looked a little funny.

Zhao Rucheng and his Emperor Sword were pushed away, but Jiang Wang and his Sauvignon Blanc were in front of him, fighting with him within a few inches!

The mixed light and shadow of the three realms made Zhuang Gaoxian very uncomfortable. But his momentum was suppressed, and he couldn't get rid of it for a moment! Jiang Wang was truly unparalleled in his killing power.

Others, etc., are used to checking for omissions and filling in the gaps.

No, it can't just be said to be checking for omissions and filling them. These people are not only good at finding opportunities, but also good at creating opportunities. Not only can they make up for omissions, but they also actually have the ability to cause harm to him!

The most terrible thing is that these fierce attacks do not happen at the same time. These people know how to control the rhythm of the battle, and there is a kind of order like big waves in the attack, one after another, continuous.

Zhuang Gaoxian, whose bun was messy, couldn't find any space at all.

The fighting in the world of souls was also affected. He originally had the upper hand, but now the courtyard was filled with thunder and fire, and the soul was burned with fire. The more Jiang Wang killed, the more courageous he became, and he achieved unparalleled killing power on both the reality and soul levels!

Zhuang Gaoxian found that he... had been suppressed.

And it was suppressed in all directions!

Close, long-range...

Body, soul...

Swordsmanship, spearmanship, spells, flying swords, emperor's dragon energy, Taoism, supernatural powers...

There is no way to counterattack.

It was obvious that he had an absolute advantage against anyone, but he was always restrained. He was only pressed for a moment, but he could no longer stand up!

You will lose if you defend for a long time, let alone on the battlefield designed by your opponent.

Zhuang Gaoxian knew that this was not the case, so he changed his mind.


At this moment, he did not hesitate to shake the emperor's heart and rang the secret interior bell of Yujing Mountain.

This bell is the most powerful in killing demons and destroying evil spirits.

It is the bell of one's destiny and cannot be released easily.

Divine clocks vary from person to person, and each has a different interior.

And he used this divine bell to convey the emperor's wrath with authority, saying: "The emperor has decreed that every thief must be killed! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

The invisible and substantial ripples instantly pushed away the approaching offensive, and also blocked Jiang Wang, who was fighting endlessly.

In this gap, Zhuang Gaoxian stood up.

The crown robes are floating, hunting is making noise, and he is facing the dragon light and looking down at the human world. He wants to reorganize the battle situation and compete for the first place!

Under the blessing of the divine bell in the inner scene, wind and thunder formed around him, like a gathering of imperial guards. The energy of the jade void swayed into a guard of honor for the emperor, so powerful that it made the common people fall.

All these things enabled him to have a vast world, get rid of the cramped situation, and for a while look forward to his own success.

The emperor is patrolling, and all evil spirits should not come near!

But at this moment, a serious young man walked over in a few steps under Zhuang Gaoxian's astonished eyes.

The endless wind and thunder seemed to be unimpeded to him, and the Emperor's honors did not exist for him at all.

But he raised the hatchet, as lonely as he had chopped wood hundreds of millions of times in the past, and chopped it down like a mountain——

Zhuang Gaoxian fell again!

Already ranked seventh on the double list, thank you everyone, everyone is amazing!

There will be an update at 8pm.

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Let’s see where we can be if we move forward with our heads held high!

Thanks to the book friends, "Updating your scores is the best counterattack" and becoming the leader of this book is for the 491st alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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