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Chapter 2162 A young boy will die if he goes into the sea

There is chaos between the human Wu'an City and the demon Nantian City.

The establishment of Wu'an City marked the opening of a new battlefield, and the life-and-death fight between the human and demon tribes, totaling thirteen extremely powerful men, directly destroyed this battlefield.

The so-called "Wunan Battlefield" can be regarded as overfulfilling its mission.

This big city that welcomes human heroes now has far greater symbolic significance than strategic significance. It is not safe as a rear area, and cannot fight as a front line. Its only popularity is due to "the successful return of the human race's genius from the demon clan's hinterland."

The deeds of "the battle between thirteen extremely powerful men" are still hanging.

When Jiang Zhenren visited his hometown again, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

To this day, what impresses him deeply and cannot be forgotten is not the difficulty of struggling in the demon world. It is the hope, waiting, prayers and wishes after falling into the hinterland of the demon clan.

However, he only turned around briefly and left quietly without disturbing anyone.

There is an army of Qi State stationed here for training. The leader, General Jiang Wang, does not recognize it. He seems to be a member of the Bao family. Counting the numbers... it has been five years since he left Qi State.

Time flies by like running water, and it also shines on the yellow leaves as clear waves!

If you want to kill the Six True Demons in this world, Que Mengchen is a good target.

In addition to the importance of him being the commander of the Feather Cage's Iron Cage Army and holding a strong army, Jiang Zhenren also misses his past "fate".

Jiang Zhenren is nostalgic.

The yellow-faced old monk had liberated Sijue and beat Que Mengchen to the point of death. It was the presence of the heavenly demon that saved his life. Now that he has gone with his sword and resumed the relationship, he can be regarded as "carrying on the unfinished work of his predecessor."


The stretching 100,000 mountains are the barrier of the Civilization Basin, the boundary between heaven and earth in the Hell World, and the natural high wall. Those natural boundaries or mountain gaps carved by the human and demon tribes are the large and small gaps between the two tribes.


Jiang Mengxiong flattened the Frostwind Valley and opened up the narrow valley boundary into a battlefield capable of gathering large armies. Thirteen extremely powerful men bombarded this battlefield into chaos. This chaos was precisely Nantian City and Wu'an City.

The reason why everything is extremely stable now.

The outer barrier of chaos is still there, blocking the way from north to south. Chaos itself is the most stable barrier.

The Wunan battlefield cannot be opened for a hundred years. Thinking about Que Mengchen, it is difficult to foresee the risk from Wu'an City.

Jiang Wang is not afraid of his opponent being strong now, he is just afraid that his opponent will avoid fighting. He will wait for the real monsters and attack a few of them. But winning is easy, but killing is difficult.

Especially since the world of Heavenly Hell is so vast, there is no way to retreat the unbeatable true demons to the hinterland of the demon clan.

Jiang Wang came to the front of chaos. This was the location of Frostwind Valley in his memory. Although Frostwind Valley no longer existed, all the details about that canyon were still in his mind. Because he had actually fought in it.

, and successfully fought for a glimmer of hope.

It was here that Zhuang Gaoxian took action and punched him into the Frostwind Valley, awakening him from the pride of being the Marquis of Wu'an in Da Qi and starting his almost lifeless escape journey.

Now that Zhuang Gao

It's over, but we're determined not to announce it to the public.

Perhaps due to the necessity of being watched by the world, Jingguo always needs to establish its image as powerful, invincible, towering and unshakable. The internal purges of this ancient empire always occur in the form of undercurrents.

But can an existence like [One True Way] be solved quietly?

Jiang Wang had doubts about this.

Combined with You Jinglong's escape by pretending to die, Zhuang Gaoxian's cry before his death, and Ji Yanyue's death... there is no need for any doubts.

The era of Yizhen has come to an end.

But the One True Way has never disappeared and is still thriving now!

Although he knew that there would be no traces left here, and it happened several years ago, Jiang Wang still investigated it carefully with the vision of a real person in the world.

The result was of course nothing.

The chaos in front of you swallows up the light and converges the color, time and space are confused, and the vitality is not divided.

Jiang Wang casually released a row of flame sparrows, triggering a symphony of explosions, causing them to penetrate into the chaos in various postures. Feel this chaos in the constant annihilation of the true fire of Samadhi.

His plan is very simple, and can be called reckless - he plans to cross the Chaos, raid Nantian City, and kill Que Mengchen by surprise.

Chaos is of course extremely dangerous.

Before the sublimation of the Shenxiao world, the Heavenly Hell world was locked by the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons. The only path to the heavens was the Sea of ​​Chaos, which was a dangerous zone where even the heavenly demons could not guarantee their survival.

Over the past several eras, in order to open up a way forward, many heavenly demons have disappeared while swimming across the Sea of ​​Chaos, and their names have not been heard since. The demon clan has been truly locked up for several eras, and the gap between them and the human race has become wider and wider.

Come bigger.

Jiang Wang couldn't compare with the Sky Demon yet, but the chaos in front of him was far inferior to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

If the chaos that locks the world of Heavenly Hell is the sea, infinitely wide and infinitely dangerous, then the chaos created by the Yan Dao on the Wunan battlefield is at best a "chaos depression".

As a young boy, if you wade into the sea, you will die, but if it is a small puddle, what's the point of striding across it?

The danger of chaos cannot be underestimated, but Jiang Wang is confident of facing it head-on.

The flame sparrows are dying one after another, and this chaotic virtual reality is probably captured. Therefore, I step into it with a gentle step.

In the chaos, of course there is no vision, and he does not need it. The true fire of Samadhi burns all over the Tao body, making him like a torch in the chaos.

When the ancient demon king opened up this world, countless celestial demons raised themselves as altars. It seems to be similar to this.

The true fire of Samadhi disintegrates chaos and is also confused by chaos.

Jiang Wang walked among them and found his own world.

The distance on the Wunan battlefield can be crossed in an instant, but in the chaos, everything becomes difficult.

And the flames of gold, white and red are always bright.

In the depths of chaos where he suddenly felt the pressure, Jiang Wang's eyes turned and suddenly turned into red gold, and behind him appeared the phantoms of three Dharma figures, a demon ape, an immortal dragon, and all living beings.

The three phases were combined and the three realms merged into one. His speed suddenly accelerated and he crossed the chaos in an instant!

Of course, the light and shadow were all restrained, and the sound was not heard. The moment he jumped out of the chaos and arrived at the demon clan's territory, it was silent.

Of course the demon clan has sentries in this direction, but they can't find anything. The breeze they see is like yesterday, and the chaos swallows light and shadow.

Across this chaos is Nantian City. To be cautious, one should carefully observe the situation before deciding how to act. But after having escaped from the demon world last time, Jiang Wang knew very well what the real danger was.

In the Civilization Basin, there is the fire of civilization in Suiming City and the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters to suppress it. The human race can be free in it. Once they leave the Civilization Basin, they must face the will of the demon world.

This is the trend that the demon clan has formed in this world over the past several eras.

Repeated defeats and desperate escape journeys made Jiang Zhenren very aware of how terrifying "God's will" is, and also gave him the experience of fighting against God's will.

After coming into contact with Jihuo Yuxiu in the floating land world, it can be said that he roughly understands the rules of the operation of God's will. It can barely be said that he has insight into the true nature of God's will.

"God's will" cannot be transformed into a specific existence. All hostility is guided by rules and must be based on the power of the demon world itself.

in short--

This action must be fast, so fast that the demon world's will of heaven will not have time to brew into action. We must escape before the storm gathers.

That's why Jiang Wangcai broke out of the chaos and ran straight towards Nantian City, like a spear, like an arrow roaring through time and space. The Immortal Realm was enveloped in Taoism, which made him approach at such a high speed, but he suppressed his light and sound and was not discovered.


Like a wisp of breeze blowing outside the city gate.

The demon soldiers guarding the city were completely unaware, but the large formation covering the entire Nantian City almost rose up in response.

After all, it had faced the Wunan battlefield, and the war standards of this monster city were not low.

At the same time that Nantian City's formation was lit up, bright light also bloomed in front of the city gate, revealing a tall and straight figure.

Jiang Wang's cloak was bathed in fire for a moment, and his sword hit the so-called "Nantian Gate of the Demon Clan"!


The huge Nantian City, the huge city-protecting formation, and the torch-like formation nodes were extinguished one by one.

It was forcibly crushed before it could fully operate.

The formation was broken when Fang started.

When Jiang Wang's figure was watched by the defenders of Nantian City, the dazzling light exploded. The light flew around and swept across the city, and the demon soldiers fell in groups. The screams from those demon warriors,

It also became another weapon to kill their comrades.

Kill if you see it, kill if you hear it.

Seeing and hearing that the fairyland is spreading, killing monsters is like cutting grass and pruning wheat.

The gate of Nantian City was shattered by Ye Lingxiao's fist in the past, and today it was shattered by Jiang Wang without any suspense.

The difference was that the real demon Spider Xian blocked Ye Lingxiao that day, but today there was no real demon in front of Jiang Wang to stop him immediately.

All the monsters blocking the road, whether they were monster soldiers or generals, had no enemies and no time to leave their names.

Jiang Wang traveled through Nantian City at great speed, almost unobstructed wherever he passed. His red-gold eyes suddenly seemed to be flowing like a river of stars——

Immortal Art·Xiannian Galaxy!

The voice was heard all over the southern sky in an instant!

Only then did he discover an embarrassing thing——

The information from the human race is out of date. Que Mengchen and his Iron Cage Army are no longer in Nantian City.

Also, the Wunan battlefield is in chaos. It is destined to not be able to fight a war here. There is really no need to leave a real demon here. Just like there is no real person stationed in Wu'an City now.

Que Mengchen may have been stationed here for a while before, but he has left now.

Jiang Wang was always decisive and turned around to leave. But when Guan Zizai's ears moved, he caught a very interesting name——

The lion sings well.

"Master Shanming, don't be impulsive. The great ancestor asked me to accompany you to practice here for a few days, just because I don't want you to participate in the war. The enemy is fierce, don't stop it lightly!"

"How can I, who is of the Lion family, be afraid of the enemy? My brothers have all died in battle, so I cannot hide my sword!"

"Sir! You are not responsible for this accident! At least he is a real person. Don't go to death. He may still have a chance of survival if he hides in the cellar!"

Isn't this the newly cultivated offspring of the old lion?

It is said that he is the new genius of the lion clan who wants to fill the vacancy of Tianhai King Shi Shanwen, and is the precious blood descendant of the old lion Shi Anxuan.

What a fate!

Jiang Wang suddenly turned back, took a quick glance, and entered the Huafu in the city.

"Don't worry lion, I'll do it!"

When he entered the house, he slashed out with his sword, and instantly the whole courtyard was filled with sword light!

There were two hundred and sixty-seven demon soldiers arrayed in this palace, including the guards and commanders, and they were all killed by one sword.

Jiang Wangshi reached out his left hand and held the handsome lion with blond hair guarded by the demon soldiers in his palm.

"Where is Shi Anxuan?" Jiang Wang covered his face with knowledge and shouted casually, his voice like a bell: "I'm here to challenge him!"

The young lion named Shi Shanming was brave, but he opened his mouth angrily and bit hard: "You're just a real person, what are you pretending to be? When the Great Ancestor finds out, he will come and kill you!"

Unfortunately, as a rising star of the lion clan, the great ancestor Shi Anxuan appointed him as a genius who could take over the position of Shi Shanwen. He practiced diligently and never slacked off for a moment. The great ancestor also took good care of him, and when he had to take action

, and even deliberately threw him to Nantian City to recuperate. He made him concentrate on training and avoid weapons.

But how did the real human race come here? Does the boundary between heaven and earth no longer exist?

When Jiang Wang heard that Shi Anxuan was not there, he twisted his hand and took off the head.

While killing the demon, he had already flown out of Nantian City. He held the demon skull in his hand, turned around and struck a sword, and carved a line of large characters on the wall of Nantian City -

Those who slay demons, the great Qi Bo Wanghou Chongxuan wins!

The handwriting was deliberately fat and enlarged, the strokes of the pen were sharp and stained with a few drops of blood.

Then, along with the green rainbow, he disappeared from the sight of the remaining monsters in Nantian City and entered the depths of chaos.

The whole process is so fast.

Breaking out of the chaos, Jiang Wang immediately flew forward, pointed at a point, and a sword command went straight into the sky, flying to Suiming City at high speed. Then he calmed down and gathered his strength, ready to wait.

Next, let’s see how Nantian City reacts.

If it is a real demon that comes, he should rise up and kill it.

If it is Shi Anxuan who comes...Qin Zhenjun, save me!

"Who are you waiting for to save you? Can you wait?"

The heaven and earth have not yet opened, and the universe has not yet taken shape.

In the cave that was killing all five senses and devouring vitality, there was a calm voice that sounded like a law. Every word, every word, was as powerful as the ocean.

This sound was followed by the sound of crawling insects.

Then in the noisy sound of insects, an evil and crazy voice was born: "Is there a possibility that death is what I am waiting for and what I am looking for? There is a chance to die in the hole of the first real person in the Central Realm, Tai Wuyuan.

Under Yu Qingzhang, I am extremely excited!"

This sound comes from nothing, and the sky opens up in the cave of chaos.

As a result, a flash of green flame was born in the boundless mixed cave.

The green flame jumped and its light appeared, illuminating a calm man in the endless cave.

This man wears a tiger-roaring mountain and river robe and a pair of cloud-climbing boots. He has a broad forehead and a broad face, giving him a majestic air. His hands are spread out calmly, with thick joints, as if he controls the universe.

He is Lou Yue!

The best in the Central Region!

He is also the most powerful competitor to be number one in the world!

He calmly looked at the wisp of green flames in front of him. In the flickering of the green flames, he saw a twisted and crazy face. Then he saw those green eyes clearly.

"I see!"

In this calm gaze, Lou Yue had already seen the truth, and his tone was deep and solemn, with a bit of admiration: "Your death is the most evil curse. Those who kill you will be troubled by the curse forever and be cursed forever."

The Tao is entangled. Anyone who practices the Tao of Curses in future generations will use this as their first curse - no wonder Sang Xian Shou said that he was not sure of killing you alone and asked me to come. You have indeed opened up a road to the sky!"

In the green flames, Yin Guan's face no longer swayed, but his long hair was dancing: "Thank you for your condescending praise. I hope that I can achieve a little success by working hard. It will make the way of heaven fall short and make you regretful in this life.


The flames soared!

The evil green flame instantly transformed into a giant python with green scales, with whiskers on its chin, a bulge on its forehead, and scales all over its body, each of which was engraved with strange incantations.

In the days of fleeing and chasing, Yin Guan, as the highest achiever in the world of curses, condensed the evil body of curse scales!

This body has only shown its form, and it has already supported the cave and opened up the world.

The blue light travels in all directions, trying to turn Hun Cave into a cursed world.

All the undivided Yuan Qi, the unopened five elements, and everything in the mixed cave were born with a clear distinction at this time - life and death, that is, yin and yang, that is, heaven and earth.

Everything separated from Hundong is destined to die at this moment, including of course Lou Yue's Dao body.

But seeing the vast and boundless Tao, it was dyed into substance by the blue light, and withered sadly.

It was also seen that the male body was withering away, and fragments kept falling down, and the pieces looked like flying ashes.

Lou Yue lowered his head to examine the self-destruction of the Taoist body, with an indifferent smile on his face, and said softly: "You are really a genius. The reason why you can escape for so long is not because of the incompetence of the Central Heavenly Prison - it's a pity that what you encountered today

It’s my landlord’s appointment.”

As this sound fell, the heaven and earth suddenly returned and the cave turned over.

The green-scaled giant python fell into the hands of a terrifying giant.

The shape of Lou Yue extending out of his palm was infinitely close to normal, while his palm and the green-scaled python in his palm were also almost infinitely shrunk in his field of vision.

The building contract in front of you is not a building contract.

In addition to mixed holes, there are also mixed holes.

How high is the sky?

It's all in the palm of his hand!

[Friends, how come the new volume has more than 60,000 subscriptions? This volume has just been opened, and there is not much plot yet. Please give it a try, I'm a little nervous... If I was in a hurry and didn't write it well, how many people would it be?


[Thanks to book friend "Fengshuang Xueyue" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 697th alliance! 】

[Thanks to Xinmeng for the reward from book friend "Don't Be Afraid"!]

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