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Chapter 2229 June 9th in Hot Summer

Qiantang is the largest river in Yue State. In terms of reputation, it is directly behind Yunmengze in Chu State.

If the vast Yunmengze is compared to a goddess who is far away and difficult to reach, the Qiantang River should be like a strong Tibetan man beating drums and singing, always roaring and shouting in the wind and clouds.

Perhaps the strong soul in Yue Ren's slender background comes from this.

When Gao Zheng made the covenant with the Fallen Immortal Alliance, Zeng Qian said: "The country of Yue has nothing but Qiantang."

Although it is a modest poem, it can roughly show the status of Qiantang River in the Yue Kingdom.

Therefore, Zhou Sixun, the commander-in-chief of the Qiantang Navy, was truly the number one person in the Yue military, and his official ranking was even higher than Bian Liang, the leader of the Yue Army.

Gao Zheng also wrote music specifically for the Qiantang River during his lifetime, the most famous of which is "Sending Letters on a Lonely Boat". This song was included in "Music for Qianqiu" compiled by Ji Li of Mugu Academy in recent years, and was rated as "No. 1 in Yuequ".

Some time ago, the Yue court built a tomb for Gao Zheng. Emperor Wen Jingxiu personally carried the coffin, and all officials, both civil and military, came to pay their respects. Outside the cemetery, there was a sea of ​​wreaths... and there are still many people paying homage to him.

On the day when Gao Zheng was laid in coffin, more than 3,000 scribes spontaneously gathered in the Qiantang River and played this song together on the embankment of the river. After the song was played, the crowd wailed. Gao Zheng's feelings for the Qiantang River were as much as his feelings for Vietnam. The attachment to this land of China jumps on every string.

Gao Zheng, who dedicated his whole life to the Yue Kingdom and established immortal achievements, finally died on the Qiantang River Embankment, and his soul drifted away with the tide. People may also find comfort here, saying that he died a well-deserved death.

Many things are meaningless to the dead, but they are the only comfort left to the living.

A long time has passed since the battle at Yunlaifeng.

Ge Fei, whose soul had returned from the Wufu Sea and the fog of ignorance, and Zhong Liyan, a martial arts master who was proud of the southern border, started a life-and-death showdown very suddenly, and it ended with a jaw-dropping result.

This war, which should have shocked the Southern Region and even shocked the world, did not spread too far due to the unspoken tacit understanding between Chu and Yue.

The waves stopped at the Ancestral Temple of Yue State, and the shocking news spread among the top officials of Chu State.

The dying Zhong Liyan was sent back to the Chu State, while Ge Fei continued to stay in the Yue State - probably the court still didn't know what his identity should be to show him to this day, so he still let him stay at Yinxiang Peak.

It's just that he doesn't have to play dumb anymore.

It seems that Chu State has made its choice.

Silence is attitude.

The Chu State was obviously not willing to be Huang Wei's true blocker. Although there was a thorn named Wu Ling, which was deeply embedded in the flesh and blood and could not be removed, they chose to wait for the opportunity and wait and see what happens.

It has to be said that the great Chu could withstand Gao Zheng's provocation and did not immediately raise troops to attack Yue - if he really wanted to send troops to wipe out a mere Yue country, couldn't he find a reason?

But Chu State is strangely silent!

He didn't even mention Ge Fei at all, and didn't say a word about Wu Ling's death, as if An Guogong's silence after returning from the Fallen Fairy Forest was already the result of that incident.

He was the heir of the Xiangguo family, and his status was even higher than that of ordinary princes!

From Zhou Sixun's point of view, this kind of Chu State is more terrifying. He would rather the Emperor of Chu became angry and raised millions of troops, or the Duke of An Guo Wu Zhaochang chopped off his self-control and came with a sword.

It was normal for the Chu State to maintain rationality when facing the Jing State and the Qin State, but it was facing the Yue State that could be destroyed at the fingertips, and yet it could still exercise such restraint.

If such calm can be maintained, the Yue State is of course very willing. Even if they make themselves blameless in the Gefei incident, even if they have created enough excuses for third-party forces to intervene, the Yue State will ultimately be far less powerful than Chu

, unable to confront Chu State head-on.

During the war, even with Shushan's support and Qin Jing's intervention, the Yue State would not be able to protect the country. At best, the blood of the Yue people would be used to smear the face of the Chu people!

Peace is what the Yue Kingdom wants. Although Wen Jingxiu put up a thorny posture in front of Zhuge Yixian's star god, this is still a defensive language.

But peace can never come.

Today, the Southern Territory is calm. But anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see the undercurrents under the water. Everything will not be that simple, and this round is far from over.

Don’t you see how many years Nan Doudian has been in the public eye, the Emperor of Chu only took action twice, once to cut off the emperor’s title, and once to destroy the Taoist lineage. With perfect timing and accurate proportions, he can be called a master in ruling the world.

Now that the Chu State has suffered such a big loss, how could it be possible to tolerate it again and again, knowing how Wu Ling died?

What is Chu State waiting for? What kind of thunder will this pending decision turn into?

Gao Zheng attached the chess game to Huang Weizhen, hoping to take advantage of the nine phoenixes... Has he reached this point?

Zhou Sixun has no answer. But he understands that when the situation has reached this point, there is no room for turning back. The country of Yue is now riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. We have to see where this evil tiger will extend its road!

The partial force of the Yue State can be destroyed, and Gao Zheng died in the microwave. The most worthy of Chu State's attention in this game has always been Huang Weizhen. The final result of this game may also have to wait for Huang Weizhen to finish.

Zhou Sixun understood very well that in the next period of time, Yue had better not let Chu find any excuses.

But he also had to do the next thing.

To compete with a behemoth like Chu State, sometimes taking risks is a last resort.

In fact, sitting on this chess table is already the biggest adventure!

Looking at the world, how many people are qualified to play chess with the Chu State? If you want to join the game if you are not qualified, you have to risk your life.

Now he, the naval commander, was walking under the water of Qiantang, with the majestic world rushing above his head.

He was in a long and narrow space, like a translucent corridor intertwined with water patterns in the depths of a river. There were rooms on both sides of the corridor, but there were not many. In total, there were only thirty rooms.

It is like a branch bearing thirty fruits, or a water centipede with thirty square legs—in fact, this is exactly what it represents in this world.

It is as small as a water centipede. It drifts with the current on the bottom of the water. Sometimes it is swallowed by big fish and excreted. Sometimes it is entangled in aquatic plants.

In the current sense of space, this space does not exist.

It is precisely in order to be concealed enough that it is so narrow. The larger the space, the harder it is to erase traces.

This is the lower part of the Qiantang Underground Palace and the lower part of the Qiantang Water Prison. Only he and Emperor Yue knew about this place - the previous insiders also included a high official.

This place has no name, and Zhou Sixun would not give it a replacement name in private, because a name is also a connection and can also become a calculated line.

Its history is very long, and it can be traced back to the reign of Yue Taizong Wenzhong. Of course, it has never been recorded in history books and has never been heard of among the people.

Its key was only passed among the Yue emperors, and its existence was always supervised by the Qiantang Navy Commander.

After so many years, the thirty rooms here have never been full.

Flowers, plants, magical artifacts, inscriptions, and all the decorations in the corridor are designed to erase the traces of existence here and isolate divination.

Or there is a more intuitive comparison - the palace of the Emperor of Yue is not as secretive as this one.

If Fengdu didn't care about sacrifice, he would have a chance to find out what posture Wen Jingxiu used to sleep at night, but it would be impossible to know any information here.

Zhou Sixun wore a leather jacket that covered his head. His tall figure made him feel depressed. He did this to isolate cause and effect. He walked forward slowly and finally stopped outside a room.

The people who live in this place are all existences that have no connection with the cause and effect of this world. In other words, they cannot be connected with people and the country of Yue.


Zhou Sixun knocked on the door.

There was no sound at all in the room.

Zhou Sixun didn't mind, he just put his hand into the sudden pit on the wall, selected a few square mud characters, and formed a sentence——

"Zhang Jiefu, it's time for you to take action."

He put the words away and turned to leave.

After he left, the crystal-like door slowly opened, but only just. The room was completely white, and nothing could be seen in the corridor.

Time seemed to have stood still, and no change occurred for a long time.

Until—a dry, thin hand, as wrinkled as tree bark, suddenly reached out and grasped the door frame!

The pen runs on the paper, and Zhong Xuanyin draws a turtle on the paper.

No one would have thought that a real historian with high moral character and straight writing could draw a turtle on paper, so this matter is even more interesting and can become a reality.

There is no way, the work of Taixu Pavilion has been on the right track, the operation of Taixu Illusion has become normal, and there are few major events that need to be brought to the attention of all cabinet members.

As the representative of Jingguo's interests, Li Yi was cured of his absenteeism by Jiang Wang. However, the culture of absenteeism brought about by Li Yi only intensified after he became enlightened.

There were very few attendees at the last meeting.

Usually, when Zhong Xuanyin and Ju Kui want to discuss something with other cabinet members, they usually can't find anyone.

Without Dou Zhao as a militant and Jiang Wang as a troublemaker, Taixu Pavilion has become particularly quiet.

Cang Meng doesn't like to talk, Huang Sheli doesn't like to talk to people who are not good-looking enough, and Li Yi doesn't talk... The Taixu meeting now is just a boring gourd meeting. Everyone looks at each other and listens to the script and finishes explaining some interesting things.

It just ends without anything, which is really boring.

Today is June 9, 3928 in the Tao calendar, when the sixth Taixu Conference was held.

The weather is very hot, and the skylight falling into the Taixu attic deliberately reflects this.

Zhong Xuanyin was so bored that she drew a turtle on paper.

It is true to say that the history of history is fortunate because of the ups and downs. If there were no upheavals in history, then governing history would be really boring.

Amidst the endless chatter, I suddenly heard such a voice, which was a bit cordial - "Good morning, Mr. Zhong!"

Zhong Xuanyin's eyes lit up, and he turned around to see that wherever he went, the member of the Jiang cabinet who was in trouble was already saying hello to the theater manager.

Master Shijia subconsciously sat upright and replaced the paper used for drawing with the engraved slips. He tentatively asked: "Jiang Cabinet member specially attended the meeting today. Do you have any proposals? Isn't it convenient for you to communicate with me first?"


Jiang Wang frowned: "Mr. Zhong, what you said doesn't sound right to me. Aren't I just busy killing King Shura and missed a meeting? You're staring at me and asking, it seems like I'm the one who's been absent from work many times.

The one!"

Li Yi, who had been absent from work many times, sat there, wondering where his mind was going. He might not be aware that someone was calling him, or he might not care, but he didn't say anything.

"I misunderstood, Mr. Jiang! I just thought you were diligent in cabinet affairs, that's why I asked you this." Zhong Xuanyin said: "When I record history in the future, I will write down one stroke at a time to say that you are hardworking."

Jiang Wang seemed to have realized who was the one who judged the merits and demerits of history, and his attitude became much better: "Of course, with the relationship between us, you can ask whatever you want, how can I not answer?

Well, there is indeed a proposal."

He opened his mouth and said: "I propose to build the Taixu Corner Tower in the Heavenly Prison World and pave the Taixu Illusion Realm there! Now it is inconvenient for the two sides to communicate, and I often miss the true monsters who are alone, and I have delayed many important events!"

The drama guide said in a straight and simple manner: "The Chongxuan Cabinet members put in a lot of effort to build the Taixu Corner Tower in Yuyuan. The demon world is a hundred times more complicated. Not to mention whether the Taixu Illusion Realm can be paved over, the problem is even more after it is paved.

, can the safety of Taixu Illusion be guaranteed - given the current situation, Cabinet Member Jiang's proposal is almost impossible."

"If it's unrealistic, then let's not mention it." Jiang Wang spread his hands. Originally, he only had a few dates to shoot, but at this stage, apart from killing the target of the eighteen aliens, he really didn't have anything else to do.

Ji Gui was about to end the topic, but after facing Jiang Wang for a long time, the lightning pattern between his eyebrows suddenly jumped, and at that moment it was like an open vertical pupil. He took a deep look at Jiang Wang: "Jiang Wang's cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds.

, it’s really a blessing for our human race!”

Jiang Wang was about to say a few words of humility, but his eyes suddenly jumped. He saw Li Yi silently twirling his fingers, and he suddenly lost interest in the conversation. In any case, it is not a very interesting thing to talk about cultivation in front of Li Yi, who has already achieved enlightenment.

He just said: "Where is it!"

There were still many cabinet members who were absent from the Taixu meeting. Chong Xuanzun, Qin Zhizhen, and Douzhao did not come.

The first two were still in Yuyuan and had not moved because Jiang Wang was always running back and forth on the racial battlefield, and they could not relax.

The latter is probably still competing in the Meteorite Forest.

"Only three people are absent this time, which is okay." Zhong Xuanyin said while recording.

Jiang Wang sighed: "They don't pay enough attention to this meeting!"

Huang Sheli had long wanted to repair the friendship, but Jiang Wang did not go to Jingguo when he went to the border this time, leaving her with nowhere to use her energy. At this time, she immediately joined in: "I strongly demand a fine! For repeated lateness or even absence,

If you are a member of the cabinet, you must punish them severely with Yuanshi and let them know the pain!"

"Hey - you can't do it!" Jiang Wang quickly stopped him. Does the money count to other cabinet members? It doesn't matter to him, Mr. Jiang! A Yunding Immortal Palace is still missing a lot of money after being built for so long.

If everything is equal, then everything is unequal. How can the poor and the rich be fined the same?

He said solemnly: "Our Taixu Pavilion restrains its cabinet members with a sense of responsibility rather than money. Mr. Huang, your idea is very dangerous! It goes against the ethos of Taixu Pavilion!"

"Yes, yes. Cabinet member Jiang must have considered it more carefully." Huang Sheli corrected his mistake when he realized it, coaxed him to come, raised his hand and said: "I withdraw my proposal."

Ju Gui couldn't see them being so unserious and coughed lightly: "Do you have any suggestions? We can start now."

No one said anything this time.

The dramatist got the peace he wanted.

Zhong Xuanyin observed Ju Gui's face with interest. He was a person who was good at finding fun in boring situations, otherwise he would not be able to devote himself to writing history.

Ju Gui knocked on the armrest expressionlessly and was about to announce the end of the meeting, but suddenly his expression changed: "There is an urgent proposal that requires everyone to vote on it."

This Legalist master rarely showed such an emotional expression, and all the cabinet members couldn't help but look over.

Ju Gui looked around, his eyes swept over everyone, and said seriously, word by word: "The Chu State has officially submitted its credentials, allowing Zhong Liyan to take the position of Douzhao's Taixu cabinet member. Please ministers -

—Vote on this matter.”

This chapter is 4k, plus (2/3) for the green-robed ancestor of the Alliance!

This chapter has been completed!
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