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Chapter 2247 Nine Categories of Knowledge

Tianhuang Kongyuan and Corpse Phoenix Jiaxuan have taken over the authority of Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos, and are the current masters of the mountain and sea realm. They are the mountains and the sea, the sky and the earth, and they also represent the rulers and rebels of eternal existence.

If nothing unexpected happens, when the story of Jia Xuan and Kong Yuan comes to an end, Fei Que and Lian Hong will become the new masters of the mountain and sea realm.

Old stories keep dying, and new stories keep happening. No one is irreplaceable.

Are there nine kinds of phoenixes in the world?

seems like it.

But Ge Fei vaguely remembered that the five categories of Phoenix were correct.

But he couldn't be sure, because the idea was so vague that he felt like an illusion! The memory about the phoenix was very clear, the story of the phoenix, the legend of the phoenix, the virtues of the phoenix, and even the beauty of the nine types of phoenixes.

He remembered the posture clearly.

But the thoughts of the Phoenix Category 5 always pop up tenaciously, like the thoughts that suddenly come to my mind when I am exhausted and about to fall asleep.

Who remembered it wrong?

He has gone from fantasy to reality, he has realized the truth, he is a "real person"! How could he have wrong ideas on such a simple cognition?

"I seem to have heard a saying -" Ge Fei hesitated and said: "There are five types of phoenixes."

"Brother Ge may have remembered it wrong." Fan Wushu said with a smile: "The legend of the nine types of phoenix has existed since ancient times. Nine is the pinnacle of numbers, and phoenix is ​​the pinnacle of demons. In the era of the demon clan's heaven, the phoenix clan was the best.

Those who have surpassed the Emperor of Heaven - this is information passed down from ancient times, and it cannot be wrong. How can a phoenix be of the fifth category?"

"It's not that I don't believe Brother Fan, I'm really confused today..." Ge Fei felt inexplicably depressed. He suppressed these emotions and ignited his own fighting spirit: "Brother Fan said this is a message passed down from ancient times.

What proof do you have?"

Fan Wushu just thought he was joking. No matter how confused a real person is, he would not even remember common sense: "What kind of proof do you need? When I was in elementary school, my husband taught me, 'Long Jun wine is for talented people; Feng Jiu'

"Classes and virtues do not violate" - the Confucian enlightenment classic "Three Character Classic" clearly states that Brother Ge was born in a famous family in the Yue Kingdom, and he is a high-ranking disciple of the Hidden State. He is profound in Confucianism, how could he not know!"

This Gefei has not experienced the enlightenment of the other Gefei, and he studied with Gaozheng, and it is impossible to start from the Mongolian Sutra, so he really does not know whether this sentence exists in the "Three Character Classic".

If this sentence really exists in the "Three Character Classic", then the nine categories of phoenix must be the historical truth. The five categories of phoenix can only be a hypothesis.

Because this is the work of the Confucian sages, it has enlightened countless scholars throughout the ages! How many sages among them!

It is still possible for one person to remember wrongly, but can tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people remember wrongly? It doesn’t matter if ordinary people remember wrongly, can sages also remember wrongly?

Of course, with the development of history, the current "Three Character Classic" is no longer the original version and has been revised many times. But what has been revised is "correct of the times". Those correct and unbreakable truths that exist beyond the times have always been


Just like "Dragon King Wine, Feasting on Talented Talents", it introduces the story of the Dragon Palace Banquet and educates the world to respect talents. This is the part that will not be revised - maybe the Dragon Clan will be completely wiped out in the future, and the Dragon Clan will be erased for some reason

Traces, this sentence can be revised.

This is especially true for the sentence "Fengjiu is of the same kind, morality does not violate". The so-called teaching and educating people is essentially "moral education". Teach people first, and then teach talents to learn. This sentence makes sense in any era.

In other words, the theory of the nine categories of phoenix is ​​not something we have today, it is not just Li Guo who preached it this way, it is not just Fan Wushu who said it this way, but it has been this way since ancient times.

There is no such thing as the five categories of Phoenix!

Ge Fei felt very confused. He began not to understand himself. He didn't understand that he had followed Gao Zheng for so long. He had read many books and was a strong man in the Dongzhen Realm who grasped the truth. Why did he do this in such a simple way?

In fact, if you have vague ideas like "Five Categories of Phoenixes", is this also "ignorance" in this world?

"Can you give me a copy of the Three Character Classic?" He looked at Fan Wushu apologetically, like someone who had done something wrong: "I really...can't remember. I'm not sure."

Fan Wushu felt something was wrong, because he found that Ge Fei was very serious. Can a real person who even himself doubted be considered a 'dongzhen'? But he did not reveal anything and just said: "Brother Ge Fei, please wait here for a moment."

, I’ll come as soon as I go!”

Within ten breaths, Fan Wushu left and came back.

"Brother Ge, this is the version of the "Three Character Classic" newly compiled last year and published by Mugu Academy. This is the version ten years ago, this is the version fifty years ago, this is the version three hundred years ago... you compare them.

I think the books in categories five and nine may be misprinted books. Some booksellers are unscrupulous and only care about making money. They are reluctant to use good paper and do not care about printing. They also use the name of hardcover to bluff people. I don’t know when I will ask you to read it.

Yeah, you have a good memory, and you'll be worried at a glance."

Fan Wushu held a large pile of things in his hand, not only different versions of the "Three Character Classic": "Here is also the "Records of Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas", which contains many records of ancient strange beasts. Well, there are also nine categories of phoenixes.

There is also a series of paintings by Jian Yaonian that I have collected. Oh, Jian Yaonian is a famous painter in the history of our country. My fan was painted by him back then."

After these years of experience, the general manager of Liguo North Road is very skilled in handling affairs. Ge Fei just made a request, and he took all aspects into consideration.

Both texts and paintings are records of history.

Ge Fei flipped through the pages of the Three Character Classic and found the sentence "Feng Jiu Category, virtue does not violate" in different versions of the "Three Character Classic". He kept looking for this sentence, as if he was looking for each individual in the long river of history.

beacon to prevent yourself from drowning due to getting lost.

He looked back and forth among the original works of the Liguo painter Jian Yaonian, paying special attention to the four types of brushstrokes: Jiaxuan, Kongyuan, Jadebird, and Lianhong - all were old brushstrokes, and indeed there were traces of time. There were indeed five hundred brushstrokes.

Years long.

He stared at each feather for a long time.

So beautiful!

But why is it so sad?

Fan Wushu helped Ge Fei turn over the book thoughtfully, but at a certain moment, he suddenly looked up and saw tears in Ge Fei's eyes.

"Brother Ge, are you okay?" he asked with concern.

He was worried that Ge Fei would suddenly lose control again. This monster would be crazy and unable to communicate. He really didn't want to risk his own life and death on Ge Fei's sanity.

"Don't worry." Ge Fei didn't know why his eyes were wet, but he politely comforted him: "I won't get your painting wet."

He stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, but he couldn't wipe them away. It was as if the skin was broken at the corner of his eye, and the river burst its banks here.

The tears turned red at the end.

His eyes are bleeding!

Fan Wushu subconsciously took a few steps back.

Ge Fei seemed to be unconscious.

He picked up the book "Stories of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts", turned to the chapter that recorded the phoenix, and saw the words and pictures about the phoenix. Everything was so real.

He suddenly remembered...he remembered everything! He had indeed read "The Chronicles of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts", and phoenixes were indeed of nine types.

At this moment, knowledge, memory, history, present, fantasy, reality, all unified the truth——

Thousands of miles away in Qiantang, Yue State, violent waves suddenly rose at this moment. The tide in Qiantang has been a famous spot for all eternity, but now it is particularly turbulent, roaring to swallow everything.

The long dike that had been reinforced countless times for thousands of years was destroyed in this moment! The water roared and rolled over the fields!

In the restaurant in Yining City, Li Guo, Ge Fei's spine seemed to have collapsed in front of his eyes. He let go of his hands and the heavy "Stories of Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts" fell to the ground with a dull sound.


He ran out of the restaurant staggeringly, his eyes full of blood and tears, looking crazy, spreading his arms and shouting on the streets of Yining City: "There are nine kinds of phoenixes in the world!"

He didn't know why he was shouting, he didn't know why he was sad, he just suddenly lost all his courage and suddenly extinguished all his hope.


Thunder pierces the dark clouds.

Suddenly it began to rain heavily.

Pedestrians on the street moved to both sides.

Ge Fei knelt down in the heavy rain, like a wounded beast, almost howling: "Yue Feng! Said Quan Bo! Said Luan! Said Yu Hu! Said Hong Hu! Said Jade Bird! Said Jia Xuan! Said Kong Yuan.

!It’s called Lianhong!”

Those who are truly enlightened can see the truth of the world today.

How absurd!

Fan Wushu stood under the eaves of the restaurant, looking at the "Ge Zhenren" from a distance through the rain curtain that suddenly fell. He felt that this man was very pitiful. Although compared to Li Guo at this time, this man

Real people are so powerful.

"Look - what is that?!"

There were screams at the end of the long street.

Not just at the end of the long street?

The entire Yining City was filled with exclamations of surprise.

Fan Wushu couldn't help but walk out into the rain and looked up at the sky.

The moment he raised his head, the rain stopped.

The dark clouds dispersed and the light spread across the sky.

The sky is as blue as the sea, and when the sky-blue light flows, it is the sea breeze that blows the waves. And at the end of the endless blue, a concrete image of beauty and power is born - it is a sky-blue phoenix, with eyes like

The gem's feathers are like a blue rainbow. When it spreads its wings, it becomes the new sky.

The Nine Categories of Phoenix, the Heavenly Phoenix and the Sky Mandarin Duck!

Ge Fei, who was kneeling wetly on the long street, raised his head from howling. His eyes were blurred by blood and tears, and he looked at everything in a daze... He was also shocked by this beauty. He was also shocked by this kind of existence.

Is it the one in the realm of mountains and seas, or another one in the world?

At a moment when no one was aware of it, a powerful figure appeared in the corner of the city wall of Yining City. The moment he appeared, the whole world sank.

More than just this person?

In order to govern the country at this moment, countless gazes were directed at it, and countless figures came overtly or covertly. And all of this has nothing to do with governing the country!

Managing the country is not the key point, nor is revolution. It is just a great painting that happened to be unfolding here and at this time——

Let the whole world watch it.

The ground wetted by rain seems to be a mirror, but it does not reflect the bright sky, but is deep and endless, as if it is connected to the legendary source sea.

Plop, a boot crushed the puddle. The stranger's presumptuous visit did not have any impact on Liguo. In fact, with the strength of Liguo's senior officials, they could only see the picture of the sky. It was difficult to know what was happening here.

What is happening under the scroll.

Ge Fei was the biggest danger they knew, and this danger had been "settled" by Fan Wushu, the general manager of the North Road.

But in the puddle where the boots stepped, the muddy water rippled.

There are also waves in the darkness.

From then on, in people's field of vision, it was as if the sun jumped out of the horizon and a black light rose from the ground. In this black light, a black phoenix with clear feathers spread out!

To be precise, it is its reflection jumping out of the "deep sea".

It jumps directly from the ground to the sky. It does not bring up an inch of mud or break a brick. It is so pure, and it is a beauty that is difficult to carve even with the utmost imagination.

Corpse Phoenix Jiaxuan of the Nine Categories of Phoenix!

Kongyuan and Jiaxuan flew together in the sky, the sky-blue light and the dim light that swallowed the sight were clearly distinct. However, these old enemies did not fight each other, but showed an unusual peace.

This doesn't stop there.

The imperial court relied heavily on Confucianism, but the people also worshiped Buddhism. Many members of the royal family became monks in the past dynasties, and there were many Buddhist temples within the territory.

At this time, all the bells of the Buddhist temples rang together, and the continuous bells gathered into an extremely loud sound. This sound was so sacred, like the Creator announcing eternity.

It represents the most devout faith and unparalleled power.

The roar of the mountains and the tsunami make people crawl and worship involuntarily.

Then out of that piety and holiness, a green phoenix surging with infinite vitality was born!

This phoenix leaped into the sky, and the surging vitality swept through the mountains and rivers of Liguo like a sea tide. This small country was reflected on the map as a small country. At this moment, trees grew wildly and flowers and plants flourished. The sick were relieved of their illness, and the weak regained their strength.

Everything is updated! I don’t know how many newborns have received excellent talents.

The phoenix with green feathers flowing like ripples of light represents eternal vitality and immortal power. It is an immortal legend.

It is one of the nine categories of Phoenix...the Divine Phoenix Jade Bird!


In such a sacred and solemn atmosphere, another distant bell rang. This bell rang among the continuous bells, which was another kind of piety among the sacred.

Accompanying this sound is a compassionate Buddha's name——

"Namo... Maitreya Buddha!"

A monk with clear facial features and severed eyebrows, wearing silk clothes and monk shoes, stands high in the sky with his palms clasped, chanting: "In the past, I received the kindness of Huang Weizhen in teaching me the truth, and now I am repaying it. I have enlightened myself on Mount Sumeru, and here I am Huang."

Only the truth protects the way. Anyone who blocks the way is like slandering me, the Buddha!"

Zen Master Zhaowu, the true king of Mount Xumi, brought the Zhiwen Bell to Yining City in Liguo to protect Huang Weizhen!

To protect Huang Weizhen?

Ge Fei, who was kneeling in a daze on the long street, felt physically and mentally silent at this moment.

Is Huang Weizhen coming back soon?


it's here?

This is like a dream! What a groundless fantasy!

Ge Fei bit his teeth into pieces and broke off his fingers! But even such severe pain could not wake him up from his fantasy. All the stories in front of him continued to happen.

"Ah, ho, woo hoo..."

He covered his weeping eyes with his bloody hands, like a helpless cub that had lost its mother and began to cry in the street.

Woo woo woo...

Woo woo woo...

This is the sound of crying and the sound of wind.

The omnipresent wind covers this city and this country.

It doesn't hurt anyone, but it is sad and sad.

The living miss the dead, who will never be seen again.

The old friend is vaguely there, in a few dreams!

In the city of Yining, tens of thousands of families cried, and too many people were aroused to sadness.

This sadness spread throughout Liguo, spread to the Southern Region, spread to a wider area at a speed that people could not imagine and had no time to stop, and then suddenly stopped in an instant.

The human voice has ceased, and the whole world hears ghosts crying.

Amid the ghostly cries, a bright orange phoenix traced a joyful path and soared in the sky.

From extreme sorrow comes bliss.

This is Ghost Phoenix Lianhong!

This chapter has been completed!
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