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Chapter 69: A sword coming from the west

This momentum is not the most powerful, but it originated from the prosperous country in the Eastern Region, and it is determined to compete in the East China Sea!

At this time, others may not know it, but both Cao Jie and Song Huai know that Jiang Wang is practicing in Changguo.

Judging from their contacts, Jiang Wang is not a very sharp person. His life trajectory is not only spiritual practice, but also spiritual practice.

He is even peaceful, the kind of person who can stay on his own piece of land until the end of time - as long as you don't mess with him.

Unfortunately, he must have been provoked today.

The Chengcheng Hou Mansion is a place Jiang Wang will definitely visit every time he comes to Linzi.

The relationship between Jiang Wang and Li Longchuan is that of friends who talk freely and often go to Li's house for family dinners!

The matter in the East China Sea has been settled, just like this Cape Monument, which was erected there, calming the storm. Qi Jing and Qi Jing finally discussed an acceptable result, and both sides were ready to evacuate.

"Shuai Tian!" Bo Hui interrupted at the right time: "The imperial doctor's order has arrived at Ju Ming Island. His injury is very slight. We can delay it further. Let's see what the imperial doctor's order says first. It was not torn apart by Jiang Zhenren at that time. My body flew staggeringly behind the Cape Monument, and I carefully observed the miraculous creation of Jingguo in modern times. The many tricks piled under that stone monument were enough for me to study for a long time... There is so little joy in the world. !

But given Jiang Zhenren's identity and my contribution in the "East China Sea Chasing Scenery" incident, that request will definitely be discovered.

After a moment of silence, he asked: "I gave you the front piece. What should he do?"

And Zhenren Jiang is too harsh, even to your enemies. He only demands results and cares about human life, let alone caring about the soldiers. He is so harsh that even the first attack on the Northern Front is bloody, and the emperor can do it reward.

"Eternal life: You have no worries about everything, but remember the order before you rule yourself."

It must be said that there is no old grudge between two people like that. As the coach of Faxia, I have no qualifications and no intention to make peace with the two young players.

Bo Huiqian suddenly turned around!

"He." Jiang Zhenren grinned, looked at Cao Jiu very seriously, and said with the same seriousness: "You are very interested in him. It is only for today, or just for one day."

Song Huai said: "It was established today."

I looked at Song Huai, Jiang Wang, Ye Henshui, Qi Wen, and even Qin Zhen, and everyone at the scene: "Are they now telling you how Tian Anping died? ?” That’s an admonition, close to a command.

During those days, I searched for the inheritance of the sealing technique in seven places, searched in the Eastern Region, and practiced in Chang Kingdom. Some people may not have heard of it, but they may not know the details.

What's the point?

Qi Wen, who was standing under the calamity warship and commanding the fleet to evacuate urgently, felt that the barrel of the gun in his hand was not as cold as ice. It was obviously summer, but the barrel of the gun seemed to be covered with autumn frost.

Among them, the "Sleeping Fairy Needle" was experienced by Cao Jiu and Zhongxuan Zun who returned from the summer expedition. I just walked straight towards Zhenren Jiang, stepping on the sea and reaching the sky. The straight line on my feet was like a sword. I asked: "How does he plan to understand you?"

The whole story of Wang Kun's killing of Tian Anping has not yet been revealed. If he is dragged under Lou Yue again and washed clean for a while, the scene may be ugly. "This..." Cao Jiu hung his hands on both sides. I once drew my sword. But my upright figure, standing on the sea, was like a sword piercing into the dusk. It was just a euphemistic "avoid its edge".

Duke Yu is suspected of being at the top of his game in the kitchen, and there are two in the sky. The pastries I made with my own hands cannot be said to be priceless.

An hour of night has passed, and an hour of day has come to the East China Sea.

Song Huaigui was a hegemonic prince, and he had experienced it before. Bo Hui walked up behind Cao Jie and raised his hand. Xiao Yue wanted to pat me on the shoulder. There was no feeling that he had fought alongside me and that he was my old subordinate. Yes, but I felt that Bo Hui at this time was too cold and indifferent, and he was not close to me. I finally put my hand on him and just sighed: "My condolences."

"You're fine." Cao Jie said indifferently: "You don't have any minor problems. You can extricate yourself from being stuck in the state of heaven and human beings, and you will become a real heavenly person at any time. Now it all relies on the pure mind to calm down. 'Press..."

In Yixing Valley, in Jicheng, and on the Qixia battlefield, every time Cao Jiu appeared in my eyes, he was completely different. My interest in Cao Jiu had declined over time, but instead became stronger day by day. This sudden The descending voice shattered directly in the air. From the remnants of the voice, a woman in a blue shirt walked out.

Use questions, use joy, use life and death?

Song Huai only said: "You have summoned Linzi and asked for someone in the name of the Military Hall. The imperial physician will come as quickly as possible - he will go to Jueming Island to recuperate for a while first. Linzi Imperial Hospital does not have eight sets of acupuncture. , inherited from Emperor Wu’s former medical concubine, it has been perfected over time, and is known as the technique of Zhenyuan. It is now a unique skill comparable to Dongwang Valley’s “Dongwang Seventeen Acupuncture”.

"It doesn't matter." I said vaguely: "The future Marquis of Wu'an will come, would you like to stay here quietly and have a glimpse of my style. AR Qi Wen led the fleet across the sky and announced in public that "Wang Kun killed Tian Anping". The news spread everywhere Spread offshore.

I was probably...healing my own injuries. Although the scene was a bit scary.

I left at Shen time and came just after You time.

I said: "When I came back later, I didn't see that monument..."

I didn't have such excited eyes, so I looked at Mr. Jiang indifferently.

"Before you got sick, you were less nervous. But that annoying emotion also subsided very lonely.

After all, I was fighting for my country, and that’s why I was beaten like that by Lou Yue.

This Jiang Wang is gentle and calm, he can laugh off the scoldings, and is often mistaken for the Jiang Wang who is harmless to humans and animals. But he is also the Jiang Wang who does not care and makes a big fuss in Tianjing City!" I should be... I hope you forget me? But I left first.

There is quite a long distance between Linzi and Jueming Island.

It was a sudden voice that seemed to ring in my ears. Although it was a question, it was asked without any ups and downs, and there was some strange emotion. But every word was so turbid and hot, as if using the edges of a stone, Cut open the ear consciousness!

Among the entangled chains, Jiang Zhenren's face was revealed. At this time, my deeply concave facial bones had not convexed back, but they still didn't feel soft and swollen, and they would collapse at the touch of a button.

And repeated again: "Who do you think he is interested in?"

"Shuai Ruo said there are flowers: but there are also." Song Huai has a look at me: half-hearted and half-advised: "Hui Qian comes here, it is inevitable to have restraint: cold words are too extreme, I think it is the slogan: use handsome but strict personality What's the problem? He is like a master: he knows that our country is about to teach people."

"Who is he interested in?"

Bo Hui looked at Master Jiang: "How is Shuai Tian's injury? Do you want to go back to recuperate first?"

Cao Jiu took out a food box from his pocket, took out a piece of pastry, took a big bite, and chewed it quickly. I finally tasted the bitterness again.

Jiang Zhenren also walked towards Bo Hui, dragging the chains all over his body. Many of the broken chains came out of the mail, shaking them heavily, like cast-iron tentacles: "If it can't be done," oh." Cao Ji nodded.

In my heart, I only remembered some things Jiang Zhenren had done indifferently, but these things were bad and unspeakable. Outside the outline of the way of heaven, this was the case.

"If something happens to Bo Huiqian, you can take care of it. But how? No qualifications? In what name? Is it your turn? It seems that they haven't started discussing it yet. I have always regarded Cao Jiu as my lucky general. , there is no old friendship, of course he will agree to that kind of closeness. He took the food box and picked up the first pastry in his hand. "It's a must." Jiang Zhenren said, and then said to Cao Ji: "You miss you guys See you again...

But is the explanation given by the people of Jingguo enough for Li Longchuan?

"You sometimes hate yourself for being in a dilemma, but you understand why it is so easy to live like that."

"You can still hold on." Jiang Zhenren's confused voice sounded in the chainmail: "If it is definitely not possible, can't we ask the imperial doctor to come over and give you an injection of [Jinghong]!?"

Jiang Zhenren's request seemed to be for the purpose of healing an injury. At most, it was to heal the current injury. Outside of the brief confrontation, Lou Yue only hurt my Dao body, but it did not touch my soul at all.

And the "Jinghong Needle" is specifically for the Dao body of real people. It can repair the Dao deficiency and benefit the soul most. Each needle consumes a small amount of resources. It is just a needle used for performing a technique, and it needs to be soaked in the secret method. It is soaked in a specially prepared medicine pool for eight thousand days. In addition, few of the medicinal materials used in it are not timely, making storage difficult.

It lasts for ten years. Within ten years, there are only eight needles, which is extremely precious.

But it seemed like it was night again, and the weather felt chilly.

The two men's styles on the battlefield were almost completely opposite.

The matter involves the home of a prince from a hegemonic country, and involves the struggle between two small hegemons in the East China Sea. All forces will know about it at the first time, and Cao Jiejue lacks many channels for knowing.

"In life, there are too few entanglements, family ties, friendships, past grudges, and past grudges. You are left to your own devices.

The sky has endless mysteries, the earth has endless secrets, man has unlimited possibilities, but I haven’t said a word, only a sword coming from the west!

And is the justice demanded by the people of Qi fair enough for Li Longchuan?

The infamous Commander Zhan Yu, the terrifying Master Jiang at the moment, reflected the slightest ripple in my eyes.

My eyes were focused and I just said: "Duhou must be reassured for you. You are just...very interested in me."

Cao Jie's seven realizations of heaven and earth are something that one can extricate themselves from, and only a few people know about it so far.

In case Bo Hui is as special as Mr. Jiang, I will hold him accountable at dusk.

Bo Hui's thoughts on the battlefield are too naive and very idealistic. He always pursues maximum casualties and is reluctant to put himself in danger. Occasionally charging behind is because he knows that the general's flag can be re-activated. No matter how many battles he fights, he will never do it again. It is difficult to become a famous general just by honing one's martial arts skills. It is not without a stupid person like Zhong Xuan Sheng taking command that he can earn the first place on the Eastern Front and even become a prince in the first battle.

This heavenly-famous Sauvignon Blanc is hanging around my waist, with the dragon wood sheath covering it, and it is a sharp edge that is deliberately suppressed.

The chain mail shell is fixed on the outside, and the inside of the chain mail cannot be seen from the chain eye. The white snake-like chains are still swimming intermittently, making a crisp sound of colliding with each other. There is no sound of the chains entering the flesh or rubbing against the bones. It sounds so red that one's teeth are sore. The sun is in the sky and also at the sea, the sky is covered with rays of light, and the color of the water touches the sky.

In today's world, the person who is least qualified to compete for the title of "The First True One in Heaven", Bo Hui, who has not yet created the limit of the cave truth, is walking on the water between the sky and the sea, like a turbid dividing line, trying to divide that. The sky and the sea are confused outside the dusk.

Ji Fengzhou crossed the ancient sky road, refined the eternal sky monument to control the sea, and recalled the long river. He controlled the four dragons, held the Riyong seal of the mountains and rivers, and controlled the river dragon king. It can be said that his magical power is unparalleled. How can I know the situation in the East China Sea? What if? Without my nod, how could Zhenjun Lingchen leave the Sky Monument of Chao Feng?

But history has proven time and again what price those who don't care will pay in the end.

Bo Hui is the person who knows too vaguely.

Of course, they also have qualifications that they don’t need to care about.

After thinking for a while, he added: "That is one of the four eternal heaven monuments built by Jingguo for Jingping Canghai. Before the victory of the Jinghai plan, only that one was taken back. True Lord Lingchen understood the small righteousness and erected the monument. Here, the sea is leveled.

The Imperial Physician's order was able to arrive so slowly that Song Huai almost didn't send a message back, and he arrived here immediately. He could only pass through the "Tianxing Altar" under Jueming Island, which is a building connected to the stars in the city of Yiyi. , capable of crossing the road at a certain speed: Cao Ji, the freeman, raised his head and looked at the Cape Monument near the back. This monument towered like a dangerous peak, reaching eight thousand feet above the sea. It made one's neck feel sore just looking at it.

"Master Taiyuan." Jiang Wang looked at Lou Yue: "He will go back first and tell your Majesty about all the affairs in the East China Sea. I will not worry about it all the time. I will handle the preparatory matters there. It" It's no trouble. division!"

There were not many people who interested me in the past, but they all passed by in the past and lost all their secrets, which made me feel boring. There are very few people who can maintain their attraction all the time.

They are all people who have proven themselves on the battlefield and have reached a certain position. Now I will be more tolerant in my evaluation.

I may have listened to Song Huai's words, or I may not have listened.

It's a coincidence that both Cao Jie and Jiang Zhenren have fought under my command. When we were on the battlefield of Faxia, I arranged those two people to be on the same front. As expected, they were put to the best use. Everyone shows off their martial arts.

Maybe Song Huai and Cao both need to think about it.

Bo Hui, who was in the audience at Tianya, looked at the direction in which Mr. Jiang disappeared for a while, as if he was touching something. At that time, he turned back with regret and looked at Cao Jie: "See you soon! Are you okay, Bo Huiqian?"

Pushing open a mess of holes, Lou Yue took a deep look at Bo Huiqian and stepped into it.

In this vast world, there are not many things that leave me time.

At exactly this moment, the sky opened the curtain of night.

Although Lou Yue is the number one true master in the Central Region, Cao Jie is the man who created the limit of ancient and modern cave true beings. Before entering and exiting the heavenly and human state, he challenged seven minor martial arts masters with swords, making another impact on history!

"It should be said that there is no conflict, you just don't hate me at all." Cao Jieben wanted to say.

Even Jiang Wang cannot have full confidence in Lou Yue.

It is also a sign of sincerity for me to open my heart and communicate with Cao Jie now.

Judging by the time, Cao Jie should have received the news at that time.

Qi Wen put his cold face on Hot's butt, feeling puzzled. He felt that the man was really confused and knew evil. But he just dismissed the tiger's head gun in his hand and said something else.

The previous one shook the chain and flew across the air. It was far away in an instant, but Bo Hui didn't care. I paused and asked again: "There seems to be no conflict between Li Longchuan and Master Tian? It's nothing. Do you know about it?" ?" There is only one piece of pastry left in the box.

But one less thing is more than one thing. On this trip to the East China Sea, Jingguo suffered a heavy loss, and I personally also lost a lot of money. Since I haven't decided to enter or leave the East China Sea, is there any need to conflict at that time?

"So - I, the weaklings who stand in the extreme realm of Dongzhen, may be afraid of any opponent in the same realm, including Bo Hui. Furthermore, as a real person in Jingguo, as long as I am in a life and death fight, , even if I stand outside and move, what can Cao Jie do to me?

At this moment, I was holding the food box in one hand and holding the first piece of "Jingyi Shending Cake" in the other hand. I was about to open my mouth to eat it - I opened my mouth and just stood there in a daze.

The person on the monument is really like a mayfly.

There are so few things for me to care about!

At the current level, there is no price tag for taking action, and I have long passed the age of being brave and ruthless.

Today's Cao Jie is too rude, as usual.

"You think you have probably used it." Bo Hui said: "Bo Huiqian is your friend. I have known this kind of friend for a long time. The last communication I had with you after my death was to find a way to solve your problem.

Jiang Zhenren's chains were wrapped around his body, covering me instantly, as if I was covered with a layer of white armor.

As the commander-in-chief of the four soldiers, Qi Wen also felt that the atmosphere was right and spoke out at that time.

He handed the food box to Song Huai and said, "Marquis Du has a taste of the cakes made by Duke Yu of Southern Chu.

"Tian Shuai, get off the boat! Give him a ride!"

This chapter has been completed!
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