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Chapter 85: Ring for me! (Please vote at the end of the month)

Jiang Wang finally arrived at the end of the universe, the home of the void.

Countless fallen stars run through this universe, paving this lonely road.

In terms of Dongzhen Realm, Lou Yue is already powerful enough.

But for Jiang Wang, this is not enough.

The opponent's screen is weak and the true self cannot be verified.

With just this level of power, how can it be said that it has come to an end?

"I came to the Central Region to gain the unrivaled power. But so far, you haven't been able to meet my expectations at all.

Jiang Wang was in the universe in his school, looking out at the universe, very calm, as if he was the one who controlled the universe, and Lou Yue was in his school: "Master Lou, I heard that you are invincible at sea, set foot on Yan The determination of the Tao. The road to heaven has been paved for you, and the East China Sea has boiled for you! Where is that strong man now?!"

This sounds really arrogant.

He waited there quietly, wanting to see Lou Yue's trump card that he had not shown in Donghai.

Of course he was looking forward to the battle itself, but there was also an uncontrollable resentment caused by Li Longchuan's death.

Without this sudden launch of the Jinghai Plan, how could Li Longchuan accompany Wang Kun in the Ghost-faced Fish waters?

Wang Kun is dead, and what happened may never be known.

An appointment to lead a team out to sea: You are a teaching tool!

The entire universe is silent.

Then Lou Yue's voice resounded throughout the crowd - "As you wish!"

What is the end of the universe may be a grand proposition. Countless powerful people have explored it throughout the ages and have given different but mysterious answers.

The end of the universe in this study, but the answer is revealed in an instant

A kind of power has arrived!

It has a kind of pressure, as if the word "tang" is boiling in a basin

It was a yellow and misty world, where the sky was round and everything grew. Birds gathered and animals fled. There was infinite vitality and hope!

This world exists three-dimensionally, but it is like a piece of paper. At such a moment, it spontaneously opens a corner, rolls it up high, and turns into a mountain-like fist. Rivers flow on the surface of the fist, and mountains stand as fist peaks.

"The first punch, Emperor Huang Zengtian!"

The Taoists say that there are thirty-six heavens. Leaving aside the unexpected events, the three pure heavens refined by Taoist Masters have a total of thirty-three heavens, which are owned by "Heaven".

Among the "Six Heavens of Desire Realm", the first day is named "Taihuang Huang Zeng".

Lou Yue takes the world as his fist

The fist dominates the world and is unrivaled.

And after this world was opened, another world emerged later.

Although it is also full of vitality and substantial existence, in terms of its overall appearance, it has a "false nature", as if it were created rather than born.

Because this world is like jade, shining with bright light. Every plant and tree is like the handiwork of a famous craftsman, exquisitely carved. How can it be cultivated by heaven and earth?

Er'er jade light merges into four parts, once folded, it becomes a fist again.

"The second punch, Tai Ming Yu Wan Tian!"

"The third punch, Qingming He Zhongtian!"

"The fourth punch, Xuan Tai Ping Yu Tian!"

"The fifth punch..."


"The thirty-third punch...Da Luotian!"

Lou Yue’s original unparalleled boxing classic - "Thirty-Three Days of Hegemony"!

Hegemony is also hegemony.

The central government is supreme, invincible in the world, and cannot be disobeyed.

At that time in the East China Sea, he was preparing to use this boxing technique to attack Cao Cao. He took advantage of Jinghai's plan to sweep the central trend and achieve the goal of transcendence.

The fist did not come out at that time, but at this moment, it was all given to Jiang Wang

It's a pity that this scene happened in the middle universe and can't be seen by more people

What a unique spectacle!

One life opens, there is another life, one punch falls, there is another punch.

It wasn't until this moment that Lou Yue truly showed his power standing on top of Dongzhen.

Each of his punches was refined into a real small world!

The spiritual realm when the gods are present can only become a small world after its ultimate sublimation. There are also Dongzhen monks who capture the small worlds outside the world for their own use. At the step from Dongzhen to Yandao, the soul leaves the body and refines the small world. For the dharma body.

Ordinary real people live in a small world

It is very rare for Jiang Wang to have three small worlds in his body. The True Source Fire Realm, the Jamfu Sword Prison, and the Immortal Realm of Seeing and Wearing. Each of these small worlds has evolved deeply and is approaching perfection. These three realms are the three dharma-images, and they have always been His powerful means. Any Dharma image released will have full combat power.

The floor is about thirty-three days old!

He truly developed [Xue Zhong Qian Kun] to an unprecedented level. Not only did he evolve the Xue Zhong Universe, he also filled in thirty-three small worlds in this universe.

This kind of power takes part in creation, and after being refined for thirty-three days, it has the power to overwhelm everything.

Thirty-three punches were thrown out, which was the fall of thirty-three worlds.

Jiang Wang wants to see his building's trump card.

The cards came out and the gambling table collapsed. He also wanted to know how Jiang Wang came to pick them up?

Jiang Wang cheered loudly!

"Good boxing skills! This is what I want to see when I come to the west!"

He raised his head and looked up, facing the thirty-three heavens, facing the evolution and growth of each world: "This trip is worth it!"

At this moment, the frost is covered with frost, the true fire is shining, and both the ears and eyes are sitting like immortals...Clang!

The clanging sound of the sword resounded throughout the universe.

Only then did he draw his sword!

The wooden scabbard of Shenlong seemed to be hiding another world. The endless bright light was like a beast escaping from its cage, being released from the scabbard and biting the universe for a moment.

When he stood up, he was already the True Sword Immortal of Ten Thousand Immortals.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was really exerting his strength.

A fairy rainbow appears in the world.

Thirty-three fists, thirty-three heavens, have encompassed everything, overwhelming the universe.

But the fairy rainbow penetrates everything!

This is the first ray of fairy light in chaos, which exists beyond matter.

It penetrated one small world after another at a speed that the ears and eyes could not catch up with, first "Tai Huang Zeng", and then "Tai Ming Yu Wan"

When it pierced Daluotian and came into existence, Jiang Wang, whose sword was swimming with red eyes, had already seen Lou Yue's face reflected in the void.

That majestic face seemed to have been carved by heaven, carving out a kind of indifference and coldness.

At the end of the universe, Jiang Wang looked up into the void.

The fluttering frost is like a new sky. Behind this frost, the thirty-three huge fists are like the weathered rocks of the old era, gradually collapsing after the passage of time.

The power of Ba Fist collapsed like fine sand

The frost is spreading and the sand waterfall is flowing, which is also a magnificent scene.

"Master Lou, you must be more than that!" Jiang Wang raised his sword and raised the fairy rainbow, lowered his eyes and said: "Please let me see you, a stronger person.

Before he showed his true form as the Sword Immortal of Ten Thousand Immortals, he had already touched the boundary of the universe in this school.

At the moment when he drew his sword, the so-called end of the universe was no more than a thin piece of paper.

He could cut it with his sword, but he waited patiently.

He fully expected that being number one in Zhongzhou would reveal more possibilities.

Lou Yue's face loomed out of the void.

The facial features appear deep at the end of the universe, undulating like valleys and hills.

At this moment, he seemed like a terrifying giant that even the universe could not contain. Just the appearance of his face formed a shadow that covered everything and darkened the sea of ​​stars.

Then the starlight rolled up and formed a robe of roaring tigers and mountains and rivers.

Lou Yue's figure is manifested here. He stands in his own universe, steps on the turbulent sea of ​​stars, looks at Jiang Wang from a distance, and looks into the school from a distance -

"Hongmeng destroys calamity, and this is the truth."

The whole universe is collapsing!

The light of the stars is extinguished, all the stars are dead

Everything in the void has returned to nothingness. As far as the eye can see, the masses are all deep and dark holes, as if they are nodes of destruction one by one in this universe.

Hongmeng was restored before it was established, and the heaven and earth were mixed and undivided.

Learn about the universe and return to the ancient times!

And the destructive power continues to consume Jiang Wang's "truth".

At this moment when the universe collapsed and there was no gap in the world, Jiang Wang's eyes turned golden in one glance and silver in the other.

The frost cloak suddenly turned into a gold cloak, the jade crown turned into a golden crown, the black hair turned into golden hair, white sky fire circled the body, and the sword body was inscribed with frost-colored sky patterns----

In the most heavenly state, the innate eternal golden king!

This eternal existence exists in the universe forever. The universe collapses and does not change its true nature.

So he cut across with a sword!

The sword cuts through the shadows, the sword separates the clear and the turbid

The sword opens the sky!

Heaven and man have been sealed, and the way of heaven has been separated

Without the power to drive the way of heaven, this is not the strongest [Xiantian Yongjin Zun].

But it's enough.

The stars have stopped falling, and the deep cave has stopped moving. The universe is like a crystal of nothingness, frozen in an instant.

Then a gap appeared in the void, and light from outside the sky burst out

This collapsing universe was stopped by a sword and then cut open

The so-called Lou family is the first family in Yingtian and an ancient famous family in the Central Region.

The number one real person in the Central Region supports today’s family

Lou Junlan, who works in the military aircraft building, can be regarded as an excellent successor. But compared to Chen Suan, Xu San and others, he is not outstanding. Compared with Lou Yue, who was the best among his peers in the past, he is far behind.

At this moment, she was sitting in a dark room with a bowl of thick black medicinal soup.

Next to her is a gold-painted bed with a full-circle screen, like a closed cabin, with heavy bed curtains hanging down, making it airtight. There is a figure sitting vaguely in the middle. For no reason, there is a faint cold air flowing out. dispersion.

It's not time to take medicine yet, and my sister may not be able to communicate yet.

Lou Junlan's hand holding the medicine remained motionless, her eyes looking at the standing mirror not far away - that large bronze mirror as tall as a person. It was on my sister's birthday one year that her father pulled it back from the sky. She could stay at home. Then see the outside world.

The light and shadow flowing in the mirror at this time is exactly the battle on the cloud

Of course, due to the limitations of the bronze mirror and her own strength, she did not see very clearly the battle that was the best in the world.

We could only see the two of them confronting each other, and then when his father went to school, he trapped Jiang Wang in the world of learning.

The subsequent battle can no longer be seen, everything happened in the No. 1 Zhen School in the Central Region.

Everyone in the middle realm knows how powerful the universe is in learning.

No matter what kind of opponent he faced in the past, after Lou Yue went to school, the battle was over.

The only thing that called Lou Junlan's attention was that when Lou Yue Fanxue enveloped Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang hardly resisted.

It's like... he would rather go to Lou Yue's school and wait for Lou Yue to finish all the performances

How can you be so conceited?

Where does such strength come from?

The world was changing too fast. Those unparalleled geniuses who stood at the top were constantly innovating the history of spiritual practice. She was working hard, but she couldn't even catch her eyes.

Back then on the Xingyue Plains battlefield, I still had a chance to compete with him. Now facing my father, who has always been the number one in Zhongzhou, I actually gave in!

"Sister, how bad was the beating?" the voice from the curtain sounded.

At the same time, a pale hand reached out from the curtain, took the bowl of steaming soup, and put it behind the curtain. He only heard two gurgling sounds before drinking it.

If my sister is not sick, maybe

In the sudden coldness, Lou Junlan tightened her coat and said softly: "Jiang Wang is still trapped in Xue Zhong Qian Kun."

But the words were swallowed immediately.


The four directions are infinite, and the sky is endless.

On the cloud platform, people could only see Lou Yue, but Jiang Wang was gone as soon as he turned to study.

And then in the next moment, the lesson was reversed.

In that big hand with thick joints, which almost means invincibility in Zhongzhou, there is a sword wound from the tip of the index finger, past the middle finger, all the way to the Shenmen point on the wrist. The bone is deep and the blood is gushing out.

Looking at Jiang Wang again, he is still standing there, with his jade crown upright and his black hair hanging down his shoulders.4Rkh4Rkl

It seemed as if nothing had happened, and there wasn't even a wrinkle in the blue shirt on his body.

However, the long sword at the side of his waist has been unsheathed and is held in his hand, indicating that a battle may have occurred.

Is the outcome decided?

The world of learning that Lou Yue relied on to become famous has been destroyed!

This battle is over?

Jiang Wang shook his head: "It's not enough."

The number one in Zhongzhou is indeed well-deserved. He has learned the universe and the thirty-three days of hegemony, which is unparalleled in ancient times. But just this is still not enough. With this kind of strength, how can he be added to the glory, how can he be regarded as a bead?

Lou Yue looked down at his hands and grinned: "Indeed... not enough!"

His hand skills are like mountains, rivers and the earth, and the sword creation seems to be the rift valley of the earth. At this moment, from the rift valley, threads of "knowledge" transpire.

The Hundong is too Wuyuan and is as high as the Yuxu.

At first it was just created by the sword, then it came out of the seven orifices, then it came out of the pores, and finally it expanded outside his body, bluffing into a giant statue that could hold up the sky and shake the earth.

Above the nine heavens, there seemed to be the sound of pages turning.aRkh4Rkh

One page is a long life.

Lou Yue's momentum skyrocketed crazily, and he has since shown his unwavering strength, "Hundong Tai Wu Yuan Yu Qing Zhang"!

In the past, the Taoist technique "Huandong Guiyuan" that Zhuang Gaoxian, the real person of Huaide, was good at, was just a Taoist technique derived from "Hundong Tai Wu Yuan Gaoshang Yu Xu Zhi".

And "Hundong Tai Wu Yuan Yu Qing Zhang" is the fundamental chapter of "Hundong Tai Wu Yuan Gao Shang Yu Xu Zhi Xie"!

The core Taoist teachings of the Yujing Mountain lineage are mostly based on Yuxu's lack of control.

Lou Yue is an out-and-out imperialist, and he has cultivated this mysterious chapter to such an extent. Even among the meditators on Yujing Mountain, few of them can match it.

This is where his name "Taiyuan" came from.

At this moment, Hundong Taiwuyuan is high above Yuxu, which forms his outer body. He is only half-body in the sea of ​​clouds, yet he is as majestic as a peak.

One eye is deep and dark, and the other eye is full of stars.

The left eye is the universe, the right eye is the hole.

Now it is manifested that the body area of ​​the Yuqing Central Edict is [Yuanshi Daojun]]!

This is honorable name and honorable body.

Only those who have completed the "Hundong Tai Wu Yuan Yu Qing Zhang" and have cultivated to an extremely high level can be summoned to appear.

This king appears, heaven and earth receive orders, and all laws are learned!

But Lou Yue only saw a sword.

The hilt of the sword is like ink, the blade is like snow, and there is no flaw on the whole body. The hidden frost lines are the sky patterns, and the hidden red lines are the human patterns.

Then not even the sword was visible, only bright light, endless impenetrable light.

The universe in the left eye and the chaotic hole in the right eye are both filled with bright light.

But the spectators outside the cloud platform only saw

The sun fell into the sea of ​​clouds!

You can't even see the scorching sun in the sky, only the young real person standing on the cloud platform is shining with infinite light, and even his hair seems to be woven with light.

And he only used one sword.

The true state of ten thousand immortals, life is shaken!

The gigantic and majestic Yuanshi Dao Lord, who commanded heaven and earth, collapsed at this moment.

Like the tilt of a pillar of heaven.

Countless amounts of jade and emptiness are just like clouds, roaring and rumbling, steaming up to the sky.

Ji Bainian on the sidelines opened his mouth, but was silent for a moment.

Everyone knows that Jiang Wang is strong, and everyone knows that when Jiang Wang comes to the east, he will have someone to rely on. But I really don’t know that he can be so strong.

Lou Yue has already demonstrated his superiority over generations and is undoubtedly the number one strength in Zhongzhou.

But the body of the Jade Qing Central Edict was chopped into pieces before it showed its power!

Yuxuzhi, who is famous all over the world, seems to be scattered like wind and clouds.

Among the remains of Yuanshi Daojun, there is only Lou Yue, who is shaky but finally determined.

"I admit that you are the strongest in this realm. Throughout the ages, I have searched through history, but I have never heard of such a truth. I admit that in this cave realm, I will never be able to surpass you. After waiting for many years, I thought that my opponent was only Huang. "F--you have cut off the road to true invincibility for all people in the contemporary era." He stood there, in the steaming white hair leaving him, his eyes were tightly closed, and there were blood stains on each one. But he would The injured eyes opened suddenly and took a step forward!

This step is to reach heaven!

"In the future, you and I will fight again, Yan Dao!"

Lou Yue has been only one step away from Yan Dao for a long time.

But he is also looking for a way to become invincible in the cave, and for a greater hope of transcendence after the Tao of Evolution. But there are still Huang Fu in the world, and the two of them restrict each other, and no one can really crush the other without dispute.

After competing with each other for a long time, they have reached a situation where every step forward is extremely difficult. However, they are unable to defeat each other and are almost at a dead end.

So much so that he is going to the East China Sea to look for new possibilities through the Jinghai Project.

However, the Jinghai plan also failed.

He still holds in his heart the confidence that I am invincible, and he stays and moves forward.

But today I saw Jiang Wang's sword - officially announcing that this road is blocked!

So he jumped up.

This is an endless battle. If he proves the truth and wins, it is not considered a violation.

On the road from Dongzhen to Yandao, some people walk a lifetime, while some people can only look at it and cannot reach it. An existence like Lou Yue only needs to lift a foot.

Now he's on board——

Jiang Wang's voice rang in his ears.

It was so clear, calm and unquestionable: "Today...not allowed!"

Lou Yue's eyes, which were originally looking at the most beautiful scenery, suddenly could no longer see anything.

There is an endless night in his heart, and there is boundless emptiness in front of him.

When his vision was restored, his Taoist body fell down, and Jiang Wang's sword was pressed on his shoulder. That thin-edged sword was more than ten thousand. It seemed like destiny, like the sky tilted.

His life was almost cut off at that moment, but Jiang Wang stopped in time.

And all his strength, all his potential, are suppressed under this sword, and he cannot escape.

There is only half a step away from Jue Zui, but once this foot is raised, it will never come down.

A thought in a trance is already the farthest distance in the world.

Ji Jinglu stood on the clouds, wanting to speak but stopping.

After the end, my vision is completely different. In the past, when I received this sword, I was defeated because I didn't understand it. Now I see this sword again, and I can finally see it clearly and understand its beauty, which makes me feel even more wonderful.

What a Jian Jie Wukong Realm!

Jiang Wang actually...interrupted Lou Yue's speech!

Lou Yue, the number one player in Zhongzhou, was undoubtedly defeated in the first confrontation in the same territory!

After showing his best performance and performing everything, he still couldn't change the ending.

No one can say that Lou Yue is not strong, and no one can say that he did not try his best in this fight.

This truly invincible journey has now come to an end and can finally be declared complete.

The last clan pearl in the Realm of the True King has also been tied.

Of course Ji Jinglu knew that the ultimate realm was something Jiang Wang would definitely see, but when he said goodbye politely on the Wuya stone wall, he really didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. He always thought that a practitioner like Jiang Wang would be on the road to success. Before taking the final step, it will take a huge amount of time and repeated practice, but it has reached this point... there is really no way forward, what else can be done?

The entire Yuntai battlefield, the entire Jingguo, the entire Central Region, and even the entire world

In everyone's attention.

Jiang Wang slowly withdrew his long sword from Lou Yue's shoulder. Sauvignon Blanc's unparalleled sharpness returned to its sheath and has been obscured ever since.

He won this battle, truly completed the road of invincibility, and gained the momentum of "the whole world".

Before the war with Lou Yue, he said, "I would rather this life is not the best."

That can be regarded as nonsense by everyone.

But it seems...

Indeed, he has reached his peak and reached an unprecedented historical limit.

Just across the line in front is another world. It's not here.

But is this over, this extravagance?

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling.

The wind blows my hair.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes.

On this day, this cloud, this land, these powerful men from all directions, countless complicated looks were all in his eyes, and he saw them all.

He doesn't care what path others take, he only knows that it is not enough for him.

Why come to Zhongzhou? Why do you want Dongzhen to be invincible?

He fought against heaven and man in the prison of his heart, saying that he had no other ambitions and "just wished there would be less regrets in the world."

But he has traveled this far in his life, swallowed frost and drank snow, experienced wind and rain, and he knows very well that only within the sword of Sauvignon Blanc can he say this, think this, and achieve his wish!

Everyone in this world has his or her own path, and everyone is on their own journey in life. No one will care about your pain or your regrets.

Unless you stand there, it is a mountain that everyone must see and cannot cross!


Defeating Lou Yue is not the end.

On the contrary, the Jiahuang ceremony belonging to "Jiang Wang" is only now about to begin.

He is ready, but he doesn't know if the world is ready?

Jiang Wang held his sword in the clouds and bowed to Lou Yue: "I want to apologize to you for my slight. You are worthy of being the first in Zhongzhou!"

Then he took a step back and looked up at the sky.

"Li Yi!"

"Are you watching?!"

He finally called out the name.

This sound resounded throughout the entire Central Realm.

It has been more than twelve years and a century since I heard this name in Zhen Guanwai!

Ten years have passed since we met again at the Yellow River Meeting.

In the blink of an eye in twelve years, how many clouds have disappeared, and how many springs and autumns have been shattered!

From under Po Guan's altar to Zuo Guanglie's body, he moved a total of 461 steps.

From the young man who was still watching the burial outside, to the cloud platform above Jingguo today, where he took the title of "Dong Zhen Invincible" and saw the "shaking" of the real king, how many steps did he move in total? Who can count them?

"On the river viewing platform, your sword cries for me!"

At this moment, he didn't speak loudly, he just spread his hands to face the sky - all the long swords in Jingguo were scabbard-shuttered.

"Now let me tell you...why!"

This chapter has been completed!
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